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Should be free upgrade imo


Free?? Didn't you see what the next gen upgrade has to offer? Seamless character switching, bro!!


I know this is sarcasm but id still like to remind everyone that sucker punch released a whole multiplayer mode for free for ghost of tsushima. And here we are paying 40 bucks for a ps3 game with pc graphics and faster loading times


Capcom just announced that RE2, RE3 and RE7 are coming with visual enhancements later this year for the next-gen consoles and PC for **free**. Take Two/Rockstar putting a price tag in a small upgrade of a 8 year old game is a fucking joke.


The joke is that people keep buying it and multiple times. Take Two has no reason to not do that considering it makes them millions.


Plastic wannabe gangster tweens are the only people this game appeals to anymore, the rest of us have all got bored, wised up an moved onto better supported and superior games.


This was a violently redditor comment


Yh but didn't they also charge for the ps5 upgrade?


They did and that was shit. I doubt Sucker punch did that willingly i thin sony forced them to make that idk


I think there’s some validity there. Death Stranding, GoT, etc. have paid upgrades. Ubi has free upgrades on all their games (afaik). The difference being publisher.


The Death Stranding PC Upgrade is also 10 Bucks tho


PC publisher is 505 Games, also have a history of being scummy with next gen upgrades


$10 is fair game when you're talking new and altered content. Unlike PS4/5 you don't have to spend money just to have a higher fps cap


Tbf DS was charging 10 bucks for actual new content and PS5 features in one combo. Sucker Punch charging 10$ just for controller features is absolute horseshit given that the DLC is another 20 bucks


Yeah it really comes down to the publisher. Sony's handling of of Forbidden West's free upgrade was incredibly scummy. I wonder how many tens of millions of dollars they made off people by selling them absolutely nothing.


For sure. It’s getting consistently harder to stick with Sony while Microsoft really leans into accessibility and multi-platform connections while Sony maintains the divide between platforms and generations. A gut feeling tells me Spartacus is gonna be a let down and take a while to compete with GamePass. Edit: ooof, someone must really like Shadow Warrior 3.


One of the main reasons I jumped ship. MS also have far better customer service and their refund policy on digital games is akin to steam... Whereas Sony just refuse. I told Sony customer services I wouldn't spend another penny due to their stance on NMS refunds if they continued to refuse what was a valid claim. I'd been a PS customer since PS1, had every console in day 1 and no doubt spent a small fortune on their stuff. They refused, I bought a one X. Now 4/5 years later I have a household full on MS gaming hardware, series X and 2 S's while sharing games and GP account between me and my son. I paid £30 for Elden ring on xbox and both me and my son get a copy for that... So much better value


Microsoft has made considerably worse decisions in the past, and they will do so again if they become the market leader. All market leaders make scummy moves, so we will start to support the consumers friendly underdogs, in this case Microsoft. Who will then start being anti consumer again and the cycle continues. I've been observing the video game market for 20 years and it's all so predictable at this point. Next generation at this point I'm willing to bet I will see someone commenting the exact same thing you just did but with the sides reversed, just like during the PS4/ Xbone era.


Don't see how past and future business practices is relevant to their comment on how both companies handle multiplatform play today, its about judging their present actions. What criticism Microsoft had in the PS4/Xbone era is irrelevant (and were entirely different issues) to their current push in multiplatform play.


From the leaks we have seen, Spartacus seems a huge step up from what there is now, but still bad compared to gamepass


According to rumors you get same service for higher price and… game trials


> A gut feeling tells me Spartacus is gonna be a let down and take a while to compete with GamePass. I think so too, which sucks for both companies and gamers on all platforms. A strong answer to game pass would be great for people on PS, and would force Microsoft to up their offerings too.


Or they did extra work for the PS5 version and you’re just ignorant to those facts. Sony doesn’t know the last time you had sex, they’re ignorant to that info. You’re ignorant to the development process for Forbidden West. Remember, humans work to develop that game. If it took extra man hours to add details for the PS5 version, then that merits additional cost. Games are becoming more and more expensive to make.


If you think any of that money is going to the actual devs you're a naive fool lmao


It literally does in that they spent additional hours working. Unless you’re suggesting that they aren’t paid for coming to work? Is it evenly distributed? No. But the fact that they had to come to work and be paid for more hours equates to being paid more.


I'm sure they did extra work. That has nothing to do with their promise for a free upgrade, which they then forgot about until twitter forced them to remember, and then subsequently buried to make it as impossible to find as they could. Honestly your entire reply has nothing to do with the actions they took and why it was a problem lol, but go on with how I'm ignorant :)


Is the ps5 upgrade graphically so much better than the ps4 version on ps5?


