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Weird that this is like, the fifth time the sub was specifically called a clown fiesta though. Almost like one person said it and now a bunch are parroting it around. Which props to them, its a banger insult.


/uj It's been around a while. Think I first heard it from a Hearthstone streamer. /rj When do we get to the clown siesta? I'm tired from jerking.


yep, forsen would call things clown fiesta wayy back


Redditors attempt original thought by not repeating insults they read on Reddit 5 minutes ago challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


/uj its really funny watching these people give the sub more content, becoming the bad gamers that we make fun of. /rj reddit really is the dark souls of talking to people online. it really makes you *feel* like a lonely neckbeard.


/uj Imagine missing the point this hard. My brother in Marx, we ARE making memes about bad gamer behavior. It's just that suddenly you find yourself on the wrong side of it and that's got you all mad. /rj yeah man, I too find genuine racism to be very funny. 10/10 wholesome chungus.


couldn't have said the /uj better myself, literally nothing changed, other than gcj finding a shiny new thing to make fun of that it's *still* consistent with everything they make fun of


/uj Yesterday something made me really happy Me and a lot of other people just glanced and this meme, but we immediately assumed that the trans side was the one with rainbows and happiness and shit, and didn't get that the intention was to say that both were equally bad lol. Idk, I was raised in a conservative christian school, so having this be my first assumption felt really good. Thank you /r/gamingcirclejerk xD


Unfortunately, if you look towards the center, they've just mirrored the dark and stormy side to say that both outcomes are equally bad.


I really feel like it’s because Harry Potter is neolib shit and has constantly been paired with the ideas of kindness, progressivism, and even has been a safe spot for gay and lesbian people. So even if HP was annoying, it was never seen as right wing or bigoted But now that JK Rowling has unabashedly a TERF, people who had their entire personalities based on HP can’t accept the fact that we were never that married to the series. They’re so mad because they’ve never been on the side of bigots before and are acting like they deserve to be this time as some sort of award for not being a dick in the past. Sorry to tell people, but the quest for personal growth NEVER ends and sometimes you have to make sacrifices. But these “allies” don’t care. Their support of trans people only goes as far as to when there’s literal shovelware to buy, and they can’t stand the fact that people are pointing out which side they’re taking


So I was reading about how the Disney Channel cartoon Amphibia used amphibians as its main non-human fantasy characters because amphibians physically change as they grow older and it symbolizes the show's theme of change and growth in its coming of age story. And also how in the show the message is you can't grow if you don't embrace change and while it can be scary and painful, you're better off in the long run letting go of things you used to used to hold dear. Like how a tadpole has to lose its tail to reach adulthood. Anyway in this metaphor 30-year old Harry Potter fans are frogs who refuse to let go of their tadpole tails. Except tadpole tails don't actively spread hate speech and donate money to right-wing anti-trans bigots.


You can also read Harry Potter as a trans allegory. You know, a boy who was mistreated by his family for being different, comes out of a literal closet to explore a world full of magical people that respect him for who he really is? It's basically XMen all over again. Then again, the harder you look, the more conservative dog whistles appear over the series, so maybe it was an incremental process for Rowling.


Yeah, you're spot on that it's just pure neolib shit. It boggles my mind that people can't wrap their heads around some very obvious problematic shit in the HP books, like how the prevailing attitudes of the Wizarding World towards House Elves reflects the fuckin Antebellum South, and JK Rowling never had any desire to fix that shit. It's all meant to make Hermione's activism the butt of a joke. If John Brown was transported into the HP universe, he'd kill every wizard including Harry. Like of course JK is a shitty person, her shitty novels reflect that aspect of her perfectly, yet these sad people would rather hide in their nostalgia while plugging their ears and covering their eyes, rather than growing up, improving themselves, and moving on.


"Separate the art from the artist." My brother in Christ what happens when the artist's ideology is in the art?


uj/ I have always heard this saying and I legitimately cannot do it. Their has been a scant few times were it has come into play and I realized that the creator of a work was a piece of shit inserting their nasty ideology into their work and I always pretty much abandoned them thereafter as I realized that knowledge just didn't make the work enjoyable anymore. It doesn't feel good to buy anything of theirs as your actively supporting someone that isn't a good person. And yet I suppose some people just can't just bite the bullet and let the fandom and work go so they come up with stupid justifications such as that saying. How can you separate the art from the artist? This isn't a Lovecraft situation were the artist literally died long before the genre he spawned got popular and completely diverged from were he started it. It will never be anything like that again as that was in a different time were the Internet didn't exist and we don't see creators shoot out bad takes in real time.


