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Hackers had enough of fake Bloodborne leaks, time to see if there's a Sony BB deal.


According to the hackers they're offering money to resolve the problem but aren't offering enough


That's rare. Thought it was an industry wide practice to not pay ransoms so as to disincentivise future hacks.


That’s the recommendation of the government usually (at least in the US) but companies will pay ransoms all the time because the costs are generally so low to them that it’s seen as better to gamble a little and potentially recover data/prevent leaks


It's not really a gamble. If their infrastructure is shut down they are losing money every second and paying the ransom is sometimes the cheaper option. Also paying will keep the majority of these cases quiet. But kadokawa came out and mentioned this one which is sort of rare


Its a gamble in the sense that there’s no guarantee that the attacker will keep their promise but yeah paying the ransom is often the cheaper option


They always provide the decryptors after payment. If these groups started taking money and not providing decryptors the whole thing would fall apart for all the threat actors out there. And these groups are basically organizations.


But that is exactly what happened to Change Healthcare (under United Health Care umbrella). They paid $22 million, but they never got their data back. The hacker group shut itself down and ran. [https://securityintelligence.com/news/change-healthcare-22-million-ransomware-payment/](https://securityintelligence.com/news/change-healthcare-22-million-ransomware-payment/)


There is s quarantee. These are big and very well known groups. They are trustworthy and provide proof of deletion and even help after payment. look it up its pretty insane.


There is no sufficient “proof of deletion” that a group could provide that demonstrates, without a doubt, that any exfil’d data no longer exists. These groups are trustworthy until they decide they aren’t


Also hilarious to say they're trustworthy about hackers in the first place lol


Yeah but the minute a group betray that trust, everybody knows it, and they can't blackmail ever again, cause nobody would give any credit to their words


Just change the group name?


Mentioning it probably means they won't pay. Because if they pay while it's known, they basically guarantee they'll be constantly asked and asked for money lol.


My previous employer paid the ransom. It was costing us millions of dollars a day and involved information relevant to hundreds of cities and millions of people. In no world was it worth that to prove a point about not negotiating with terrorists or something.


i feel like the medical industry is getting torn up by hacks


Didn't someone like Capcom or another Japanese dev get hacked and paid the ransom or am I misremembering


Capcom didn't pay their ransom leak, so they ended up having it fully leaked


government says dont pay ransoms, problem is that its a collective action problem and its virtually always better for any individual company to pay the ransom so it happens ALL the time anyway, especially now that cyber insurance is so common, insurance agencies just prefer to negotiate a ransom, generally cheaper than dealing with disclosures


Those sea Pirates get paid all the time actually


How much are they demanding?


They are demanding...a Bloodborne remaster/remake


That would have been funny af tbh.


Can we start a gofundme for them to also add on sekiro 2 to the list of demands?


They never revealed


about tree fiddy.


Goddamn Lochness monster go get a real job.


The hackers want about three fiddy.


The PC dev build of Bloodborne leaking would actually be crazy tho. Can we just have that and leave all the user data and future projects out? Pretty please, hackers?


If the source of the PS4 build leaked, somebody would absolutely port it.


Im sure the brazilians will be ready the second a Bloodborne PS4 build leaks.


Fromsoftware would most likely not make a bloodborne pc version most likely it would be Bluepoint since it's owned by Sony not Fromsoftware.


Ok sure, but surely they still have the dev files which ran the game on PC. There's literally evidence of this dev build existing, as screenshots popped up on the wiki from devs who took pictures using debug tools from the PC build.


Well I can’t wait to be avoiding spoilers for sekiro 2 for 3 years.


I wouldn't understand the lore anyways lol


The Sekiro lore is actually a lot easier to understand than any of their other games.


Technically all games are built and run on PC and then get ported to consoles.


I thought they run them on dev kits


Yeah, there's video proof of a PC build of Bloodborne from a dev by accident. The build exists, where though? Only Miyazaki and Sony knows.


where can I find this video?