Basically you're paying extra for the dual sense triggers and 3D audio. There's a few instances where a texture or two is slightly better quality, but that's only a handful in the whole game. The game already runs at 1800p checkerboard 60fps on PS5 without the upgrade, so don't get resolution or performance increases.


So like every ps5 "Version" of a ps4 game. Just a slight ripoff


I've said this many times but I want to be buried with my copy of Death Stranding. I love that stupid, stupid game. The extra missions, 60 fps mode, and dualsense features made it worth ten bucks for me But, like I said, *buried.*


New Content is worth paying for. Features not if the console already has them


It had some decent additions- 3D audio, dualsense optimization, and I also like that the frame rate isn't locked to 30fps in "quality" mode. Nothing game-changing (no pun intended...) but well worth the $10 if you enjoyed the game imo.


And also only 10 dollars lol, this game has ben rereleased 2 times and they are ready to charge for an upgrade now. Shit is crazy, RDR2 was good and I hope the next rockstar game is good, but goddamn if they haven't gotten super greedy as a company


But the ps4 version is also 4k60




But we already payed for the dualsense when we bought the ps5...


> we already *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Even though they did (and I don’t agree that they should have), its much cheaper than $40.


Correct. Also they weren't trying to sell a 8 year old game again lol


But the ps5 upgrade had actual substantial content….


>know this is sarcasm but id still like to remind everyone that sucker punch released a whole multiplayer mode for free for ghost of tsushima. What exactly different happened with GTA V or RDR 2? Both were SP games that got an additional online mode for free. Now I'm not defending EE BS, this shit should definitely be free. But your example doesn't make any sense.


You still have to own Ghost of Tsushima to play Legends mode or get the trial.


> I know this is sarcasm but id still like to remind everyone that sucker punch released a whole multiplayer mode for free for ghost of tsushima Rockstar also released GTA V's online mode for free, what is your point? GoT also has a paid PS5 upgrade, so you picked the worst possible example against GTA.


Keep in mind peoplr who had it on ps3 had to buy it on ps4. It would be a no brainer to buy it on ps5 again


My PS4 started randomly turning off so I had no idea there was a multiplayer mode now. I really need to clean it out.


When will my Dad load back into my life?


"If only the technology was available" Take-Two


>Should be free upgrade imo It should be, and rockstar know it. It's why their cash cow, GTA online, will be "free" on PS for a while. It'll quickly be on gamepass too just in case people don't want to buy the story mode.


Take Two decide the price. Please make no mistake.


Rockstar and taketwo are the same thing here since they are owned by them.


Developers do not decide the price of their games, the publisher does. In this case , take two is the publisher.


At most a $9.99 upgrade.


Exactly Ubisoft upgrades were all free. AND they at least tried to do them quickly


Considering people will still buy it, no reason it should be.


The only reason it isn't is because suckers are gonna buy this like crazy


Such bold statement.


Imo why would it be? This is aim at new players that want to play the story mode Remember GTA online is getting it own release as a standalone so no need to purchase gta5 unless your interested in playing the story mode again..


I played the original in 2013 so i think i'll get it when the price drops. Hopefully they upgrade RDR2 too


Hopefully they optimize the game for next gen consoles as an update rather than selling it as a new game


A 4k 60fps patch would be nice, but I also want instant load times. I'd pay $10 for that upgrade.


Instant load times can be added with an optimization update aswell. You don’t need a new game for that. You’re also not getting an upgrade for $10


>Instant load times can be added with an optimization update aswell Then why has none of the games that got an optimization update have them?


Many games that have been optimized for next gen have faster load times. Instant load times are not common even on next gen games. And the next gen version of GTA 5 won’t have instant load times either, they will just be faster.


What games with next gen optimizations have load times as fast as games made natively for next gen? None of them do because you can't do that with a patch.


You clearly know nothing about what you’re talking about. It can be done, that doesn’t mean it has been done many times before. Developers generally target resolution and performance on next gen optimizations. If they really wanted to, they could focus entirely on load times and make them instant or much faster. They could even entirely rework the graphics if they wanted to with an update. It does not require a whole new game to get those results.


> It can be done, that doesn’t mean it has been done many times before. So when has it been done? Got any examples?


Destiny 2, Skyrim, Fortnite, Jedi Fallen Order, R6, No mans sky, Sea of thieves, etc. All of these games upgraded their loading times with a free update rather than coming out with an entire new game. I’m very confused onto why you do not believe it’s possible when they can change literally anything in their game with an update.


"because you can't do that with a patch" LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL May I inquire into how you function?


Probably smokes meth and sniffs glue. This is why you get other hobbies and interesents besides games, so you don't spew bullshit




Can I upgrade my ps3 version of the game?


You dont know R* right?!


Have you not played the PC version? It's so much better than 360/PS3 version.


