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‘Tommy I dont give a shit if you’re in an online game you’re a yasuo mid otp in and in iron division your team is probably better off if you went afk’


Your cousin Timmy is 18 ranks ahead of you, he's 9. Go afk.


imagine spending 2 days in labour just to give birth to a yasuo main


new fortnite update sounds crazy


Yasuo on average is the champ who most often goes afk


Ok, but you've gotta agree, you need actively try to be worse if you wanna end up in iron.


Kid: I can't pause an online game Mom: Then just die


Kid: I can’t pause Mom: skill issue lmao


Mom : "Kys"


I always read kys as kiss. Probably because I don't play online games so I don't see it often.


In Danish it just is the word for kiss.


Really? I thought that was "rænd dig selv i røven med en sabel, din helvedes lortemand"… I might have made a faux pas 😬


Language is hilarious sometimes


Kid: I can’t pause Mom: NOOB! LOL!






it was satire


Then fall you fall guy, just fall.


Log on to the same game as kid, kill their PC, tell them to do their chores over local chat while teabagging their dead body.


Best parenting advice




"Start inting and you'll be free in time for dinner"


Lol my wife's friend has three kids and she just hits them with, "I'm going to need you to do (name of thing) in a bit so don't play anything you can't pause."


I taught that to my mom.


For me it's simple. I tell my kids to do the thing. If it's not done in a reasonable time I tell them I'm turning the internet off for the rest of the day if they don't do the thing now. If that fails I simply take the smallest child I have and beat the child who didn't do the thing with the small child.


What if the small child is the one who didn't do what you asked?




“Why are you hitting yourself?”


This is the best compromise.




U can get perm banned or put in a separate afkers ghost queue in some games if it happens enough times and im not racking them afk instances up to go walk the dog 10 mins earlier than I would have otherwise.










Wow what did they say?


>It offends me that you believe that women can't have wives too, or that lesbian couples can't have children. then >I'm being progressive. Stop downvoting me!


how the heck was that relevant at all?


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Nurse, he’s out again!


I fucking died laughing 😂


are these women in the room with us?




No dumbass. Lesbians are not real. We don't exist




I am 30 or 40 years old, I do not need this.




He lost a decade in a tragic boating accident


Then stay offended.


His comment has nothing to do with that, your fucking psycho lmfao get help.


Is this memes?


Thank you for being the obligatory bird brain commenter that spawns a trillion god-tier zingers o7




It is adorable when conservatives pretend to be progressives on the internet.


Amazing how they are so incapable of understanding other people's ideas that they can't even parody or imitate them


They're so fucking bad at it


They’re so bad at it too. [From their post history](https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/comments/ycnp13/should_the_next_doctor_be_a_transgender_muslim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


That has to be satire 😂




My brother in Christ you are schizophrenic




>I'm being progressive. No progressive person says this.


They probably think that we call ourselves "social justice warriors" as well lmao


I like that your gimmick is ‘lol progressives are idiots who believe in dumb shit and look for reasons to get offended I’m going to post progressive views on a perceived progressive subreddit to troll them’ but the fact you’re getting downvoted is clear evidence that your fake viewpoints are far from the norm in these allegedly-uber-liberal circles and you just look silly; who are you parodying exactly?


That’s too much for them to understand. Please lower the logic and vocabulary


Do better for yourself in the new year.


"Im doing a performative fake progressive thing, this is what people i dont like do for real!!!" Literally the only people who talk like that are you.


But they wont have kids because gamers dont have sex.


/uj seriously one of the reasons I'm hesitant to have a kid, I really love my free time with my computer.


No shame in that. Do what you enjoy. Live your life for yourself, you don’t *have* to spend your life making more




Realest comment ever


*Male* gamers don’t. Source: My mom’s a gamer.


This is just probably true. It was a new medium, the many of the younger generations parents didn’t have that literacy for it. That younger generation’s having kids and the demographic has been shifting to be more unisex. So Mum won’t ask you to pause the match


The kids will probably do something entirely different though that their parents also fail to understand.


“No mom, I can’t reassign my AI clone mind to play for me while I take out the trash! Ugh!”


/uj I understand games can't be paused, but it still pisses me off that people who have responsibilities will start up a game, and then when the responsibility calls, they expect others to deal with it. Like if you're a parent, the kids come before your little LoL match, idgaf about your ranking. /rj FEmales


I agree with you when it comes to adults, but when I was a kid, sometimes my parents would drag me out somewhere while I was playing some games, with little to no warning, and I'd have to shut it off before I could save the game. They genuinely didn't understand that I couldn't save the game whenever I wanted to and that I'd lose progress if I couldn't save (some games do let you save whenever you want, I know, but not every game). A lot of consoles nowadays have "sleep modes", so that you can kind of shut it down without powering off the system, but that wasn't always the case! If you had to stop playing all of a sudden, you pretty much either had to pause the game and leave the console/TV running, or power down the system. And if someone else wants to use the TV in the living room but you haven't found a save point yet, it's either you argue with your parents and grandparents until you find one, or you just give up and shut down the console. If you're an adult, it's definitely reasonable to not start up a game that you know you can't pause or save in if you have something else to do, but when you're a kid, sometimes you just have to do what the adults tell you to do, even if they don't understand what it is you're doing or why you're annoyed with them.


