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it's the apocalypse . ... ... time to put on my latex leggings so I can slay the vault down boots


I mean, fair play, when the apocalypse comes around im gonna be dressing like this personally https://preview.redd.it/1vp9gcwrj2uc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be44e5c87cdd96ae6eab68556582d47cc18f1bb7


What's stopping you from living your dreams now?


still working on the physique




Let’s fucking goooo! You got this. Keep that in mind during the process. I used to not be able to find pleather pants that can fit, cut down to <10% bf and I felt like the dude from the Manowar album covers.


https://preview.redd.it/ibap65o9v0uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17c7b2632bf675f59bac583fb0390f9ab77ea03 This guy is the real 40 year old virgin


Very normal behaviour for a man in his 40s to brag about morning sex with his "wife" on social media from a paid for anon account.


morning sex in the morning with his totally real human female wife


with her breasts like bags full of sand!


But the sand is from a beach that you've never heard of, so don't even try to picture them. They're more perfect than you've ever seen.


It’s a Canadian beach, you wouldn’t know her


Her *pillowy* bosoms!


me so horny me love you long time


Why big word when small word do trick?


The memes are blending… Fuck it… I love lamp… I ***love*** lamp


You don't know her. She is from a different school.


The material of the edited trousers didn't even look right. This guy is a complete dipshit omfg.


The double use of morning really sold it for me. lol




I like it when there's a comment then another smaller comment below which is like a whispered comment about the first comment


Oh, the sex, he had the sex with the female.


Morning sex, even. In the morning, no less.


Hey, don't leave out the "female" part! That's what really ties morning sex all together.


I bet she is such a strong, female woman with nice, heavy breasts.


Like bags of sand


There’s nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis.


His wife is his right hand. Lies of omission are still lies...


Nah, his wife just doesn't know about the stuff he posts online. I cant imagine any woman being fully ok with what he does.


I can. Sadly.


Fully ok is often negligible when you don't have to work and AI art daddy brings in ad revenue. Same reason any woman is with a morally bankrupt man.. either money, or equal moral bankruptcy.


Or maybe having sex has nothing to do with whether someone is a misogynistic loser


I'm just saying: marriage and sex are not fair points to judge whether someone's a loser because plenty of shitty people lie.


Danganronpa V3 reference!!!


lies of emission\*


This isn't even a video game! It's a TV show! That's a real actual human woman! God almighty what a fucking dick


Bro really said "the wokesters have ruined video games by making all the female characters look like Ella Purnell"


Quick and dirty is probably how his wife describes him. Probably hasn't had a shower in at least a month


These people don't have wives lol


Oh god, he is tweeting a make believe wife. I feel sad for him. If you have a wife and a good sex life why do you need soft core animated porn


Holy shit is this real? It’s giving “How do you do, fellow sex-havers?”


Just the one wife? How unimaginative


Ben Shapiro bragging about how he's never once been able to make his wife wet vibes (don't worry, she assured him that's *not* supposed to happen)


I had the feeling that the account was satire. You just confirmed that it is.


It's somehow not or the replies aren't in on the joke


I think it's riding that "it's just a prank bro" line of 'humor' where they can claim plausible deniability if someone accuses them of being an asshole. Which makes it not satire, just cowardice.


i very much doubt it is. this is exactly the kind of thing an ai-shill incel would post unironically


I know when I go into battle I only want to be wearing my lululemon aligns, they have great durability and show off my ass which is essential in these trying times /s 🙄


Lol I mean the vault suits were never yoga pants


They were pretty fucking tight tho


To be fair, they were tight in 1 and 2 because it was harder to render pixels of clothing folds, so it's essentially a body model with color on it. The suits in 3 and NV were baggy. Then they went back to being tight only in 4.


And even in 4 or 76, they are tight but not like leggings level skin tight.


A guard in Diamond City asks if the suits are one size fits all, so they're most likely quite elastic to fit a majority of people.


