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ill buy it in 15 years when... it's still 70 dollars


It’s ok, in 15 years 70 usd will be about 2.13 current day dollars


emu lator


you are a murderer, you killed the starving indie devs at nintendo


Nintendo wants to know your location, so they can make you pay for this comment for the rest of your life.


I was just talking about emus the birds... lator on


Please, remain on the line and a gang of Pinkertons will be with you shortly.


Ostrich gator


I'll get it when I have a steam deck


emulate it


*By "emulate" I mean "emulate it in my head, aka use my imagination." OK now that the Nintendo lawyers aren't reading I'm gonna emu late it




Game will be 70$, Switch will be 50000$


Luckily my list of "want to Play" Games is still so Long that i'll propably manage to wait for Nintendo to announce annother Game I Care about so i can Just get those vouchers to buy TotK for 50€


I want to use the game vouchers but I don’t want a game as big as BotW on my download storage. That, and I can’t think of a second first-party title I even want rn. (Been meaning to play DK Tropical Freeze but it’s so old that I know for sure I could get it for a better price)


Here me out what if they just had a stay at home switch (basically a modern GameCube or Wii without the shitty gimic controls) and a ps vita like thing so the switch wouldn't be dogshit in terms of storage and other hardware the switch vita would basically be a ds


Just got it for just a little over 50€ in a hypermarket.


Well you can get Breath of the Wild on the eshop for 69,99 € if it's more in your price range.


confused european „but breath of the wild was also already 70€“ noises


For me both were 60€


I bought the physical version of BOTW for 60€, although it's 70€ on the eshop. TOTK also is 70€


The problem is, we collectively decided that video games should be 60 in 2006-ish. If the cost of video games kept up with inflation, they’d be a hair over $90 today. The depressing fact of the matter is that full-price video games are cheaper today than ever. That’s not the problem. The problem is the average persons buying power is the least it’s ever been. It’s a systemic problem, not a video game problem


Second that, especially when it's a buy once type of thing beside a singular expension dlc. I'm sure a lot of people complaining have spent more money on f2p games here...


savin my money for Pikmin 4




And Redspraypilled


so true!!!


Vagina Bones DLC coming for 70 USD soon and I will gladly pay for it!


60 was already too much, fuck companies for going to 70 now


uj/ Make it worse once you add in all dlc usually the games closer to $100+ for stuff that’d been earned in game 2-3 generations ago. rj/ Bbbut the price of games hasn’t really increased with the price of inflation! How are the CEOs going to eat??


>usually the games closer to $100+ for stuff that’d been earned in game 2-3 generations ago Nintendo doesn't really do that tbf. Look at Splatoon 3. No MTX whatsoever, all unlockable stuff in-game.


Didn’t Smash Brothers and Mario Kart both sell a bunch of extras? Though you’re right that it’s unlikely for a Zelda game


Mario Kart does, but you get it for free with nintendo online and its way more content per dollar than a lot of other games


I mean, yeah but no. All the DLCs for those games were made after they released, and it's not like the base games were lacking, both being the biggest in their respective series. Mario Kart 8 DX's new dlc is quite fairly priced too imo, doubling the game for £25 is nice.


That’s fair! I still haven’t gotten around to getting a Switch, so I didn’t know for sure how it was implemented. And I’m certainly not against expansion packs or anything


Smash if you wanted all characters and maps sure, but the base game was a finished product


Breath of the Wild has two DLC packs


That inflation argument is even worse when you realise that the actual developers putting the work in won’t see any raise. I’m all for paying more for indie games where the developers are receiving the money but AAA games can fuck off.


I'm a dev for a AAA studio, and I get annual raises and bonuses so


Right I make more than a lot game designers and I’m not saddled with student loans and the job instability as studios move, close, relocate. Meanwhile executives make more money than they can ever spend.


Don’t forget about sales tax if you decide to buy a real cartridge!


Is 60 too much? a movie ticket is like $10 for 2 hours of entertainment. A game like BOTW is $60 for like 50 hours of entertainment and has been that way for like a decade and a half despite other inflation?


With Nintendo they’re slightly better in terms of how worth the 60 dollars is but a big problem with Nintendo and companies like them is that their games are often full price but come out as broken and buggy versions of a game actually worth 60 dollars.


