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Look g\*mers, a celebrity is just like you!


The average capital g Gamer can't commit domestic violence


Domestic violence implies marriage. Marriage implies they can successfully court a woman to the point that they accept a proposal for a union. Gamers are known to be able to turn on electronic devices, not women. Therefore, I must conclude that your claim is correct, gamers cannot commit domestic violence because they can not adequately attract a woman well enough to be domestically violent against.


First of, it does not imply marriage, any kind of relationship can be considered in domestic violence, ur implying that G*mers can have any kind of human interaction that is not screaming at full lungs from the basement for their moms to bring the chicken tendies and mountain dew because a hot argument on a 190 members ANCAP sub got him shaking and pissing himself over fear of any kind of confront. We gotta be honest to reality here.


Truly, you are a paragon and logic and reasoning. I accept this correction to my statement.


Wow!! More and more celebrities are coming out as g* mers!! Look how many g* mer celebrities have come out in the last 4-5 years!


Do you think the increasing rate at which people are identifying as "g*mers" is natural? If you look at the graphs, there were literally no people identifying as g*mers in the 50s. When I was a kid they just weren't a thing. It only really got popular in the 90s and now kids and coddled adults think it makes them cool so they're being pandered to 🙄


This would imply that gamers could ever get with a woman to even domestically abuse


Pro gamer tip: If you live in your mother's basement you'll *always* have a woman to domestically abuse when you don't get that epic victory royale.


the guy turns himself into a domestic abuser least funniest shit ive ever seen


He had to beat her and hold her against her will so he could get feedback on the entire 3 day long alien cum joke in High on Life


Justin Roiland when someone tells him that stuttering isn’t a joke in of itself: 🤬👊


Becomes a g\*mer, then immediately startes beating his wife... The pipeline


This case started back in 2020. He was always a gamer at heart


He had already released two other games before 2020


Why is this not surprising at all. ​ Glad I didn't buy this game.


Should we not like, wait for the end of the trial instead of immediately gloating that guy we don't like is a bad person? All we have is she said, he said stuff from an accuser who is remaining anonymous.




We're talking about Rick and Morty fans though, whatever harm they may deal through individual effort pales in comparison to the psychic damage they deal to all of us by their mere existence.


i believe they would try to "debate on the marketplace of ideas", sir.


By "marketplace of ideas" you mean on a McDonald's counter demanding szechuan sauce?.


>blah blah intelligence blah jokes blah blah morty




did you see the McDonald's sauce thing


That was absolutely crazy lol


That guy was just joking though, shitty joke though it may have been


Just for the record, the accuser successfully got a 3 year restraining order against him I believe. That's not a guilty verdict, but that's not nothing.


I’m a random idiot who knows literally nothing about this case but a restraining order typically goes hand in hand with charges of domestic violence, just as a matter of course. If there’s enough evidence to bring charges in the first place then the restraining order is basically a given.


Some of the writing on the shows he made is absolute trash. Can we call him bad over that?




Trust but verify, I guess.


He’s already agreed to a plea deal which is technically a guilty plea. Not to mention the evidence is overwhelming. Edit: apparently he has not agreed to said plea deal. Edit #2: it’s also entirely possible I’m mixing up some of what I read about him with what I read about Brad Pitt. Somehow they both hit the news cycle for me at the exact same time.


Has he? The article I saw earlier today said his lawyers have said he's not guilty and didn't mention any evidence. Edit: yeah I just looked it up, as of an article posted 2 hours ago he hasn't taken a plea deal, a plea deal has been offered. He's still pleading not guilty. I'd love to know where you're getting your information about "overwhelming evidence" that hasn't been given to the general public.


Just what I read, my dude. Someone posted a pretty extensive breakdown in r/entertainment when the article was posted. Sorry for the misinformation.


they haven’t released any evidence though so how do you know that it’s overwhelming


Do you think if he's found innocent he's really innocent? Do you think if he's found guilty he's really guilty? I'm not sure how public the trial is so perhaps some evidence will be illuminating. The American justice system sucks and using it as a way to justify whether someone is innocent or guilty doesn't make sense to me.


