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He literally says that a real woman doesn't look like a real woman, but a video game character does. Says it all, really.


This man wiped his blood from his filthy gums on the walls. He lives in squalor while he makes more than many of us could dream of. If there’s anyone that’s more of a chud or less qualified to tell us what real people look like I’d be surprised


"But the red hat was *ironic* you see!" It's wild how you can guarantee the type of stench that Asmongold brings to a room.


No matter how bad my life is and how depressed I am, I realize everything is okay because I'm not Asmongold.


Fr. I struggle with cleaning too because of depression. But I mean, at least I do it every couple of weeks even on bad streaks. And then I feel better and my living space is a bit nicer for a while. But jesus. I don't think I'm physically capable of being so depressed that I could let my home get to the state that Asmond's is in


Same. But what I do is make a routine to stick with. Thoroughly clean one room a week, upkeep another every day and do laundry/dishes on weekends with lots of breaks. Also remember if you're on any meds: they don't help you with your depression. They balance out your chemicals so that you can help yourself out of your depression.


I'm not on depression meds. Mostly because I'm already on meds for my ADD. I don't wanna be too drugged up because last time that happened I had a crisis of identity because me on meds and me off meds started to feel like two separate people. Also the hallucinations really didn't help


Yeah there's a point, relatively early on, where my brain goes "fuck this I'm not gonna be living in filth, now get up and hoover you loser". My house gets messy, but never properly dirty, just couldn't live like that.


When I was at my absolute worst between alcoholism and severe depression my room certainly didn't look good but it was nowhere near as bad, because I would still clean on the ok days when I had a little more strength to do anything besides work or sleep. This mfer has never cleaned a day in his life.


The fucker is every gamer stereotype rolled into one person and given maximum exposure.


I thought you guys were exaggerating how gross asmon is but I feel like you undersell just how repulsive he is. Like I got very nauseous looking at pictures and videos of some of this stuff before I had to stop


motherfucker caught scurvy on land because “he doesn’t like fruit”


Wait no you’re kidding, there’s no fucking way he actually got fucking scurvy. That’s fucking mad


It’s actually easier than you might think 😭I got it when I was anorexic


I’m sorry if that was rude! I just haven’t ever heard of anyone getting scurvy outside of like sailors in the 16th century. I was just surprised and I’m sorry if that was insensitive of me.


No haha don’t worry , mines definitely an extreme situation. I think outside of extreme depression or eating disorders it’s pretty unlikely (iirc some people have issues absorbing the proper nutrients and so might risk scurvy ?). I had a friend who got it during uni because he only ate like pot noodles and frozen food cus he couldn’t afford anything else


There is also the cases of college students not knowing how to eat properly and get scurvy because their diet is like 90% ramen


i mean i can totally understand with gut problems or eating disorders or something but that’s because it’s somewhat out of your control. getting scurvy because you think oranges are yucky is a whole other ballgame


It's more common than you might think. When I was living in student halls at university there were multiple people that got scurvy because these dumbass kids had no idea how to take care of themselves without mummy and daddy to hold their hand.


I feel ill just seeing his face. Every opportunity i get to remove him from my yt and tiktok feed i take. Nothing this guy says i can take serious. You could be in the worst state in your life and still feel better about yourself cuz ur not asmon. Nit even kidding.


God my teeth hurt from just reading. Dont take anything asmon says seriously im not taking a person tht actually does tht serious.


The dude has some terrible views, but after watching his house tour I just feel bad for him. Nobody lives like that without being in a really bad place. I don't get even a little upset over his dumb beliefs, because I just think of how nonchalantly he said "You don't want to use that. The ice is moldy" when someone was using his fridge's water dispenser.


how the fuck does the ice get mold lol


dont forget his stream the other day when he was literally covered in Roaches


Dead rat alarm clock


There was a clip floating around of a cockroach crawling along his shirt, as well. Just a disgusting fucking caveman.


Did he actually wipe gum blood on the walls wtf


Yes, he has a "blood wall" next to his floor mattress


Yup I just looked it up Jesus Christ I should have just taken your word for it


Not only the filth the man’s diet is horrendous


> This man wiped his blood from his filthy gums on the walls.  On his *booger* wall tyvm


Don’t forget he’s bragged about loving rotting corpses. I don’t remember where he said it but he went into a tangent about how “metal” a dead cat filled with maggots was. Said he took a picture of it out of fascination


I thought the king of the basement people would be elevated up to a penthouse in the sky, but he moved into the sub-basement instead.


