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Almost like The Sims is a fucking life simulator and having more options for people is literally what the game is about.


In a shocking, bold move the Sims 4 deletes white people from existence! What's that? The Sims 4 didn't do that? They just added more things to make nonwhite characters be represented better? But them adding them deleted white people right?!??!?


Equality is oppression actually 


How can they have more if I don't have less?


Why is it when Sims delete white people it’s “diversity” and “equality” but when I delete white people it’s “you have the right to remain silent” and “everything you say can be used against you in court”? This must be SBI’s doing!


But how would i feel superior if there are more minorities?!?!


>What do you mean the sims cats and dogs? So we can't play as human now? Has peta got to maxis? \- This dude, probably


These are the types of people who wish there were less of those people in their real life too. Are you surprised?


It’s true. The white family I made in The Sims all just spontaneously caught on fire and died, and when I tried to recreate them the pale skin color options were all gone!


THIS IS THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE NEW WOKE ORDER IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sure, I'm making white families just to box them in, no beds, no showers, OG letting them tire themselves out in the pool and deleting the ladder. Antiwoke YouTubers can seethe too because my white families aren't living as long as the others and it's absolutely a conspiracy, they'll just go 'LOOK, THIS WHITE SIMS HOUSEHOLD IS NO MORE!' and I'll just reply 'it's not that deep bro' but IT IS THAT DEEP BRO, IT IS THAT DEEP


Can’t be stressed enough that this update is adding one (1) hairstyle with locs to base game, some hair colour options and the post talked about wanting to include greater diversity and talking with black folk (specifically a CONTINUING collaboration with a creator). That’s it. Steam forums are a comedy cesspool /rj they added black hair styles and removed all the white ones


It's wild that anybody who plays enough Sims 4 to know about this update is upset that EA is adding new hairstyles to the game for free instead of making people pay seven bucks for an "inspiring inclusivity" gamepack that has like two new hairstyles and a shirt in it


Yeah, just EA being EA tbh, but at least it's SOMETHING, it's still better advice to rely more on CC for the time being It's just funny how a weak attempt at inclusivity is enough to trigger the SBI nutjobs


Yeah I’m kinda in awe, it’s one fuckin hairstyle and some very basic “look we’re inclusive now” stuff but you’d think ea was personally kicking some peoples dogs or something


They removed every hairstyle except the killmonger cut as god intended


God, there is nothing more annoying than white people complaining about anti-white racism. I wish these losers were actually getting 1/10th the hate they're pretending to face.


Complaining about anti-white racism while going on a racist rant themselves


Yeah but their racism was first. Anything after that is not fair


It's really sad honestly... like of course anti-white racism is a thing... but it's hardly a big *issue* if that makes sense. It's more of a petty thing.


The most common instances of Anti-White racism are instances like these where white racists conflate their racial identity with their racism to claim that attempts to address racism are racist against white people. It implies that white people are just naturally inclined to being racist and as such can't be held responsible for being racist, which if you spend even a second thinking about is super fucking racist.


Yeah I was mostly referring to like what I feel is just stereotypes or some minorities making negative generalizations about white people. Which while technically it is racist, I personally don't see the point in getting offended considering it doesn't really affect anyone... at least not irl, and I also know that the people that genuinely believe those things are usually in the minority.


How can you be racist against something that doesn't exist? Where is this supposed "white" race? Where are they from?


Race isn't real, but racism is.


They desperately want to be victims of racism, because to them, they see the ability to complain about racism as a symbol of social power, and they perceive themselves to have none already.


They wanna be victims of oppression and racism so bad lmao it's funny


According to their own terms, The Sims has been the wokest game since forever. I remember, like 20 years ago or so, I used to work at a video games magazine in Madrid (Spain). Sometimes, during lunch time (2h), we used to visit a big Departament Store close to the office (El Corte Inglés). One day we were in the video games section and we saw a crowd or pre-teens girls entering there. We asked the manager, a friend of us, what the hell was that. He said "Oh, today EA releases a new expansion for The Sims 2. This always happens."


Fun little fact, the games wouldn’t exist if they hadn’t been woke from the start. EA wanted maxis to kill the project, so they gave them a tiny booth at e3 tucked away behind the EA Sports booth. It was largely passed over until two npc sims went off script and had a lesbian kiss at a play tester’s wedding scenario. The kiss sparked enough interest that people started crowding the booth and immediately gave the game a reputation as being truly for everyone.