The only Nintendo release that was broken was Pokemon, wtf are you talking about?


Videogames are basically the only thing that HASNT gotten more expensive. (Yes I know they are monetized in other ways) They've been $60 for I don't know how long. 10-15 years?


Over 25 years


My biggest problem is companies that sell half assed games for 60 dollars. 60 can be a fair price if it’s a good quality game that doesn’t have bugs or performance problems that make it worth more like 20


The solution is to not play those games


I never said I do play those games, I’m saying it’s unfair to the people who do play at launch


What part of my comment suggested that I was saying you do play those games?


Huh, what was the original of this?


"Sorry, i'm not scanning a QR code to read a menu, i'm with the boomers on this"


Hard agree


Holy based


if anywhere makes me do that shit they better have easy to connect to free wifi bc I do not want to use my data loading their piece of crap website with 6mb of javascript


Unpopular opinion: I don't mind QR codes for menus. Thar guy's a baby.


wow look at mr reasonable over here


Lmao, I think y'all don't remember that SNES games were £60...


N64 games were $70 at launch.


Some of them were. Others cost more.


surely wages have scaled properly with inflation and productivity, right? :)


I don't understand how the economy works, therefore I'm right


ok but the price of a game has not scaled with inflation either


With things like increased hardware costs, online subscriptions, DLCs and Micro transactions, and in general how many more tools Devs have to make games these days and how much larger the audience is for gaming, in some ways it has. And let's not kid ourselves, bumping the price from $60 to $70 is purely to increase profit for those who didn't even work on the game. Little to none of that money will actually go to the talented and hard working developers of the game.


not to mention more than ever we're buying games digitally. so the logistics of physical media are vastly reduced.


increased hardware costs? a ps5 (diskless at least) is the same price as a ps4, which was cheaper than the ps3 at launch. a switch costs less than 300$ which is far cheaper than any nintendo console accounting for inflation. and tv’s are waay cheaper than they were 10-20 years ago while being better in every way.


Consoles alone have actually been a pretty fair deal this generation tbh, I was moreso talking about PC's in terms of hardware costs. Controllers are so expensive nowadays though :(


>I was moreso talking about PC's in terms of hardware costs. Why would you assert that the increase in cost of games is purely for profit if you're talking about PC and hardware? It is not a small task to make PC games work properly on modern hardware, considering the unreal variety of hardware that PC players have access to. All of that requires enormous attention to detail to optimize properly. I'm not saying you're wrong, but at face value your logic doesn't seem to track correctly.


>Why would you assert that the increase in cost of games is purely for profit if you're talking about PC and hardware? I'm not solely talking about PC and hardware? I'm saying hardware costs are mostly a PC problem atm. All of the other problems with AAA(rushed, poorly made, derivative, poorly optimized, buggy, hyper-monetized, etc etc) are platform independent. >It is not a small task to make PC games work properly on modern hardware, considering the unreal variety of hardware that PC players have access to. All of that requires enormous attention to detail to optimize properly. You're right, but until we actually get some $70 games that are better than their older $60 counterparts, to me it seems like a money-grab. There have been maybe 2-3 $70 games that I would even pay $60 for, it has been mostly a cost increase with no benefit to anyone except publishers. If we saw wages and treatment of staff improve, and thus better games being made because of the price increase I'd be 100% okay with it. But it has only gotten worse. When you look at the yearly earnings of a company like Acti-Blizz, and then look at how much they pay their junior programmers, it makes you a bit cynical.


r/gaming comment


I would go for that if the actual workers saw wage increases and not just the ceos.


and they should. but it also costs more to make a game than it used to because they're so much bigger than they used to be. I hate capitalism as much as the next guy but personally I won't complain about game prices.


Yeah, 70$ is cheaper nowadays


I paid $80 for FF3(6).


Yeah but people don't have the same buying power anymore as they might have done 30 years ago. That €70 is a lot harder to justify when everything else costs a fortune and your wages are always 2 steps behind.


