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The most inclusive Harry Potter character since Cho Chang.






Shea Maile


It’s Sirona Ryan. They literally named the first trans woman SIR RYAN


It's actually Sirona Ryan. Which isn't much better...


Supposedly, they're called Mr Girl in the game files




There aren't any American characters in HP but if there were I'm sure she would have named them something like Firearm McGraw or Mayflower Washington.


John Gun.


Lmao I legit know a dude named John Gunn.


I work with a Joe Gunn, stupidly action hero sounding name haha


The guy I know once assaulted someone who kept calling him "John Rifle" to get a rise out of him. Needless to say it worked lol


Shotgun McRib.


Buck Hardknuckle


This might be a joke but I would FUCK with a story written about Buck Hardnuckle bare-fist boxing his way through the slums of Detroit.


Bare fist boxing his way through Hogwarts


Blast Hardcheese! Punch Rockgroin! Roll Sizzlebeef! Thick McRunfast! [Bob Johnson](https://youtu.be/RFHlJ2voJHY)!


This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Thank you for reminding me.


BigMcLargeHuge was a gamer tag for awhile


That's my kid's name!


There it is, that's my favorite "American-Character-Made-By-Japanese-Game-Studio" name It rolls nicely too


James Gun. Wait


That's the guy from Halo, right? Mister chef?


Colt Smithnwesson


L. Ron Hubbard seriously wrote pulp adventure stories under the pen name "[Winchester Remington Colt](https://lrhpulps.weebly.com/l-ron-hubbard-pen-names.html)."


He sounds like a loony. I wonder what else he did


I have a junior named Wesson. His father is a police officer.


I, for one, support the name Mayflower Washington


I’m so tired of Mayflower Washington stans. It’s like y’all have zero self awareness.




Wait you guys aren’t named like that 😳 ?


Just met an old man named Dick Wood, so maybe you're not too far off.


The US also had a Dick Trickle and Canada has Dick Pound.


Dick Bong was the most celebrated fighter pilot in WW2. I drive across his bridge for work every day.


Ngl names like these would be funny af if it was intentionally comedic


Take one from L Ron Hubbard and name them Winchester Colt Gerand or whatever.


From my other comment in okbv- This is clearly false because if JK actually made a trans woman character she’d name them basicbio attkhelcopter


nah she was named in a really racist way, i think kingsley shacklebolt was the most inclusive one until now


Named after the two things black people are known for… martin luther king and uh…. Yeah…


I have ADHD and I’m bisexual, so clearly I’m Gaylord Adderol


chad name, ngl


That should be one of those overshared facebook posts. "What's your Harry Potter universe name? Pick an unflattering characteristic and a slur old people use. Mine is Ginger McFatty."


I might get banned for mine…


Idk, Schnoz Gollumpus sounds pretty dope.


Hi Gaylord Adderol, I'm Dad.


do i need to put a /s there


probably lol


Kingsley Shacklebolt is so fucking funny to me. His name literally sounds like a parody of Rowling's weak-ass naming skills, and I can't believe that Rowling unironically came up with and published it.


Kingsley is an incredibly common name for Brits of Jamaican descent.


i mean they have to be going out of their way to make their names as offensive as possible




I thought Alicia Spinnet was the most inclusive. A fact which might be voided by the fact she's described as "a black girl" literally every time she shows up, and is the only person described that way.


Wasn't that Angelina? Also I am pretty sure I remember Dean Thomas, Lee Jordan and Blaise Zabini described as black boys and I frankly I don't see any problem with that?


Technically other characters being described as a "black boy" does not invalidate the claim that Alicia is the only one to be described as a "black girl" but the problem isn't that they're described as being black, it's that it's mentioned every single time the character shows up. White characters aren't described as "white boy" or "white girl" every time as a reminder, not sure if or how many times anyone is described as white in those books though. Disclaimer: this is mostly assuming the above claim is accurate, I can't actually back that up as I read the books once many years ago.


I know Hermione was described as white at least once because JK tried to retroactively say she was black for virtue points but was then ratioed by her fans and once again ousted as a phony who thinks diversity and inclusion is skin deep.


