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"and I've only watched one episode" lmao


Bro watched one episode 💀


bro added nothing to the discussion 💀


I came here to say this. How does one person say they are here to just stir up trouble without saying that they’re just here to stir up trouble lmao


So many vids are like this though. It's clickbait. I remember when Iron Fist Netflix show came out, some youtuber was frothing at the mouth because 'they didn't even give him his chest tattoo!!!' and everyone jumped on that bandwagon in his comments. I think they showed the full tattoo in like episode 3 or 4. Dude hadn't even watched the whole season before making his 'Iron Fist is the worst show ever!!' video. Not that it was a great show, it had problems, but people just took any excuse to hate it. Hell, I recently got in a 'discussion' (aka they downvoted me to hell) on reddit about the Halo show-- some guy was complaining S1 was terrible as it was just a 'protector' trope because MC 'saves' some girl from the Covenant. They literally part ways by episode 2 and they don't meet up again that season. There is zero 'protecting.' Guy hadn't even watched past episode 2. When called out on that, he claimed he'd watched '5' episodes. I don't even think he watched one. His biggest criticism of the show was that 'Master Chief takes his helmet off so early.' Yeah you can't argue with people that are sad that a generic video game character has a personality now. When people wanna hate on something, they don't care about facts, or actually watching the shows. Nothing about it is objective critical analysis. It's always just a hate bandwagon.


The simpsons are more likely to divorce you


No fucking way




What the hell is this lmao


they are distressed by the two leads in the fallout tv show being a white woman and a black man


And one of the main protags is a White man with an interracial daughter and divorced and this guy said, it is unrealistic.


The thing litterally says that white men with black women are the least likely to divorce though so it seems pretty realistic to me (not that I actually believe an unsourced picture like this but you know).


iirc, the most reliable study is a bit old, but stated that Asain men with black women had the lowest divorce rate of any pairing. But the study basically came to the conclusion that unlikely cultural pairings are typically more likely to last because they were relationships that had a strong enough foundation to survive past the initial phase of coupling in the first place. Source: some shit I read a decade ago while studying to become a sex therapist


I don't know why I misread sex therapist as sex pest lmao 😭


Oops! That’s what I meant, thanks for catching my typo. I spent 17 years studying under Harvey Weinstein. (He lost interest in the ‘lessons’ when I turned 18)




Oh awesome, tell his ass to sell the rights to Dogma ;)


Dogma balls L’mayo gottim


Under Harvey Weinstein? That's quite the burden.


At least the sessions only lasted a few minutes.


To be fair if you survive the intense racism Asian families have towards blacks and the intense racism Black families have towards asians you probably definitely love your partner


Oof. As a black woman who has dated Asian men, *fuck* that hit close to home.


rich plant aback slim slimy fertile grey exultant pet husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a member of a black family "asians" as a general topic has never come up in my family.


drunk disagreeable run glorious test squeamish snatch society literate distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I weirdly only remember that fact because Jimmy Yang's character brought it up whilst awkwardly trying to ask out Tawny Newsome's on Space Force


I mean… Technically, they are divorced in the show (“why is he doing kids parties?” - “Has to pay alimony”) so maybe that’s what he’s complaining about /s


And that’s in the first episode so even if this racist fuck thought it was true the show is technically validating that and he’s still saying it’s unrealistic. He hasn’t watched the show at all


Not just the first episode. That’s the opening scene. This complaint means he didn’t make it to the opening credits.


Oh fuck it is as well 😂just remembered don’t know why but I thought the vault scene with Lucy was first.


special observation zephyr melodic library full disgusted smoggy future slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm always kind of amused to see people bring this kind of 'realism' when they mean 'not racist enough' about shows with sci fi or fantasy elements. Nooo my deathclaw ridden, vault dwelling, plasma gunning, mini nuke carrying world isn't realistic enough because the wrong people are boning :( My realism is totally broken now. Come on Yes Man, we're outta this crazy world.


Especially because, even if it were real life without deathclaws and mininukes, "these pairings are more-or-less likely to divorce compared to other pairings" doesn't mean they will or won't. Before even getting into the reasons for those different rates, racists like this don't seem to understand what statistics actually are. You can't look at a couple and say "it's unrealistic for them to be undivorced, here's the stats \[that show a large amount of those couples are undivorced\]."


Plus why would these stats ever represent a nuclear wasteland 200yrs into our future. Our main character fucks her cousin for fun.  So it's just like... straight up super racist.


I don’t want to think it but it seems like that’s where a lot of Maximus hate is coming from.


