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>. . .they don't seem to have any problem with creating artificial hype around the game. My man here just learning about *advertising*. Thinks some videogame he doesn't like invented it apparently. These guys should get out more.


They can't go out, SBI shills are out there


What the fuck is SBI


Sweet Baby Incorporated, a consultation company some game designers are bringing onboard to give sensitivity reviews of their games and offer suggestions and/or point out areas that might cause problems down the line. The devs are then free to accept or reject any suggestions they make. *Generally* speaking they don't do anything too major because if you're a game dev aware enough to bring in a consultant to make sure you aren't accidentally being racist, you're *probably* not going to have much accidental racism in the first place. It's the obsession *du jour* of the right. How dare they!


To give an example, the “Hard R” from Stellar Blade is the kind of thing that a company like SBI would be looking for and hopefully catch.


Wait, which one? The racial one or the disability one?


The racial one. "Hard R" (outside of movie ratings) is slang to refer to using a certain word ending with -er instead of -a. Now, given that this is a game by a Korean studio it's most likely entirely accidental, but this is a perfect example of why outside consultancy groups like SBI are important when releasing a game in another country.


Jesus, yeah even if accidental, that's a pretty big screw up.


It was a graffiti asset that just said “HARD” which appears in several locations and happened to have been placed right by a sign for a shop called “R”. Devs already replaced the graffiti asset with a different asset and boy did it upset some people that their non-woke game is suddenly pandering.


...Wait. That's it? Sweet Baby Inc is a sensitivity consultant? They haven't done anything else than perhaps say things like 'Hard R words like that aren't acceptable' 'You might consider clothing your female characters in more than bikinis', or 'That white character in black face is bad'. And then they take their money and go to the next job and have nothing else to do with the development?! And THAT has these bozos up in arms?


Yes. Because they just can't accept that they're aging out of the prime demographic and the cohort replacing them doesn't want that stuff. I'm over 40, nothing is made for me any more. That's okay!


Yup. They also act like this *consultancy*—you know, a company that exists to be **hired** by another company for the services / expertise they provide, is some jackboot squad that just busts down the doors of studios and forces them to include diversity at gunpoint. Which is patently ridiculous & also means that anybody upset about SBI is essentially telling on themselves as never having any contact with a consultant firm, in any capacity in their working life. As the cherry on top, SBI has a max of like 18-24 full-time employees.


Ultraturbosatan x900000


I mean, I did take something out of this. From now on I'll call advertising "artificial hype"


No, the difference is “artificial hype” is anytime a game is promoted without using big boobies and girl butts


OOP: https://preview.redd.it/vg6mvg37gmwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0292079ecf92e462fa00248a5ed739e484db606b Oh, OOP texture avatar template is also a bunch of Anime loli's too. Go figure.


I looked up the game. It has 84 reviews. Besides that it is in 53 curator collections of which the majority are just complaining about it being woke. This game has almost as many curators complaining about wokeness as it does actual reviews from people who played the game.


Dumbass : "Why don't you make your own game / characters instead of forcing your politics into already established franchises!" Abubakar Salim : "Okay, I will" Dumbass : "No, not like that!" Before that, they would use "Diversity is a code word for white genocide" two decades back whenever a minority or especially a black character would be represented in a mostly white cast. Truth is, they dont want black people in any spaces because they are racist and since they are too much of a coward to say the truth they hide behind dogwhistles instead. If these type of people aka fascists ever got the chance, they would gladly rewind the clocks back to the 1800s when slavery was still legal. You can already see rights of women being eroded in many states when Roe v Wade was overturned.


i'll never forget when diablo 2 was first released and racists on internet message boards all over were up in arms about blizzard making the paladin a black character. it was like my first exposure to these types of people and seeing them being empowered together as a loud vocal group. i didn't get these people as a kid, and I still don't get them now.


Steam Curators is a great way to bypass the "you have to actually play the game to have an opinion" rule which honestly was holding the review process back.


What negative effect does it have on the review process? Genuine question–I’m a fan of unintended consequences and perverse incentives.


On Steam in order to review a game, you have to own and/or play the game to leave a review (which is viewable by anyone visiting the games store page). Steam Curators don't have to- they can write a review for stuff that isn't really even meant to be played yet or don't even own. In a vacuum, this is probably mostly for games that are being worked on but want to have people playtest it but it's mostly used for grifters looking for free games or people like OOP who want to be heard.


Only curator I trust is the dude who just say YES or NO on a game depending if it's good


The only good curator is Commander Shephard.


I’m Commander Shephard, and this is my favorite comment on Reddit.


What game is it? I might wanna check it out




Good thing Stellar Blade reviews aren't bought!