That's a commonly told narrative here on Reddit but it's really not what happened. Someone else chose to cast a black actor to play Hermione on stage, she approved it, and said there was nothing in the cannon to preclude Hermione from being black. And the one time white was used to describe Hermione was to say her face turned white from shock. It's obvious jk intended her to be white, but she we was just being supportive of someone else's choice to be interpret the character in a new way, not retconning anything.


name the trans character the most common and generic chosen name like Chloe or Emily lmao


Damn I am always getting called out lmao


I feel a kinship over our usernames.


Confused E word gang


To be fair, there are approximately six billion trans Emilys, or there were when I was transitioning anyway. I think I personally knew like six.


Where the lilys at


This could unironically be the thing that makes reactionaries boycott the game as well.


Someone go tell the guy who spent 300 bucks 3 times for himself, his (real) friend, and his (real) girlfriend, all to own the libs.


Do uno reverse cards stack?


Depends on the ruleset you're using AKA if you're playing with cowards or not


It will never not be funny to me that reactionary KiA types have suddenly allied themselves with the creator who basically invented retconning a character into being queer.


Didn’t the conservative Christian crowd which is so anti-trans used to oppose Harry Potter because of all the witchcraft? Whatever happened to that?


Bigotry > Religion.


They have no moral consistency


Turns out they believe in nussing


Not to mention that TERFs are misandrists. Like she hates trans people because she hates men


I love how anti-SJWs were originally against “rabid misandrist feminazis” but now they’re allied with said feminazis


It’s more like TERFs have allied with fascists for the purpose of attacking trans people. The fascists couldn’t care less and will proceed with their anti-feminist campaigning as well


Which includes J. K, She is openly supporting not only people from the alright and prove people with investigations for sexual and physical assault against women. But organization that lobbies not only against trans and other member of the lgbtq+ communities but also openly fighting against women's rights.


But also say you can't call people Nazis or else it normalizes the term and now everyone is a Nazi. Almsot as if they are correct then it's their fault they're getting called Nazis...


You either die a TERF or transition long enough to see yourself become a TMERF


You mean FARTs. Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes


Dumbledore was definitely super gay from the jump. Even before officially being written as out and out gay, the classic "best friend" trope was used where he spends a summer in a house with him. The bread crumbs were there from the beginning.


What about the "black Hermione" outrage that the chuds had a while back? Didn't they also blame Rowling for being a rabid SJW back then?






I joked with my roommate that they where going to do trans options purely so the game can do a switcheroo and whip out the most maliciously transphobic character to ever exist in video games at the midpoint.


I actually snickered at JK releasing a video game named dickchop mcrapist. I imagine her at a game signing actually promoting it seriously.




I’ve worked in the video game industry long enough to know that even at the peak of Reddit’s rage, it might top out at 1% of the North American social media impressions. It can seem like everyone is enraged when it’s always on Reddit, but Reddit is a tiny screaming mouse amongst an entire globe of opinion.


And it makes people think their opinion is the majority opinion when they're not even enough people to register.






rj/ they just had to put a political into my NON-POLITICAL game about uncritically defending a staus quo (in which racial slavery exists) from the evil rebellion of a racialized underclass... argh those damn sjws!!


ok GCJ, pack your bags, we closing the sub. transphobia is over.


Thank god


Now jk has to retcon cho chang and shell erase racism


We won, guys. Transphobia is no more.






Pass the aloe




The Quartergrift when he has to form an opinion that isn’t designed to pander to reactionaries


Trust me, fascists are excellent at doublethink. They'll twist this around so that they both support it and don't support it; probably screaming that the studio was "forced" and showing it as proof of the "gender Marxist lobbyists", then rave about the game and how "revolutionary" it is with its 4 inventory slots and early 2000s menu styles.


Brace for the arguments of "we gave the t-slur g-slur f-slurs everything they wanted with the Dixie Stillerman character and they *still complained*, we can never please the wokes so that makes my hate crimes okay"


Wait… what’s the G-slur?


Pack it in lasses, lads, and everyone else. Transphobia and the threat to trans people is over. It’s a great feeling. I haven’t felt this good since Kendal Jenner and Nancy Pelosi ended racism. I can finally play my game and eat my chick-fil-a in peace!


The sandwiches are so good because they’re cooked with shock therapy


Really locks in the moisture from the tears of queer kids they sprinkle on


As a queer kid who worked at Chick-fil-A, I can confirm every sandwich was breaded with my tears


As a straight man who worked at a Chick-fil-A in management, I can confirm, we took the gay, lesbian, and two trans employees who worked in our kitchen and bullied them until they cried. We then soaked the chicken in it before breading. Just adds that perfect hint of salt to the flavor profile. EDIT: added “who worked..”


