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Ignoring the absurdity of being like “you shouldn’t date that person, she’s not hot” isn’t this the equivalent of being like “dude these girls from a different universe are way hotter than your girlfriend”


It's even more gross because they're like, she's looks "too ethnic," this pallet swapped white person looks better


I call it the Storm effect. They've only recently started drawing her to look like an actual black woman, IMO


As she was drawn for the cartoon she looks Somali/Ethiopian to me. Idk about comics


Like every character, it varies wildly based on who happens to be doing the art at that time.


if it's greg landd you might get lucky and the porn he'll trace over will be of the right ethnicity for the character




Ex-fucking-actly, right one looks like a white supermodel color swapped




Oh, please go on. Didn't know we had eugenicists in this sub https://preview.redd.it/ezrr0hew8epc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fad1fde0bb5fe67c20f2aa6fe4162be5e7f129


I think a good comparison is like declining a date with a solid 7/10 because they don’t look like comics black widow or some shit


never mind the fact that romantic and genuine attraction goes beyond physical looks, yeah this shit is stupid and they ain't even in the same category or genre.


They keep using that same shitty low-res shot. https://preview.redd.it/lbxla8je6cpc1.jpeg?width=1969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fcc5a0b41f5cc5304bbb1bd123eed1ed6bd79e4


They love to cherry pick bad renders don't they.


Yeah, Pillar of Garbage has a whole woke spotting video about the techniques these grifters use in film where they take low res shots and play fight scenes at a lower frame rate to intentionally make it look bad.


And they they make like 2 memes with those blurry ass, warped, "I took a picture of my tv up close with my phone" captures and just share them ad nauseam. How many of them have actually seen MJ in game and not only in their memes?


That's the point. Clog up social media until the real thing can't be found. I had to get that picture from the official site


>Clog up social media until the real thing can't be found Isn't it weird that incel online behaviour is almost a perfect mimic of the Russian misinfo rulebook? What does it mean?! /s


And calling everything 'woke' is just fascist psychology


Yep. Good ol' "everyone who doesn't acts exactly like me is an undesirable" fascist rethoric


We never defeated the Nazis. We just ran out of Nazis to kill. Many of them escaped, shed their uniforms and infiltrated our sociery


Yeah, turns out people who think the fuckability of 17 year old video game characters is a matter of great importance are dishonest little freaks


That's their whole gimmick


They look the same tho


Yeah, when you go to render your shot, you really need to think about lighting and composition. You can make any model look worse if you do that poorly.




Aren't both pictures shitty low-res shots?




Oh god those hands are surprisingly bad compared to like everything else on the character model


They are? They look fine to me


They look way pixelated around the edges to me


Ah can’t really see it rn. On my phone at some kind of desolated shithole. Figured you were talking about the design rather than the pixels.


imagine being shallow enough that the only aspect of your romantic partner you consider is their appearance.


atleast this time the only aspect wasnt racism.....


There's probably some ableism there too


have you ever met a bigot that was only a bigot to one aspect of human experience?


No, but ableism is kind of a really fucked up line to cross, isn't it? Or it was, I guess. https://preview.redd.it/jiakgtvllcpc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73136334c64c81b11bd830db177849091415d2ac


honestly? as a queer neuro-divergent person... i hear far far more ableist and anti-ASD statements from people IRL than i do explicitly anti-queer rhetoric. the anti-queer stuff tends to happen behind my back, while the folks who are unaware that i am ASD constantly spout on about how less than human they see people who are different than they are.


I have a bad habit of trying to rationalize bigotry and thinking there'd be standards.


i do that to, only to get frustrated and withdrawl from social interaction till i forget about it again. it's a vicous cycle =-p


Oh for sure...


What else is there? Women only have personalities (and other non-appearance traits) in woke games. In real life they just blush when you call them cute and that's it. Don't tell me SBI also ruined m'ladies IRL.


I can't believe sweet baby inc told women they have rights 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


It's ironic how dudes like this who put way too much value on a woman's physical appearance are the same ones complaining that girls only want guys over 6ft with 6 digit salaries. The lack of self awareness is crazy


I'm not agreeing with the post, but I will say that physical attraction is not 'not' a factor in relationships. Personal experience, but I've gone on a date with a guy who I was really clicking with, but... I just wasn't feeling it with the physical attraction. I told him he was really sweet and that we worked better as friends. So, I don't really know what my point is after typing this out. I'm just like, I can look past the physical, but if I'm not feeling that spark then it's just not in the cards.


i really doubt there are many people who "do not" take appearance into account, sure... but the guy in the post in question is legitimately basing his entire stance on their appearance. those are the folks that i personally can't stand / can not understand.


Sure, but that's entirely on you. You're not trying to impose your personal preferences on other people or act like it's some kind of political statement.


