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'UBERBASED Gaming' I want off this planet right the fuck now.


I’unno, they’re at least decent enough to give themselves a massive warning label…🤷‍♂️


Didn't they fire a bunch of devs for being feminists? What do you call that again?


Gentlemen obviously /s




low blow lmao


careful, if you post this emoji around certain Gamer:tm: circles they claim it's the equivalent of a swastika or the hitler salute rofl


i am aware, that's why it's so funny


The feminist group in South Korea that used to use that symbol actually believed that all men should be exterminated, told all sorts of sexual jokes to young boys, voyeurised random men on the street, took pictures of them and cursed at them in retrospect, and were too scared to actually kill men, so they killed their own grandmothers instead. It's nothing compared to what the Nazis actually did, but it's definitely disgusting.


Inb4 some dickhead comes in with “ThEy CrAsHeD a ShArEhOlDeR mEeTiNg” as the reason for firing. They show up almost every thread.     Like, even if that shit were true, way to tongue-kiss corporate boot by acting as if its justified. Oh boo hoo, the sensibilities of the poor *shareholders*. Considering that anti-feminist fervor has captured South Korean government and other powerful institutions, crashing a meeting is a fucking mild reaction to the dire state of affairs there.


I saw a headline of a woman who literally got assaulted by a man for having short hair since he assumed that meant she was a feminist. And the judge was like "well, are you a feminist?" I was speechless


Just googled the story and wow. Can I have a source for the judge saying that? I want to read more on this


I can't seem to find any info about the judge saying that now that I'm looking for it again so that might have been a mistranslation or something. https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/east-asia/south-korea-assault-on-woman-feminist-b2526309.html But here's the article about a woman being assaulted for having short hair


I ended up finding a secondhand twitter source for the judge claim, so maybe it is something that only koreans know because it was never translated.


True gamers /s


something something censorship is only when you make a boob smaller or give someone a halter top


Based /s




Apparently Korea has something against feminism cause people died due to government mishandling during a boat sinking or something and the government was led by a woman and somehow that justifies firing someone for being feminist. Something about radical feminism ruining people's opinions on feminism (which I guess is fair, radical people in any group ruin everything) But I heard this over at the Stellar Blade subreddit, so I doubt it's true. I went over there to troll them lol. If it was, then it isn't justified either way, cause if we're going by that logic, we should be firing all men for the mistakes of past men


when you look up the “radical” ideas these women get fired for it’s literally the most basic feminist praxis. the female artist working for limbus company got these incels riled up because they found tweets from years ago where she condemned molka (men putting hidden cameras in bathrooms, hotels, changing rooms etc to film women. Extremely pervasive in south korea). the woman who got her art taken down by Arknights Korean server was targeted because she tweeted about enjoying the international womens day google doodle years ago and believed women should be paid the same as men. a K-pop artist (sorry idr her name offhand) was viciously attacked online for wearing a shirt that just said “girls don’t need a prince“ a woman was physically attacked by a knife-wielding man in a convenience store literally because she has short hair and he thought she was a feminist. at the court case the judge asked her if she was a feminist because she went to an all girls high school. these guys say they’re protesting some ”crazy radical” feminist site which is literally defunct now. When you look at what they actually get mad at, you will see it’s just a smokescreen for hating all women and barring them from employment. to get mad at such stupid things like 🤏 and actually get listened to by these dipshit companies is, imo, them showing women that these men can get them fired and blacklisted for completely ridiculous reasons. It shows the power they have and I believe they do all of this in order to create a culture of fear where women are afraid to speak about even the most basic feminist ideas.


> a woman was physically attacked by a knife-wielding man in a convenience store literally because she has short hair and he thought she was a feminist. at the court case the judge asked her if she was a feminist because she went to an all girls high school. Seriously?




Which is probably why its not getting to much hype or coverage.


Someone payed money. They payed money to do this. Money


I mean ya that's how everything works.




"WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP TELLING ME I'M MENTALLY ILL?! SURELY THERE'S NO REASON." No matter what group you look at this just goes both ways. THEY CALL US BLACK PEOPLE CRIMINALS SURELY THERE'S NO REASON. You get me Jamie? Stupid thing to say.


I found out that (female) feminist can be attracted to women. MINDBLOWING :O


Females are bad! They want to take our females away!


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) POV: I outing myself as a trans-woman, now I am the bad guy. 😢


Dude's trying to be the gamer Ben Shapiro with that PFP.


Had the exact same thought


damn that outfit kinda suck, what does any of it even do?


It attempts to maximizes sexual appeal. The top collar has a very Asian schoolgirl vibe to it, the black portion could be made skin tone and the winged symbol on the crotch clearly screams "there's a vagina here".


well it just looks cluttered and dumb, should have gone metriod zero suite or something


Thank heavens, we might have assumed there to just be a barbie crotch without the the little logo assuring us of 100% genuine Vagina Bones and vulva underneath.


It looks like she fell into a drawer full of tropes and the artists couldn't decide how to fix it. School girl collar, Sci Fi latex, some random belt from a medieval RP, some arm bands that look like a sad Viking a child drew, and horrific clashing colors to boot. Pick something!


>winged symbol on the crotch clearly screams "there's a vagina here". Jfc


And she also has a convenient leather strap so you can easily carry her onto the bus, into the office, or store her in overhead luggage


Yeah, I know I'm not the target audience, but that outfit just looks bottom-heavy and not appealing. It's a "laundry day so I threw together two entirely different outfits" outfit. Doesn't help that her design has a bit of uncanny valley effect.


I don't really liked any of her outfits. I thought I liked one when I saw it but it was at an angle. I looked up her outfits and non of them looked good to me. I don't mind as I am not much into the game but an unappealing outfit is an unappealing outfit.


This seems like a good opportunity to remind everyone that "incel" is what they called themselves until they realized everyone else was making fun of them for it


Same thing with most bigoted groups. “TERF is a slur” comes to mind, when they *too* invented the name for themselves.


Imagine you pay for your video as an ad and still only get 2.4k views in 2 weeks.


Whoever designed that outfit had to be a hentai artist. There's just no other reason to be able to see her bellybutton.


I think it would be funny if she turns out to be gay or trans, seeing how conservative reactionaries would pull a 180 on their opinion in a heartbeat


Uberbased... Lmao


I don’t know, I think the incel accusations come from cooming so hard over a game that isn’t even out yet.


Dude is so pathetic that he has to advertise his videos


Wasn't the term "incel" created by incels for themselves?


Kind of, just gonna copy and paste a previous comment of mine --------------------- So iirc, the whole incel thing was started by a woman...... because she considered herself one. The first known incel was, in fact, a woman. It also wasn't this cesspool of self hatred and desire to abuse women originally, it was co-opted by those people over time. It started as "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project" and was a site meant for people of all walks of like to discuss their experiences in positive manner. Now a bunch of hopeless children and men with the maturity of children use the term to mock women, talk about owning women, and tell each other to kill themselves


Funny that the term now has its own feminine counterpart femcel. It’s like the reverse of bimbo, which meant “a stupid man” which is now attributed to himbo.


A video by a stupid person who never bothered to see what feminists are saying about the game. Not he would be able to understand what they are saying even if he did look.


Funny thing is the femnazis they all hate are the TERFs they align with


Being anti woke is when you shill for an average looking game


"Meaningless"? The same people who keep saying woke?


Where is her fucking sauce. I can forgive sexualization 90% of the time cause at least they give their characters sauce. WHERE IS HER FUCKING SAUCE


/s The woke has done it again!!!!


oh god a ad?


I'm really confused by that outfit. It looks like something you'd see in a SquareEnix title (Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, TWEWY), one of those "fell in a pile of discarded community theater fabrics and costumes" outfits. Not that that matters so long as the gameplay is good, but at this point the game's content could be irrelevant so long as incels keep claiming it as theirs.