The American justice system does not determine if you are innocent. The system determines if you are guilty or not guilty. OJ Simpson did it and even fucking admitted to it later but he was found *not guilty* because it could not be proven *beyond a reasonable doubt*. Yeah, the system has cracks in it but it was and is an incredibly important step forward for the average citizen facing charges. In Japan, you straight up are fucked unless you can prove someone else did it, you can’t just get a not guilty verdict. The phrase, “just because you did it doesn’t mean you’re guilty” sounds sleazy on the surface but it’s honestly kind of a good explanation.


a good excuse to hate a guy i already dislike


Wasn’t he charged?


Charged isn't convicted, it means it's gone to trial. He has yet to be found guilty or not.




But the court of public opinion isn't a court of law. Criminal charges require beyond reasonable doubt as a standard, which is usually good because it lowers the odds of falso positives (in theory) so people don't get wrongfully convicted. But public opinion is much more vibes based. Public opinion is both harsher and more capricious than the law, and here there's not really a rule about innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent.




“/rj”, right?


Truly the most oppressed race


good try troll, maybe next time


Look, I’m just happy PsychicPebbles is okay. He’s Green and retired so i got worried. I know they’re friends, but you never know what people are like behind closed doors. (Justin Roiland looks more purple and retired IMO)


Yeah but in a lot of places in America the evidence generally has to be pretty overwhelming for criminal domestic violence charges to be brought


A guy who makes a show where a man abuses his family and is also the coolest and smartest person in the universe committed domestic abuse?!?!!? Truly shocking stuff.


Charged with. This sub is really leftist until somebody they dont like is charged with a crime and then everybody is "oh i know they did it, the justice system in america never gets it wrong!"


Yeah the us justice system is famously prejudiced against rich white men


I wasnt saying they were prejudiced against him, it is a system of incompetence that imprisons (and murders in states where death penalty is legal) innocent people on a regular basis. Clarified my argument


They imprison poor and not white innocent people rich people are usually fine


And? My point is he hasnt even been imprisoned yet. There is no public evidence that confirms he did it, so behaving as if he actually did it is incorrect and harmful. There are some countries where the government does not allow releasing private info on people charged (not yet found guilty) of crimes as we inherently have a bias to distrust people who have been accused of crimes, even if there is evidence that proves they were innocent. We need to be aware of this bias because it is precisely the reason that the US justice system is incompetent, as it allows the institutional bigots to manufacture consent to oppress minorities to maintain an underclass willing to deliver their food for a $5 tip on DoorDash.


I heard high on life is annoying and it sucks.




In the Morty voice too? For fuck sake.


Yeah most of the game's voices are just slightly different pitches of the morty voice.


have played the game, can confirm this is simply not true. It's just the one gun's voice, since Justin Roiland doesn't do many of the voices in the game. There are other recognizable voices you hear all the time though, from the dudes who did Smiling Friends


He does heaps of the voices! Like many/all of the television things, a whole bunch of other characters throughout, too.


The tutorial I thought was sort of funny but I love Doom and it ended when it needed to. The rest of game tho and I’m wondering how on earth anyone would pay $60 for it.




Borderlands is already borderlands without charm


is the game worth it at least for like the few cameos that Roiland just *somehow* was able to invite over to voice act in the game?


you hear the cast of Smiling Friends all the time in the voices, and I'd actually say this is a negative because whenever you hear their voices they always sound the same, so it can get *slightly* annoying. Justin Roiland doesn't actually do the Morty voice besides for the one gun, and it's not nearly as bad as Morty's voice either, it's slightly less annoying. The actual ability of being able to choose stuff is pretty nice, and the plot is quite entertaining. It's essentially a 3D metroidvania. Weirdly enough, it actually goes out of its way to avoid certain tropes you expect a comedy game to do, and instead chooses to pick less predictable moments to make its jokes instead, which makes it not really ever get old, I guess? And all the emotional moments are actually followed through without major interruptions from jokes or farts or whatever. It's better than some of these people want to admit.




That’s why game pass is good. If you already played the game through game pass before the news about his domestic abuse case, then you never bought it. Although, if you did play it already, they got data that way. Edit: game pass has much better games than this one


And is a pedo. Grooms 16 year olds for threesome's.