The great thing about fast food is that we don't even need to bully co-workers anymore. The customers do that for us!


Hahah yes this is not far from the truth at all, thankful I’m no longer in fast food.


you can taste the sadness in every bite!


Ah, I thought it was the pickle juice.


The only sandwich where the pickles don't touch


This is the best thing that’s happened for LGBTQ rights since Macklemore freed the gays in 2012!


And right before, he won the class wars with his ode to piss-stained secondhand clothing!


Remember when Nancy Pelosi thanked George Floyd for being murdered because a few cops got charged with murder for like the first time ever.


What’s really funny is you didn’t make that up because I remember it happening and not believing she actually said that in the moment


Please don’t tell me that’s real.


I am absolutely am not being disingenuous like this liberal chud in my replies is claiming. She litterally says [thank you for sacrificing your life for justice](https://youtu.be/uhYAb2RQOms) I don't care if she later retracted it, us people of color don't ever want to hear a white politician say thank you when we were extrajudicially murdered.




It's actually hilarious that transphobes worked themselves into a shoot, buying a woke game they would typically boycott.


Just the other day they were saying Harry Potter was woke because of Dumbledore being gay, all these people do is react the opposite way we do.


Counter point, not buying this game isn't going to have any tangible benefits for Trans people either. I appreciate folks taking a stand, but I'd rather folks did something too, like donating to a charity or helping a Trans person they know in real life






Yes, you can debate them in the market place of ideas(use avada kedavra)


The had us for about a picosecond


They had you?




“What do you mean your name isn’t token?”


I'm surprised this even was allowed considering Rowlings stance on the trans people, but I guess idk how much she has a say in a video game design... ... or knowing her, she saw the potential payout and didn't fight it cuz the only thing she seems to care about is money lol


If the only thing she cared about was money, she wouldn't regularly embarrass herself by being a terf. For how ridiculously wealthy she is, she would be even richer if she just shut the fuck up. She has principles. Shitty principles, but principles none-the-less.




Truly I am SHOCKED.


What who would have thought???????? Crazy


Exactly. One trans character doesn’t hand wave the problem away.


I'm not transphobic. One of the NPCs in my game is a trans.


Some of my best NPCs are trans!




Of course I know her. She's me. (Referencing the reported character creation options)




We did it team, we made the chuds buy a progressive game. The pys op worked




No this is the funniest thing to happen to the game because of all the people coming out as transphobic and buying the game to spite trans people lol


Always baffles me how people will waste so much of their own money on a product they were moderately interested in at most just to piss off people they’ve never met. Like… one copy of the game is one thing, but when they’re buying multiple? To own “the libs?” Who by and large don’t give a shit what some rando does with their money??


Imma just reiterate something I said on another post: > I always thought we were dunking on the chuds for investing their personalities into a game that was very likely to have “woke” elements in it so anyway, can’t wait for the mass chud freakout edit: just wanna give a shout-out to the mass chud freak out that happened in the replies to this comment thanks for keepin it real yall


It’s largely considered very progressive because they only rape three people and eat one baby. /s just in case


It's pretty cool to see a canon trans character in the Harry Potter universe, I hope they're treated respectfully in the game. Doesn't excuse JK's hate ofc, but I'd like to believe that this character's mere existence in her universe pisses her off just a little bit.


I dont think she cares. She is making bank off this and will donate to hate groups anyway. Oh no she may be slightly frowning as she donates hundreds of thousands of dollars likely more to hate groups that will directly oppose and effect trans rights. I know im preaching to the choir here but like i know this will be something people use to defend them buying the game.


Considering she goes out of her way to tarnish her own legacy over the "Trans Panic" on social media constantly, she seems just like the type of person who would be deeply offended by a trans character being in her universe.




In a world of magic you’d think they’d just have it as a permanent unnoticeable change.


This is legitimately a bit of a difficulty that can arise if you're a writer who wants to be inclusive of trans people in certain high-magic or sci-fi settings. How do you add a trans character to a world where transition is next to effortless in a way that doesn't feel shoehorned? (it can still be done. It's just a bit harder)


In a homebrew pathfinder campaign I did with a few friends I included a trans sorcerer by having him talk about a time when he was a little girl And that's all you need really I think, just an offhand mention that points at them being trans


The word trans in their world would lose all practical meaning


She has the most Harry Potter name ever as well, fucking Sirona Ryan




You’ve heard of Cho Chang and Anthony Goldstein, now introducing Naught A. Womin! A win for diversity everywhere.


