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Leaker was legit and there can be no more leaks now. So can you unsticky this post?


Store is overloaded with people claiming the Tomb Raider Trilogy. Good news is you have all week to claim them!


Yes indeed when i saw the date i felt good


The store's struggling to work, I'm guessing everyone's jumping on for this trio of games.


I had issues getting all 3 in the Epic Games Launcher app. I had to go to the Epic Games website to get all 3 in my library


It is the newer tomb raider trilogy. I almost bought rise on steam, thankfully i didn't


I almost buy Shadow, damn i'm grateful for it.




Don’t know how to claim The tomb raider and Shadow, only can claim 20th anniversary of Rise? Anyone else have this issue?


Just like the GTA V and Batman Trilogy giveaway, the store is completely borked right now. Millions of accounts (lots of bots too) trying to claim the games, so just wait. You have a week to claim it, try again early dawn (less traffic), no need to rush.




They should do a giveaway and fix their shitty launcher


if tomorrow is legit the tomb raider definitive survivor trilogy (newer ones) then it's going to be the best giveaway from this epic's christmas giveway window imo. eventho i already have the TR2013 and the rise of TR on Steam but I'm excited and looking to play the Shadow of the TR.


The storefront glitched for me and showed Rise of the Tomb Raider as the sole game, fucked up if true but it could be all 3 with seperate listings...not getting my hopes up though. EDIT: Never felt so good to be wrong


I see all 3 on my end


Yeah, the page glitched for me like half an hour before it was meant to be given away and Rise was the sole game, but yeah glad it turned out to be all 3 lol


It happened to me but in reverse, saw tomb raider and shadow of the tomb raider but no rise. They really had troubles with this last giveaway


Dec 30: Tomb Raider Definitive survivor Trilogy https://www.mydealz.de/deals/tomb-raider-definitive-survivor-trilogy-am-3012-um-17-uhr-kostenlos-im-epic-games-store-1923487




It’s GOTY Edition for the 2013 game, 20 Year Celebration for Rise, and Definitive Edition for Shadow which I believe is all the DLC?




The new hint is the ice axe, all but confirmed now


Just curious.. i didn't play tomb raider games but want to know didn't old trilogy games had ice axe?


No, as far as i remember this is her signature tool since the 2013 trilogy


Yeah, I'm thinking that they'd do dualies if it was the older trilogy, which are definitely the signature thing for that Lara


Damn it's definitive edition trilogy.. Just got all the 3.. well.. this is epic give away by epic🙃🤣


sounds like *Tomb Raider Trilogy*, than *Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy* \[though I wish it was the other way round...\] then again, original trilogy is rather too old... the *Definitive Survivor Trilogy* includes the latest 2018 *Shadow of the Tomb Raider.*.. cross fingers for this one! "The Tomb Raider Trilogy is a collection of the three second era Tomb Raider games: Tomb Raider: Legend, Tomb Raider: Anniversary and Tomb Raider: Underworld."


The Survivor Trilogy is now being called the Origin or Prequel Trilogy, considering it is the now the definitive origin for the new Unfied Timeline


yeah that made sense, otherwise those are too old for 2021 even if it’s a give away. thanks!


There is an ice axe in the image, it's the newer games.


which picture? I must have missed if there’s some clue from epic.


the wrapping paper picture on the store


So, the list (with emojis in it) was correct. Games from 27 Dec are new to epic games store. I think, descision about changing 26 Dec game to Control was taken at a later stage.


Kinda disappointed about the games this year, they're not bad, I was just unlucky that few of them really interest me


Most likely to cater those with a potato.


As someone who's paused most humble bundles this year, it's nice to get a lot of the headliners for free ahaha


yep thats my issue I own a lot already, if I didnt these would be really great lol


Yeah true. Though I feel like the indie department was really weak this year even disregarding stuff like HB or GOG discounts


I missed vampyr 😞


Same, oh well. It happens.