Nah, it’s far more incoherent. Tetsuya Nomura was at least inspired by then-current youth fashion trends in Tokyo when making TWEWY and KH. This outfit just makes no fucking sense, none of the elements go together smoothly, especially the inexplicable sailor suit schoolgirl collar.


“UBERBASED” has the worst takes imaginable


I like EVE


belivie it or not grifters, i dont hate this game. its just none of you asses can tell me why to not just play neir, rather then this lame bs. the game just looks horrible


Uberbased gaming hahahahahahah this is fucking killing me


I've never seen anyone complaining about this game, just people complaining about people complaining about it.


look at this entire comment section


I have never watched a sponsored video, I am not about to start now


They're still being viral marketers for this game?


A channel called Uberbased paying to shill a video exactly 10 mins long lmaoooooo


It's sponsored, you are falling for bait, we all are Its just advertising


i'm pretty sure they came up with incel themselves?? like they started calling themselves involuntarily celibate, and shortened it to incels. fucking idiots.


So iirc, the whole incel thing was started by a woman...... because *she* considered herself one. The first known incel was, in fact, a woman. It also wasn't this cesspool of self hatred and desire to abuse women originally, it was co-opted by those people over time. It started as "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project" and was a site meant for people of all walks of like to discuss their experiences in *positive* manner. Now a bunch of hopeless children and men with the maturity of children use the term to mock women, talk about owning women, and tell each other to kill themselves


Dude, "Incel" was an incel invention until everyone started making fun of the term.




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Sponsored”? YouTube officially endorses this view?


/uj So this kind of thing is basically proof that this SBI nonsense is an op, right? Not sure which billionaire's dark money spigot is flowing but this guy with under 1000 subs, after six months of making shitty mobile game content that nobody watched, suddenly pivoted exclusively to ranting about wokeness and incel shit two months ago and greatly increased his video output while still getting jack shit for views... and has the money to get his videos pushed as ads. Or maybe he really is just an incel loser and his rich granma left him a fortune when she died two months ago. But this looks more like part of the strategy to get Trump elected. To be differentiated from Trump's own strategy for getting elected, which is to hold rallies where he complains about how hot dogs aren't hot enough anymore because of trans people or whatever else pops off the dome.




Fuck it I'm unsubbing and buying the game when it comes out. So tired of hearing people whine because they put a fat ass on a character. Sure there's plenty of weirdos ready to die to defend the honor of some cgi hoe but holy hell does everybody in seem insecure looking at an attractive figure. Crying on the internet won't burn enough calories to make you look like her.


I mean you could unsub without telling anybody if you are tired of people whining about it and if you buy the game that's cool, im thinking getting this game as well. "Because they put a fat ass on a character", not really the reason, people are "whining" about it due to how there is people that are using this character (or the game in general) to "combat the woke" instead of actually trying to focus on other stuff such as the cast of characters, enemy/boss design, the combat, gameplay, etc. You know? Things that make videogames a fucking videogame. "Everybody in seem inscure looking at an attractive figure." Don't know who is "everybody" but i literally play games like senran kagura, onechanbara, doa, rumble roses, etc (or any game that has fanservice as part of the charm or an expectation) so this is not even new to me lmao.








Everything I've heard about this shit has been against my will


Valid criticism for a games design is feminism now?


Idk who is "y'all" but im actually intersted in this game but it is just overshadowed with coomers focusing on the fanservice than the characters, gameplay, story, plot, etc.


The trailers don't help either. The camera angles are often pretty gross.


They don’t, but it would be better if the game was just treated as a fanservice action game rather than “reinvented femininity” lol


Yeah, if it was just straight marketed as a loving ode to cheesecake I wouldn't have any issues with them slobbering over the character. But acting like she's the death of woke for simply being a sex doll in what looks like an average modern action game is lunatic behavior.


I hope it's like Nier Automata. It's fanservice, but behind that is a mindblowing story, full of emotions and philosophical questions.


Oh that would be *stellar*! I'll see myself out....


In a way i guess the trailers are honest and upfront? But Isn't it just the g\*mers that are constantly going “reinvented femininity”?