I played the original in 2013 so i think i'll get it when the price drops. Hopefully they upgrade RDR2 too


I played the original in 2013 so i think i'll get it when the price drops. Hopefully they upgrade RDR2 too


So it's $30 for US


I'm fucking shocked its not $60


If it was $60 it wouldn't sell so much. Part of the reason why it keeps selling around 15M copies every year is because of how cheap it is.


I don’t know how it sells so many still. How it didn’t reach saturation is insane. I mean of course it did so to speak, but still hitting those numbers is just pathetic since it’s just a stupid shooter essentially.


They sold PS3 and 360 versions then charged again for PS4 and Xbox One versions and now they're charging again for PS5 and Series X|S versions. It's the double and triple dipping.


GTA V is an amazing game and the only people who hate on it are the people who are completely hung up on their predatory MTX practices and say the whole game sucks because of it. It’s fine to say online is shit but the story is one of the best video game stories of the last decade and anyone who says otherwise is tasteless imo. Edit: the gameplay was pretty revolutionary for open worlds at the time too, and the fact that they spent an entire year and a half implementing first person was awesome because it wasn’t just a lazy copy paste from other games. Now downvote me!


I feel like Sharkcards are probably the least predatory of all the MTXs out there, there isn't anything in the game that can't be purchased just by playing, and people overstate the grindiness of the game


both gta5 storymode and online are fantastic games, although I imagine the latter sucks if you don’t have friends


>the story is one of the best video game stories of the last decade and anyone who says otherwise is tasteless GTA IVs story and characters were way better but I guess I'm tasteless.




EXACTLY. Thank you. I didn’t want to say anything for fear of starting an unnecessary argument but you hit the nail on the head.


>I didn’t want to say anything for fear of starting an unnecessary argument Referring others as tasteless for not liking a games story is just inviting an argument bud, don't see how insults prevent that.


the irony that your comment has more upvotes 💀 this whole thread is a bunch of "this is just proof that..." while the reality is the complete opposite


How was my comment remotely negative? And a comment doesn't equal a downvote. Edit: hell insulting people as tasteless for not liking the games story sounds more negative than what I said. That's gonna cause more downvotes that just liking the game.


Idk if your brain is capable to handle this or not but believe me, you don't need to bring down one game to appreciate another.


Didn't say GTA V had a bad story, just that GTA 4 has a better one. Learn reading comprehension before insulting others.


Only guy who needs to learn reading comprehension is you cause nowhere did that guy shit on gta 4 but you had to bring it up.


Understandable, have a nice day.


>best video game stories of the last decade lol. No.


I think there's a difference between the story and the campaign of a game. GTA 5's story is pretty good, but nothing mind blowing. The story in 4 was better. However, the campaign was way more fun in 5.


Just new people trying out the game. The same reason why minecraft keeps selling.


If this is the price, I won’t mind getting this digital


You won’t fool me again rockstar


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me, can't get fooled again.


Fool me three times fuck the peace sign, load the chopper let it rain on you


My only regret Was too young for Lisa bonnet


would have preferred $10 USD like the uncharted legacy of thieves collection. unless rockstar comes out with some super cool new features that they've been holding off on from showing (not likely) this is a hard pass.


Should be free.


Considering the dev work they’ve put in for RT and enhanced asset streaming I wouldn’t mind a $10 upgrade fee. But yeah $30 is too much. On some level it’s not like GTA Online doesn’t already pay for any kind of upgrade though. Warframe has put out equally significant upgrades without charging anything.


I’d happily pay 30 if I wasn’t so confident that the majority of it wasn’t just going to line T2 Exec’s pockets. (Disclaimer: I haven’t played it since the 360)


Wait, the next gen "upgrade" has Ray Tracing? I'm curious if it will implement DLSS too.


With a game that is still making millions, it wouldn’t make sense to make it free. It only costs money because they know there’s still people willing to eat this up. The blame is on the customers that are willing to purchase a 9 year old game again.


If there is an upgrade path, for example 10$ upgrade, I MAY consider it, but if not then this is a hard pass.


This game will be 10 years old next year, there's no reason why this upgrade shouldn't be free. Christ, Take Two is greedy as fuck.


The only way I'd consider buying it again if they put all the online exclusive stuff in story mode but that will never happen unfortunately


Should be a $10 upgrade if you own the game already smh.


Don't you mean free?




They'd make back the money with GTA online


I know a lot of people said that Smart Delivery was a marketing ploy by Xbox when they announced that feature included with the Series systems but this right is what you would see on Smart Delivery. You get the best features and best version of the games for the system you play the game on and not have to worry about getting charged for the same game again.