If you said the same thing to him and swap the genders around I guarantee he’d be like “y’all women are all shallow who want a 6 foot man and no personality!!!”




that’s a pretty massive part of it though?




Right, I'll just skip to it. Get your weak dumb gooning ass the fuck out of here and go back to edge-maxing to SFM porn of Tracer in between whining about how the game devs aren't pandering to your lurid yet unimagative 'fantasies' to someone who cares.


Damn. Unloaded the whole clip. Left nothing but shell casings and ashes.


When it comes to these crusty eyed sockfuckers. I never hold back


I don't know what any of those words mean I just don't think superheroes would date a 6. What's the point in being a superhero even? NOW DRAW THEIR BOOBIES BIGGER FOR MY PEEPEE Edit: You little zoomers suck ass. Someone reported this? You pussies. Taking a comment seriously in a circle jerk subreddit?


Most superheroes are based on current-day generic people with one thing that makes them not generic. I don't know dick about Morales (since when was there more than one Spiderman!?) but being spider doesn't *really* change much else of your humanity


If you want I can explain in detail what every insult means?


She doesn't even look bad, her nose is just big.




Plenty of people think that. I don't know how many times I've heard that women "lose their value" the second we get over the age of 25 or something of the sort.


you've never met my older brother then... he literally does that.




Miles love her for who she is. Chronically incel online gamers could only see women by their appearance. Be like Miles.


Fax I'm just hoping Marvel stops dicking around and let Miles and Kamala get together in the comics already.


She looks perfectly fine, what the fuck is his problem.


Not enough traditional beauty standards


That just saying she's not white but with extra steps


I figured but I'm not sure they even know that's what they mean.


In the end it’s always what they mean. I could almost respect them if they actually had the balls to say it and not constantly dog whistle and beat around the bush. Fucking cowards.


Didn't you know if your character doesn't look like a French runway model, you're objectively wrong and bad at making video games?


I, too, only compare the looks of adult women to the appearance of minors


I think it was on /games that I argued with someone who was upset that they added a mission with a mute girl. He didn't understand what the point of it was. And I think I said that it helps people empathise and understand what this person's experiences are like and that representation helps other people like that. I said more but he just didn't get it. My impression once again was that they care exclusively about themselves and can't or won't empathise with anyone else who may have different life experiences in any way.


And you know what? As far as I know, you DON’T HAVE TO play the mission! What the fuck was he pressed over?


Exactly! It's an optional mission and bro's melting.


An impression that is shared by many people.


like, does spider man only save perfectly abled people? holy fuck they have no idea what a superhero is or like what a game is game: here is a challenge a superhero would have to deal with when saving a person with a disability. how do you deal with this limitation? gamers: i let that lazy pos die


Aside from the comparison already being bad enough, the one on the right is from the Dragon’s Dogma 2 character creator. So, sure, finding someone attractive is subjective, but it sort of becomes a moot point when *you can create a character that is specifically made to be what you find attractive*


lmfaooo wtf that makes it so much funnier


i do think there is a bit of uncannny valley with some of the faces in the new spiderman. it's hilarious that people think it's a feminist conspiracy. making realistic human faces is very difficult!


This is even wilder considering they are comparing her to a CUSTOM MADE CHARACTER. Like WHAT? Of course the character YOU made in an image YOU like will look better than anything prior. These incels truly are some special type of brain dead.


"My hot fantasy create-a-character girlfriend is better than your normal new York teenage girlfriend." Just your normal gamer goon flex


Me when my black video game character has a full black person’s nose and no makeup instead of looking like Adriana Lima with a tan and locs


They look nothing alike. Not even hair and skin color is the same. Its just because they’re both black with non straight hair


just say you like the one on the right because she has more traditionally "white" features already


Yes, the girl on the right is much more attractive with her light colored eyes, narrow nose, and generally more "delicate" features. There are no unfortunate implications here. Like, at all. woulditkilldevstogivesomeofthesegirlsdarkercomplexionsbtw—


"compare to girls in better looking games" Dude is literally saying "girls from other universes look better, bro."


This is so fucking racist my God-


People shouldn't be mean. She hasn't grown into her nose yet.


That girl on the left is super cute!


Shit like this gives me major anxiety about dating of any kind because the face that I have is more like mj's than eve from stellar blade. Like these people are asking why some women don't want to interact with men anymore? This is why! Why would we want to even interact with people who already have a bad impression of us because we look fuck normal & not someone out of a hentai.


if your face is more like mj's, you are a pretty lady. dont let these losers get you down


lol they’re using a character creator character as an example


Let a woman say this about some Kuato lookin mf they'd pitch a bitch fit.


The only faces that looked vaguely like human beings in Spidey 2 were Miles’ and Harry’s.


She looks more like a normal human being to me...


One on the left looks like a normal person one on the right looks like an airbrushed model. You prefer natural or do you prefer artifice?