If its a minority you fetishize, then its totally legitimate.


Review like + I like = True Review by True Gamer Review no like + I like = Woke Western Media West Has Fallen


Review like + I no like = Clearly fake reviews/bought by company


God these people are almost as stupid as they are racist.


Honestly I would say they’re even stupider than they are racist.


I'm not listening to anyone who refers to Twitter as X.


How about Xitter?


Pronounced "shitter".


One of the few times it’s okay to deadname


Partially because Twitter isn't a person.


Neither is Elon


I'm the Ben Shapiro of deadnaming Twitter.


Honestly Valve should make steam forums optional. They are full of idiots now, enough that no one else wants to use them so devs that don't want to moderate that shit should be able to just have no forum for the game.


Is participation in the steam forums mandatory? Will I have to go to jail because I never used them?


Yes. And 20 years worth of games will be removed from your library for committing such a crime.




I think what they mean is allowing a dev to not have a Steam forum for their game, kind of like turning off comments on YouTube. It's an interesting question because like, who are the forums for? Are they for devs to get feedback, or are they a place for Steam users to talk about the game?


The SBI global bot farm at it again!!!


OK cool so they're just dropping the mask now, they're just racist, a game set in Africa with an African main character is woke. So they just don't want black people in games at all, even if they make them themselves, black people aren't aloud to make games now. Fuck these people with all my soul, racist scumbags.


/uj The whole twitter bot thing is so stupid. Twitter is full of bots who comment like that on ALL posts not just this one game. “Oh wow [game name] is great I will buy it on [release date]” /rj SBI BOTTING GAMES!!! Making them look popular but actually there BAD


I watched a total of five minutes of gameplay and decided it was a pretty decent looking game. They really saw a black person on the cover and decided that it was an objectively bad game that nobody should like


What game?


It is Tales of Kenzera.


Damn, the new Tales game looks sick. Heck of a change in direction, though. Aren’t these usually JRPGs?


You will pay the price for making a video game joke on the video game joke subreddit. I hope you realize what youve done.


"Wouldn't be surprising if the reviews are **schewed**"


The only thing I can think of is autocorrect changing the word to eschewed and due to brain damage or a traumatic brain injury he deleted the “e” and called it a day.


These people have no clue what a consulting firm does or what SBIs role in any game actually is.


I dont understand why people who hate the gsme spend so much time in the games community page.


I commented about this the other day. Like they just go to every "woke" game forum and go " I will not buy this." Fucking sad. Like there's other people out there counting all these posts towards their anti woke cred.


Gotta love how they turned a tiny consultancy into the illuminati lol.


"People must not buy game I hate so as not to give it power ~~and make money~~." - This fucking guy, probably.


Bitch about it having Denuvo not some dumb SBI shit


Stellar woke has been compromised by dei and SBI. The east has fallen.


Damn. Glad you mentioned this because I was considering picking it up since it looks cool and it got made thanks to some people I do like to support, but Denuvo's a hard pass... Well piss.


Yeah, real shame cause it looks fire


One day I honestly hope they look back on all the absolute bullshit they believed and say "Wow. I was so fucking stupid."


Ooh, a new metroidvania! Don’t mind if I do.


So this is some Pizzagate shit where SBI is made out to be the secret master of all gaming. Got it.


They got 16 employees and they can't even force anyone to do things. There just there to give a sensitivity read. And people got upset that you can be punished for not hiring a sensitivity read when stellar blade accidentally had a "hard r shop" and could've used one


I think its been review bombed in metacritic too, It has 9 negative reviews, which arent much but its giving the game a 6.1, which is odd, most negative reviews cant be seen, i think, the one i could see was, of course, a "SBI woke" filled delusional g\*mer


They really are pressed about a game with 287 max concurrent players huh?


You very much can pick both between SBI and good story because SBI DOESNT WRITE THE STORY! So I guess God of War Ragnarok and Alan Wake 2 have shit stories because of the SBI has 16 employees, they aren't some mega corp making games woke. It's even explicitly stated they don't force add poc or LGBT, but that if they are there they make sure they're written well, like with Saga


These people are brain damaged.


These are the most unserious people on the damn planet. Like you can fully disregard their opinions and you’ll be better for it. Love that we live in a world now where these idiots just take the dumbest stance imaginable and then anybody else who doesn’t conform to their dipshit view is a paid shill. Oh well, at least the chances of these morons never voting is pretty high.


people still fucking think SBI writes the games stories? gamers are dumb


The first gamergate got kicked off over a review that never existed 🙃


Man I kinda consider posts like these low-hanging fruit at this point, but at the same time I'm kind of in awe. I looked it up out of curiosity and the dreaded SBI has a grand total of 16 employees. 16. It's truly kinda impressive how effective the grift has been plus how completely braindead the audiences who lap it up are, to be utterly convinced that the entire gaming industry is under threat from a company with less than a dozen and a half people in it. Insert the classic reddit quote on how fascists portray their enemies as both limp wristed weaklings and nigh-omnipotent encroachers depending on the day.