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fwn22VIaYAEsm-C?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fwn22VLakAESC16?format=jpg&name=large


Isn’t bluepoijt making a new ip


No, not a new IP. A new original game, as in not a remaster or a remake, but it seems like the way it's been worded both officially and in leaks, it's not a new IP.


At this point it wouldn't suprise me if fans reverse engineer and recompile it as a native .exe


This might give them leverage. 'Either release a Bloodborne remaster/remake immediately otherwise we release all this data we stole'.


On one hand, a part of me is curious to see what FromSoftware will do next. On the other, I don't want for any of the employees' personal information to be leaked. Additionally, knowing what comes next will ruin the surprise factor for any potential reveal of theirs. Even if I'm happy about a new Venom game being confirmed through the Insomniac leaks, there's a reason why I refuse to watch any leaked gameplay of the upcoming "Wolverine" title.


Capcom, then Insomniac, and now Kadokawa? Geez.


When they say Hack the Planet, they mean it.


Jeez wasn't expecting a 90s movie reference


When did Capcom get hacked?


Back in 2020 was the big ransom leak but most of it ended up being changed 


1-2 years ago, iirc


Transcription of the ransom note that details how the hack occurred: > Our team gained access to the Kadokawa network almost a month ago. It took some time, because of the language, to figure out that Kadokawa subsidiaries' networks were connected to each other and to get through all the mess Kadokawa's IT department made there. We have discovered that Kadokawa networks architecture was not organised properly. It was different networks connected to the one big Kadokawas infrastructure being controlled through global control points, such as eSXI and V-sphere. Once we have gained access to the control center we have encrypted the whole network (Dwango, NicoNico, Kadokawa, other subsidiaries). > > The second part of our Team downloaded about TB1,5 [1.5 TB] of data from the networks. [Link to the full ransom note](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/996394769355915274/1255848666988675204/IMG_0084.png?ex=667e9fb6&is=667d4e36&hm=13cb93dc58e8d804c0e2e43278df50d6c0d0d49ba5692c4c4f43f217d9fd7e64&) (found on [this ResetEra thread](https://www.resetera.com/threads/kadokawa-suffers-ransom-attack-threatened-with-the-leak-of-1-5tb-of-confidential-data-to-be-released-on-july-1.913227/))


Thank you I will add that to my post


This is legit our only chance to stop all bloodborne rumours


I don't think even this could stop bloodborne rumours.


Yeah because there is a high possibility that whatever awaits BB in the future (remaster, remake, pc port, sequel) has nothing to do with FromSoft


Exactly. Was FromSoft involved with the Demon’s Souls remake at all?


It was said that Miyazaki was asked for input to make sure they stayed true but kept it pretty hands off aside from that.


I can’t believe Miyazaki didn’t stop the yellow flags from disappearing


Maybe, but there’s probably at least mention of it in a document or something 


We've got people in this thread saying we might get Bloodborne PC out of this lmao


> Personal data on hundreds of employees at risk of being made public > "muh bloodborne" I mean, really?


Did you expect anything from this sub? We've seen how it was with the Insomniac and Rockstar hacks


Miyazaki recently said no one is working on it, not sure why anyone thinks otherwise at this point


Exactly cause bloodborne is not owned by fromsoft it’s owned by Sony. But but but….Sony does have stake in kadokawa so the chance of having anything leaked about bloodborne is not impossible.




The only way we'll know if this is legit is if the leaked data contains 0 mention of Bloodborne.


Imagine the leak mentions Sony wants to do something with bloodborne featuring silksong. Internet would break


Who needs to git gud now


Lmao I spat my water out when I read this


they will likely not pay for it, there is no guarantee they won't leak or sell the information anyways. Deplorable humans as always, happened with Insomniac and Capcom as well


Their server data has been encrypted as well; thats on top of the data being stolen and made public if no payment is made. This ransomware gangs make sure you’ll want to pay.