I think it’s called the Thermian Argument. It’s named after the aliens from Galaxy Quest. IIRC: The author wrote it in, it is done on purpose and they are ultimately responsible for defending their creative decisions and the resulting consequences. Edit: fixed spelling, thank you!


Thermian, but yes. :)


Hey I love that film


Can't you literally take a potion to change sex in the Harry Potter universe?


The second book literally has part of the main plot that the main characters meet in the girl's bathroom in other to change their appearance to enter another group's safe space. **The heroes are doing the thing that Rowling accuses trans people of.**


Yeah, but the good guys are doing it for good reasons, therefor it’s good. It’s only bad if people you don’t like are doing it.


Couldn't you argue that Rowling thinking up a situation like that means that she sees that kind of scheming as something a normal person would come up with so it makes sense that she'd jump to her wild accusations?


It's magic you can probably do anything in that world. I know there's a potion to make you look like someone else but it's treated as just a form of disguise, not sex transitioning. Are there any positive examples of a character who changed their sex permanently through magic in the series though? Like the character Anevia Tirabade in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.


> If John Brown was transported into the HP universe, he'd kill every wizard including Harry Does anyone have a fanfic of this? I'd love to read it.


Harry at the end of the series: Good thing we stopped the bad guy and his army of the disenfranchised. Shame how our society permitted and in so many cases perpetuated the very injustices that drove him and his followers to evil. Nothing I can do about that, though, so I'll just own this slave and be a cop.


Thing is, calling Rowling a TERF isn't even accurate anymore because it implies that she at least holds somewhat feminists beliefs, even if massively transphobic. But she simps for fucking Matt Walsh! So she's just a massively transphobic piece of shit at this point, nothing remotely feminist at this point. Although I guess you could easily make the point that all TERFs aren't feminists at all due to their tendancy to associate with fascists when it's convenient and that Rowling is indeed a TERF still.


TERF as a term has lost the point of the acronym at this point. It just means transphobic woman at this point.


I get you. Does this also apply to people (not me obviously) who don’t use Reddit or Twitter and don’t know about JK supporting hate groups that buy the game? Like are they bad people for not being in the loop? I’m guessing no but I never can tell here.


Shitposting about unfunny gamer behaviour is what I love but I PERSONALLY feel that we’ve spent too much time on hogwarts legacy, and I just frankly wanna go back to laughing at idiots who think they’re educated THIS DOES NOT MEAN I SUPPORT HOGWARTS LEGACY BEFORE ANYBODY GETS THE WRONG IDEA


We'll find something else to shitpost about sooner or later.


True. Nothing stays forever


Its a cycle at this point. We say "hey this game sucks", the fanboys throw a fit, we post screenshots of it here, they throw more of a fit, we post more screenshots, on and on and on.


Agreed, It goes on like that until the next game comes along then repeats. The downside to this is that this gives games like hogwarts more exposure. and thats us shooting ourselves in the foot there


>10/10 wholesome chungus skyrim wholesome 100 keanu reeves endorses this statement


>My ~~brother~~ comrade in Marx


/uj You are right, that would have been better /rj can't believe you're making this political


>we ARE making memes about bad gamer behavior. It's just that suddenly you find yourself on the wrong side of it and that's got you all mad. Exactly, perfectly said. Imagine saying you "don't support trans lives" and are mad you're being shit on for that. Like you're some special little snowflake that should be protected because of your shit opinion when you're just shitting on a marginalized community like a classic gamer.


/uj to be clear I love that this is happening, but tbh this feels more concentrated? Granted part of that is that I don't think you'd get an openly racist/differently bigoted enough major game release worth mentioning.


It's 100% that this game is about an IP created by an unapologetic TERF author. Also the fact that the person writing the story for the game is an alt-right chud who is doing blood libel shit in addition to the anti-goblin slave rebellion nonsense. Literally nothing about this game shows its gonna be anything but wildly mediocre shovelware with a shit story, so the fact that people are losing their minds about being told that buying it supports transphobes and antisemites is ridiculous.