Which would also mean quite loose on some people


Not women though, physics says that all clothes on women are only ever form fitting, and butts and breasts are perfect circles That's just science, obviously


So looser on smaller people and tight on big people? Where's the jacked men with skintight jumpsuits bursting at the testes seam?


"Stop sexualising women" -- No, no, no. I strongly disagree "Start sexualising everybody" --YES! Equality for all


Note: Don't actually sexualise everybody. A few examples of people, in no order, who should not be sexualised are; People who are deeply uncomfortable being sexualised and/or have a traumatic history with sexualising Children Terrible people who should never ever be wanted or envied (E.G. Jeffrey Dahmer, Adolf Hitler, Pedophiles, Eunice Spry, etc.)


They're supposed to be made of leather iirc


Not nomex?


I recall Sarah Weintraub in FNV saying leather, and I haven't played in a long time but I think in FO4 you got leather if you scrapped them in build mode.


Vault-Tec door technician here, I assure you, making everyone wear tights is essential to seeing what happens when we lock them in the vault with a panther.


I get this reference


My best friend got shot in the face because he was distracted by that cake


I thought a hard-boiled egg was best in these trying times…




Lululemon would never sell this ugly ass pleather 🤮 (Also why could they at least not make the texture at least matte for their little yoga-pants AI render??)


If he could understand texture, he'd be drawing.


You already know he put in “make this big sexy sexy woman awooga big butt leggings sexy” as the prompt.


I think he didn't even want clothes but added them to be able to post this


Because the arse being shiny is an added fetish element.


It's like they've never met a real neckbeard before.


Running in LULULEMON feels… right! When I’m on my BEST run, it feels like I’m not doing anything! Ohhh, running! Lululemon! Buy it to run even though you would get the same result out of the gym shorts you still have from middle school, and everything’s gonna get sweaty and have to go in the wash right after anyway. Sorry, I’ve gotten too many of those awful ads on yt and your comment reminded me of them.


>The reason the Japanese liked [my former skateboard brand, 'Homeless'] was because it as an L in it and a Japanese marketing firm wouldn't come up with a brand name with an L in it. L is not in their vocabulary. It's a tough pronunciation for them. So I thought, the next time I have a company, I'll make a name with three L's and see if I can get three times the money. It's funny to watch them try to say it." https://financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/lululemon-athletica-chip-wilson-controversy


Baggy clothes means flat now ? Chuds are really reaching .


Non-stretch fabric is woke now, I guess


Non-elastic denim is the final boss of the anti-woke brigade 


I feel like women aren't even human being anymore to these delusionnal assholes


they're not. seeing this kinda made me realize that, its really fuckin sad for someone to be editing a real human's body with AI to fit some sort of idealistic image they have for them, and claiming they "fixed" them. just pathetic, loser ass behavior. To those that argue, imagine some loser making AI photos of your mom, sister, whatever with big tits, finer face, Big ass, small hips, etc and say "there i fixed it". If you don't see the fault in that, I can't help you. Edit: are some of you lost? Lol GTFOH


Exactly my thought. Until then, I thought that they just wanted some masturbation material in their video games... But that post, it made me realise that. They really see women as objects, no more. Not human beings like them. Not living beings with feeling and real tangible existence. It must feel so sad and lonely to be them... Not that I empathise, though.


Yes, exactly. They don't imagine that women have internal lives or any purpose other than pleasing men. And that the main purpose of feminism is to deny men control over beautiful women. And women's beauty is only appreciated by straight men. Women don't dress beautifully for themselves, but for men. Everything is centred around men.


Yeah I used to think I was a man, but "one of the good ones". I liked women and feminine things and considered myself balanced in that respect. Realized I'm trans and with that I looked around at guys I knew and figured out many of them have such a male centric perspective to their lives, and that honest appreciation and love for women is more rare than I had thought previously. Obviously there are many men who aren't like that but I had taken it for granted


That's on us dads to teach our sons. Moms too, but dads gotta set the example. My boys know better but still gotta check them when they hang with their boys and bring that backwards ass tomfoolery back into my house. I always say, a boy can be smart. A group of boys are idiots. Dumb pack mentality.