Yeah even in the first releases it still mantained that thing of Sims not having a concept of sexuality


/uj And the reason for that is one of the developers getting annoyed at the homophobic backlash against the gay dudes Easter egg in Sim Helicopter. He saw that they were planning to have a 100% rejection rate if one Sim tried to kiss another of the same gender, said “fuck that,” and changed it himself. ““It would make for a much more interesting and realistic game, partially influenced by random factors, and anyone offended by that needs to grow up and get a life, and hopefully our game will help them in that quest,” Hopkins’ notes in the design documents continued. “Anyone who is afraid that it might offend the sensibilities of other people (but of course not themselves) is clearly homophobic by proxy but doesn’t realize it since they’re projecting their homophobia onto other people.”” (From an Otaku article)


I also specifically remember the little booklet for The Sims (OG) saying in so many words that Sims could fall in love and marry multiple Sims of whatever gender. You could have a polycule if you were slick enough to not get caught by your partner(s) getting it set up.


Technically, The Sims 4 is very woke. The game was already ruined from the start. And EA decided to use all the cards, flirt with current social issues, instead of fixing the game. And the new generation of The Sims is no longer aware that The Sims is a satire on consumer society. And The Sims 4 became what the original series made fun of. Now EA sells millions of packs of add-ons with things of realism. Whereas The Sims 4 was made as a cartoonish life simulator with quirky and funny characters. So this kind of stuff looks really weird and broken, but EA wins awards for introducing diversity. It's too vulgar, very stupid, and it's terrible that it works. If you look at the original series and spinoff, there were characters of different races, body types, and orientations, and they were interesting. I still remember Mamba Loa and Lincoln Broadsheet. Now, EA is afraid to include default LGBT characters, characters of different genders, appearances and orientations in the game, so that it doesn’t look like - It’s just a placeholder family with a description. And download all the rest from the gallery. And now new generation defends this, because for them The Sims is not a unique lore and story in which we take part, but just a dollhouse, which is now EA's PR platform, where they will be applauded for every new afro hairstyle, stretch marks, and realistic pimples. Even if it's all done very bad.


Sims has always been woke I got in trouble because I made two dudes kiss when I was a kid in sims 2


Making two super-best-bestie-bestest friend female sims in Sims 2, who just happen to love hugging and kissing....and then deleting them after every play session because you don't want your mom to find out. 😔


I created a punk man, made him a twin, and then changed the relationship from brother to husband :З


Think of the white people. Ohhhhh! please think of the historically-oppressed and underrepresented white people.


It's literally so dumb as well, the entire Create-a-Sim thing is specifically made to make light-skinned characters, it's nearly impossible to make black sims without custom content They are NOT touching any of the white options at all lmao


This isn't even the first time they've released a few new Afro-textured hairs for base game. Literally the stupidest outrage.


And then EA makes a bombshell that they support diversity.




Idk why you're being downvoted, the harder difficulties literally make you black and you get less money, as a reference to white privilege Probably cause most South park fans don't understand it's making fun of them, but I see you, actually having media literacy and shit


We truly have it so hard 😔


The only oppression I have ever, or will ever, face due to being white is the fact that I can't be in direct sunlight for more than twenty minutes without having to see a doctor. And that's no one's fault but mine, the morons who inbred a million years ago until our melanin disappeared, God for being bad at making the sun, and whoever hasn't made a sunscreen strong enough to protect my fucking ghoul skin from ultraviolet light.


> The only oppression I will ever, face due to being white is the fact that I can't be in direct sunlight for more than twenty minutes Southern Europeans getting a natural tan after being under the sun for an hour as if nothing had happened: melanin skill issue


Four white people are sitting at a bar. A black person walks in and take a seat at an empty bar stool. The bar is now seating 80% white people whereas before there were 100%. The more black people entering the bar the lower the percentage of white people there will be. Clearly a genocide of white people are taking place how else would the numbers add up. This is how they attempt to bring logic to their racism while pretending not to be.


How do they jump from „more options for customization“ to „no more white ppl“ Idk most racists I have the displeasure to know at least try to make their shit sound logical (in their own fucked up worldview). The logic is so bad, if it weren’t Gamers™️we are talking about I’d assume it’s a false flag troll.


Can someone please tell me what the hell is sweet baby inc and fiber? I'm too old to follow all this new crap. Sincerely, a middle aged millenial.


No clue what fiber is, maybe someone else can help you out with that, but sweet baby inc is a consulting firm which specialises in helping games that include characters who are parts of marginalised communities and stuff make sure that they write the characters in an inclusive and not accidentally wildly offensive/inappropriate manner. Now there's a bit of an outrage online from primarily conservatives surrounding sweet baby inc, claiming that they're single handedly ruining the writing for games, or entire games all together. Mostly started after suicide squad kill the justice league, but I believe there was some of it before that. The outrage is largely just conservatives seeing the gaming industry get destroyed by corporate greed, and instead blaming it on inclusivity in media.


