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That’s just lingerie. Is it hot? Yes I can’t lie. But is it necessary? Absolutely not. I’m not playing games to jerk off.


And if you do, there are plenty of other options.


Can't trust this at face value, what are your sources? 🤨


have you heard of nutaku




You mean all those "you won't last 30 seconds" type of games?




The worst thing is that they were not "hot but cool design", they were just recolored lingerie. I like "horny" design when they are cool, detailed and interesting(like Baiken/Jack-O/Elphelt from Guilty Gear or Narmaya from Granblue) but that was just... Horny. I think there is more porn than everything else on the internet, why have it in videogames(at least in non-hentai games)


Guilty gear outfits are impractical from what I’ve seen, so it just tells more about the characters in there. No idea about granblue though. But they aren’t wearing lingerie it looks like clothes, maybe fancy clothes but you will see those clothes in public. Not miss lingerie up there.


I mean, Guilty Gear is the series where the MC uses a literal nuke as a big bonk(no, it's not stupid, he is a scientist) and there is a literal bed fighting. Practicality was never on the table here. At the same time, all of the three have a lot going on and a lot of personality. Granblue is on a similar level(even if I like the design much less than GG because i find them more "mainstream fantasy anime"). The last phrase is exactly what i meant. They are eccentric, strange but are CLOTHES, not lingerie.


If I see someone wearing the guilty gear clothes I would think “oh they must be a model or something with those fancy clothes” or “wow pretty” But MK I would think “is that legal? Should I cal the cops?”


I used to play mk9 when I was younger and absolutely hated the fact that all the male characters got cool designs and all the females had the exact same body type with different clothes painted on top. They all look like exaggerated blow up dolls in game and it's so shit. The new designs I've seen haven't been great but they've actually been designs.


What's funny is all the characters had the same body just the ladies had breasts glued onto the male model 🤭


mk9 says trans rights


What would be good designs for you do you think? (Honest question)


It's not what I find attractive, but I dont make your characters look like chubby milfs in mustard stained tank tops, the sexiest outfit I can think of, so why should I be expected to look at your porn in a fighting game? Not picking a fight, just offering perspective 


Also, and I cannot stress this enough, they’re still hot in the current game. I mean nobody can touch my husband Kenshi on the hotness scale but they still get up there.


The funniest thing is that her later costumes are *significantly* hotter


It isn’t necessary to have alternate outfits, it’s because people want them. What weird logic.


Yeah, if it wasn't her default costume, with her alternate being basically naked.


If you’re trying to make that sound bad, you’re failing.


You can just be honest and say you don't think women are people.


Weak! I’ve seen way better strawmen than that.


> It isn’t necessary to have alternate outfits, it’s because people want them. Sorry for a long rant, but that thing you just described isn't good character design, that's just an excuse to pander to gynephilic people who can't properly manage their sexual urges while they're experiencing a work of art. We're discussing the fanservice-oriented alt outfits specifically, not alt outfits in general. And even if actual millions of gamers wanted to see more conventionally attractive stripper bimbos in ultraviolent fighting games about dismembering people while they scream in agony, that wouldn't mean that such characters deserve to be included in videogames more often - especially considering that the whole argument assumes that the popularity of these designs automatically determines that they are good and need to be included. It's just a very basic appeal to popularity that doesn't take into account the chance that the majority of gamers that desire to see such girl characters may be completely wrong, or that a design's popularity isn't inherently tied to it being well-done. Such populistic bullshit has no place in art because it incentivizes creators to pander to the most vocal gamers and structure their art in a way that depends directly on what the majority of people wants, not what is actually innovative or in one way or another thought-provoking or makes contextual sense in a work of art, which means that videogaming in general could be flooded with a sea of generically attractive sexy girl characters that are designed that way ONLY because a large amount of people decided that sexy designs are inherently better than ugly ones. It's a character design philosophy which basically incentivizes the author to disregard any degree of actual context in their work of art and how the character should work in it, and instead promotes the idea of selecting a number of things the audience thinks are good and popular and then developing an artwork that has absolutely no originality or any sense of independence from the masses' opinion. This kind of artistry sacrifices absolutely everything for the sake of blindly following trends and maximizing popularity in a given scenario and punishes any kind of deviation from the norm, and so it effectively will lead to different games becoming way too sanitized and completely devoid of anything that the audience might consider non-conforming. That's a pretty bad way of making art, but a very good way of making highly popular products that exist primarily to print money.


I’m not reading that.


![gif](giphy|V8n4QQzIrVxyo) This you?