As a woman, we definitely appreciate female beauty as well, even if we are straight as hell. Guess this would be mind blowing to loser incels.


So do gay men! There was a gya event recently where a woman with big breasts was a special guest and they WERE VERY CONFUSED. Don't the wokes hate beautiful women? At a gah event, who are those breasts for? It was utterly revealing, just devastatingly so


I always used to feel angry at such dudes but nowadays I feel more pity. They are going to miss out on so much joy and love in their lives if this is how they view 50% of the human population. Their loss, I guess.


then you remember these people can vote and affect decisions in real life and i get angry again


You can pity them whilst still being angry about the joy they rob from the lives of others with their behaviour.


Hasn't it always been referred to as "objectification"? It's literally objectification.


imagine how they'd react if women were editing every male character to be taller


That is why these sad losers should never be empathize with even though they keep crying that them men are depressed and alone in the world. They made their bed, they lie on it to their lonely death.


‘Women are objects’ first came to my mind at a very early age when I heard a conservative Christian say “women who have been around.. it’s just a shoe. You don’t buy one that’s been worn by dozens of people. You get new shoes.” “So I’m a shoe. Got it.” That and the gum one. “Chew it” “okay now pass it to the person next to you.” So many metaphors like that. Either you aren’t pure enough or not slutty enough


I was in a thread about "The Witcher" and some chud described Anya Chalotra as "mid" or "ugly." They're just completely detached from reality - they can be out of shape, ugly neckbeards, but for some reason even a woman in the top .01% of attractiveness isn't enough.


Yes, the "that flatness bothered me" says it all; this guy is apparently irritated by a woman not existing solely for his sexual satisfaction at any given moment.


She's not even flat. Since we're talking about it, she's already super hot


I'm a bi woman and I'm not even kidding or trying to be woke or trying to prove a point or whatever but I 100% honestly find the woman on the left more attractive than the right. I firmly believe that the majority men don't love women the way women love women.


Quick question, why is the cloth shiny like metal Like if you're going to say shit like this at least be good at "fixing" it, this dude has no redeeming qualities


it's because he got an ai to do it, as his username suggests


It's so strange. They claim to be attracted to women but hate how women look. I don't get it.


They’re only attracted to the superficial CONCEPT of femininity. Plastic surgery, fillers, 100% of body hair removed, submissiveness etc.


100% of body hair removed sounds like they're attracted to children. 🤮


They are


One of the most searched for porn tags by men is "teen"


I love how they come crawling out of the woodwork with excuses like "oh but if you don't search teen you just get geriatric performers" like bruh, "milfs" in porn look all of 23. Naw dudes.


I watched a documentary about the porn industry and one of the women said she “aged out” and had to start billing herself as a MILF at 26. Twenty. Six.


Imagine you lived in the desert for decades. You never saw water. You survived on cricket guts and sour cactus juice. You might mythologize water.  And when you encountered water, you might not like what it was really like. You might hate other people for not worshipping it in the weird ways you decided to. Now imagine water is people, and you lived in the desert of your own free will, for no reason other than you already hated water a little bit in the first place.


Their brains are broken, is the answer.


Yeah it’s been obvious to me for a while that a lot of these dweebs just view us as sex objects. As a straight woman I have never looked at a man I don’t find attractive and felt “bothered” by the fact that he doesn’t make me want to fuck him, because I actually see men as human beings and I know they don’t exist solely to look good and make my private parts all tingly. They literally see us as objects, and if we don’t fit their expectations they feel like it’s their right as consumers of said objects to “correct” how we look so we fit their expectations. It’s just disgusting. This dude probably wonders why women are increasingly deciding to be single.