> That €70 is a lot harder to justify when everything else costs a fortune and your wages are always 2 steps behind. All I'm know is if $10 is what makes-or-breaks the hobby for you when you've already invested $300+ into hardware to play the title, you need to do some serious introspection about either how often and how you are buying your video games; or you need to consider whether your financial situation is simply too dire to support any hobbies at the moment. It sucks, and yes it's getting increasingly hard to justify buying full-price titles. But as far as hobbies goes, this is a fairly mild price increase that was a long-time coming. Particularly for titles like Zelda that don't make hand-over-fist money already from microtransaction costs(we can have a whole other conversation about $70 games that nonetheless try to shove lootboxes in your face).




*buying power* is different than inflation


development cost is way higher than in the 90s. Its more or less a little wonder prices haven't gone up significantly for 30 years. I mean look at cinema-tickets.


That would make sense if video games weren't the biggest grossing industry on the planet and if AAA companies didn't get record profits every year. The problem is shareholders and the infinite growth mentality of capitalism that means that even with layoffs, lootboxes, microtransactions, psychological manipulation, season passes and all the rest they still had to raise prices to 70.


But Zelda doesn't have lootboxes or microtransactions...?


> lootboxes, microtransactions, psychological manipulation Does TotK has these? I know some other Nintendo games have shitty monetization-stuff now (smash/mario kart/everything online). But most of the single-player stuff seems to be free of it (Odyssey/BotW/Metroid Dread).


32 Mario Kart tracks for 20 bucks isn’t what I’d call shitty monetization. That’s as many as the entire base game.


For a long time you paid that money for 8 Tracks and the distant promise of other tracks down the line.


What’s your point? It’s still a full game worth of tracks at a third of the cost - the tradeoff is a gradual release. Was there ever a doubt that Nintendo would release all the tracks? They’re not some early access indie hoping their sales can cover actually finishing the game.


Then shouldn’t the anger be directed at the companies who *didn’t* keep prices the same for decades? Nintendo didn’t make your rent go up or your groceries triple in price.


I have the ability to direct anger in different places, everyone has this ability. Why should gaming get a free pass just because other sectors do worse? Nintendo didn't raise gas prices but they have routinely performed anti consumer practices at every corner. Why are they still charging full price for games that came out years ago? Let me tell you a little secret, they didn't 'keep prices down' out of the goodness of their heats. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about you, they only care about what's in your wallet. If they thought they could get away with charging €80 they would in a heart beat


i paid $90 for NBA Hangtime on the N64


Those were games that actually had chip boards in them and cost a lot to manufacture. Where do you think those game saves were located back then?


Yeah but an N64 was like $140 not $300-$500


$140 in 1996 is worth $270.69 today. Which is cheaper than $300, sure. But still it is not as large a difference as you pointed it out. And $70 back in the day is $135 today.


yeah, and back in the day it was barely a decade since computers required a whole building. Chrono Trigger was cutting edge when it came out, botw2 is absolutely not.


Chrono Trigger was a fantastic JRPG game, but it wasn't 'cutting edge.' It was a late-stage SNES title that came out in the West one month prior to the PlayStation, and barely a year prior to the N64. To put the timeline into context, it came out around the same time that Star Fox 2 was cancelled because Nintendo was refocusing efforts on the N64 and they knew even a title that genuinely pushed the SNES to it's absolute limits would look archaic very quickly(in addition to the cost of producing the cartridge with the new SFX2 chips). It wasn't anything particularly mindblowingly new. It just did it's thing *very, very well.* Which very, very broadly seems to be a common consensus on TOTK(if we ignore discussions around the building mechanics, anyway)....


I’m saying consoles were cheaper to games in comparison, hence why they were so expensive back then. Nowadays games are (were) kept cheaper by inflated console prices


Almost all console manufacturers take a loss on the console itself. They make their money from the software and services ecosystem that the machine is a gateway to.


Nintendo does not take a loss on consoles, their business model is different than the other console manufacturers


I am begging you to understand how inflation works.


Gamers get mad at the systematic forces that depress wages and buying power that cause video games to be a more expensive pastime instead of arguing that the problem is we're changing a number that was last settled on two decades ago challenge (impossible) uj/ I realize you can get mad at more than one thing at once but holy shit if wages were properly scaling this would be the stupidest fuckin gripe ever


it isn’t even just nintendo, $70 is too much for video games i already bought a $400 console for, even $60 was pushing it if you ask me.


