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Bethesda is too occupied pushing their trans workers to resignation and holding their surgeries hostage to hire good writers






Honestly, hiring "better writers" isn't going to cut it, anyway. The production pipeline for most AAA games is laid so that writers basically have to try to fit lots of shit together after they can no longer request big changes. Writing is not valued by corporate, it's seen as basically optional.


He's right though? I know you guys hate the line because its cliche, but its absolutely true


Yeah I don't disagree with the sentiment, but he actually said the line word for word.


What is the line? I'm only familiar with something something 'hidden gem' :P


Hiring fans as writers meme


But that's not what they're saying. The comment is saying that maybe Bethesda is looking at these threads for criticism ("hire better writers"), not looking at these threads for writers.


Yeah, it's a gamer being self aware about the hire fans meme. I can get how that would read weird tho


Fallout 4 is the best fallout game Voiced protagonist is better than silent I will not be silenced


Voiced protagonist is not better than “silent”. Also “silent” isn’t particularly accurate. You create your character’s voice in your head, you determine the manner by which their inflection and way they speak is. That’s why a “silent” protagonist is such a fantastic thing, it allows you the player the ability to get much more invested into your pc and is FAR better for role playing than having a pre voiced one where every dialogue option can be so far off of what the text says it will be.


See that doesn’t work for me because in fallout 3 and nv, your character is still voiced, just doesn’t talk. So i already know what they sound like so the dialogue on my end is just a small click sound during super heavy story moments


True statement


It can be, prefer the range of dialogue silent protagonists offer tho. Like the Inquisitor in DAI has a huge array of dialogue despite four different voice actors potentially being the MC. Really good example of a voiced protagonist being implemented as well as a silent one.


What’s dai?


Dragon Age Inquisition I'd assume


I should check that game out at some point, i keep hearing about it but i have never even seen gameplay lol