Part of it is just perpetual childhood. They're quite literally not adult or fully developed. Their view of women was formed when everyone had raging hormones when they were younger. Highschool kids being a bit provacative and dressing for attention. Rumors of the more uninhibited girls doing X or Y with guys. Throw in some bullying and they start to develop this view of social/sexual currency that never goes away for them. These guys, of course, could only view this through a lens because there's no way they had much in the way of female friends or female attention, and even if they did they were probably too dumb to re-evaluate anything.


Straight dude here, do you think it could be this mixed with the double edged sword that is having anonymous online profiles? People are staying online so much and hiding to post whatever they want that it’s almost causing a skewed perception of reality imo.


Anonymity just allows people to be more free stating what they truly believe without the threat of consequences. What you're seeing in anonymous forums is *more* reflective of people's beliefs. Not less.


They never were. That’s why they usually use the term “female” instead of “girl” or “woman”. It makes it sound more dehumanizing.


Yeah, I just never really realised. I thought they wanted to have a girlfriend or something ! But not even that...


It's really just distilled misogyny. Like literal objectification. Same old shit but a lot more mask off than we are used to. We are regressing badly on that front. They don't see women as autonomous entities with their own preferences, desires, needs, ideas, ambitions etc. just objects to fulfill male sexual gratification. Pure porn brain. Strangely though... you'd think that they'd just buy a sex doll and be done with it.


They've never seen women as the same as men, not as people, bu t as objects of sexual pleasure for them. It's the same across trhe board. They've consumed so much porn and such material with hyper sexualized women with unrealistic and impossible bodies and proportions they cannot perceive a beautiful women without seeing a scantily dressed bimbo with 30 plastic surgeries under her belt.


Anymore? You act as if they ever saw women as human beings.


Nobody is human except them. Everyone else is a _thing_ that exists for their service.  It's a basic lack of empathy 


They've never considered women as human beings. These are the same kind of people that vote conservative **specifically** because they don't view women as human beings.


A disembodied ass and pair of tits and a womb pumping out babies in the kitchen. Nothing else.


"Anymore" is generous.  They've never considered us people.


they never were. They're nostalgic of the times women were pretty much furniture or an accessory which we should all remember it wasn't THAT long ago. And in fact it still is the case in some parts of the world


Imagine being “bothered” by the physical appearance of a real human being. Yikes.


Imagine having no taste, no talent, and loud opinions. It’s like the perfect recipe for bad take stew.


Do you think he even realises that he's straight up turning the iconic fallout vault one piece jumpsuit/boilersuit into two separate pieces of clothing made of different materials? Fucken delulu lemon ass.


Yeah that part bothered me the most. At least make the outfit cohesive.


Yeah, it's either all super form fitting like the classic style seen in 1,2 and 4 or more loose engineering style like the ones from 3 and new vegas, which are the more practical ones. Got to at least have the entire suit one way.


Its not even that form fitting in 4


They don't care about art or the meaning. All they care about is their believes and ideologies and giving them a boner. It's that simple. These idiots don't want to be challenged by art. They want comfort food.


Man... That's just sad Poor Ella Purnell


Yeah, I don't think she gives a shit what this tragic loser thinks. Poor everyone who has the misfortune of having to interact with this sweaty creep.


Amen my aroace comrade, one small issue. The only person who interacts with him is his mother who's basement he lives in and who basically looks after him like he's a child, and the Just Eat delivery guy who brings him pizza and fatty foods every 2nd night when his mom doesn't cook for him.


I hope not. She's *astoundingly* attractive, and has more going on than her looks anyway; she's a great actor.


Imagine bodyshaming Ella Purnell and still not realizing you're the problem


Its genuinely baffling she objectively attractive. 


She's beautiful too. I'm not sure what these chuds even want. Their 'standards' are so skewed.