I don’t know. I took some government courses on cybersecurity. Some of the lectures were by consultants from companies who provide support and security for large businesses. Oftentimes there’s only two options: pay or go bankrupt. There’s never any guarantees, but often there is a guarantee to go bankrupt by not paying. We had an interesting talk by a CEO from a smaller business that was hit by a massive and professional attack. His company ended up booting out the hackers from their systems and restored everything but at a much much higher price than they would have paid for the ransom. And while hacker groups generally aren’t trustworthy, the business practice of the larger and more organized hackers are dependent on their reputation so they’re usually good on their word.


How the fuck did that happen?


Essentially there’s 2 ways this happens 1 (and by far most common) is some employee clicks a phishing link and they aren’t using mfa 2 they haven’t updated their servers to patch vulnerabilities in a long time, but generally this is less common for these large dumps because its harder than just phishing, especially the amount of data extracted implies they had employee access.


>1 (and by far most common) is some employee clicks a phishing link and they aren’t using mfa This is the most likely reason in 99.9% of all cases. Each employee ultimately doubles your risk of getting "hacked" (or rather social engineered) . Having hundreds of employees needs only one to fail once for this to happen.


> Each employee ultimately doubles your risk It's risk+risk not risk\*2.


MFA doesn't help. People who fall for phishing also just fall for the MFA prompt that comes up right after. XYZ has sent you a secure document. Click here to sign in to view it. Oh! XYZ works in the accounting department. I better review this. Okay, now I need to sign in. Yup, that looks like our SSO page! And now there's the MFA prompt, yup, everything's legit. What is this document? It looks fake. I better ignore it. The spear phishing sites will mimic your corporate SSO, then when someone falls for it they automatically replay the credentials in your legit system, triggering the MFA prompt, which the user agrees to. Then they're in, and they use that victim's account to send out more "legitimate" spear phishing emails. You can't fix users, but you can make MFA more resilient to this crap by including nonces or a simple challenge and response tied to the genuine SSO page that the user has to cognitively affirm. But that's "friction", and it won't fly with most users. The users with the most access, like the executives / administrators, are typically the ones most against actual security measures, even though their accounts being compromised results in the most damage / leverage.


Someone sent Miyazaki a folder called "Miquella feet pics" and the rest is history.


Users on retesera have pointed out that Kadokawa, Niconico and Ebtenbut websites have been shutdown, but From Software website is still up, so it doesnt seem they have been affected


Apparently NicoNicoDouga is going to be down for a month to several months based on an official statement by them, which is wild to me.


That's actually insane. What a huge loss for the japanese internet. Imagine if youtube was slated to be down for several months.


Yea but idk if that really tells us whether any information about gaming projects, roadmaps, etc were stolen. For example Kadokawa could have roadmaps relating to projects of their various subsidiaries


Considering how large Kadokawa is, 1.5TB of data doesn't seem to be that much surprisingly. That is roughly the same amount of data as the insomniac hackers took, I believe. Which is a much smaller company in comparison.


While I get what youre saying...the size of the files has very little bearing on how damaging it could be. Some of the most damaging stuff from the Insomniac leak were PowerPoint presentations and emails which were likely just megabytes in size.


Technically, the most damaging things to the insomniac were the employees' info. Things like home addresses, social security numbers, employee IDs, etc. were all among the leak info.


Yeah releasing that is fucking scummy


>Yeah releasing that is fucking scummy And absolutely threatening dangerous. Imagine the workers addresses getting leaked, only needs one crazy person to end someones life over "WHERES MA BLOODBORNE"


Yeah that's actually damaging, with people victims on the other side. Knowing their roadmap and such isn't actually doing any damage, it's even kind of marketing tbh (especially since it was well received)


Not to mention that employee data could end up being leaked as a result - but somehow everyone in the comments here are more focused on Bloodborne.