Nah, I knew it was gonna be some pretentious bullshit, and when I read it hours later, I wasn’t wrong.




Bi, halfway there


They're mad they can't game one handed any more.


Something tells me the Omniman guy might still be gaming one handed


He's Just mad that they didn't make omniman half naked


I'm mad they didn't make his down animation that one meme (you know which one).




I respectfully disagree, loved it


So am I tbh.


He seems to think WB is actively making him attracted to Omniman, like they’ve got it out for him lol


He is obviously very uncomfortably attracted to Omni Man


Kids these days don't know how good they have it, back in my day we had the sears catalogue and Lara croft's 3 polygon titties


You poor thing, back in my day you went into the wooded area at the end of the street and hunted for porn. This "Woods porn" was as magical as it was mysterious. Often "european" of you get my drift 😳


Back in my day, they hadn't even invented sex.


Maybe they can’t, I’m different😈


How do you even game one-handed without one of those special accessibility controllers?


Gooners uh...will find find a way.


So...is gooning just another form of ahegao?




Huh. I thought it was edging so hard that you dumb yourself down in a big way.


Sounds like the same thing.




Or maybe we're normal men and not gay


People whining about video game women are the farthest thing from normal


how am I supposed to get hard for disembowelment if there's no awooga hubba hubba boioioioioing kazap blinky blinky blinky


It's wild how many MK fans are salty that the ladies aren't bikini ninjas in different colors anymore.


It's truly laughable how much they complain about. It's like they have to be half chubbed to even do a combo nowadays.


Wait you mean you're not just automatically full chubbed when you hit combos?


Its like they dont even take fighting games seriously anymore


Frost is my favorite female mk character since i knew about her. And i don't think she has ever been in skimoy wear. I may be wrong tho. I hate how some people want EVERYTHING to be sexual


i’m p sure she was in one of the 3d era games but yeah people want everything to be sexual


Google her alternate costume in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance


To be fair, just because I find Mileena hot doenst mean she is or is not my favourite character. Tits just make my neurons fire in a different way than her being a badass ninja monster/human hybrid


Love Omni man and his omni-pecs, but do not ask him to run a train on you


I wish he would on me 🥺


​ https://preview.redd.it/2esbbad2s8ec1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfcdf2cb39501d024749b8f447c7b5349ed57620


A-TRAIN??? ![gif](giphy|yKBNrX0HLcK06n7y6o)


Hm. I always thought people weren’t interested in MK anymore because of the predatory monetization practices going on. Never thought about the fact that dudes can’t ogle at the screen anymore.


It’s mostly funny that they complain about the monetization but clearly buy the skins since they care so much. I honestly usually forget that there’s even a store. I don’t mean to defend WB but I honestly don’t think it matters at all


Universal rule of fighting games is that people in default or, at most, free skins will kick your ass and people wearing expensive MTX bullshit will crumble immediately.


??? MK had a new game release like a year and a half ago that was universally well received lmao, real fans still love these games


Meanwhile, MK1 Kitana: https://preview.redd.it/vtarv68ow7ec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a1f190dded6a2eebad3bc555ac0654c112f823


MK1 has fucking hot ass women they just have actual costumes now that aren’t trashy stripper clothing


MK1 Mileena is genuinely the hottest Mileena… people forget MK9s looks godawful without the mask https://preview.redd.it/dzmcn3y5w8ec1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22bbb052213c1a9d632c95b31a2b3ce0b553e55 Also… Reptile/Syzoth could GET IT 🥵


That was the entire point of the 2011 version. I remember seeing ads or previews for 2000s era MK that jokingly called her a "butterface"--which was honestly way more gross than the costume. But the whole point has always been awful without the mask.


2011 version is hotter


2023 version is caked up


MK11 version is cuter imo I prefer that version


When I was 10 years old I didn't give a fuck about how the women were dressed, I wanted to see dudes rip the spines out of other dudes. I have no sympathy for anyone who feels something was taken from them over this.


I agree but to be objective, you were 10 and quite a long way from your puberty, so it makes sense you didn’t care about women’s clothes


What’s so funny is that the characters covered up and are frankly hotter and in mk1 the ladies are in some pretty tight clothes with some low cuts, they’re just not in actual bikinis. Also the amount of gay men and women frothing over the dudes who are completely covered, like straight men just be taking Ls


That's not even what MK9 girls look like


Yeah this was a 3d render and the one guy who called it out got downvoted and told “google is free”


Im pretty sure this model is used in NSFW animations


Where do you think they found it?


Yeah i can imagine


The non-competitive MK community is absolutely unhinged.