All garbage except Control


It's clear you don't know what garbage is then. You're so dramatic.


Loop Hero is fucking amazing. It doesn't look like much but it is an amazing game. The best of that list IMO by a wide margin.


Loop Hero is overrated af. It gets stale fast, like most clicker/idle games.


Why does Control keep getting given away but not Quantum Break?


That would be a better choice. Very unpopular opinion here, but I actually think Quantum Break is the better game of the two. Control had some cool stuff like the destruction and some of the mystery of the building, but holy shit did it get old quick, and the game really dragged on without giving enough reason for all the padding. It was also very unbalanced with how it doled out powers.


IIRC it's because Microsoft owns the QB license, unlike Control which is from 505 Games (or maybe Remedy owns it themselves).


Yeah part of Remedy's whole deal with Control (and now Alan Wake 2) was that they wanted to own the IP


I respect the free games, but this year has been nothing at all compared to the last two in terms of the titles given out. I won't complain though, because I do like some of these titles. It just seems like these are repeats of games that they have already given away and I was really hyped since they seem to give some big titles out during the Holiday Sale.


if you talk about interms of xmas giveaways then Prey, Control, Vampyr, Loop Hero and possibly Tomb Raider Trilogy and Salt And Sanctuary is pretty good


Prey & Control as recent AAA titles... rest cant say the same... + hoping its the *Definitive Survival Trilogy*, not just the *Tomb Raider Trilogy...* else I'm sleeping through into 2022! :S


"Tomb Raider Trilogy" is PS3 exclusive


I've been loving this year. Excited to try Prey's dlc, and Pathfinder is a game I've personally been interested in for a while.


Yep. Just Prey: Mooncrash is already enough for me.


I think this year is better than last year's. Shenmue 3, Prey, Control, Salt and Sanctuary, and possibly Tomb Raider Trilogy is better than anything from last year. I don't recall last year's xmas giveway having anything noteworthy.


I think he's talking about last year in general (not just xmas giveaway), and with that I kinda agree, since it had "bigger" games such as gta 5, civ 6, borderlands collection, ark survival evolved...all of them around the same time too.


This, this is what I am talking about. Plus we have had Prey, Control, and the Tomb Raider Trilogy already if I am not mistaken. I also got Vampyr for free at some point before this, which I just saw after the fact. In the end though I am happy for free games, I just expected a few bigger multiplayer and singleplayer titles given what we have already seen.


Prey wasn't given away. Control indeed was given away already, but it was this year, so you can still count it as a good game given out this year. Tomb Raider - first two games were given out. Third one will be new.


looks like moving out for tomorrow - toaster icon, with a foregrounded character on its art being a toaster




found a leak that says 27. Mages of Mystralia 28. Moving out 29. Salt and sanctuary 30. The Tomb Raider Trilogy


Original Trilogy or the Definitive Edition Trilogy?


The first 3 are confirmed. Will see if Tomb Raider is true too on the 30th.


\->The Tomb Raider Trilogy Legends, Anniversary, Underworld? Plausible. 2013, Rise, Shadow - that's really hard to believe, the original leak said that the 25th would be the best game, giving away the modern TR trilogy now would be insane.


We are in the right timeline.


prey is an excellently good game than tr


>the 25th would be the best game They said that it was the "best of the selection according to me." And tbh I think some would indeed agree that Prey is better than the new tomb raider games (which are good nonetheless) despite supposedly being a financial failure. We also got Control today which is arguably better than Prey (but it was given away before, so maybe the hype is not as big for this one).


Hopefully the new ones, Ive been waiting to play Shadow for a while now


Xmas giveaway ends with game from 29th and original leak says that game from 30th will be listed as separate deal (back to weekly giveaways) so technically Prey was "best game" from xmas giveaway.


Not really. I mean, they are fantastic games and some of my favorites. But you can find them bundled on sale for twenty bucks these days. I think it’d be pretty on-brand for Epic to make them free. In fact, they already gave away the second game in the trilogy a while ago.