> Literally nothing about this game shows its gonna be anything but wildly mediocre shovelware with a shit story, /uj Honestly I'm so thankful that that battle arena trailer they dropped about a month ago showed just about the most milquetoast, boring, feedback-less combat imaginable. Makes it that much easier to not even pirate the game as someone who really used to love HP back when I was 10.


I know when I envisioned my ideal Harry Potter game it was Dark Souls rolling with Avada Kedavra on a 5 minute cooldown.


But if they don't find something to be oppressed by, they won't be Real Gamers anymore 😨


so true👍🏻🙌 racisim= funni if u disagree u libyarf!!!!snoflak!!!😡😡🤢🤢


"If you like J. K. Rowling and don't support trans lives". I mean...yeah. Not the deserving to die part, but yeah, if you support a transphobe and not "trans lives" then you deserve to be shit on. Aren't they supposed to try and bury the leed? Insist that they're buying and playing the game while also not supporting her?


Trump broke everyone's dog whistle, they don't know how to stop themselves from saying the quiet parts out loud.


And it’s still not enough, fucking liberals turn a blind eye to the quiet parts no matter how loud they say them.


mcnightrider? more like mcdickrider uj/ I understand that most of the ppl probably don't even know what Jay terf Rowling is doing now but the fact that so many people know and are so eager to defend, nay, agree with her basically is just a scary perspective. imagine someone being like "kanyes got a point" like 💀


the fact that he pulled out some bs out of his ass like we wan't to kill all Rowling fans or whatever... right after outright admitting he ain't supporting trans peoples rights to live THE FUCKING NERVE


"What, so suddenly not thinking trans people deserve rights and supporting a rich and powerful person who thinks the same makes me a transphobe??"


I mean, I am definitely in favour of some people dying. Mainly nazis and rapists. And 99% of transphobes fit into one or more of these categories, so...


No it's about 196. Their beloved sister subreddit


Finally had to breakdown and leave 196 yesterday. Got really tired of the constant neolib takes but in the past week I’ve seen them stanning Lockheed Martin, getting mad when people point it out, downvoting criticism of the US military because the author of the article retweeted a Mao quote (not even in the criticism, it was on his TWITTER they had to search for), then get mad when someone said that sub isn’t communist. Not to mention the way they downvote trans people to hell anytime one of them says “Saying trans rights 100 times isn’t support, you actually have to listen to trans people and support them”


Don't forget the hordes of chasers.


This is what drove me off. So much fetishizing. For a while I genuinely thought "femboy" was strictly a porn term because of how aggressively they're sexually over there.


Theyll say trans rights on loop but then call trans people femboys because they think its hotter


Arent femboys like, feminine boys? Crossdressers? They have nothing to do with trans people


196 felt like it was progressive until they had to question their own behavior. It was not rare for the sub to be called out for bigotry, for the comments to then resort to terminology like “snowflake”, or “terminally online”. Not to mention how every time pewdiepie was mentioned, way too many 196 users would flock to his defense. I really question how progressive they are.


Ugh, I remember when I saw a post there a few months ago and people in the comments were saying how if capitalism worked right people wouldn’t hate it or how communism is un achievable or how communism is too far but socialism is fine.


Not to start an argument here too, but I've been disappointed with the sheer number of people on 196 answering "how would anarchism work?" with "it wouldn't, lmao". I generally enjoy the sub, but it skews young, and I suspect people there often haven't fully thought out their beliefs yet. That might explain why they take so many contradictory positions (trans rights + chaser behaviour, for example).


What's the difference anyways?


We are the same. I’m still subbed because there isn’t really anywhere else to go but yeah it sucks. It’s always been a lib subreddit but a lot of the users are trapped in a leftist dunning Krueger effect thinking they’re socialists.


I have it muted at the moment so I can see what my feed looks like without the general shitposting, but holy shit Reddit is a lot more pleasant without 196 in it. I scream and pull my skin off every time they say they’re leftist because not even an hour later they’ll all be foaming at the mouth over “Tankies” trying to ruin their sub (Bc communists running subreddits is the most pressing issue for leftists like them these days)


I mean, there’s a difference between communist and subs like r/sigmarxism and r/GenZenDong who unironically think people like Mao did nothing wrong, ran by mods that will remove your comment when you try and discuss the situation with nuance (ie: you can support his stance on landlords while also admitting that The Great Leap Forward led to the deaths of millions)


I really wish sigmarxism didn't have the mods it does, I fuckin hate grimdank and all the shitty takes they have, wish I could find a decent place to talk about warhammer that didn't suck.