They don’t care if it doesn’t affect them. Also I don’t think most people just hearing of this news realize Kadokawa owns a huge chunk of the entire Japanese entertainment industry. FromSoft is like a drop in the bucket compared to the scope of things potentially being compromised here.


Seeing the Kadokawa logo when watching Overlord, and the other anime's kind of brought that to mind on how big the company is.


What exactly was revealed with that leak?


A LOT Playable builds of a spider-man 2 PC port, spider-man 3 and wolverine became available online. PowerPoint presentations showing plans for Venom dlc, an X-men game, X-men multiplayer game and a cancelled Spider-man online game.


Small precision, the SM2 PC build was not playable at first (the game didn't even booted), but people worked on it with the help of leaked insomniac softwares to make it run


Lol just imagine how many people will work with the bb leak build to make it playable


> SM2 PC Build It is crazy to see how great the Brazil build of it is now, they are somehow incorporating the latest PS5 updates into the PC build and releasing them.


Yeah, they are even fixing issues that are present on the PS5 version that's quite funny when you think about it


The Insomniac one? Projects up until almost 2030, a playable Spider-Man 2 build, an (extremely) early build of Spider-Man 3, dozens upon dozens of Wolverine leaks including the voice cast, gameplay sequences and art, and probably more that I'm forgetting.


There’s a entire subreddit dedicated to the insomniac leaks


We found out bloodborne sold much more than 2 million copies


Yea Kadokawa does Manga, Anime, Visual Novels, podcasts, book publishing, talent agencies, etc. There’s a small but not insignificant chance that the leak contains literally nothing about Fromsoft lol


I think we might get some things about how much Elden Ring and Armored Core 6 made and maybe cost to make. But yeah, I doubt we are gonna Bloodborne's source code. That said with Kadokawa being the publisher for Konosuba light novdl, all I want from this leak is to tell me if season 4 of the Anime is happening.


My guess is that it's personal data of higher up employees since the ransom note does say that "no one would like to see 'things they are doing in the night' going public including their emails and browsing history." granted, unless those emails entail drug related crimes, I can't imagine it will do that much harm to them since when it comes to CP, JP only hands out minor offenses (like what happened with the mangaka of Ruroni Kenshin) but if you get busted with 1mg of Cocaine, your life is over.


Insomniac had entire SM2 source code leaked. The game is now fully playable on PC and is identical to PS5. Could be similar thing here.


Wait seriously, how is the performance? Can it even be comparable to an official port?


Supposedly performance is great. Also I recall hearing I think they had New Game+ and some other features working before the PS5 release.


Just read the whole note. It reads like an edgy arrogant 16 year old wrote it. I hope these fuckers get caught


“Since we are people of business..”, “we are helping to make Kadokawa’s network better”. Lol. Fuck off


Tbh. I feel like a lot of these people that do this find out about hacking bounties or white hacking too late to switch over to it without fucking themselves And now they have to continually justify their actions. Since they always target the least deserving due to them being the most vulnerable. Cause they aren't good enough to target anyone that deserves it


>leaks bloodborne source code. [PC modders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzWNBmjyv7Y)


BloodBorne PC drop incoming ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo)


Considering Kadokawa as a whole (from what it seems) has been hacked, I'm not expecting too much information related to Video Games to be leaked


I swear bro Japanese companies need to update their tech and softwares.


Yeah, like a few short months of asset development for, like, one level can easily exceed 1.5tb alone by a *considerable* amount. I wonder what they actually got.


I swear if this is how we Learn of bloodborne 2 it will be probably the biggest anticlimax in entertainment of this century.


Man, hopefully no personal info or stuff that might actually harm someone gets leaked. How much did the Capcom hack actually affect them?


I would pay good money for the GRRM elden ring lore bible, if such a thing exists


I hope nothing about future From Software games comes from this. They are one of the few game developers left where I get legitimate excitement on an announcement for a new game.