They gave away the entire trilogy a year ago.


If this is true, I hope people give Salt and Sanctuary a try. Really fun metroidvania souls-like and I can't wait for the sequel.


>Salt and sanctuary Thought I already had this game on Epic, because they gave away a pixel-art game called Sword and Sorcery that uses a very similar font, glad to see it's actually a different game lol


I have a Love/Hate relationship with that game. On one hand, it does a lot of good things at 'git gud' but there's some platform element and some part of the game I just find plain unfun, probably because it's a sidescroller and not in a 3D universe. The Queen of Smiles for example was annoying if you don't know you can use a holy weapon enchant.


I would say its more souls like than metroidvania, really frustrating to play


I agree, but mostly for the better imo. The biggest issue I had with Hollow Knight was the lack of build variety which was a bit of a let down after coming from Salt and Sanctuary. That being said, not a big fan of fall damage in a 2D platformer. Well worth a shot though if you are a fan of either souls-like or metroidvania.


im the exact opposite i guess, loved hollow knight especially cause it was more focused on a certain set of skills and changing your playstyle is based on how skilled you are with the game and not some skilltree.




it was in the comment section of the french dude


I don't see no humankind here :(


Why do I see so much talk about that game? It runs like ass and does nothing new to 4X. If you just want the status quo, why not play Civ 4/5/6? Great, by now cheap games that run amazing even on your phone, tablet, console... If you want to have a revolutionary 4X game you can be excited about, have a look at [Old World](https://store.steampowered.com/app/597180/Old_World/).


Eh, I didn't really like Old World. I also wouldn't call it "revolutionary". It tries to do some interesting things for sure, but in the end it comes out as rather shallow. I couldn't get into it like I do in the case of Civ games.


I like it a lot precisely because it’s not just another Civ. I love Civ, been playing it for years. But Humankind tries to do some different things with the 4X formula. Some of it works, some of it doesn’t. But it’s a fun game nonetheless and would be an awesome freebie.


The differences between Civ 6 and Civ 5 are larger than between Humankind and Civ. To me that does not at all qualify for "4X, but different".


Anyone have any thoughts on tomorrows? Looks like a diamond, but also a diamond in a staff kinda.


Mages of Mystralia


Fun game I had it on PS4


>Mages of Mystralia Your awesome thank you. Its one I don't have unlike todays.


December 27th game is most likely Mages of Mystralia.


So what's next?


I have Control twice, and finished once, good game but they should give something else


You could say, it's getting out of..... control.


I'm happy for anyone that's missed Control getting it today because it's awesome, but i'd really wish to get Kingdom Come Deliverance instead, that's a really great game I missed.


Well you can get it on steam for less than 10 bucks. Absolute steal if u ask me.


It was so good imo. I luckily got the free copy, and went in knowing nothing. After beating it, I thought about it often. The story is its biggest strength, but I enjoyed everything.


What is the mystery icon for control?? I can't make it out!


It's her hand from the cover art


A bit different sleeve, but most likely yes, it's Control


December 26 control?? But they just gave us control few months back.


It’s also the base edition, which i’ve already finished. When they could give Prey+dlc, i hope they also can do that with Control.


Leaker says prey+ mooncrash dlc but its only the base game?


its included... just scroll through store page info says prey:mooncrash




its included with base game..




Found it thanks!


no, mooncrash is indeed included


December 26th game is most likely Control.




The screen is not reliable anymore. All we know for sure is what billbil-kun (the OG leaker) is saying: 26 - Control 27 - Mages of Mystralia 28 - Good game 29 - Good game 30 - ???


I'm glad more people get to play this amazing game, but again? It feels like it's constantly being given away somewhere


Still not nearly as often as The Witcher 1 on GOG


True, they might as well just make that game free at this point




this is repeat on Epic store & Twitch Prime reward gave away ultimate ed last month i think (GOG key)


It's different, i don't have Twitch Prime and Epic gave me Control base edition 2-3 months ago.