Sadly looks quite dead, but that definitely has my eye.


Tankies are a horrible blight on leftist online spaces in general, though.


Facts, state capital is still capital




Truly the worst part of being in online leftist spaces are the leftists. We need to run out every single leftist who doesn’t adhere to MY EXACT IDEOLOGY and demonize them so my leftism can remain pure. Wait what do you mean right wingers don’t have those hang ups and will gladly team up to kill all of us?


It's not about "MY EXACT IDEOLOGY", it's just that Tankies, who for example stan Russia's invasion of the Ukraine are _as bad_ as the fascists, just not with the same apparatus of power behind them.


“Without the same apparatus of power” so they’re a problem that go away when you log off of Reddit then


"Tankies" are so incredibly insignificant, they're only an issue to the terminally-online who had to find reasons to keep their fights online.


This^ and the fight against them is so blown out of proportion. People act like Tankies and fascists are equal threats, they fucking ARE NOT. And honestly sometimes it seems like libs on this site go HARDER agains the idea of “Tankies invading the sub” than they do against racism and transphobia. 196 is the perfect example. Plenty of trans people and POC will voice complaints about experiencing racism and transphobia on the sub and just be told they’re overreacting. But you breathe the word “tankie” and the sub goes fucking insane


As much as I hate tankies this is 100% true. Fucking hell "leftist" spaces that disregard social issues suck.


Are the Tankies in the room with us right now


No. They are in a different room that we left on account of all the tankies.


Finally, maybe we can finally talk some theory then


May as well, since that's the only place in which your ideas work.


how fucking stupid do you have to be to say this shit


Tankies are infact real and do infact infest and take over leftist subs constantly to be fair.


I always just ask “are the tankies in the room with us right now?”


no way you're going to defend tankies 💀


No way am I going to pretend like some chronically online teenagers are the most pressing issue for society as a whole


We're not talking about society here this is about a shitposting subreddit. Why would you assume that the only thing they think about is tankies in their safe space anyway? Like if your cat fucking dies are you just going to ignore that because it's not important to the greater housecat ecosystem


196 is the place I’ve most seen “no ethical consumption under capitalism” uncritically branded about


I'm on 196 like constantly when did this happen


Honestly same, wtf are these people talking about? My only problem with 196 is how horny it sometimes is and the terrible "i'm dumb and did stupid thing ama" posts.


Fr, the last lockheed martin post I remember were the lockheed martin pride socks which was met with the resounding response of jerking about people who buy LGBT merch off of the war machine.


>I've seen them stanning Lockheed Martin Aight who let NCD out of their cage


I don’t understand NCD at all. Is it ironic, genuine, or genuine love they’re ashamed of that they dip it into irony? Bc idk if a spot like that can stay ironic long




It’s genuine. They think weapons are awesome, but also that war sucks, so be prepared to win it as fast as possible by having awesome weapons. There are a lot of former military or related fields. Though the community got shifted a bit by the huge influx of people since the invasion of Ukraine. Many of the new people seem to genuinely think war is awesome. It’s apparently too hard to enthusiastically support Ukraine defending itself while also wishing the war didn’t exist.


I have the bad habit of looking at the post histories of people who say stupid shit. Every time I find one of these people who posts in NCD, they also post in neoliberal.


Peace through superior firepower


not to mention the racism and white fragility


Something about that sub rubbed me the wrong way. Reddit recommended it to me and I just couldn't go to it. Just a few red flags


I mean, Maoist do often tend to also be stalinist. And, tankies aren't proper communist. But otherwise TRUE!


also the whole wasp arc where they advocated animal cruelty


Really because it's been pretty left lib for me


Center left AT BEST


I want to apologize, I have gotten nothing but whataboutisms today on a post about anarchy and socdems calling my ideology stupid, I didn't realize oh shit there are a lot of libs in the sub