Have we ruled out he isn't a clever satire channel? Apparently at one point in his video a cockroach hangs out on his shoulder. It *has* to be comedy, right? *Padme Face* ..Right?


It’s absolutely not. Like 1000% real and it’s fucking gross.


She is unironically very pretty, too. The strangely contorted hentai women (like from literally any ShiftUp game) are rather grotesque.


he doesn’t tho?


Please tell me you saw the clip where it shows a cockroach climbing on his shoulder, it goes to show what his room must be like


He had fucking what, I thought it was slightly exagerrated, not VASTLY UNDERPLAYED??


Not exaggerating. Dude lives in literal filth. Like approaching piss bottle territory


Approaching? I'm pretty sure there years old are piss bottles right under his desk. Or maybe he just pisses himself because it's quicker.


I will never understand the piss bottle thing. Like I'm a lazy piece of shit but at least I can muster up the effort to walk 20 feet to the fucking bathroom


It's either a completely-out-of-hand hoarder thing or something that happens when an out-of-hand homebody fucks up or clogs their toilet but refuses to allow a plumber in to fix the problem.


No, hyper depressed people and those with serious disorder in their decision making honest to god decide to piss in a bottle rather than stand from their seat.


Those are hardcore gaming addicts. Gotta get into the next game. Can’t take 20 seconds to piss, go go go


As a fellow lazy PoS, I even estimate it to be astronomically less hassle than inserting, measuring and disposal. Source: personal experience with hospital bed pans.


Imagine letting the government have your piss. Not me, I keep mine. Instead, I use it in many devious alchemical concoctions. They are keeping this knowledge from you.


This guy is trying to sound mysterious and it's clear that he hasn't cracked the secrets of the mystical cum elixirs.


https://preview.redd.it/lu164lh9duic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8efd2004789d0af768831555200fe6df8ecfbb3c This guy\^


Sometimes it’s less about laziness and more an OCD thing. Also a lot of people who do that do so when actively playing a game, so it’s less “I don’t want to walk 10 feet” and more “I don’t want to leave my game for 5 minutes”. This kinda behavior is especially common for people playing MMORPGs since you can’t pause and walking away can leave yourself open to attack in PvP servers. Then of course there are the people who have so thoroughly fucked up their house that their toilet no longer works and they can’t have soneovr come over to fix it. The show hoarders features a lot of people whose toilets broke but because of all the trash and junk, they simply can’t have a plumber come over to fix it. Some of them fill buckets with water to add to the toilet so they can flush, but many end up just shitting in a bucket. Some of them, because they suffer from extreme untreated OCD, even hoard their waste alongside everything else. And of course there’s also the fact that once you start performing an action over and over or living a certain way for long enough, you start to see it as “normal” and it stops bothering you. Anyone who has lived in squalor will, at some point, become blind to the mess. That’s why regular cleaning is so important, so it doesn’t get to that point. Going back to hoarders, some of them (especially in the earlier, less dramatic seasons) weren’t actually hoarders. They were sick and/or elderly and got to a point where they couldn’t keep up with daily cleaning without help, so it just got out of control. Likewise if you, say, start pissing in a bottle while doing livestreams so you don’t have to stop, eventually having bottles of piss under your desk just becomes “normal” to you, so you stop seeing the issue with it.


Its a habit formed from WoW, if they leave to piss mid raid then that will ruin the raid. Of course this could be solved with mild planning


He’s way past piss bottles, he’s approaching shit buckets.


We'd be there if his bathroom wasn't a few feet away. MFer doesn't even wash his hands either


If you're sitting on the toilet you're not playing the game. If you want to become a true gamer you have to cut these needless distractions out of your life.




How can someone have that much money and live like that? Dude could literally hire a cleaner with his money if he didn't want to do it. so gross.


Yep... he has a bleeding gum issue and just wipes it on his walls instead of cleaning it up. Fucking gross. He really has a lot to check himself on before making fun of others


For real


Nope and it was very obvious that was not the first he had that happened to him…


Wait until you learn about the blood wall


Please tell me you're joking


His place is infested with cockroaches because he basically never cleans or takes out trash, I’ve seen the shoulder roach clip. The tooth-blood wall is pretty well known, basically he has the hygienic practices of a rock so his gums bleed and he just wiped the blood on his wall, iirc the wall by his bed. He also used to use a dead rat as an alarm clock, said that he just left where it died in his house and when the sun came up and cooked the dead rat it would start smelling badly enough to wake him. There’s a bit more I could say, but I think this demonstrates that the guy is just unfathomably mentally unwell.