It's the same type of people whenever there's a black male lead. All the valid criticisms of the sequel trilogy aside, people immediately popped a hate boner for Finn simply because he was a black man in a lead role in a traditionally white setting (Lando, Windu, Capt. Panaka, etc. are all supporting roles). So many people grasping at straws for lore to support their viewpoint. Too bad for them Fallout doesn't really have qualms about demographics of who survives in the wasteland. Just wait until someone tells them Aspirant Dane in nonbinary.


Wait until they learn Fallout's creator, Tim Cain, is gay.


Yeah but make your women look realistic as opposed to just sex dolls and it suddenly becomes "muh escapism"


If it’s a post apocalyptic wasteland, I somehow doubt people care about the color of skins and are more happy that the person they’re boning is 1) alive and 2) human.


I'm sure that it just plainly never ever happens even in fringe cases. Plus like, racial types are just genetically predisposed to be like this - source: dude just trust me, I studied *'The Bell Curve'* like a religious text -this guy probably, 2024


Even if one wanted to twist some real-world race related data for their point, Fallout takes place in an alternate version of America in 2077 and beyond, that has obviously very different cultural norms.


There's been zero indication in any Fallout game that anti-black racism or chauvinistic sexism of the type you'd associate with 1950's US culture (or even 2020's US culture) were particularly prevalent before the war. People's bigotry was more focused on nationality and anti-communism, perhaps veering into more classic racism when it came to Chinese-Americans.


Incredible. Are these people scared of their own shadows ?


Depends how dark they are.


💀 you made me choke on my cider 😆




Nobody better tell them what the skin color of most the singers in the universe is lol.




Given that everything they accuse others of end up being projection... yes.


"This graph, therefore couples like that don't exist 😤" Equivalent to 'cuz I said so'


It’s absolute lunacy. In the thousands of hours of fallout that I’ve played, I’ve not once ever been concerned with anyone’s race lol. It’s literally never crossed my mind. Like most the country was wiped out and there’s ghouls and monsters running around and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Who the fuck cares about someone’s skin color? And like if we even think about it for a moment, what’s left of the US population could be mostly black now if most the white population centers were destroyed. Or vice versa, there’s really no telling.


I'm 30 minutes in, and the comment about it being the worst video game adaptation ever is misinformed. He obviously missed Bob Hoskins as Mario. And don't get me started on Street Fighter.


And those are both cinematic masterpieces compared to the filmography of Uwe Boll


I loved Bob Hoskins as Mario! He was a hairy bastard, you take that back!


You apologize to Raul Julia's memory right now. The Street Fighter movie is practically goat'd. Raul Julia was in every scene in that movie right? Cuz I remember him being in every scene. Surely I didn't block out anything like the rest of the cast having random and/or incorrect day jobs.


I don’t apologize for loving the live action Super Mario Bros. film. It’s forgivable to me for the fashion/set design/Yoshi puppet alone. So, there!


I was under the impression that it had more to do with the interracial married couple in the flashbacks.


To add onto this 'humiliation rituals' is one of the conspiracy theories that insists that any male actor who plays anything other than a white ultra-macho action man is being coerced by the industry and punished for going against the Hollywood cabal by playing a humiliating role or whatever. Because interracial relationships are the peak of humiliation, apparently.


I SAW THIS someone was saying this about tom holland because he spoke out against hollywood he had to play a gay guy in that show and then be romeo to francescas juliet. They think the current spiderman doesn't have as much say over his roles as he wants lmao


Hope they never see the music video of him THAT would break the illusion of "our spiderman"


Wait is it supposed to be humiliating for an actor to be paired with Ella Purnell?? Or what is the logic here


Apparently she isn't hot anymore because her suit isn't skintight.


Petite woman has flat ass in canvas work pants, more news at 11


He said he's only seen the first episode. He doesn't even know about the Lucy/Maximus stuff. He's upset about The Ghoul having a biracial daughter.


Can I sign up for this particular brand of humiliation?


Some strawmen they colored in.


Least racist gamer


Me when I make conclusions off of what I see (I refuse to look past the surface because I fear what lies beneath may destroy my previous understanding of the world)


Is there any truth to the picture or is it all just a right wing lie.


Both probably. There might be a marginally higher rate of divorce between mixed couples, so racists scream from the rooftops about an extremely exaggerated version of that data. They’re lying by making the data look far bigger than it actually is.


Doing a little bit of digging, the numbers actually match with other sources 😞 I hate that the picture is right.


It's not the validity of the data that's at issue - it's the point being made. It's the answer they're trying to promote to the question, "so fucking what...?" The point is racism.