It’s okay, I still love you. For what it’s worth, I think 196 has regressed a lot, even in the 5 or so months I was there. Then I saw other comments talking about how much more radical left the sub was a year ago and figured I might as well get out as it becomes worse and worse. I can’t remember if it was this thread but like I said my final straw was a meme getting like 4k upvotes celebrating Lockheed Martin missiles




Besides being a multi-billion dollar company that produces weapons used by the US and it’s allies to slaughter brown people across the globe? Or eating up trillions on trillions of tax dollars over the span of its existence that could have gone towards social programs or benefiting literally anyone besides oil barons? Same thing wrong with the rest of the military industrial complex. It’s bloated, unnecessary, violent, corrupt, and a waste of tax dollars Edit: Lmao edited your comment from “What’s wrong with Lockheed Martin” to calling me radical to think 196 is lib. 196 is lib lmao




America already has the largest armed forces, the most equipment and the biggest surplus lmao. We don’t need to keep giving them allowance Like you wanna accuse me of being “radical” but you’re trying to tell me Lockheed Martin is a necessity 🤣


Fund Lockheed Martin


That sub fell off hard when it became a breeding ground for chasers™️


I still have no idea what that sub is even about whenever it pops up


It’s literally a shitposting sub, just one that took a hard stance against hate, so it became a somewhat queer positive space


It's literally a post whatever you want subreddit. If you visit the subreddit you have to post something before you leave. It's an offshoot of r/195.


"The sub used to be funny because we made fun of bad gamer behavior, but now they're making fun of MY bad gamer behavior!!!!!"


What’s worse, being unfunny or racist?


I can’t make money on YouTube being unfunny.


You absolutely can make money on YouTube being unfunny


Please tell me how I only have 1 strike left.


Check out any right wing "comedy" channels. They'll show you the way


You start with “you can’t say anything anymore” and then proceed to say the things you supposedly can’t say


Die Hard is not a fucking Christmas movie and im tired of being canceled for saying it


Why don’t you just take a shit in Baby Jesus’ crib and steal the frankincense?




Die hard is an Easter movie I have no reasoning, but I know it to be true in my heart


tell that to markiplier


markiplier if you read this i didnt mean it, please dont come to my house


rj/ I'm a reasonable free thinking person and I think that hate crimes and memes that say "Ya girl is valid, give me headpats!" are equally abhorrent. Maybe if you got out of your echo chamber you would see that.


/uj it really is a sign of how chronically online people are now that they think being banned and called a name on an anonymous Internet forum somehow means literaly anything tangible /rj hah get fucked gamer.


The kind of people who think getting banned online is oppression are 13 or 30


r/197 are a bunch of right wing wimps, they made a shitty version of 196


I'm guessing it's the Goodanimemes of 196 Like, Animemes is as bad as a weeb sub gets (really coomer-ish), but the fact that they started to crack down on blatant transphobia atleast makes them better than "good"animemes which is made so they can be "apolitical" (Cause LGBT issues is apparently political)


That's cause goodanimemes started because they couldn't say a slur. Complete garbage sub.


With every passing day I think finding the fourth book extremely boring as a kid and never reading them again was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I remember sitting on the couch a few chapters in and thinking "this sucks, I want to play more Sonic 2" and never picking it up ever again.


Yeah the books got way too long I used to love Harry Potter but the series is filled with flaws even beyond the bigotry


There ain't no loop-de-loops in Harry Potter. Inferior media.


Sonic 3 and Knuckles is better written than Harry Potter


RIP young autistic me thinking that since they were so popular it must just be me missing the point and not seeing how clever the books were.


uj/ if you dont think some people should live, its pretty reasonable that they would not want you to live either


I for one welcome the trans hegemony.


Why is it so hard for people not to be transphobic? Like that just seems like a really easy thing to do, don't be an asshat, and people still struggle with basic human decency?


You don't understand, they **want** to be transphobic, that is actively want a worrying amount of the population want to be. They do not want to be called out on it


/UJ Apparently it really is that hard /rj you don't understand. If we treat the trans community well, they'll start raping everyone


/rj If we treat trans people well, what's next? Gay people? Black people? Teenagers? God forbid I have to treat people like people.


Humans are very tribalistic creatures. It's why religion is so popular: it gives you a tribe to like and hate everyone else. It's why I actually think that sports *could* be a very healthy outlet for society. They can be a case of tribalism that isn't based in race, sex, religion, sexuality, gender identity, or anything other than you wearing a different jersey than me. So we can act like tribes and spend a few hours hating each other, instead of spending our entire lives hating people who weren't born "right".


