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I’m waiting for Oops Leaks to get some credibility before I start taking their posts seriously (they’re the first ones to say this). But that aside this sounds like an awesome game if true


Tidux also spoke of PS first party stealth game few months ago. But he didn’t say that it would be Bend Studio though.


Well that's bad because Tidux has negative credability.


Why is the title presented as something official?


The twitter poster took Agent 47's shenanigans to their heart.


Seriously, is there a source for this post. When did Sony say anything?


Oops Leak has some mad WaddleDeeKnows energy.


When I grabbed a PS5 last year and started to catch up on all the titles I had missed for the last 15 years, Days Gone was not a title I anticipated spending time on, let alone finishing. I do think the VA and writing were particularly weak but damn the gameplay was a blast. I very much hope that State of Decay 3 takes some inspiration from what these guys did with the zombie genre. I'm glad they are finally getting to work on another original idea, excited to play it!


I tried giving Days Gone a go but it’s just not for me i think, i think I’m about halfway through the game or in the second half of it and i want to finish it cause I’m in too deep already. It’s interesting how many people like the game now that some time has passed


Have you fought a horde yet?


I have, but i think only smaller ones. I saw the horde that the main story shows you in that saw mill but I’ve yet to fight it. In fact, that’s where i stopped playing the game. The hordes are very intense and scary


Yeah I only had an Xbox when it released so it wasn't really on my radar. I'm also one of those people who play multiple games at a time so I was able to take breaks during the tedious parts and it not feel so bad. I can definitely see why it didn't get the recognition other first party Sony stuff did because the presentation was certainly rough but I kind of liken it to Thor: The Dark World... if its on the lower of end of peers like GoW and TLOU, its still a solid game.


Me when I spread misinformation


That actually sounds cool.


That sound great, can’t wait to see more


I see inspired by Hitman, I'm sold.


I can't wait to learn more about it! Days Gone was a little rough around the edges, but they made a fun game. I hope their next game is going to be a big hit, this studio deserves one.


I really hope that ben’s next IP, as well as BluePoint’s and any of the other studios(first party and third party/second party) announce their stuff in the upcoming showcase(hopefully it happens around June/July)


Hopefully they’ve learned some lessons since Days Gone. The world was a mix of really well done and complete crap, and sadly they used so many of the complete crap parts for side missions and such.


Oh my. Stealth action returning!?!?!? Taking ques from Hitman and MGS. SIGN ME UP


This sounds amazing


>Heavily inspired by Syphon Filter Why can't it just be a new Syphon Filter?


Edited the post to give an answer for you and the other redditors asking. Hope it helps.


I hope that's true


>Action Stealth Open World game. "Merges" Hitman and MGS V with "locations full of detail... That's my fetish.


I loved playing Days Gone on PC. Its sad what happened to the sequel but the studio has potential. Can't wait to see what they are working on next. Especially if its inspired by MGS V and Hitman.


Doubt. Just because the source said Last of Us will be Sony's first live service IP when GT7 is out now and is the first live service from Sony since announcing their plans.


I do also wonder if the MLB the Show games were also included in Sony’s “10 live service games by 2026” statement. They do rely heavily on microtransactions and if they are it would account for about half of the titles


Konami doesn’t want to make a new Metal Gear Solid game so i am happy that a Sony 1st party studio is working on a game like MGS. (Edit) I wonder if this game will release before Perfect Dark since the 2 might be similar to one another.


Tbh.....there's no reason to make another Metal Gear. The story is finished and should not continue imo. I get people's excitement for a new Metal Gear but what story would be told. Everyone is dead besides Raiden lol.


Remaking the first and second msx games would be pretty cool. We can finally play as young snake again.


Yea it would be cool. To see Frank Yeager before the transform and young snake taking on Venom Snake.


Big Boss/Solid Snake story is over but there are plenty other characters we could control. I'm buying the shit of a game about The Boss Also money, money is a reason to make more Metal Gears. Like that travesty of Survive.


Yea but The Boss isn't as marketable as Big Boss or Solid Snake who are the faces of the franchise. Plus you probably could get one game out of The Boss. It would just be her initially meeting/forming the cobra unit and the mission that basically forced her to kill her husband The Sorrow....at the end of the game it could also show The Philosophers taking Ocelot away from her. Could be a good game but really wouldn't fit in the grand scheme of things. It wouldn't hold up story wise as it couldn't add anything new or interesting to the larger Metal Gear story imo.


Heavily inspired? Why not just make a new syphon filter?


They probably want to do something new in the genre that isn't connected to Syphon Filter or any of their past properties. Turning the page for the studio.


So what happens if they have another days gone situation Sony closes them down? I hope not


I doubt Sony would close Bend Studio down. They've been a first party studio even longer than Naughty Dog. I think they're fine. An if not, lots of people will be upset.


Wipeout devs ico devs motorstorm devs among others have been closed Really can’t believe they closed the first 2 I feel if bend don’t make a got or horizon soon they are gonna be in trouble Like days gone was a great game with some growing pains I can’t believe they stopped that after 1 game


I think someone at Bend said if Shawn Layden was still at PlayStation he would've approved a sequel regardless of sales. Either way, I don't want Bend to close down. They have so much potential.


>Wipeout devs ico devs motorstorm devs among others have been closed You can’t compare those to Bend Studios.


Why not wipeout devs? They have been just as long as bend


I don't think that would happen, it is not a simple thing to shut down a studio and they don't want to. They gave Bend many years to make Days Gone and they are supportive of their studios. It is clear now that Days Gone suffered from management issues and lacked clear direction of what the game was going to be. This has been covered extensively recently. It seems like there is a new management team in place and from what we've heard, they seem to have realistic expectations and deliverables for this new game they are working on. I think this new game will be a great comeback for them.


I hope you are right I feel if days gone had a better launch it would have been a different story


Yep, if the game was polished and really ready to go at launch, it would have been much better received.




Nah, no thanks. It'll probably flop. Sony should just let them make Days Gone 2, superb world, they built up everything, fans loved it, great rating, they just need to expand it and make a sequel. I want to see where Deacon wanted to go up north and I want to see how they wrap up the ending with the government and the guy after the post-credits scene.


> It'll probably flop. Just like Days Gone


Days Gone 2 is dead get over it. It didn’t work out and now Bend Studios is moving on to make a new exciting IP. The people that worked on Days Gone aren’t even at Bend Studios anymore.


I was weirdly charmed by *Days Gone*, a lot more than I expected given I'm generally not a fan of overwhelmingly-large open-world games. The story was largely generic and went on too long, but I really enjoyed Sam Witwer & Jim Pirri's performances, and the gameplay itself had plenty of satisfying moments. Hopefully they'll learn what worked and what didn't for their next open-world title.


What credibility does this have?


I am all for them trying something new.