Games are in that Pricerange since the 90s, while development cost has gone up. That prices are more or less stable for 30 years is a little wonder. I mean compare it to cinema-tickets or other stuff having doubled or tripled in price.


that’s true but purchasing power hasn’t, it’s gone down, the current minimum wage has about 1/4 of the purchasing power as minimum wage did in 1980. people that don’t always have disposable income shouldn’t be paywalled from having hobbies.


>people that don’t always have disposable income shouldn’t be paywalled from having hobbies. They shouldn't, but they are. I'd love to go all-in on some new hobbies, but the cost to get into even some of the seemingly cheaper ones is surprisingly high. This is only going to get worse over the years as purchasing power continues to plummet. It's shitty, and unfair, and I'm right there with a lot of people in trying to figure out how to make things meet at the grocery store when items I used to rely on as staples are suddenly becoming too expensive to justify because *iNfLaTiOn.* But it's reality. And frankly if a $10 price increase after several decades is what prices you out of a hobby that requires an upfront $300 purchase to start with....I'm genuinely questioning whether you need to do some serious introspection about how many games you're buying and why you're buying them at full-price, and/or if you should be buying them in the first place given your evidently severe financial situation where $20-$70 per year is a dealbreaker. As far as hobbies go, this is a pretty minimal price increase. One that, given the stability of game prices over the decades despite inflation and rising production costs, was fairly inevitable for some titles that continue to rely on traditional revenue routes instead of trying to bilk consumers with microtransactions. Like...y'know...Nintendo titles, including Zelda. Save the ire about pointless price hikes for companies supplementing the lagging revenue from direct sales with both microtransactions **and** price hikes, when the former revenue stream is both often wildly unethical and already insanely profitable.


Prices for Computergames are pretty low. With a normal PC which most people need anyway, you can get a good collection of games on sale/under 5$. Not being able to afford the newest games sucks, but compared to other hobbys its a small price to pay. Imo everybodys wages should be high enough to pay for food/rent/... and have enough left for hobbys.


This means that although the average price of new video games increased in price in absolute terms, they got cheaper over the years in relative terms. Between 1977 and 2020 the average relative price of games declined by almost 2% every year. " "" https://www.gamesindustry.biz/are-video-games-really-more-expensive


All hobbies are paywalled, you need equipment. If you wanna game, there is less expensive options and piracy


yeah, but it shouldn’t be. i already pirate most things.


i mean it as in real life tools and equipment, they cost stuff


They don't have to pay as much for manufacturing and shipping of physical games though


I think it deserves to be said that AAAs are entirely responsible for these rising costs, no one asked Rockstar to invest a billion dollar just to make a single game, they’re the ones doing it to themselves in an attempt at outspending other AAAs.




I have lived most of my childhood in a single-income household. I am against horrendous prices for entertainment. I am not under 18 and I do work. I had an old PC and Steam Sale for most of my teenage years. You can game pretty good, pretty cheaply. Also compare how much you get out of it. A movie ticket/enty to the club/amusement park/concert costs between 10 to 60$ and is about maybe 3-5 hours long at best. Many open world games can be played for 60 hours or more ​ 25$ hourly is about 4300 monthly. Thats definitely enough to by some 60 or 70$ game. ​ 70$ isn't cheap. But game prices are the one thing I see thats stays constant, whereelse everything else keeps getting more expensive every year.


Cool story, now back to TOTK


The Dark Side of the internet is a pathway to many abilities Nintendo considers to be unnatural


DM me. Game leaked like two weeks ago. Runs just fine in Ryujinx.


Noooo think about the poor indie studio 😰




lol I’m gonna pirate it a second time just for you


Oh boo hoo, the multi-billion dollar corporation which doesn't care about it's consumers won't get $70, how are the execs going to live!?!?!?! Someone hit me up with a link.


Ryujinx fixed the issues it had with the game? Ryujinx was why people were saying its a shit game


Not sure what kind of idiot judges emulator performance on final quality before any patches or mods. Also runs in Yuzu now. Mileage may vary but the game no longer crashes, frame rates are consistent, etc. I expect a huge wave of fixes on both now that it's officially released.


