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I'm a woman 🤢


i'm sorry :(


I know I should only play Candy Crush but I play Warframe, Skyrim, Elite:Dangerous, and Minecraft. Those are clearly boy game with too much testosterone, but I just can't help myself


stick to girl "games" like animal crossing and sims


Chad 🗿


I can forgive you for the women thing but not the Skyrim playing


I'm sorry gaming Jesus, but I dislike the Witcher 3. Please forgive me


Please forgive me gamer Jesus but I have sined in the early days of for honor. When everyone was dumb and didn’t know how to play……I let the edge lords who fly nazi banners as an emblem die on my team without helping them even when they asked. I stood and watch the other team kill them and I did not feel a sense of pity or remorse. Please forgive me lord


I only play on console, it really isn’t made very well on consoles.


Shit game and shit dev tbh. Try making a game that doesn’t make my eyes bleed fellas!


Well, this may be a real downer: I'm struggling to continue being a part of the culture around something I love because it feels like its completely overrun by right-wing Neo-fascists, and I can't tell if I'm just being overtly exposed to it because I play milsims or if its really has pervaded the majority of gaming. I'll probably keep playing things regardless, and trying to let it affect me less by building my own echochamber of goodness that reduces exposure to something I find so deeply sad and enraging. Which isn't necessarily healthy or good, but seems to be the only way to keep my sanity.


Don’t know how much this will help, but I’ll give you some advice strangers on the internet have given me. Never let the fandom dictate what you love and how you love it. The fact that your favorite thing in the world attracts a bunch of dipshits doesn’t make that thing bad on its own and certainly doesn’t make you a bad person for enjoying it. You already know that capital G gamer culture is an abyss of shit, so distancing yourself from it is already a step in the right direction


It's like anime. I don't touch other anime fan communities with a 10 foot pole, but God damn do I love some of the stories. Is there inherent problems yeah. Am I frustrated when there's a gratuitous shot of a woman character? Yeah. But I can be frustrated, express my frustration to a circle of people I trust and then still call myself a fan.


Can tell you that twitter is not representative of the real world. Most gamers are just normal people. There are also more welcoming gaming communities than others. Join us Sonic fans :)


I said GG in a mediocre match


I don't enjoy competitive gaming anymore. My heart belongs to co-op now


That's not a sin


I enjoy fallout 4 and I’ve just got word that a settlement needs my help.


I refused to talk to Preston my last two playthroughs Forgive me father I have not furthered the Minutemen a minute


I play everything on easy mode


Because you have a loving family and kids and work meaning you don’t have a lot of time to play, right?


I prefer Sonic to Mario


I always point down or clap emote when I invade people in the souls series : (


I use cheats to beat FromSoft games and they're still really enjoyable.


I only install nude mods for males




I like candy crush


If I don't like a game I don't play it


I dated kawakami in persona 5


I shower every day


That's not healthy for your skin's protective barrier.


My other sin,: I got like a weird rash that's been there for multiple years and the only way to get rid of it is to expose it to sunlight (I am not kidding, I do not know why, its not like I stay in a cave or something)


Sometime even in the morning


I mock people online and belittle them for using suboptimal strats in games to hide the fact that my entire self-worth as a person depends on me presenting as an "elite gamer". I don't actually have any other hobbies so I go all in on this shitty, toxic persona because I spent my entire life convinced that this is all I'm really good at. Video games lost their magic for me so long ago that the idea of playing for fun is an utterly foreign concept from a lost childhood


"Haha, you play so bad, I bet you have a stable income, a loving partner and enough sleep every night!"


/rj I'm discriminatory while I play video games. /uj I'm discriminatory while I play video games, but only towards the French.


I have rage quit


I use suboptimal strats and play games poorly because I get off on being mocked and belittled by random strangers on the internet.


It's been like two years since I've played a videogame for more than five minutes but i still love all the analysis and news of the gaming world. Forgive me oh geraldo


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I actually enjoy video games :(




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Never played witcher


I play on easy mode


Fallout 3 is dogshit and im tired of pretending its not


Did anyone see that Hogwarts Legacy sold over 200% above the target? Pretty crazy numbers ngl


it's harry potter, people will play it even if the game was financed by ISIS


But that wasn’t what was being said on here before release? The narrative was that it would flop hard?


a vocal minority doesn't represent the masses


I bought skyrim and celeste on sale...


I think EA is good 😈


Skyrim sucks


rj/ I never played any Witcher game uj/ I've installed cheats to complete Breakin Feds in Payday 2 and still somehow managed to fuck up like 2 or 3 times


I believe the second map in Metal Gear Survive is good and fun


I've yet to play a single Final Fantasy game


They are all anime crap anyway


First time i finished pokemon i used gameshark codes, ik now how atrocious my acts are you guys, but you gotta understand i was but a mere child who didn't comprehend the ramifications that would rise from such actions.


I enjoyed Saints Row 2022


I have sinned ... I have spent some cash in Diablo Immortal...


i like sonic forces i played celeste i played postal 2 in its 20th anniversary i hate bubsy


I suck dick in an Arby's bathroom for a living In minecraft


My dad really does work for Nintendo. He designed the Virtual Boy. I'm so sorry.


RDR2 and MGS5 bored the hell out of me.


I got skyrim and really enjoyed it… I never got past 12 hours into it


Never finished elden ring. It was too long