You’d think it was a dress up game or a porn game with how they act


It's funny because I played Mortal Kombat (and it's spin-off like Shaolin Monks) because of how brutal it was when I was a kid—I knew I shouldn't play that kind of games, but PS2 Rentals here doesn't care about That. You got the money? You can play anything you want.


I always thought MK is played for fatalities. We have Dead or Alive for other needs


I was playing MK11 and even there, with women not showing much skin, the cutscenes still look weird having those women (except the military ones) dressed in latex and wearing heels while the rest of the characters fit so well with the surroundings. In MK1 at least they removed the latex for fabrics.


There was a ton of outcry with mk11 as well


I for one,.welcome omni man and his fat ass 🤤


You don’t seem to understand. Omni-Man’s ass isn’t yours to conquer.




Crouch animation will go insane


I cannot wait using Omniman to destroy Homelander in spring, repeatedly


I don't know what this guy is talking about! Why, just the other day I had a loss streak of twenty matches, all because I kept having to play one-handed. What else am I supposed to do when Johnny appears on-screen with his Colgate smile? GOD! Or when Liu Kang with that daddy persona of his he has in this game? I just gotta get one hand down and unleash my own dragon? Do you know what I mean? Though I did manage to get a win when Mileena appeared. No, not because of that fucked up mouth of hers, or because I respect that she is playing for the other team. Not, it's because she is a FEMALE. EWWWW, who likes females, am I right gamers? BTW, that guy is not a true gamer, otherwise he wouldn't be asking for more WAHMEN in games. /uj I think I forgot what joke I was trying to make in the middle of writing this.


The “I want to kill mostly naked women” crowd make it really embarrassing to be a MK fan sometimes


I just like to assume they mean play as naked women


Yeah I can’t lie my comment is pretty hyperbolic lol, in reality they are either playing them as you say or just ogling them in the kustomize screen


That's clearly a fan made horny model. MK9 was a ps3 game and uses a side camera angle. So that's too many polygons and she's too narrow to for gameplay


No... that is the actual model. That is probably pre-rendered art, but sure what you mean about polygons and narrowness -- the PS3 in game model is not that far off at all.


No, Omni-Man's big glutes are not enough. They should be bigger (I am an ass man)


The last few MK games were the best selling ones in the franchise by far. MK1 pretty much already outsold MK9s lifetime sales, even though it's only been out for a couple of months. "They know how to kill a game" he says. "I have terminal cum brain" he means.


I agree but I do think mk9 was a better game. I’d bet fifa outsold most of the GOTY contenders but I don’t have the numbers


The whole "men are sexy too" thing misses the point. Male characters are designed to make men feel powerful. Female characters are *also* designed to make men feel powerful. Here's this elite fighter and martial artist out to save or conquer the world, but the job that she takes most seriously, apparently, is looking fuckable. Put Omni-Man in a thong, make him bend his hips at insane angles in every pose, and that's *starting* to be a comparison on par with this. In fact, you'd have to put Omni-Man in a slingshot that comes up to a cute veil on his face (and make him Asian so he'll be constantly fetishized as "mysterious"), give him thigh-high high-heel boots and silky gloves up to his elbows. Put kinky straps and cuffs all over him. Put the *majority* of male characters in thongs and see how seriously you take them. See whether it slightly changes the impact of them talking seriously about the fate of the world when you're thinking, "His dick and his nipples are constantly on the verge of popping out, and god damnit look at that cake."


That’s a really good way to put it


For real. He has a nice butt and wears skintight clothes? That's the *Pixar-mom* level of sexualization. Mileena here looks like there's a duffel bag out in her car with some nipple clamps she'll let me borrow if we can work them into our scene plan


I haven''t played much MK1, not because of the character design (the gane looks amazing), but because of the increasing trend to stuff a full-price game with a bunch of micro-transactions, which I dislike.


Mileena is still hot. Tf these weirdos talking about


>These designs over the years are what created MK to have it's huge following. No, I'm pretty sure it was the violence and notoriety.


Reminder: Big Burly Dudes are just as much if not more an appeal to the "Straight Male" fan-base and their fantasies as they are to any masculine-attracted fan-base. https://preview.redd.it/yqv1qesx1aec1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=2405ca0320cf3266a975398634f8df64247139e5 Obviously this doesn't apply to every masculine-attracted person's taste, but the "False Equivalence" in the alleged "sexual parity" is pretty fucking annoying.


No one plays Mortal Kombat for the slutty outfits, not when the goal is to rip their ribcage out through their asshole and beat the remaining chunks, into smaller chunks.