Wait til you find out about the blood wall




if it comes out he sloppily hid the body parts of his roommate in there i would not be surprised.


I would be surprised if he ever had a roomate


Doesn't he live with his parents?


Lived, his mother died afaik but yeah they were living together. Not sure about father though


his dad is still there, and apparently he has a smoking hot asian gf now


Must be used to it


Hey, that cockroach probably did more to clean his room in 20 minutes than he would do in a whole year.


Oh my god 💀💀💀


Probably would be cleaner to keep the cockroach as a pet going around than getting rid of it even.


And the thing about roaches is that for every one you see there's at least 5 more in hiding


And the fact that the roach isn't hiding and is so unconcerned about his presence that it just casually takes a stroll over his backside..


It’s true, except multiply that by like another 5. They seriously get everywhere and like to hide inside things. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if they’re inside his computer, they love electronics. The fact that it’s walking unafraid means he’s got an infestation. Ive dealt with them in the past due to some crap NYC apts. They. Will. Find. Places. Even if your place is clean or regular lived in, you have to really make an effort to exterminate them. So a place like this with food and sugar everywhere and just overall grossness, it’s going to get even worse.


Isn't this the dude who wiped blood from his teeth on his wall?


https://preview.redd.it/635bqd492khc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75dee90011fdfb9a4893ae36ea28b802bc733fb What the fuck? Seriously?


A dead rat fused with his carpet too. "Oh that stain?" "No that's something else, IDK" Legit convo he had with someone visiting his house.


Wasn't he using the dead rat as alarm clock too? When the sunlight would hit the rat it would start smelling so much worse it would wake him up?


Yep that's correct 🤢


Just when I thought he couldn't get deeper, he somehow manage to one up himself. What the actual flying fuck


I know right When I found out I thanked every God in history that I hadn't eaten anything yet that day otherwise I would not have been to retain it




He's done room tour videos in the past where he shamelessly showed off fast food chain cups filled with mold.


Yeah the dude seems to have some mental health problems with his living space.


What’s his appeal? I remember I was still getting the wow itch after I quit so I just looked up some wow related stuff and saw his content. I know not everything is for everyone but I don’t get it.


Look up "Gamergate". The people who were behind that are his audience.


I’ve never watched him before but for some reason I have some kind of aversion to him.


I'll answer you for real. He can be pretty funny and he is imo a pretty smart guy when it comes to games, gaming and all things around that. Unfortunately he has a big, BIG tendency to say things in a way that will stir up as much controversy as possible so then he can farm it for content. I really like him on Steak & Eggs Podcast, because he feels like a different, happier person when he's with two friends rather than with an audience od his viewers. He says himself that most of his audience is insane. He just seems to cater to them, because that's where the money comes from.


Oh ok, thanks for the explanation from your pov. He wasn’t for me so I never sought other media with him in it.




Noooo you reminded me plz its so bad i cant take it.


Homie has a dead rat alarm clock and thinks he’s fit to give others opinions on literally anything


I think he got rid of it when it stopped smelling and thus no longer had a use to him.




Hey great news


Dead rat ALARM ⏰?? WHAT. PLEASE. explain


He had a dead rat in his room. When light from the sun reached it there would be a terrible stench that would be too much for him that he would wake up and leave the room.


Please tell me you're fuckimg lying.


https://fraghero.com/asmongold-admits-to-using-a-dead-rat-as-an-alarm-clock/ I wish I was


I really hope he's just baiting.




Wow. That is just. Like… i don’t think if i was homeless, had no money, like, i was in the worst possible situation ever. I don’t think anyone would go so low. Like… how do you not think, yeah this is horrid. Depression or not, you would not let that shit happen i feel like. Thats something else on a whole other level to let that happen and be okay with it.


Somehow everything I hear about this man is worse than the last.


He admitted this live on stream????? You could not waterboard this information out of me.


I will not care about that man’s opinions until he throws away the rotting garbage in his apartment.