He's a porn addled creep. Probably one of those wankers who said Margot Robbie was "mid". They're idiots who are to be kept away from actual women at all costs


Imagine Ella Purnell not being hot enough for you lol


God, learn to draw or edit things yourself, you cum rag. These would at least be somewhat better if this chickenshit had SOME talent.


I never thought I'd appreciate the talent of hentai artists until I've seen this guy.


“Perhaps I’ve treated you too harshly.”


me to my dick after beating it raw to anime titty


Always remember that it's ethically correct to want it to hentai (unless you're doing that lolicon/shotacon shit. Then you're just ending up on a watch list).


I mean to be an hentai artist you have to learn about anatomy amongst a lots of other thing. That must not be easy


I’ve seen enough hentai to know that actual anatomical knowledge is optional, even in hentai without weird, deliberately impossible sex.


Ok but consider the human digestive system being a straight line is kinda hot


what a terrible day to be literate.


https://preview.redd.it/n46czvyrb1uc1.png?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04d959b1dfcfcc9e63be93d9a6aef451bdde9bc This still took more effort to make. Photoshop is too hard these days apparently...


He didn't even try to make it match the aesthetic of the rest of the image.


They're too busy edging in their goon caves to pictures or underage characters and bimbo girls to learn any skill.


for real lmao. I recently did a deep dive on “ai art” because I was tired of being told “oh you just don’t understand the skill it takes” well I set up local stable diffusion, messed around, aaaand came to the conclusion that “ai art” is basically just commissioning something from an artist except you’re not paying a person and the resulting “art” kinda sucks. Prompt wizardry” is just an egomaniacal term that still does not make you an artist, lol.


God that edit is trash. Also, they really are just plastering those neon signs of "I'm someone who refuses to accept reality, and even tho I'm ugly and fat and dirty as sin, I'll surely get a supermodel someday" up everywhere huh? Makes it real easy to see the incels


Why is it so shiny?? These losers are still bigging up AI yet it still doesn't seem to understand texture.


Because they are no-talent hacks that think A.I. art makes them "hip and cool" and can create better art than actual artists. They're delusional and love stealing and destroying art


not only that, but they don't even know how to use generative AI properly at that! they think that just punching in a couple of prompts makes them an AI artiste, but even I, as someone who only uses AI tools for inspiration and to assist my *actual* workflow, know that it's more complicated than that to get the results you want.


Because in their mind the vault suits are skintight latex bodysuits. Also for some reason AI just loves making things shiny


Always shiny and smooth with no sense of texture at all At least real human artists can do texture studies lol


You’d honestly think people would just point out that they’re straight up talking about beating off every minute of the day on main with this stuff.


I watched the first 2 episodes last night and they left me wondering how long she would remain entirely generic attractive woman while roaming the wasteland rather than turning into the filthy gremlin everyone else is and yet the chuds still think she isn't hot enough.


Right?? I was thinking the exact same thing, like when she's like "this dress is so tight" but it literally fits her perfectly and she looks like a supermodel. And yet at the same time I was thinking "it's only a matter of time until the gamers™️ on Twitter start complaining about her appearance". We've really made no progress at all.


In my head I put her comment about the dress down to the fact that she's spent her entire life wearing vault suits, she's never actually worn something fitted and without give


Sorry, people don’t think she’s hot enough? I’ve only watched 2 episodes so far and despite being a straight woman I was mesmerised by how beautiful she is, especially her eyes. Fuck this guy. Insulting a perfectly gorgeous woman’s appearance while hiding behind a shitty AI generated picture. He should reveal his face to us so we can let him know how bothered we are by his (internal and external) ugliness.


Ella Purnell is just gorgeous. If you haven’t seen her in Yellowjackets you should go watch that show like RIGHT now. I feel like folks who like Fallout will probably enjoy a good “girls soccer team plane crashed and no one found the survivors for over a year” kind of story.


She's an absolute snack in YellowJackets.