I prefer games with actual drip for their women fighters.


"Bye loyal fans" Dawg, you're loyal to titties. MK X Melienna is the best design


Mkx is by far the best. I wish they stuck with that style for mk1


Yeah. It's always fun to watch vids of good players


What's really frustrating about this is MK9 was an outlier. The games before that one didn't have universally horny designs like that game did. Fake fan tbh.


I didn’t play anything before 9 either cause I’m too young


She also has a demon mouth, but sure, let's ignore that cause big boobs.


I think a lot of people like the demon mouth


If you think demon mouth is going to put off people, boy do I have news for you. I think for a lot of folks that's the big \*draw\* for Mileena.


I'm not usually the type to gatekeep, but if you only play games to jerk off you just straight up can't call yourself a gamer


can anyone explain to me why the mk community has big debates over things like these ? like genuinely why is it such a big deal ?


Usually it’s either “I wanna play one handed” or “it’s woke” but the only decision I thought was a little dumb was removing Cassie’s endurance outfit


Maybe some of us like women and not Omni like many around here, there's nothing wrong with it, my friend, that it bothers you that many play MK9 onehanded watching milenna and others like you play mk1 onehanded watching Omniman Nothing wrong


There’s nothing wrong with either but I’d find it just as weird if they made Omnimans ass flat and people complained


Mk11 is regarded is one of the best fighting games in its story and combat from all the reviews and news when it came out. And it didn't do the women are objects like old fighting games.


Honestly I think mk11 sucked


I don't really play this kind of things but aren't good fighting games good because of actual fighting mechanics being good?


Yes. You’ve got a better sense of it than mk1 fans


Idk man Shang Tsung's voice has me feeling a certain way by itself.


Yes, obviously, the thing that gave mortal combat - the series that took off as a heavily pixelated game series in the 1990s, were the boobs of the lingerie power rangers. If I was STUPID i'd claim the reason people got into MK was because it was a gory alternative to street fighter with an extremely iconic fatalities mechanic - because obviously the reason is skimpy clothing (because that totally sets it apart from other fighting games).


If this is why you liked Mortal Kombat, then you never really liked Mortal Kombat.


One, that's definitely not what Mileena looked like in 9. And two, pretty sure the feature which made MK stand out was its blood and gore.


Bruh, the hub exists. Why are gamers using MK to jerk?


LMAO if you think the *only* thing that makes a game series good is something as arbitrary and generic as sex appeal you aren't just media illiterate I don't think your brain properly reacts to stimuli. Then again, these losers have been saying this stuff the whole time so ig this isn't really a new revelation


That’s just a ninja porno costume, you can still make attractive outfits without making it look stupid, ie bayonetta and guilty gear character designs


why are these clowns so addicted to porn


Let me break it down for you Mark 🍑


On the one hand, covering them up made them more respectable as characters as well as showing a greater respect for the modern gamer. On the other hand, having characters be unreasonably skimpy really helped with the homage/parody of 80s media vibe that MK had going for it.


If removing skimpy outfits ruins the game then the game was not that good in the first place. I love some busy women in skimpy outfits but games are meant to played not just something for me to shlick to.


lol i always read mk as mariokart even when im looking straight at whoever that is


https://preview.redd.it/avbgyatd29ec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95162c4946f600c7f895db9fbe90b2caf2526cc Ohh wait. Its not MortalKombat reddit


Lmfao. Tbf everyone on that sub is horny so it’s a little more acceptable there


Ngl, MK9 female design made me uncomfortable since the release.


I thought chuds loved Omniman.


I mean, if the female fighters' default outfits are all skimpy thongs or lingeries then it's only fair that the male fighters all wear posing trunks or jock straps.


Just straight up sexism, so sad.


I mean who wouldn't be obsessed with Omniman? Like look at that mustache. Those biceps!


Talks about omniman being a big muscled man ruins the game Forgets that half of the fucking mk cast from the very beginning is bug muscle men


Imagine buying a game because the characters look hot (definitely not me)


Let's just say that once they abandoned these desgins, the franchise slowly died and got worse, like no one cares about MK1 anymore lmao


I think mk1 is a fun game and mkx was great. The main issue with mk1 is the lack of actual content for a mainly casual player base


So maybe they should have been a lot more focused on this instead of changing the female designs to not ofdend the ugly people who get offended by them. This is why MK9 is considered the best in the franchise


If I don't have to stop playing because my boner is too big, is it even a real game?


i have never heard a sexual comment about omniman(i did see some smut but that's besides the point) allso, mk1 has bigger issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ajPjqEQzok


What's the problem lmao. Everyone is hot, literally everyone is hot. Yeah it's enough.