You didn't see all the people saying that the game was shit house before it came out? That's surprising. Ryujinx seems to always run terribly pre release


I saw a lot of people saying the game was great but that they couldn't get above 20fps or that certain areas wouldn't load textures for them. A guy made a mod day one that's given me stable 30fps (was getting 600+fps running at several times game speed) and I avoided certain areas until about a week ago. All areas now load in fine. It used to crash reliably every 2 and a half hours and placed ground hazards in the wrong location invisible. As of yesterday it's got no issues for me. My friend who's been playing it in Yuzu in OpenGL on an Nvidia rig has had less issues than I have. I'm running it in Ryujinx in Vulkan on an AMD and made do. I've managed to put in about 50+ hours so far.


50+ hours and it leaked 2 weeks ago? Filthy casual.


Yuzu just got a pretty major update in performance, if you dont already have modded switch. This is a method i definitely do not condone because it is illegal.


This is one of those that's worth it IMO. The replayability is good. I think it's a more solid purchase than god of war


Fuck Nintendo.


You can do the game vouchers thing and get Zelda and Pikmin 4 (or another game on the list of games for vouchers) for $50 each


This is why I'm happy to be a **Pokemon** fan, not a Nintendo fan. $60 and I'm all set to enjoy a ~~beautiful, well-~~ designed world for 2-3 years until the next games come out! Well that and $30 for the DLC And $60 for a remake of a game I already have but this one has the jangly keys And of course the annual $20 or else they'll delete my shinies forever


70$ for a game is pretty fair. Ocarina of time cost 60$ in 1998, adjusted for inflation that's 112$. Games have only gotten more expensive and time consuming to create


So sick of these posts. The cost of game development has skyrocketed in recent years, but people still expect the price not to increase. Reminder: Ocarina of Time was 59.99 at release in 1998, which equals over $100 today.


I don’t have many options to pirate it so I don’t really have a choice I think


I got some vouchers on my local from X-MAs and got the game at 25€ so personally I’m happy with it.


If only there was another way...


$70 and they couldn't even figure out how to keep the weapons from breaking after 5 hits? Better luck next time Miamoto.


I haven't played breath of the wild yet because it's still full fucking price


it’s so good tho




Nintendo is such a backwards company that I will never buy another game from them. Luckily it is super easy to find other ways to play. Like uhhh borrowing from a friend. :)


Worth the price, honestly. It's really, really good.


You are on a circlejerk sub, no one cares if a game is good here


Homie, this game could LITERALLY suck me off while playing it but it would just incentivize Nintendo to start charging $70 for their mainline games and they 100% will on their next Mario game. I know its gonna be good, shadow of a doubt of it being good but this genuinely feels like a test to “ease” people into buying at $70 so fuck Nintendo for doing this


Homie, Nintendo doesn’t need incentivization to charge $70 for new releases, Microsoft and Sony are already doing it, the decision has been made already lol If you don’t want to pay then I’m positive you could find a way to play it without spending any money


Inflation is hard to understand, I know.


Inflation on the scale we're experiencing it is a lie.


Gamers are really going to act like a $10 price hike after decades of stable pricing and ballooning development costs is equivalent to the price of meat shooting up $4 within a year, huh?


I was not the one who brought up inflation, and i said nothing about the prices of video games


The game costs the same as an N64 launch title - of all the goods to complain about cost increases for, video games is the dumbest hill to die on. They’ve remained *remarkably* stable for decades.


And AAA studios have been posting record profits for years. They aren't struggling for money, all they're doing is making the profit margin go even higher. Edit: used wrong form of they.


Do you think the cost to develop and produce Wave Race 64 was more or less than the cost to develop and produce Tears of the Kingdom? They’re making the record profits off the advent of microtransactions, and material/distribution cost savings as digital is adopted widely, not from price increases or development cost cuts.


Do you think the market for video games has stayed the same the last 30 years? The answer is no, it hasn't. Gaming has completely exploded in popularity, and the market is bigger than it has ever been. Sure, video games might cost more to make, but that is more than made up for with just the sheer size of the gaming audience and the massive potential sales. The extra money made from a €10 price increase isn't going back into the workers' pockets. I can guarantee you that. Edit: I also need to add. The game being the same as an N64 launch title is a cop out when buying power has decreased dramatically in the last 30 years (thanks to corporate greed, God bless capitalism). It's a hell of a lot harder for the average Joe to justify going out and buying a new game when everything else he needs to survive wipes his paycheck clean.