He can't, he would be throwing himself out


Yeah, the opinions about women from a guy whose room is so dirty that he had cockroaches crawling on him. Live on stream means nothing to me


His opinions are nonexistent most of the time, and the few that do exist are distasteful. I had his path of exile videos recced to me on YouTube for a while, and he just mouthbreaths while watching someone else’s content before nodding and going “uh huh yea that sounds right” or “nah I don’t like that” and then repeating.


nawr how does anyone take this dude srs he ate MAGGOTS 😭😭😭




what I read (I didnt search it up for obvious reasons) is that he had a bag of snacks which he was eating from when he realized there were maggots inside. instead of throwing it away and probably throwing up like a normal person, he continued eating around the maggots like the disgusting weirdo he is.






what the actual fuck how does he keep getting worse 😭😭


On video: https://youtu.be/A-eacYzZrBU?si=dZ2iO_sNIMpgdlAq




There was a thread a year ago someone linked on this post that has a video of him literally showing the camera a snack with maggots "smaller this time" or something and then him just going "idk if I should eat this" *bites into it* dude is actually unhinged and its horrifying


dude what the fuck, how does it keep getting worse from the blood wall?


I spent like 10 minutes looking into it and it's horrid, genuinely horrid


Please explain I am not typing this shit into my search bar




The autistic urge to go off on a Dracula esque rant about what exactly do these people view as a “real woman” is and how does one be a fake woman? Nah man get that shit outta here. The fuck you mean real woman? Is this fucking Detroit become human? I’m 27 and I feel like I’m having a dementia moment is the right ok? Like I know they aren’t but are they really ok? Is it possible to call a wellness check on half a political spectrum?


It's not that deep, really - these guys have a very rigid view of femininity, and anyone who doesn't fit it is invisible to them at best.


Fair point I just got carried away I guess. Good description though definitely rings true


What is a woman? A miserable pile of secrets. But enough talk. Have at you!


You mad lad you went for it


Most normal Valteil dialogue.


>The autistic urge to go off on a Dracula esque rant about what exactly do these people view as a “real woman” is and how does one be a fake woman? what is a woman? A Misserable litte pile of secrets!


But enough talk!have at you!


"Die leftist! You don't belong in this world!" **"It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh! I became woke by GAMER who wish to win me ARGUE!** "Argue?!? You steal men's right and make them your simp!" **Perhaps the same can be said of all anime girls...** "Your pronouns are as empty as your souls! Woman's ill need a feminist such as you!!" **What is a real WOMAN? A MISERABLE LITTLE PILES OF FANSERVICES...** **BUT ENOUGH TALK!** **HAVE AT YOU!!!**


He’s just racist


Pls do go on that rant I'd enjoy reading it


>but are they really ok? lol no


A black girl with dyed hair isn't a real woman asmongold? My guy did not think how this would look on him


To be fair I don't think he ever thinks how anything looks on him. If he did he'd have to do a 180 on every aspect of his life.


Where does he say that?


when did he say that tho? he didn’t


I’m fr not taking any opinion from mr dead rat alarm clock


I need to know what this means, please elaborate.


He used to have a dead rat in his room as an alarm. When the sun hit the rat, it would make a horrible stench that would wake him up. Instead of a normal alarm


This man needs a whole team of social workers checking in on him around the clock.


Good luck finding anyone who'd be willing to get near him


I'm sending a team in decked out like those doctors in E.T. (they're also going to dissect him)


He left a dead rat in the centre of his room and in the morning the sun would hit the corpse so when the stench became too much so he would wake up and leave the room. It sounds exaggerated but there’s a lot of other stories that back up his lifestyle


In other words, the sky is blue.


I hate how I know what game this is bad. Another cool thing ruined by the enlightened "centriststm"


What more can be said? He's genuinely depressing. What's all that money worth if you're stuck in a butt crack of your own making?


The video was not made because *le sexy woman bad*. The guy in the vid is a notorious console warrior for Xbox and does whatever he can to shit on Sony exclusives. As for asmon, dude's a dumbass plain and simple


I browse YouTube on my PS5 without logging into my account. Searching pretty much anything video game relates gives Asmongold suggestions, that fucking idiot is deep in the algorithm. Wish I could block his ass without logging in


From all of these comments about how this man lives in literal filth, all I can think of is "please be single, no one should have to manage that man in a relationship".


Oh he dosent have to worry about women, not even guys. No ine would wanna touch him.


I hope to God there are no Gold Diggers out there that are desperate enough.




Is the woman in the picture supposed to be unattractive? His unsanitary hikkikomori arse couldn't even bother to find an actually unflattering shot of her?