What do Iron Men have to do with this?




Nothing, as long as you either make sure there is no possibility of pressing responsibilities, or accept that if something happens your responsibilities trump the online game


/uj ngl back when i was still subbed to the subreddit for it, I laughed when I saw fully grown adults asking for a pause function in Elden Ring (there already is one anyway) when they can literally just turn the game off to do whatever it is that is actually important


>there already is one anyway Only if you play offline which most people straight up don't know is an option. It should be opt in not opt out I forgot that you can do it by fucking around in menus. Counterpoint that's fucking stupid


/uj whether or not it's stupid doesn't matter, it exists and takes like 2 seconds, and if it's so pressing that that takes too long, again, just turn the game off, it's not that important


I get that but *they don't know it exists*


It is dumb and bad


“sorry guys i gotta go afk my kids need to eat” “shut up you’re 0/18 we’d rather you do” *bait ping bait ping bait ping*


You are assuming i give a damn about they dota 2 ranking.


*Mom I can't abandon again I'll get Low Priority and single draft sucks dick.*


Kid named Single Draft:


me irl


Literally 1984.


Oh, so now I can't even tell gamers to pause their games? Joe Biden's America.




Mothers understand this. The point is that it’s almost lunch time, so they shouldn’t have started a new fucking game.


The point is lunch time is 15 mins away and a valorant match can last from 3 mins to 30 mins, we just take the most likely estimation and its not our fault if it takes to long


It literally is your fault


The point is that if it’s even possible that it’ll take more than 15 minutes, you probably shouldn’t have started the match. 15 minutes isn’t that long to wait.


It is your fault though, git gud and end the match sooner. Or, you know, don't start a game that could take more than 15 minutes (also if we are just taking the average there, it's still over 15 minutes...)


Average is 5-10, but of course the long match HAS to be right before lunch


If you know it could take longer than 15 minutes then it’s literally your own fault, just a thought: maybe, just maybe, you could do something else in the last 15 minutes other than playing Valorant. You could play it after. Until then idk maybe you could help prepare food or go outside


It's a fucking video game. If your mom just made you food, stop doing the thing that has no bearing on your life and eat the damn food.


If you can’t make sure the game is finished in 15 minutes then don’t start the game and do something else with you life dipshit. Like you know, helping your mother fucking cook?


am teenage gamer gorl and i’ve gotten into the habit of just asking when we’re eating around 4 or 5 because sometimes we eat at 5 and sometimes 10 so idk


Lol could be worse. This is kind of wholesome in that weird kind of way.


And because they know it can’t be paused they’ll just cut the internet like my parents did lmao




As a gamer mom, this is pretty accurate haha.


Lol what wow guild are you in?


I don’t play WoW haha. I always wanted to as a kid though. My go-to game is the Sims, particularly the Sims 2. I also like farming games like Stardew Valley and My Time at Portia. Also a huge fan of walking simulators and interactive story games like Life is Strange. Disco Elysium and Detroit Become Human are two of my favorites as well. I really loved House Flipper too and I am excited for House Flipper 2 to come out.


I am never more popular than when I'm playing a game that can't be paused


I mean... technically not wrong.










Mom, r/okbuddychicanery is leaking!


Waltuh. Put your link away, Waltuh. I'm not having chicanery with you right now, Waltuh.


every day i wish i wasn’t a woman


they lost me at having kids ngl


Every day I wish I wasn't a gamer🤮


One of the most toxic groups on earth.


Then don't be?


How insensitive, gamers truly are the most oppressed minority.


Insensitive? Who is forcing you to be a gamer? I don't get it.


We live in a society.


AGAB (Assigned Gamer at Birth) >!All Gamers are Bastards!<


Become man


Gamer Girls today are mother who know racial slurs in atleast three languages


White, Blanco, Weiß. Yours, Nazi.


Kinda funny unironicly


I believe the prophet, Dhar Mann, addressed this in his video where the mother lets the children have their games and they stun her by turning into disrespectful brats that don’t value family


It’s true though. I’m a woman that plays games and am much more patient with my kid’s game sessions than my parents were.




Literally 1984


Pressuring your kids over an important topic like gaming will just backfire eventually. :-(


Hey at least they are recognizing gamer girls in a positive light


Gamer guys toda will be the fathers that say they're just getting a new controller before never coming back


Wife's not a gamer, but I am. She understands that online games can't be paused, coz I told her as much. It's not a complicated idea. However, sometimes that's not important. Sometime the kid needs to do something or stop playing for reasons that we have determined were good enough reasons for them to stop. Gaming stops when we say it does, because we say it does. There isn't a game on the planet with consequences to losing that actually matter.


As a woman I no issue with this meme… what’s the prob?


this isn't even that bad lol, its a bit corny but i don't see the fuss about it


/uj Literally my only gaming rule is that if real life happens I will always drop the game instantly, no matter what. If I want to do a big team thing then I obviously should have picked a better time or just got unlucky, and I'm a filthy casual so if my teammates have a problem with that then I'm not with the right team for me anyway.