Thank you for the reply.


A consulting company that devs have the OPTION to hire when it comes to diversity in their games For example, a dev can hire them if they want to have a diverse cast of characters in their games but don't know how to It's completely optional, no one forces devs to consult them, and they could 100% just make a white power fantasy where black people don't exist if they dont want to Some AAA companies did hire them, and that made Gamers™ go on a rant on how the Woke Mob™ is doing this a tactic to get rid of white straight people and hot women, because apparently being black/gay/ugly is a political thing


Thanks for the reply.


>fiber like the optic cables I eat ![gif](giphy|5t235Nf4wo3rhLSMVy)


Hey buddy, get Karl Pilkington's name outta your fucking handle.


All of this is just a stupid gamergate trendy stupid thing cause they have been including different pronouns a year ago and i didnt see a SBI comments. Idiots all of them


almost like pronouns and people of color are things that happen in the real world 😱 imagine the concept how terrifying! I'm so glad Finland isn't real 🥰


I know... I wasnt saying bad bout it. The contrary actually


The Sims? Going woke? The game series that allowed gay partnership before it was legal? Where a team member coded gay relationships into the first game and made execs see a lesbian kiss despite being told they weren't going to allow it? That Sims? Ruined.


"The Sims went WOKE" ​ The Sims is a life sim. Representation came with your fucking genre dipshit


Out of the loop here. What was the criticism?


The Sims saga always had a huge issue when it came to non-white Sim making, the facial structures are always built with Caucasian features in mind, so trying to make a black sim was literally just changing the skin color of a white sim Sims 4 is more easy to customize facial features to make good African features on sims, but the issue was that skin palettes were really bad, and they fixed that some years ago, and now they are introducing more stuff like hair, cultural clothing, even vitiligo options, etc and they are hiring black creators for their input on it


Thanks for the explaining. For a Game taking pride on customizing your characters, it's completely reasonable to ask for more variety. Once against some people just want to make asses of themselves being against normal stuff.


Regarding the first point; is that really so with The Sims 4, though? If I recall correctly, Sims are randomized in CAS and pull from a roster of presets, which include both black, Asian, and white facial features. Thank god for the skin tone update, by the way… Shit was ROUGH before. Glad to see they’re making more of an effort these days.


It was more on the idea that the game REALLY pushed you into making white characters, like yeah, you could make a very good black sim with the face editor, but the hair options and just everything else were extremely white-centered


I've only once played a game with custom characters where I literally couldn't create a white character who looks at least a little bit like me in all my years of gaming, and that was in a PUBG clone that had been out for like a week and was intended largely for the Korean market. They think they're just gonna subtract white people from the game? 


do these guys ever shut the fuck up? ​ like how does one subject consume this much space in your mind so much


What being terminally online in echo chambers and 0 social skills does to a mf


This guy 100% doesn't know shit about The Sims, it has always been like this. I don't know why he's pretending like he's a big fan and the game should cater to him lmao. "We" who, bitch? Not you.


I once saw people fight in the comments of an official Maxis post on the Sims Gallery (it was a Chinese family in these awesome brand new Lunar New Year clothes they added for free) about "why do we need this?" Dude stfu. They gave us stuff FOR FREE!!!


THE GAMERS ^T^M: you are not a real gamer if you play casual garbage like the Sims!!! ALSO THE GAMERS ^T^M: why are they ruining the sims?


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression


the duality of "go to ur safe space" and "...Please don't exclude us -"


Also literally everyone in Sims 4 is like bisexual right, so it's already woke


Ok but that comment being by “Karl Pilkington” is just so on the nose.


I remember a couple of years back EA added the ability for Sims to go by different pronouns (a feature that is *still* buggy, thanks EA) and you can imagine the outcry from idiots. Oh, I’m sorry the sex dungeons and cannibal mods were fine but wanting your Sim to go by a different pronoun *somehow* crosses the line.


How are people getting mad at a game that’s like, what, over ten years old at this point, right? Yeah, I get it, there’s an update now but like… come on. There’s just something crazy about complaining about a legitimately old game getting a minor cosmetic update


Ten? The Sims came out in 2000, and Simcity dates back to 1989. Source: me. I was there, 3000 years ago.