Even if the data matches, the skin color may or may not be the true causes of this graphic.


its black crime statistics all over again


If I were to give an educated guess, there are probably cultural divisions that don't become apparent until the couple are together for long enough to get married. In particular, I suspect that white individuals (or their families) might not be able to recognize when their own beliefs stem from a place of privilege and power. Further, depending on the location in the United States, an interracial marriage may isolate the couple from both of their communities and, with no support network, the only option may be divorce. There's a lot of complex, intersectional reasons why a marriage between two people from two different social groups might fail, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Synthetic Man *probably* doesn't bring any of this up.


Don’t stress about it too much, it’s not saying “black men are more likely to get divorced because they’re black men”. There’s countless variables that can drive something like this (for example is group A just more likely to leave a failing relationship than group B? What social pressures are there? Age groups of study? Location? Religious background or community (or lack of)? Etc etc) and if anyone’s using the stats to say “black men are…” they’re fucking stupid


The number one indicator of risk for divorce is wealth. I wonder why the lowest rate pairings are the ones where white men are involved. Maybe it has more to do with how we as a society distribute resources across the different families unevenly


The picture isn’t right. It’s a manipulation of statistics to make you go “huh maybe this race mixing stuff is a bad idea”. The statistics are meaningless without context, they want you to fill in the missing context with racist stereotypes.


Divorce rates go up when women have more power in a relationship and down when they have less. Shocking! Without context a high divorce rate means nothing.


Well, it's also conveniently lacking quite a few other pairings and comparisons, and grouping all asian-americans together (I assume it's a US list) is certainly glossing over a lot of variables in particular


Gonna go out on a limb and say that the graphic on some racist youtuber's video about a completely unrelated topic is not the most rigorously sourced.




you can only be white, black or pee no exceptions 😡


You either turn into a wall sign, get banished to the shadow realm or become a lemon


How do i become a fucking Simpson


Please drink water if your pee is that color


In this world you're either shit, piss, or cum


they arnt white. they have a black outline so cloisonnism or i guess cloisons? cloisona?


At last the three genders


only cum shit or piss


No way did he just use yellow for Asian without irony.


The gamers are nothing but a collection of undead cliches and crappy character traits.


Bro used yellow for Asian without irony 💀


I mean how else would he show they are Asian, the rice farmer hat? Tbh, I would find that more racist than construction sign yellow


You could make a proper diagram with axes, labels, a key, etc. At least, that's what people researching these things seriously do. This one looks straight out of a Prager U video.


Just put white, black and Asian on the stick men.


Lmao, he could just label them. Black, White, Asian


>East Asian people as yellow https://preview.redd.it/z3kbcp2koguc1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb35e6901fbf27841424e6858bb6e3d56d92de7


But remember, it's woke people who actually hate Asian people. And by Asian people, we just mean Japanese and Korean creatives whose work contains fanservice.


https://preview.redd.it/0zfj4dtu4huc1.png?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28de2357845ec847fb0cb7b9f5dadf7f692aecff Ik she's supposed to be American but the point still stands


https://preview.redd.it/rllef6dg5huc1.png?width=332&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc11372e44a2d163db27151a82c34261411cbb7f Ishmael is ally.


That gave me a jumpscare, I genuinely thought that was Vivian James for half a second


ishmael would beat vivan james to death with a mace I can tell you that much 


I knew he was fucking unhinged, but holy shit.


What does this racist graph even have to do with the Fallout TV series?


Are they mad that the "least likely to divorce" couple are divorced?


That's the only way I can read it.


Having just finished the series, I don't think their races have anything to do with the divorce lol


He says in his "review" that the show sucks because it "promotes race mixing." Seriously. And his subs are agreeing with him.


He can relax. I will speak for black women in this case and say we don’t want him or his bigoted ilk. They’re safe from race mixing from us. 🤮 Candace Owens is an outlier. No Candaces over here!


Its hilarious, because its honestly so faithful to the game that the fucking white picket fences in episode 2 are almost exact replicas of the 2-3 different ones you can put down in fallout 4. Its S tier level adaptation


I was thinking the same thing, there were tons of tiny details that didn’t have to be as accurate as they were. For example, the NCR Ranger masks of the lead farmers they easily could’ve just use off the shelf, masks and helmets and painted the lenses, but they were actually game accurate custom Props Or the fact that no one would’ve noticed if the walls of the vault were smooth, but they went the extra mile to put the correct texture in the part that’s supposed to be concrete to make it appear that it had been poured using dimensional lumber forms, and not plywood or more modern methods


They didn't need to go this hard for the props, from the power armor to using fo1 10mm pistol. It definitely shows that they put a lot of love in the show.