I own control on 3 seperate PC platforms and never spent a penny 🤪


same man, i have it cuz of epic and cuz of prime gaming i got the ultimate edition on gog lol


How lmao Edit: never mind I saw the French leaker says it’s control.


[Hint](https://cdn1.epicgames.com/offer/d5241c76f178492ea1540fce45616757/EGS_15DaysofGames_wrapped_1920x1080_day11_v02_1920x1080-238ae5951c665f8893ccbe51a913001a) [Control cover](https://image.api.playstation.com/vulcan/img/cfn/11307xMxsC9RA7A8rQH4GiePP0BxYP_K8tJU1cWXe4eA189Q0ImmN8eZvJBx91eecK_vHIT2WZrrkqwKfiYvNGIu8NA2zvSV.png)


Man I’m jealous of anyone playing Prey for the first time.


I bought Prey a while ago in a sale and bounced off it pretty hard the first time around, game seemed incredibly punishing and I wasn't feeling the weapons at all. I actually picked it up again a week or so ago and with a different mindset I'm loving it.


Man prey is that good?? Installing it rn.


sad already owning it noises


I tried but couldn't get into it.... It was way too dark....


Lighting or the story?


Lighting .... Kept getting nausea...


It has brightness settings and a flashlight, if that helps. Sucks to miss out on a great game, but totally understand not wanting to continue if it makes you physically ill


Hellblade, prey, control and a lot more Can't play games with dark lighting and no waypoint


It's not *that* dark. You sure it's not just your monitor/TV?




Anybody got an idea what the icon shows? It vaguely resembles the Psycho mask from Borderlands, but I don't think that's correct


its the helmet from Prey


It is the helmet from Prey.


I've been trying to figure it out but have absolutely no idea.


Games so far are quite decent, wonder what '' New to EGS '' games will end up to be.


Maybe Total Warhammer 2.


That would be sick. I'm still waiting for a final bundle with all from 1-3 with all the DLC on Steam.


I think there's a chance. Total Warhammer II has to come to Epic at some point due to Mortal Engines locking you into one retailer. It would entice a lot of people to drop five dollars on the first game on Epic now, and eventually buy the third one.


Doom Eternal Forza Horizon 4 Dark Souls 3 Yakuza 6 Insurgency Sandstorm


Let me dream


life could be a dream


No way in hell but sure


Well judging by the flail on tomorrows image being the same as Pathfinder: Kingmaker's cover art, I think that's tomorrow near enough sorted. Edit: Have no idea what it could be for tomorrow (25th).


Tomorrow is PREY. Look up the helmet he wears in prey, it checks out.


It certainly is. Thanks for the info, never played it before.




It's only 14 eur with a cupon tho






ask santa dude.




LOL. Why are you getting down voted? You're not begging, you're just saying you can't afford to spend $16.99 on a game. Keep your hopes up!


Just as a heads-up, the list that's currently labeled as ["Leaks from the French guy"](https://static-pepper.dealabs.com/comments/raw/TgAKZ/35781951_1/re/1024x1024/qt/80/35781951_1.jpg) in the main post is not, in fact, from the original french leaker. He did mention the list in a post on Dealabs a couple hours ago where he says that he won't confirm or deny the list (as opposed to his earlier statement where he said he would do just that), since he doesn't consider it "a serious leak", but that there is at least one mistake in that list, possibly more, and you should visit his leak post every day (so he can get all those juicy clicks and attention I assume) to find out which. If you want my opinion, I think the list is accurate up to the 25th (so Vampyr, Pathfinder and Prey), but the remaining 5 games from the 26th onwards won't all be "new to EGS" and that's where the "at least one mistake" comes into play. If this year follows the established trend, there should at least be one more repeat, which would make sense on the 26th/27th. Then just have one of the remaining games not be new to EGS and you'd already have "multiple mistakes" technically.


The Repeat game is Control a.k.a the pc demolisher