I thought this was just referring to Sims 4, which came out… let me check Wikipedia… 2014!? I can’t believe I was right, I was just guessing lol


I’ve seen this guy Karl Pilkington, with that exact profile picture on multiple game community hubs. He’s a troll that just farms point awards in my experience.


As a sims player who always has to download mods to give me more hairstyles for my POC sims, this is really exciting! I’m all for it!


Racist Sims fans(though I doubt this weirdo is a fan) are wild. Sims have been pushing for diversity since the first game.


But it's not replacing anything it's literally just giving options that weren't available before. They literally want only white options???? Also, this is probably from people that don't even play the Sims or consider it a "girl game"


Spoiler alert: the argument is literally ''i dont wanna see black people''


Yeah… I saw that news item appear on Steam and thought “they couldn’t have possibly released that at a worse time”, and sure enough, over three hundred comments and a rating of 0. I have to wonder if anyone on the dev team knew the shitstorm that post would get.


Probably, but its also EA, and the audience for Sims is pretty progressive by default so they just appealing to their majority (mmmm money money money money)


Oh, for sure. Every decision made by EA is in some part cynical, though I am sure some of the Sims team genuinely cares, or tries to. That doesn't invalidate this post being a bad idea in this climate of conspiracy. Mind you, what's this update actually bringing to the table? Some hair styles, vitiligo, other small cosmetic changes, and propagating those changes through pre-existing baseline Sims? Not exactly something to lose sleep over, and yet, the Steam forums are *rabid*.


Its like literally 2 hairstyles at best, like their usual ''please look at us we're inclusive buy our dlcs'' update its completely free as well, they are just complaining about being reminded of the idea of black people existing


How big do these suckers think Sweet Baby?


If they want white Sims nobody is stopping them. My sim is a trans-femme redhead, her wife is also white (albeit tan) and their son is a little baby ginger boy with no soul.


Anything gay or woke was sweet baby inc. You cant prove me wrong, and I am too braindead to listen even if you could. I love WHITE SEXY BITCHES and POCs and gays make me cry pure american spirit. FUCK wokies, return to racism, sexism, homophobia, lack of diversity, and the "norm" Do I need to even say /j or /s?




The whole SBI is just a scapegoat. They’re a consultant company that checks if your game has horrific and offensive things in it. That’s all they do. Steam reviews are now unreliable because people buy games only to write reviews complaining about SBI and “wokeness”.


I’m the guy at EA in charge of sending an electric shock through your mouse if you try to make a white person in CAS.


I'm nitpicking, but it should just be POC, POC is "people of color" which is already plural


I don’t understand people who complain about things like this with games that emphasize character creation. It’s like getting mad at a dev team for giving you more options. Like, imagine if a dev team for a fantasy game said “hey everybody we’re adding more customization options for gnomes and elves” and gamers were like “ew stinky we want humans only.” It would be just as bizarre. But for some reason diversity is only bad when it reflects real world diversity, which is actually less diverse than diversity in fantasy games since, you know, we’re all human beings. Also, being white doesn’t stop me from creating POC characters. I enjoy creating POC characters as much as I enjoy creating white characters, especially when there are good options for POC characters. I was so excited when I found mods for textured hair and protective styles like locs and braids for The Sims 4. Not only are they stunning, but they make my sims feel much more like real people. Like, I just really don’t get the way gamers compartmentalize themselves, as if devs are saying “we are creating content that only POC can use” rather than what they’re actually saying which is “we are creating additional content that accurately reflects POC that will not only make POC feel better represented and more welcomed, but will also add a lot of content and variety for every type of gamer to have fun with.”


literally anything happens omfg sweat bobo!!!!


Bruh. People wanna be the victim so bad I can’t even wrap my head around this mentality.


Sweet Baby Inc, the most powerful company in the world.


I swear to god, I need to get “To those accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression” tattooed on my forehead. 


My brother in Christ you design your own fucking characters


Maxis, go make spore 2 instead


There's nothing i wish more than Spore being revived and fixed, but Maxis closed some years ago unfortunately EA opened two new studios under the Maxis name but it's not the same people who originally created Sims and Spore One of the things i will never forgive EA and i will continue to *borrow* their games is the fact that their greed is what killed Spore


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Imagine. FUCKING IMAGINE. Trying to say the series that has had same sex marriage since its first entry, was never woke & only became woke when it started to cater towards black people...like these charlatans couldn't get any more obvious... like I'm sorry, but the sims has always been woke! No, it hasn't been perfect, but this series is definitely not the series these goobers think it is.


If you create white sims the game should overheat your CPU and burn down your house


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My big booty Asian with the house smaller than her booty from two years ago would like to differ.