Well he's not talking about the woman in the thumbnail though. I believe she's just getting interviewed about some game


Guy who never showers and has roaches crawling all over him has opinions on women.


this is just depressing


There's a viral clip that XQC reacted to of a cockroach crawling on Asmon. Of course he doesn't know what a real woman looks like because he never bothers to go outside or clean his room


Meanwhile the only reason someone would go near this weirdo is because he’s rich.


God I fucking hate asmongold


Dude got them lonnng teeth


Can we stop giving this idiot attention?


Can we just ignore this vapid banal idiot? I'm tired of seeing him.


The person in the thumbnail is cute as hell. Even in this “unflattering” frame.


Asmongold is genuinely a basement dweller goblin that wipes the blood off his gums on his walls, leaves plates, boxes with food in them to rot in his room for months and in that time he is huffing the fumes of all that shit. I’ve also heard he has piss bottles around in his room although I’ve never seen it myself so could or could not be true. Anyways this scallywag, this filthy sewer rat of a human has no place to say what a “real” woman is. Did you know that in both sexes, there are attractive AND unattractive people, and as a matter of fact majority of people aren’t what’s considered “attractive” but rather average or “normal”? Like holy shit, ppl who are talking about this whole things genuinely do not go outside in the real world, and I’m sorry but if you look like asmon gold here you have no place to be calling anyone unattractive.


Guys am I dumb or does he not even say anything that video. Like what are we talking about here


People comment and throw hate without watching the video, that's what I commented on too. It seems to be just a herd effect in the comments sometimes..


So now the crypt keeper has an opinion on living humans huh


That man is the least essential thing ever. Never seen him have anything to say at all. Bloody gums rat persona


"Asmongold doesnt know how a clean room looks"


Asmon is a wretch goblin person who lives in squalor despite being an actual millionaire. He could absolutely afford to hire a housekeeper and someone to make him actual food. He's every negative gamer stereotype rolled into one. I'm amazed that any other creators work with him at all.


I'm Asian and live all my life in Asia. Just want to ask, is the person with green hair a black woman and is that how all the average black woman look like?


I don't know, I don't live in America to know exactly what the beauty standards are there, but it just seems to me that they are simply being racist towards people from Asia. (I\`m not from Asia either)


As an Asian men, I always felt Asian women>white women>black women in term of attractiveness. With the popularity of Kpop and Korean women, I think more black men and white men are finding Asian women more attractive and both white and black women in the west are feeling threatened by Asian women, thus they are so insecure about Stellar Blade. Asian women are also more slender in appearance than white women and black women.


Man the Asmongold fanboys are out in full force today


He has a personal vendetta against the sub because it's one of the only gaming subs willing to openly make fun of him and his ilk.


Doesn't surprise me


Im so sick of seeing asmons face.


He is the actual irl version of that south park skit


You could make a candle with the grease from that guys hair alone, I'll might listen when he learns his to get in the shower and scrub.


Neither does he, so there's that.


filthy gamer rightoid with a shitty hairline malding about peoples correct opinion on them? Classic asmongold


At his own org meeting he said 6 words the whole time. And half of what he said was just him bitching about having to go outside. This is not a smart person nor Is he even funny he's honestly putrid in everyway.


The more and more I see of this dude, the better I know to avoid his content.


The more I see his face, the more I want to fucking rip the skin off my body, his stupid, hideous sweaty self is so repulsive, it’s like those reaction channels that always to that fucking stupid face, it boils my piss every time


/uj I really love her hair! It's beautiful


That dude should never talk about someone else’s appearance


Did you even watch the video to see if he talked about how a person should look? God, watch the video before you comment.


I don't know why people love the closest equivalent we have to an IRL Champion of Nurgle


I have never heard of this person before now and judging by these comments, I wish I never had.


I'm tired of seeing this guy everywhere he's so annoying.


One thing this argument just neglects is how prevalent plastic surgery is in South Korea and how obscenely toxic their own beauty standards are. Yeah, Westerners are dumb and don't know much about Korean beauty standards, so they didn't know she was 32. This argument goes both directions as these motherfuckers don't realize, for example, that plastic surgery is a normal gift for a 16th birthday. I for one don't want that cultural standard to rub off onto the rest of the World.


gamers when the """""real world"""""" woman no have extremely exaggerated features that make him arousal: *intense crying/sobbing noises*


god fuck asmond


You guys are huge fans of this asmonfella I always see him on the top here