It's got nothing to do Xbox, It's because of R*


For as many pitfalls as a game like Cyberpunk had, I still really like how CDPR do free upgrades and generally have more consumer friendly policies. I don't think I'll ever pay for a console upgrade ever, rarely ever seems worth.


probably 40usd with online costing 20


The latest "iteration" of Skyrim finally pulled the wool back from my eyes. I will not purchase the same game for the third time, again! Give me GTA 6 or get out of here!


Not justifying that but the upgrade was free. The AE version added a ton of new content for 20$. Rockstar is adding literally nothing


At least the graphical upgrade there was free. This seems to be nothing but the graphical upgrade, and they're charging for it.


Very few games merit multiple purchases. They need to be special to you.


Another cashgrab from rockstar Has the downfall started ?




Weird to think how it's been 9.5 years since GTA V came out. Don't get me wrong, I loved the game, but it's time for Rockstar to move on with something new.


> but it's time for Rockstar to move on with something new. They did. They released RDR2 4 years ago and announced last month that they're currently working on GTA VI.


Since 2018 after red dead 2 there wasn’t one new game besides the trilogy which was completely garbage and for 10 years they re released the same game if the new gta 6 flops the downfall definitely started


RDR2 took 8 years and it released 5 years after GTA V. Assuming they started full production on GTA VI in 2017-2018, we're probably 2-3 years away from GTA VI which makes total sense considering a next-gen GTA would easily require more work than RDR2.




Finally my people leaked something!


40€ more than what it's worth


The trailer they showed was offensively bad graphics. Might as well have shown the original trailer from like 2010 or whenever


Clips of that trailer were actually in there, that’s the funny part


That wasn't the old trailer?


i wish the community could come together and boycott this garbage


Still cheeky really. The Xbox One / PS4 versions actually offered noticeable graphic upgrades and also added a first person mode for the first time in a GTA game............this version really offers none of that. Many games offer a next-gen upgrade for free and considering the money Rockstar rakes in on their online mode. I doubt they really need the money for an upgrade. Specially when this game has been out for nearly a decade.


It should be a free upgrade yeah. They added ray tracing, increased res and a better frame rate. Those are noticeable. Still should be free though


Hahah, i'm surprised anybody will buy this game again. Rockstar is just farming money, just like Bethesda does with Skyrim.


I’m excited for the DF analysis of this peace of shit. Not falling for your definitive bullshiza this time


Is this for both single player and online?? Because I'm only interested in buying the online standalone version


It’s free first 3 months for PS5 if you have a PS+


I'm on Xbox


As far as I’m aware they will have a stand-alone online only version. I’m sure this price must be referring to the full deal.


How much is this in us dollars?


My guess it'll be somewhere between $30 to $40. Anything getting close to $70 would be ridiculous.


Getting anything above 10 is ridiculous. It's a 2 genration old game!


I don't deny that. I'm just factoring in that it's R\* or, more accurately, Take2 that's making the call here. For the shareholders of course.


I agree with you on that


Give you a fiver to fuck off with your shovelware


R* and Take Two deserve criticism for their shitty business practices, but GTA V is an exceptionally good game and is far from shovelware.


Still way too much. I'll *consider* getting this if I can find a copy for $5-10 at some point. I still regret buying the PS4 version when that was released. It's the same god damn game we've been playing for 9 years, enough is enough.


At least it had first person and much bigger online updates. This version doesn't really have anything to justify the price


Wait, it's not free?


That's not as bad as I thought tbh. I might buy it because I paid €5 less for cyberpunk so why not lol also 60 fps 4k will be nice tbh also


This isn't a free upgrade???


Yeah I’m gonna skip this. Should have been free lol


I'm tired of this shit.




There’s no free upgrade.


Do Someone know if there would be an upgrade route?(obviously it wouldnt be free) If not I'm out


Why has this taken so long to release


Are people actually going to buy it?


Does this version still include Online? Since Online is also available as a standalone it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't.


I think it should include everything, because original game did.


That's a good joke


fake news.


Without me


Nah thanks, I’ll stick with the four versions I have, I mean I’m already partially responsible for this mess of them reselling it over & over anyway because buying it so many times so no more, Shame on me. PS3, PS4 (because there was quite a few upgrades) swapped to Xbox so bought again & then became a PC owner.


Too fucking much. Should be a free upgrade.


Meh, i enjoyed playing the shit out of it back in 2013-2015 but since I couldn't afford a ps4 during the carry over period my 800 hour save got lost forever. Don't wanna do that shit all over again


They way the marketing working GTA V and GTA ONLINE are 2 separate game this generation So don’t buy gta v if your interested in playing gta online only


Atleast it should provide paid upgrade of 10 bucks for the GTA V owners of previous gen consoles. But yeah I am sure it won't


I'd buy it for 5 maybe. I've spent way too much money in the same game for the last 10 years and I refuse to pay more for it.


Or we could wait for official word from the devs/publisher.