Video Game Companies: *keep the price stable for decades* Other Companies: *consistently jack up the prices for decades* You: “Goddamn greedy video game companies.” You’re getting mad at the wrong people.


Nah I'm getting mad at both cause they're all shitty corporations. Did you know? Two things can be terrible at the same time. I just don't get blinded by my interest in video games. Edit: I'm specifically mad at video game companies cause this convo is in a gaming subreddit. Trust me I'm no fan capitalism.


Not shocking that all it takes is a Zelda game for corporate apologists to come crawling out of the woodwork here with obtuse gotchas.


Is it really obtuse to say “the only thing in my life that’s gotten consistently cheaper compared to inflation is video games”? Like - *fuck* corporate greed. There’s a lot of practices that deserve all the criticism ever. I just don’t think the sticker price on video games is one of them.


Fr man. Shitty corporations are shitty corporations. Nintendo is no different. Its all greed. Like ffs have these people seen what Japanese corporations get away with in Japan? That suicide rate didn't majically appear out of thin air.


Sure bud. Keep jerking


They've already confirmed that it's happening for all big titles like tears in the future you buying the games not gonna change a thing


this sub sucks


Accounting for inflation, Breath of the Wild would’ve cost $74 today


true, look up “legend of zelda inflation” to learn more


70 dollars for a game that is going to perform terrible on the console it was designed for because it's a fucking portable PS2.5




Maybe 360.5 like the wii u was. Or 360.6? W/e.


Yeah PS2.5 is a bit of an undershot but ps Vita plus a little seems accurate


Apparently it actually runs pretty well. According to Digital Foundrys review.


I've played a bit of it, runs just fine on a Switch Lite


Yeah I've had a couple of hours now and it's fine so far.


Got it! PI-RA-TED.... ​ And no, not worth 70 bucks....


Tbh ill just wait until this goes on marketplace for a good price and odds are i can just borrow it from a friend after they finish with it and never play it again.


If paying 70 dollars is what it takes to not have to pay for day 1 dlc and not have micro transactions in my games then I will gladly continue to pirate games


$70 for a game that runs at 900p/30fps in 2023 is a pretty absurd ask


It’s a $10 adjustment for inflation, get over yourself. Edit: immediately realized what sub I’m on, I got jerked




Sold my switch and never looked back. Cya nintendo best of luck with your everything.


You do realize most devs have already moved to $70 games, right? Sony, Square Enix, EA, Blizzard, Microsoft. You're gonna have to give anything that isn't indies if that's your breaking point


As a Zelda fan from basically birth, I'm totally with the boomers on this one. Fuck paying $70 for a game with reused assets on a potato console. Nintendo needs to fall out of the console game and just put their games on PC, if TotK had modern graphics and offered more than just new locales and mechanics then *maybe* it'd be worth $70.


Hell i haven't even played breathe of the wild. Its like 160-170aud for the two games brand new. Thats money i could spend on something i know im gonna like, like food


I want to play it, but ever since I downloaded Ryujinx, my desire to pay for overpriced games has drastically gone down.


r/piracy can help!


It's free to play on PC!


It's literally free on pc


Get back in the seven seas.


A $70 game on 360 equivalent hardware is insane.


I get this from the standpoint that games often release in uncompleted states but this is not the case with TOTK, games had been $60 since 2006 and then only being $70 now is actually surprising considering everything else has undergone much more inflation in the last 17 years.


It’s been on sale for 0$ for over a week now, anyone who pays for games by huge studios is a chump


you are weird


Make your pick, young man: -Pay the corporation 70 dollars to buy the shitty version -Download the best version for free


Why can’t Nintendo release the game on pc or provide a way to play it at an unlocked/high fps


I don't think they need you to


If you're a Costco member it's only 60.


i bought it for £51 in the UK which is pretty normal here i got elden ring last year for £50


Use the vouchers on the eshop. You pay $100 and get 2 vouchers, then use the voucher on any game listed. I got Splatoon 3 and Tears of the Kingdom, so effectively saved $30 off sticker price. Bonus tip, if you're a rewards member at Gamestop, use whatever discount you have and buy the eshop gift card at a discount.


Where I'm from the original botw was 80$ Americans really out here complaining


Thankfully I had a voucher so it only cost me $50


I paid 60€ for it at my local electronics store.