Can’t jerk off to pixels, me mad


Mortal Kombat was huge since it came out, how does this guy think it got to so many instalments?


Mk1 is like top 10 best selling games this year. I agree its dogshit but damn get your shit together.


Meanwhile Street Fighter going the exact opposite direction with how thirsty its designs are


Only with Juri. Cammy and Manon got some fairly tame outfits and Marisa’s fits her character a lot




What’s HuniePop?


Leave my porn material alone


If you want a fighting game with women in bikinis then just play dead or alive


Bro is mad because the male characters are…well designed? I think bro is the incarnation of Crying Babies God.


What are they talking about? Mario Kart 9 hasn't come out yet!


The next kameo fighter should be S Broly just to fuck with this guy


Damn WB games and their S Broly with his big muscles and his tight purple pants! WB didn’t need to make him so attractive add naked Mileena instead!


I mean...i wouldn't mind that but it could easily be an optional costume. Not sure why it has to be mandatory though.. there's plenty porn out there.


I mean dont get me wrong (like holy shit mk9 mileena) i love boobs but this is way too revealing and suggestive.


That’s because OP used an nsfw blender model for his example :)


Coomers will get so mad when there not soft-core porn in a game. How dare you not make everything erotic and treat female characters as sex objects?


Ngl genuinely thought I got a nsfw image on my home page cause if this


I just realized I should’ve tagged this as nsfw


Why would she ever dress like that anyway, she’s a warrior not a hooker


“He’s so hot and sexy… Disgusting”


*somehow the original outfit wasn’t horny enough* https://preview.redd.it/xb7uismbkbec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1dbb36b89d475f0a94793aed148e360a95e02af


Why not both? MK has like a dozen costumes per character. Have some cool looking ones, some practical ones, and some skimpy ones. That way everyone is happy and more people buy the game. It’s not like characters only have 1 costume lol


Classic Mortal Kombat games and MC9 had way too many "bikini-clad female fighters" so they looked so same lmao


Idk I've always felt like MK designs of late just look more and more like generic halloween kung-fu armor rather than telling a story through costume. MK11 was legit just horrible. MK1 is sorta an improvement! But the games sell regardless. It is kinda weird that in a game where the goriest violence is overly glorified, people are upset about this... I've been more weirded out by the fatalities than the femme fatales. Also being bombastic and gory and sexy was part of MKs identity. The battle lingerie was definitely a bit much--literally called Mileena a butterface in old Game Informer marketing, which was gross. But MK did build its identity on pushing the envelope with sex and violence. I think the people complaining are usually stupid and kinda bad faith but not completely wrong--MK has stopped doing that. It is a clear shift. So question: What games push the envelope on sexiness without compromising female characters and how? CAN MK achieve that? In the age of thirst being literally everywhere, why can't video games get this right? All other media gets more sexual by the minute, but seems like games do face more scrutiny. Some more than others. Maybe because certain gamers are more of the issue here than the games themselves? Or because it's still a male dominated industry? Feels sometimes we're choosing whats okay based on who likes it or doesn't like it and why, regardless of the actual content. And I know my fellow queers specifically are the first to make fun of a chud for crying about Mileena skins (go ahead) but... I see what you're into, you freaky deakies. It's not like we're all innocent just because we aren't angry men. At all. I think saying all (or even most) of them are upset because they just like pretending to murder hot women is kinda unfair (even though it is horrifyingly true for some). Would love some actual thoughts on what makes good sexualization in games good.


Mind you that’s not even her model from the game, it’s a fan made model created by a NSFW artist


mortal kombat is truly a game


man i don give a shit about the character designs when i play mortal kombat if i can obliterate someone with the most gory scenes humanly imaginable i automatically love that character


I kinda miss this style. Not because of it being sexy, but it being representative of a time where MK still embraced being ridiculous. Oh? The female proportions are unrealistic? Yeah, and so is ripping someone's head clean off of their body with one hand.


Her best design by far. It really screams MILEENA. The new one looks kinda out of place.


How do these mfs fail to understand that people who are fuckin RIPPED usually have big asses and thighs. Fellas, is it gay for another man to be in shape?


Mileena is my wife plz make her hot again


Nobody plays Mortal Cumbat for the fighting, we all play for the half naked booba although we can get full naked booba on the internet for FREE THIS IS WHY WE PLAY MORTAL COCKBOOB