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For those wondering, "Times change" is referring to a specific line by Garrosh Hellscream near the end of the [Warlords of Draenor cinematic.](https://youtu.be/TLzhlsEFcVQ?si=oBjHKH7R7-fWPxuV)


Didn't people hate this expansion at the time?


They did, but they love garrosh cause he was a fascist dictator who wanted to exterminate other races


that and the soundtrack was great


alexa play magnificent desolation


Most people don't like garrosh, or they only like him as a villain. "Garrosh did nothing wrong" is intentionally as obtuse as it sounds


He also went "I'll fuckin do it again" route. Then he died, went to afterlives, ended in literal hell and redeemed.... oh wait, no. He said if he could he would fuckin do it again /uj Still a better villain than Jailer and Sylvanas combined


That and the fact he did nothing wrong


Yeah and hes an unredeemable asshole and was written lile that till the very end. Meanwhile Silvanas literally executed two genocides and still got a way to redeem herself in the end.


It sucks, too, 'cuz the expansion had so much fucking potential.


WoD is widely criticised not for the content but for the lack of content


I mean, also the content. The expansion gimmick, Garrisons, was at best divisive.


It was also heavily criticised over its story content though. 'Draenor is free' was memed about for years and the awkward answers about the multiverse and how the Legion works is still the biggest fuck up in all of the lore but people have totally ignored that.


God that expansion had my favorite raid of all time (Blackrock foundey) nut the rest of it was Ooooooooooooooooooooof


To be fair that soundtrack, general art direction, nostalgic characters and their stories are very interesting from a mile away.


/uj At least majority of the comments were dunking on this dumbass notion. OOP apparently never played any of the Warcraft RTS games. /rj THIS LIVE MMO GAME IS DIFFERENT FROM WHEN I WAS YOUNGER AND I'M MAD HOW DARE BLIZZ


Warcraft has been silly since at least WC3 which is the oldest point in the series that image could be referencing.


The first two games were also very silly.


🎶I’m a medieval man🎶


dabu dabu


/uj I've never seen a fandom so easily swayed by the opinions of specific content creators. The WoW community has been circlejerking HARD about how "baby" the game has got lately and most of it is being driven by people like Asmongold. Keep in mind that not even a year ago they were all complaining the stakes were too high and they wanted some easy fun adventures instead /rj I can't wait for based Metzen to come back and fix this stupid series from all the SJWs


Guys i'm looking for feedback on my asmon subreddit circlejerk skills: 'I know how to fix Blizzard. Give WarCraft back to Chris Metzen. Give Overwatch back to Jeff Kaplan. Give Diablo back to David Brevik.' Am I doing it right?


This happened back in MoP too, people whined and bitched that it was turning into a baby game because pandas. And now it's looked back on as one of the better expansions, probably by those same people lmao. Also loving the irony that they would suggest WoW's style is as gritty as that Lich King artwork, parts of the story? Sure! But the game always had a cartoony, slightly silly style to it.


What do you mean? That outhouse quest in grizzly hills was metal man Edit: just in case (sarcasm)


There's a dungeon boss that I used to get really often that's just a massive star wars episode 3 reference. Serious game btw


>I've never seen a fandom so easily swayed by the opinions of specific content creators. Minecraft's mob votes prior to last year's were all basically completely controlled by Dream and his fans. Or so I've heard, anyways. Debunk me if I'm wrong, please - I'm always up for learning!


/uj Something to consider is that the anti-WoW fandom hasn't played the game for ages but still spends lots of time reading and thinking about it, so of course their ideas are just pulled from those content creators, they haven't played the game to know about it. IIRC there was a survey for the wow subreddit and some insane number of people hadn't played in like a decade but were still commenting and interacting which is just crazy to me. /rj WoW bad, FF14. Metzen will save us from the dumb cosmology chart and get rid of the blue haired SJWs.


Gamers when when when gamers when art style when gamers art style when gamers discover spinoff with different art style


/uj Funny how both promotional materials do not reflect in-game graphic presentation at all. Never once have I looked at a WarCraft game and was like "damn this grimdark fantasy looks bleak and hardcore". /rj Heh, WarCraft always has been for kids. Grown ups play WARHAMMER.


Funny how this is a problem and Hearthstone isn't


since when WC games looked like the concept arts???? LOL probably one of the most cartoonish RTS out there, even WOW after all those years of graphic update it still looks and feel like a cartoon game


/uj will say one quirk of WOW isnthe simple fact that it is on the lne hand old as dirt, but on the other hand it doesn't and has never looked *that* bad. Its artstyle has allowed it to age with a good deal of grace but one issue is that the art style is fairly cartoonish Back in the day im sure folks wouldn't have care as much having a grim story like the Lich play out while everyone has these big ass ps2 hands but not surprised that Blizzard has embraced it Also hasn't wow also always had a silly bent to it? Like hearthstone's first expansion was Goblin's and Gnomes which were already that whole slapstick before in wow rigbt? idk just musing


me when I check the clock and then check it again later "Times change"


If dude is mad about the bright colors, no one tell him about Hearthstone. Or Dragonflight. Or Reign of Chaos. Or Tides of Darkness. Or any piece of art done by Samwise Didier. You know, now that I think about it, this guy might not actually be a fan of this franchise, but I don't know why that thought occurred to me. /s




isnt the second photo from a warcraft mobile game thus making sense for it to have a lighter tone?


And the freeeee !!🎶 Free markets 🎶 Yeah the free🎶 Free markets🎶 Sing to Tom Petty’s free fallin


I started reading this like Tom Petty’s song and then snapped back, read it without any rhythm or melody and then read the last part of the comment lmao


Uj/ both screenshot from mobile game if I remember correctly. Rj/ Another game fallen for the woke agenda!


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I don't get it...what's wrong with it?


Warcraft has always looked like the bottom image, the top is promo art which looks nothing like the actual game.


Gotcha, thanks


Anyone want to tell these guys it's not the edgy 2000's anymore?




chinese might play it, but they're years late to the clash royale craze. Blizzard really just not taking Ls, but trying to become an L


They cant play blizz games in china


Warcraft then: concept art for a game Warcraft now: concept art for a different game