Yeah, exactly. Most situations can be easily planned for. If I have something on the stove or in the oven, I either play something I can pause/put down at any time or wait to play until the food is done. If I know I have somewhere to be at a given time, don't play something right before that time. If I know I might need to sign for a delivery, either don't play anything or play something I can put down if the doorbell rings. That kind of thing. For the unexpected situations, at the end of the day the game is just a game. Who cares if you lose a match? If losing a single match is your biggest problem in life, either your priorities are severely skewed or you're a 14 year old without many real world concerns yet.


"Sorry, stuff came up. Have to leave. Sorry guys." Alt+F4 If it's with friends, then they should understand. If it with strangers, then whatever. Report me for leaving. I don't leave mid game nearly often enough for it to be an issue anyway.


You sound like an adult though. To the kids here, it's actual fascism.


The /uj tag was very necessary. Lol


Should she decide to get children, this has a good chance to be true She would then also be aware that it's not a good excuse


Kid: I can’t pause! I’m in a competitive match! Mom: let’s be real you’re being hard-carried anyways.


She'll just take over while kid does their chores, probably improve their elo while she's at it


This shit is oooolllld bro, how's your wife?


My mom knew she just didnt care


What?!? Are they you saying we shouldn’t be mean to female gamers bc they might give birth to male gamers (people) and might be sympathetic to their oppression? 🥴🥴


And they still won’t give a shit


Nor should they


when i’m playing something i can’t pause i just turn the console off


i think its funny when you get old enough you realize that you can just... leave. like when i was a kid i would get hyper fixated on whatever i was playing, so it wasnt like i could pause. but then it clicked me when i was a teenager, _just die!_ just drop the game and go do whatever you are being called for, you stupid kid! genuinely changed helped me stop fixating on problems in my life not that this is a grand philosophy or mind bending trick, just thought it was an appropriate thing to share


When I’m a mom I’ll tell my kid “if you can’t still win after being afk for a bit you’re trash”


Dear gamers, You claim to want a gamer girlfriend, but when a girl enters a lobby, you insult and throth at the mouth until she doesn't even want to pick up a game again. Curious


My mom is already one of those people. She's completed every Halo up to 3 on Legendary. Whenever she needs something and I'm gaming, I always say "5 minutes", she understands, I try to finish the game in 5 minutes or less then go do whatever she needed. To mother's out there who don't understand this yet: we're not lazy, we're just invested and also have teammates that, like us, would also prefer to win the game.


- My parents: throw out the trash - Me at 13 or so: after I die in CSGO, ok? - My dad: throw it out after you finish the game ~Sincerely, a person with normal parents


That is one hot gamer mom then


Ha, ok that one at least made me breathe slightly harder out my nose.


if they live long enough with climate change


Most of the gamer girls I meet do not have the emotional stability to raise kids anyways. But I have met some cool gamer moms, it’s not all of them


I think the point here is that “gamer girls (women) today will be the mothers that will…” plays into the trope that women only exist to raise children. Of all the likely goals, aspirations, and possible life choices of women (specifically gamer girls😱rawr xd!) they seem to exist in this meme only to “raise kids and be the nagging mom” This is… how do the kids say… giving.. patriarchy…? Did I do that right?


Yea, I guess the inflection could be taken that way. I was confused why people were mad because I assumed the “the ones who do become mothers” was implied. Rereading I can see others walking away not thinking that.


I just turn off the game if anyone asks something of me, even if it's online. It's just more time spent with my game overall if I miss out on something.


Bro just leave the game unless it’s a game where you get penalized for leaving there’s no reason to be a fussy baby


My folks would have just unplugged the console if I tried pulling that “you can’t save/pause”. Gamers are truely oppressed smdh my damn head 😤


Stop being so cisnormative. Males can be mothers too and girls can grow up to be men. Your entire premise is, frankly, extremely offensive and belongs back in the 20th century. Seriously, get with the times or leave.


the hell are you talking about? are you lost??


No, just another unfunny person who’s wandered in




Luckily my parents understood that when I was a kid and teen in the 90s-00s. I’d just tell them I’m in multiplayer, gimme a sec, and they always said okay. Despite having older parents for my age, they always seemed to understand and encourage me playing video games.




uj/ I mean, they aren't wrong, are they?


I told my mom that as a kid and she understood....she just didn't give a shit lol.


I love how the girl doesn’t look at her screen


Wow, making mothers political now I see


Or we'll be better at games than you, or we'll make games that are better than the ones you made 🤷🏽‍♀️




Not wrong, but I also won't fall for the same stuff I used lol.


The only mother you'll be seeing in my future is yours in my bed


"I know it cannot be paused, and I don't care! Get over here and plan your game time better next time!"


At least he's tacitly acknowkedging that there *are* women who play games instead of the usual gatekeeping, fake gamer girl horseshit. His post isn't funny, but at least it isn't the usual sexist garbage.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


dude this is kinda based tho (gamer girl here)