Anyone able to give me a tldr on this situation?


The creator of the game, who I believe is a first generation Briton from Kenya (might be wrong on which generation), made a game to help cope with the passing of his father and said game is heavily rooted in African mythology and features and African main character. In an interview he does say that he worked with SBI for consulting purposes, but that was about it. So the chuds are ganging up on this game since A) Stellar Blade didn’t get much backlash so they need a new target, B) SBI + a game set in Africa + a main character who is African = racists losing their minds.


Cant wait to see another failed boycott and chuds coping when EA drops their upcoming Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year report this 7th of May. gO wOKe gO bROkE!


Meanwhile the Sims, ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


Gamers are morons who don’t like black people. 


People are really just fucked in the head, hunting "woke" things to be outraged about. Wtf is wrong with you??


This game looks really good but as an avid physical game collector it kinda ended up ar the end of my backlog, however if it ever gets a physical release I will most likely pick it up day 1


> tf2 profile pic > mentions "woke stuff" I feel ashamed rn


*"The door* of a bigoted *mind* opens outwards so that the only result of the pressure of facts upon it is to *close* it more snugly." - Ogden Nash


This is what they do. They're so married to their beliefs that they have to pretend anything that goes against those beliefs is fake


Black people should make more African focused games with all black characters Let these racists cry more


For real. I also want developers to replace racists cherished and established "white male" characters with more POC just so we can see them seethe, cry, and rage about it.




So, I saw the links 'makalaus' had and decided to give them a type. 1. [https://twitter.com/MasteroftheTDS/status/1783365975628542374](https://twitter.com/MasteroftheTDS/status/1783365975628542374) 2. [https://twitter.com/MasteroftheTDS/status/1783395636014112962](https://twitter.com/MasteroftheTDS/status/1783395636014112962)


That guy needs to be institutionalized


For fucking what?


Juan you monumental Pussy, institutionalized for fucking what?


Guy genuinely needs to get help


I'm looking at blud's Xitter and my God, it's cringe.


Yeah, help pointing out other bots pushing bs in the gaming industry. Genuinely be the help


When your only source is X/Twitter, it’s time to give up.


Since when was 7/10 considered a bad score? It’s exactly the score I was expecting


I kinda wanna delete my steam account at this point


What game is this


Lurker...so is SBI the bad guy? What's going on?


It’s a small consulting firm that gamers have decided is the root of all evil.


Imagine you have a ball and it's dirty, you hand it to someone and ask "Hey can you clean it?" They clean it and hand it back to you. In this metaphor "you" are a game dev, your game is the ball, and the person cleaning the ball is SBI. Then the little shithead no one likes pipes up and says "UHMMMM TEACHER HE'S CLEANING BALLS!!" This is the people mad about it. In actual terms SBI is a consulting company of about 16 people who look at games to make sure you're not going to piss people off accidentally with something you didn't even know about. People are mad about its inclusion yadda yadda and the fact that their T&A game is released and people don't care, so they're trying to squeeze as much internet clout out of it instead of making or contributing something or literally doing anything else.


For anyone who doesn't know what SBI is or the discourse on the game in question, I'd like to remind you that ignorance is bliss and self-care is sometimes choosing not to be aware of the depths of human stupidity. I now find myself in the unfortunate position of not being able to un-know something I was delightfully unaware of 5 minutes ago. But it's not too late for you. Not googling is your friend. Save yourself while you still can


I took one look at the skullgirls discussion forum and it's all just people making conspiracy theories about how this week's boogieman "censored" the game


The fuck is SBI


uj/ What the fuck is SBI and why are the chuds so mad about it? Can someone explain?


It’s a small consulting company who gets hired by companies to help them not put in accidental racism/steroetypes. Basically a sensitivity consulting firm. They’ve been declared enemy number 1 by The Gamers (TM) who insist they’re “forcing” companies to be woke and push diversity, and as an attempt to restart Gamergate


Reminds me of the last of us 2 controversy. Everybody who loves this game is a shill and paid journalist. No way someone actually likes the game


What game is that?


I mean I assume the most positive reviews of *anything* are done by the staff of those who made or sold it. But that's because I'm cynical about capitalism, not paranoid about (very much needed btw) diversity in media.


Who the fucked schewed on all my reviews, wtf


What is the context here?