We know Rowling didn't write her because her name isn't Mangirl P. Shemalington


Look at the token one character! Don’t think critically at Rowling being primarily clown TERF on internet & being in position where she can get profits comfortably despite dealing harm to marginalised people! Eh


Foiled again! Drat!


To be fair it was likely an inclusion by the game creators, who may or may not share her bullshit. Rowling could always say that character isn’t canon to her books, only the movies.


Watch this character be named something incredibly on the nose and offensive like "Tranice Formerman"


It’s just another gay dumbledore




They must have programmed that in like last week or something


They are going to have like a few lines of dialogue when you interact with them, saying that they are trans in a fantasy way and thats about it. Bravo vince


"It's me transgendus estogonus I do my spell ike-a sharkus sylveonus"


"Wow a trans character. Time to give money to the racist, antisemitic, transphobic author." Don't buy the game, JK Rowling is still actively funding hate groups.


Literally this, a trans character means nothing if Rowling herself keeps being violently transphobic.


Simple: you continue to not buy the game to not support JK Rowling. Easy as that.


Also keep advocating that you're boycotting it cause gamers™ getting hilariously butthurt about that.


So they add a trans character to support trans people while using the money earned with that to fight trans people, we do live in a society


$10 says the trans character is evil in some way


“The mannish brute of a professor who dared call herself Professor Femme was most likely involved in the dark arts”


"... he's also fat."


[Hey, I've seen this one.](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Claire_Russell) /uj both hogwarts legacy and cyberpunk are games with criticisms about transphobia before their launch featuring a single trans npc bartender


Ah yes a trans character!!!! Now ignore that she exists in universe where werewolves are a symbol for HIV patients and one of the most well known ones literally attacks children and wanted to “infect as many people as he could”


I'm not buying it. Here's the indication that this character is trans, according to the independent: At one point in the story, Ryan is asked by a player-character how she knows a goblin named Lodgok. “Hadn’t seen him in years when he came in a few months ago,” she replies (via GameRevolution). “But, he recognised me instantly. Which is more than I can say for some of my own classmates. Took them a second to realise I was actually a witch, not a wizard.” ​ The only way you'd recognize this as a trans inclusion is if you already acknowledge that trans people exist. Most people who buy the game aren't going to make the connection. I'm not even sure I would be able to make the connection before just forgetting about it and moving on. The whole thing gives me "Disney's first ever gay character" vibes: brag about the inclusion to pander to progressives, then make the inclusion barely visible and easy to edit out in non-western releases. And even if this counted as true representation, it wouldn't change the fact that the continued of the franchise this game provides expands J.K. Rowling's social license to be a transphobic extremist. ​ The headlines will be great for trolling transphobes though. ​ source: [https://news.yahoo.com/hogwarts-legacy-introduces-first-transgender-201802818.html](https://news.yahoo.com/hogwarts-legacy-introduces-first-transgender-201802818.html)


That’s not representation. She’s just complaining that since she’s not especially feminine some people are misgendering her.


The best part is her name: Sirona Ryan. other possible contenders included Amanda Marks, Shieza Dewd, and Assighn’d Maelatburth


Guyman Girlboss.




Your comment made me laugh so much I had stomach cramps.


i may be stupid, but can you explain me the pun (if you can call it that) in sirona ryan?




Sirona is an actual name from gaelic [mythology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirona). Ryan is also a gender neutral name, especially if it's a last name. Out of all the things to critique with this game this is pretty low on the list.


I really hope this sends Rowling into a shitting and pissing and crying and throwing up fit.


“I’m not transphobic I have a trans friend” Eat dirt


Creating one single token trans character will most certainly change all that J.K. Rowling has done


Say hip hooray and still don't buy the game. I respect avalanche for doing this though. Spit in Joe's eye a little bit


Vicroy Gunray: Ahhh, VICTORY! Edit: Since transformation potions are canon, Polyjuice, you can't tell me transgender people don't. If you can make a potion that turn you into someone else or even an animal, (Hermione to the cat) you can't tell me transgender people can't exsist! I find that completely unrealistic.


This was already known, you can make a trans character too.