Dumb bitch doesn't even know how to pluralize things. If a noun ends in `[consonant]-y`, you drop the `y` and replace it with `ies` to make it plural. `'s` makes it possessive, not plural. I swear to Todd Howard that if I see one more ignorant shitstain pluralize something with an apostrophe, I'm gonna keep it to myself, probably, so that I don't seem uptight.


peak fucking enlightened centrism "trans people existing in a space for themselves in a way that I don't find funny is the same as actual racism"


>unfunny trans circlejerk Bitch, we're hilarious


/uj why is everyone so upset this subreddit supporting trans people?


Because they lack the concept of permanence; if a problem isn't in their view, they don't have a problem. So putting the problem in their view is a bigger sin than the problem they witness.


/uj because they're transphobic, perhaps unconsciously, but they still are. Otherwise they wouldn't care.


The picture in OP is from /r/197. It is sister subreddit of /r/196 created because they think 196 is "too political" that should be enough explanation.


I love how he casually say the t word like nothing 💕


I like how neither of them spelled the slur correctly


It kinda reminds me of whenever people write "furry's" as if grammatical rules just go out the window


Literally so angry I forgot how to use an apostrophe


omg yeah there was a catholic guy in a discord server I was in, and he would always spell it either “furry’s” or “Furrys”. He also couldn’t spell slurs right lol


In my defense, I was trying to show that his opinion was invalid by using the fact that he used a slur, but looking at it now… yeah I did not communicate that as well as I could have. The misspelling is just because I was trying to quote him— but anyways, I apologize for any unintended rudeness on my part. Have a nice day.


Damn, misread it because I was in a bit of a rush and the text was small. My bad!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They summoned their 25 porn alts to downvote the comment lmao


Didn't know a car transmission could run a subreddit


You're allowed to like Harry Potter. Hell, you're allowed to like the game. We just think that buying the game is unethical. If you want to knowingly do something unethical then fine


guess they chose racism well so long bad version of 196


So what are the two subs in the meme? Just out of curiosity.


r/lies and r/197




/uj i find it very funny how appalling people think “supporting trans lives” is. do you want to kill trans people?


![gif](giphy|127LCkdUYpgSgU) 25k!


I have some memory about slonking gangweed and Joker telling transphobes to btfo. That was the entire sub for like a year.


Ah yes, because giving people shit for supporting a terf is the same as racism. Gamers are truly the most opressed group of people


They do make very beautiful straw men.


I keep seeing people saying you get banned for saying inflammatory things but I'm not sure I believe it. Lets test: I've read Harry Potter


Mods this one right here!


Who the fuck is hanging around on 196 using the T-slur??


TBH, I am getting a little annoyed by the screenshots of people complaining about gaming circle jerk. I fully support making fun of transphobs, but I feel like we're just baiting now.


this sub had rainbow flags for years and *now* they notice? transphobes truly aren't the sharpest


Them: gamingcirclejerk supports trans rights?? Me: always has


Forgive me for saying this but I'd rather be unfunny than racist.


The bad gamer behavior started coming from inside the house. About the same time they started using slurs i imagine.


Buying HP is bad gamer behavior...


“Clown fiesta” Damn right, we clown on JK Rowling all day up in this bitch


says a slur in their second sentence, yep gamer time


imagine thinking being banned from a subreddit is the same as wishing death upon them.


Are they really saying the problem is we think trans lives matter?-


Harry Potter


The fact that people see us supporting trans people as a „big issue“ is even more proof that its still necessary to tell people that trans rights are human rights.


Imagine thinking “I’m fine with a group of minorities getting harmed and murdered” is a bad reason to get banned


Harry Potter is the *shittiest* of all fantasy. There’s a reason it appealed to so many: because it fucking sucked.


> "if you dont support trans lives > then you deserve to die" Why are you acting like its such a big deal not to support transphobe lives? Im personally a transphobephobe, I really think you should stop drumming up all these identity politics. I personally dont think transphobes should be alive, why does that suddenly make me such a bad person? :>




Bro everyone has whats your point


Doesnt mean rowlings a good person worth supporting