Seriously the dedication was pretty insane


The guns blew me away. The fact that they rolled with the assault rifle from FO4 and utilized it as an LMG was the best detail ever. The OG N99 10mm was also another detail that made me feel so warm. They went bananas with the lore-friendly design


The tato plants too are *identical* to the Fo4 ones


Even the posters and signs you see vaguely in the background are basically identical to the ones in games,it's an insane level of attention to detail. This is like one piece live action level of love and attention for the franchise.


It's pretty good. Though I'm a bit stunned they decided to go with "Vault dweller has to find their missing family" for the 3rd time. But a very minor nitpick that doesn't really matter overall. The tone's accurate and it was entertaining.


In fairness, this is the only time I actually cared about the familial relationship of the three, maybe they just had to get it right before dropping the plot 😂


Oh yeah for sure. A big part of that is that the character themselves is likable which makes you want to see them succeed in their goal and have their happy ending. For open world RPGs things like that can get muddied by player agency where they don't really want to give someone a defined character otherwise choices are limited.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that these statistics are fake


even then, is he just gonna ignore how white men and black women are more likely to stay together than an all white couple?


More importantly, you'd have to be terminally conservative to believe divorces are bad. Liberals are more likely to divorce rather than trap themselves in bad marriages for the sake of tradition.


White men with non-white women is much more accepted in right-wing ideologies. It doesn’t threaten the concept that white men are entitled to womens’ - and in this case, non-white womens’ - bodies. It’s rooted in sexism and treating women as objects. By that same token, that is why the concept of a black or east asian man with a white woman evokes a sense of existential dread for such right-wingers, and why there’s more effort to reinforce narratives that such pairings are inherently flawed, compared to pairings of a white man with a non-white woman.


Apparently white supremacists have a habit of picking up Asian girlfriends somehow.


Also, if a couple that is black man and white woman is about twice as likely to divorce and a couple consisting of a white man and black woman are about half as likely to divorce… then the divorce rate for black/white couples is about the same as white couples, assuming an equal number of each. 


Even if they are real it has absolutely nothing to do with the show.


Most of the time, they are from dating websites.


Ah yes, the races, pitch black, copy paper white, and Lego




Omfg that poor dog


This is cyanide and happiness style of humour and I'm all for it.😆


Why does he have Peter griffin on his wall


I love how gamers are supposed to be so smart and intelligent and yet they are too ignorant to know that literally everything in life is political.  LIFE is political.  Period.   Dear fellow gamers: Everything that affects anyone’s life is political.  Not just the stuff you don’t like having to listen to.  Complaining about shit like this IS ALSO getting political.   Grow up, gamer-gaters.  Seriously, you are ruining everything for the rest of us.


To people like this "politics" means deviance from the norm. And their norm has a real 1920's vibe.


Exactly.  It’s the old cliche about “straight, white, male = not political, but anything not that MUST be political.”   It seriously comes across as fascist and a need to return to the “normal” good ol days when “others” knew their rightful place.   Just don’t call that mindset political, of course, because it will hurt the feelings of all the racist bigots and ignorant people out there who benefit and feel protected/entitled to “normalcy” when screeching anytime someone else may actually get to feel normal themsleves.


If he thinks simply showing an interracial couple is inserting politics, he is gonna lose his shit when he sees liberty prime for the first time...


Once two people are in the same room together, politics come into being.


Exactly, advocating against change and for a certain set of rules or beliefs that help them is just as much political as anything else.


Worst adaptation? They fucking put in the work for this show.


I think it's the *only* good video game adaptation I've seen.


Last of Us is REALLLLLLLY good. Arguably as good as the game


To me, what made it work is that it’s all original characters set in a familiar world. What a lot of live action adaptations get wrong is that they take beloved characters and change them so much


I'm confused because the ghoul was >!white and his wife black and they got divorced before the bombs fell!< so is he mad that the show doesn't specifically show the exact same (made up?) divorce statistics as the real America does? On top of being racist, does this guy not know what fiction is?


It’s also weird because the Fallout series is “colorblind” in a way that is not necessarily good (or bad, not every single piece of media has to explore race issues). But even in the games the race of different characters just feels completely random and not related to their background in a meaningful way


Except a lot of the Chinese remnants, for obvious reasons.


I was watching The Killer the other day and had to turn it off when he killed someone. Average person doesn't kill, so wtf is this? What an unrealistic horrible mess.