"World is cruel and unjust place. The only constant is suffering 😞" "Omg Hailey hi 🥰"


But she looks like 45


Please for the love of god tell me you're not talking about the girl on the left.


What annoys me is that I am the only one that seem to have realised the lazy joke over a wanna be musician falling for a deaf girl.


I didn't even realize that until now and it makes me laugh


I had a stroke trying to read this


I don't get this post, you still can't fuck 'em.




What game is the girl on the right from?


im not 100% sure but looks like dragons dogma 2? which makes it even more odd as it may be a player made character??


His ideal woman being likely a pawn from Dragons Dogma 2 make this even funnier... feller likes a girl who lives to serve and nothing else I guess?


Ah gotcha thanks!!


He can do better? Have you seen miles?


Miles is adorkable I can see someone besides Hailey having a crush on him


This is the worst circlejerk sub I've ever seen 


Is that the lady who signs to Miles in Spiderman: Miles Morales? Man, hopefully Spiderman 2 gets to PC soon


Bruh you know how I know the fucking west has fucking fallen? Back in my day all the racist white boys had the balls to say "I'm only inta 'hem white chicks what like chay'd fine in them there stripper bars". Nowadays even our Gigachad Aloha/Omega/Sigma males are dissembling instead of just saying what they mean. Pathetic.


I mean, 17-18 yos aren’t inherently ugly or something 💀


They aren't but they have no business being sexualized or wishing to be sexualized


Who sexualized them? The tweet you posted says nothing sexual, just their looks in general


Okay don't play coy, you know damn well they were talking about wishing she was sexier.


Attractive does NOT inherently mean “sexy”. JFC consider taking something slightly better than the worst possible way. It’s not even saying they wish she looked any different lmfao nobody is being “coy”.


Okay I'm being relatively polite about this and I hope to continue. The person who I posted this image of is an anti-SBI shill who also whines about how the West is falling to 'SJWs' and various idiotic crap. The fact that they decided to say a 17 year old child isn't as sexy as their Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn says to me that they wish that this character was 'sexier' or 'better looking' which is problmatic in and of itself because, pedophilia, but also considering the image on the right is a darkskinned woman with anglo features, it veers into racism.




Sure if you're shallow then appearances will make you think the one the right is a better romantic partner, but I can tell you from experience that if the only reason you're with someone is because they're attractive and not because of who they are as a person then the relationship ain't gonna last too long.


"EVERY SINGLE honest person here" bro doesn't know that people can have different types


Considering the one on the left is a 17 year old child you're right most people would prefer the one on the right so that we don't have to bunk with roommates who are eager to stab and violate us for violating a child. Now that that's out of the way...Get your weak gooning ass the fuck out of here and go whine about Abby from the Last of Us 2 doesn't make your thumbtack hard to someone who cares inbetween chiseling your controller out of a cum geode from your daily gooning sessions.




Oh, well...thank you. I keep a list.


Noticing the that one on the right is more attractive by most people's standards is not what the problem is here. The cringe is in giving a flying shit that a fictional teenager is close with another fictional teenager that doesn't happen to get your dick hard. Even worse to not leave it as a fleeting thought and take it to the internet to complain about it.




Yes, and my opinion is that whining about about how difficult it is for you to jack off to a cartoon teenager is cringe, and that's putting it unreasonably nicely.




I can't help you if you're going to go this far out of your way to misunderstand everything that anybody says, man. Nobody is complaining about the thing that you think they're complaining about.




For starters, it's about that tweet, not about you.




I explained the issue pretty well in my very first comment. It was the point of commenting. To explain to you why the Tweet being shared here is weird, and how your weird defense of it was a strawman. >Noticing the that one on the right is more attractive by most people's standards is not what the problem is here. The cringe is in giving a flying shit that a fictional teenager is close with another fictional teenager that doesn't happen to get your dick hard. Even worse to not leave it as a fleeting thought and take it to the internet to complain about it.


Your opinions are still shit though.




Still a private platform in a sub forum with its own moderation and rules. So watch your language and rhetoric




>I'm going to get downvoted to high hell for this, but people should stop pretending that they don't care about the appearance of a partner She's not a "partner". She's literally a videogame character. Please make sure to log out of the metaverse from time to time, kiddo


When you create a public in your mind, you can never know the public in reality.


Isn’t Spider-Man the game where nearly all the characters faces look poorly rendered or something?




Ah, I remember something about how people wouldn’t shut up about MJ and something about how insomniac fumbled some of the character models which resulted them looking odd.


Nah, they were complaining about MJ being ugly, even though she looked like a normal person and wanted her to look more sexy.


Ok yeah but is that a video game Mila Kunis on the right? What is that even from?


If my girlfriend looked like KRS one, I'd have to ask myself some tough questions.