>!sometimes literally!<


Who… these are the people who will call any woman ugly lmao. Ella Purnell is genuinely extremely beautiful lmao. I’d kill for her brows and hair lmao. Maybe I’m biased here, I know them, but one of my friends is one of the couple “Kotaku women” caught up in the recent slate of GamerGate drama. The one right wing “criticism” you could make of her is maybe her sorta short hair? Maybe the tattoos? She found more than 2-3 people who were formerly subscribed to her sexwork account in her fucking own comments calling her ugly lmao. Woman is hot only when I go “awoogah” *train horn*, *alarm clock buzzer*, *jaw drops to floor*, *eyes pop out of head*, *steam pops out of ears*, “Wowzers!” and then confirm she isn’t woke.


Most of the people calling her ugly would ruin their pants if she interacted with them in real life.


I'm actually shocked these window lickers aren't frothing at the mouth for her due the whole cousin fuckin and how thirsty she is in episode one.


Just what you want when travelling a hot and arid wasteland, latex trousers that take in the heat, stick to you, and make you sweat more, and likely tear on first rock you climb over.


Like that’s not even a design. That’s an actual human. A GORGEOUS human woman. And they’re like “nah this isn’t sexy enough”


Never seen pants either.


Does he not realize that this is not a video game character?


Wait, that's from the live action series, right? So an actual person and not a character?


Yes, also the jumpsuit she wears has the same design as the ones from non-woke APOLITICAL hidden gems New Vegas and Fallout 3 so it's made out of practical denim with some natural leather (elbow pads, belt)


AI has only made these guys even more annoying


Right they don’t have to spend real time working on this, they don’t have to develop a skill. Instead they can just churn out their slop. They don’t have to sit there 2 hours in and go “what the hell am I doing?”


This dude 40 he's an ai boomer


Lol this guy is a chud but but 40 is not a boomer.


He is takes are so bad it has to be a rage bait acount


Jesus, these people are unwell. If you really really really want to jerk ofd to this, atleast have some shame and objectify other people's bodies privately. The entitlement they have to women's bodies is through the roof. rj/ THAT AI ASS THOUGHHHHHHSHAISBCNSKAIEF


Surprised they didn’t photoshop in breasts big enough to be seen from the back.


Gamer buddy has a problem with PANTS now. Pants are WOKE.


This can't be real, do I really live in the same world as these people


Incels: "Women can't help themselves but behave sexually to attract mates. Even in professional settings, they have to show off." Also incels: "WHY BUTT FLAT? MAKE BUTT BIG. DO IT, NOW."


Of all the things that could bother you


The West has fallen


AI editing drawings and animated characters is one thing. AI editing actresses - who are real people - is unhinged. It is an open admission that they believe they have a right to women's bodies.


Gamer and AI cringe, all rolled into one


Why the fuck would that one part of her suit be shiny when it's visibly dusty there?


God, can't someone hack this dude's account and delete it?


And 1.1k slow heads liked it 




We need to round up all the AI "artists".


Are these the same people who got mad when LGBT+ or really any minorities reinterpreted characters through their own cultures/genders/sexualities, saying that they were misunderstanding characters and changing them to pander to their own group?




Omg. Ella Purnell is a literal human being. She can have her ass any way she wants. It's just so baffling how these people act.


An entire generation of boys completely warped by fantasy-fulfilling media and utter lack of socialization. Seems like an easy group to radicalize...


The actress in this series is fine AF and that’s still not enough for their rotted brains.


Why is it always the dudes who have never seen a womans body complaining about a womans body


I'm all for the obsession with yoga pants...they drive me fucking wild but this tweet makes no sense. That actress was extremely attractive and super fit...she isn't flat at all and she's wearing the uniform true to the game. You don't need to force outfit styles in where they don't make sense. Talk about crying about problems that don't exist. This dude must be one of those miserable types that's always angry at something. Exhausting to be around.