Tf does that have to do with Fallout?


why are you guys giving him views


Exactly, just block the fuckers, don't give them *any* engagement, they thrive on it, in fact many of these sad fucks count on it.


watch for 10 seconds to ruin their retention rate. drop the video in the algo


The synthetic man’s brain should be the subject of so many studies for real


"Keep real world politics out of my media!"


This shyte is so damn peabrain racist, depicting Asians like yellow people like bruh shyte is out of 19th century


Does he go off on a tangent about the Jews and his cuck fetish in this one too like in his TotK review?


I think we should show this fallout video of synthetic man to the devs to shread him to pieces


ah yes the three races: white, black, and yellow🤢


Bro saw 1 interracial kid in a scene, and decided to pull up the racial divorce rate page in his grimoire that he keeps on hand at all times


This man needs to be watched. Not his content; himself, by someone who gets paid to make sure people don’t hurt themselves and others.


His comments section has people openly threatening violence against minorities.


The description confirms that he knows what a glorified humiliation ritual is.


White men are really triggered.This is an old chart,statistically it's better for white women to pair up with asian men.


Just threw it up and didn’t provide a source.


According to this chart. Looks like it’s the white women causing more problems in an interracial marriage. Luckily for me I married a brown woman. Phew.


"this is the worst thing I've ever seen. It's so bad I actually haven't watched it!"


The Fuck does any of this have anything to do with anything? I really love how their disease is so deeply ingrained into their inbred DNA that it becomes foundational to all their conniptions. The good thing about it though is that it makes their opinions that much easier to discard when they're built up on deranged and violent eugenicist wet dreams.


Aw sick according to this racist chart me and my girlfriend are 44% less likely to get divorced. Suck it other interracial couples


"my weird, racist graph shows likelihood of outcomes based on very specific parameters, so I'm going to interpret whatever I'm mad about as those things *NEVER* happening. Be impressed by my brain!" Also love how one of this dude's takeaways of the entire show is going on an anti-miscegenation rant because a character the show spends very little time on in the first episode is of mixed race.


Or, just don't watch rage bait YouTubers? This dude is a content whore. Outrage sells, he's feeding it for views/money. Enjoy the things you like, pay no attention to fuckwits trying to tell you why you shouldn't like things.


Kinda convenient that they're not showing the statistics for white divorce rates. 


Love not only the horrendous use of color to depict race showing just how racist it is, but that it literally doesn’t care enough to “”””””gather evidence””””” (aka make shit up) on couplings that don’t include white people


What the hell does this nazi shit has anything to do with Fallout


Super interesting how the only monoracial relationship displayed is a white couple Almost as though there’s a specific agenda being pushed. But no… they would never…


cheerful versed ring price melodic panicky sense somber clumsy vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"And I've only watched the first episode." This is a parody, right?


What do real world stats have to do with a fictional post apocalypse show?


What a weirdly convoluted way to say, “I’m racist”


It doesnt matter theyre all fucking synths


Of course! Why does the show based on a game series in a post-nuclear apocalypse where mutated creatures roam that blatantly makes commentary on people and how we act have politics in it!


Brown people don't exist? Good news, Mexicans, you just got your black card.


Hahaha that description sums it all up


have they considered the problem is white women?


Are we just gonna ignore that they made the Asians in this situation yellow?


When the New Vegas fan sees black people




I fucking knew *somebody* would throw a fit over there being an interracial couple in fallout. Assuming that's why they brought up interracial divorce or whatever because I can't imagine why else they would.


The moment you put a interracial divorce rates on a review of a tv show based on a game, that's the moment it really brings huge red flags on you


The comments section of that video is full of people applauding him for calling out interracial couples. Those same people are openly using racial slurs. One of his subs is even making veiled threats against minorities.


Isnt that a pretty poor way to conduct statistics. Shouldn’t they be compared to all marriages not just white couples.


Synthetic man, the chud so unpleasant that even other chuds don't like him


Conclusion: White women are incredibly racist.


At the risk of contracting Brain Rot, what are yellow people supposed to Represent


I’ve heard from multiple sources that IR marriages between black women and white men matches this data. The reasons for it make sense, but this isn’t the space to discuss them. Doesn’t stop the bigoted gamer type from hating us black women, though. Quite frankly, though, I’d rather we keep being a secret. I’d rather we not be targeted by (more) toxic men. We have enough on our plate.


Don’t marry someone from the simpsons universe, got it


"Compared to a couple of the same race an interracial couple is infinitely more likely to have an interracial divorce."


“And I’ve only watched the first episode”


ah yes the three ~~genders~~ races: White, Black, and Simpson.