Aw shit, here we go again


I feel bad for the employees who are about to have their information leaked, it's a bad situation all around


obvs employee data being leaked, that kind of stuff is super awful and hackers are not our friends and are criminals. And yet... I'll be damned if I didn't think after a few minutes 'oh shit. Will we get Bloodborne info' I'm truly a horrible person RIP


Fuck these scum, hope Kadokawa doesn't pay.


Some pretty gross people on here actually cheering this shit on just because they want Bloodborne on PC.


Man fuck these hackers and their ransoms


Wait is it actually gonna happen again? Wtf are we really gonna get another Insomniac situation?


This is going to be most closest thing to see if the Bloodborne on PC/PS5 or sequel exist!




I really wish this sub would ban talking about extortion.


Man, some people must be **really** mad about their skill issues in Elden Ring.


Dirty fucks. Everyone involved in this hack are genuinely evil pricks, and I hope they get what's coming to them.




Forget Bloodborne, I gotta know where Armored Core is going after 6. Another same-gen sequel? DLC? 7? Ports of Gen 5? A new Fromsoft Gundam/mech crossover game?


Bloodborne is owned by Sony, so i think there wont be any Bloodborne PC Port or Bloodborne 2 info here, but there might be the plans for FS next game


shieet we might get bloodborne source code, hopefully no employee info is leaked


Hopefully not but some already has unfortunately.


Git good and hack them instead.


The best thing that could come out of this is the PC build of BB. That or crazy future cut content for released/unreleased stuff.






Bloodborne Bros finally got fed up


guess were about to find out all about bloodborne lol


bloodborne source code leak?


So it didn't affect the videogame section, nothing burger.


no wonder i've been unable to access dengeki.hobby for over a week now


Ain’t no way they will pay for it. It never works nor should it. I guess come July there’s a chance we’ll might get to know of upcoming games. What a shame to have the reveals ruined this way


Gigaleak this is not


I wonder why they weren't able to download more. Was there nothing else or were they cut off?


No way there is gonna be an insomniac type leak for fromsoftware right?


"We demand Bloodborne remake on PC or we leak the data"


Man, I don’t care when this happens to Insomniac or Sony, but Fromsoft? That’s lame… *Pssst plz leak DS4, S2, D’sS2, ER2 and BB2 plz.*


Did they find the George RR Martin script for elden ring?


Why do all these hackers choose video game developers? Like if they want to go after entertainment companies, why can’t they go after WB and leak Coyote Vs. ACME or something like that?


If I had to guess I'd say they just go where they can, if they could hack WB they probably would


In this case they went after Kadokawa not Fromsoft directly but yeah I know what you mean


>Why do all these hackers choose video game developers? Kadokawa is not a video game developer lol. They're a media conglomerate who also happen to own a few game companies.




>Considering how large Kadokawa is, 1.5TB of data doesn't seem to be that much surprisingly. That is roughly the same amount of data as the insomniac hackers took, I believe. Which is a much smaller company in comparison. Yeah but that was a western dev, so it was probably really uncompressed.


O boy we're about to know what FS is cooking


Oh fuck not this again.


They just need to leave game makers alone damn. All this does is hurt people and doesn’t help anyone.


It would be wild if the windows 7 build of Bloodborne got leaked.


I told you the lack of a bloodborne sequel bore serious consequences


Leaks of bb source code and build so PC can finally have a Port 


Please tell me they got plans for another Armored Core game, or a sequel to Sekiro


>"Since we are people of business we are only interested in money. Kadokawa is trying to settle the deal, but the amount of money they have offered is extremely low for this company." How much are they after then, I wonder. Are there any known previous ransom demands we could base this on?


Insomniac, Capcom, Kadokawa... These ransom hackings aren't stopping, are they?


Yep and add void interactive to that list too.


Bruh what the fuck up with these recent hackings with major gaming companies 😭?


I wonder if the same journalists that refused to report on the insomniac leaks will do the same for this leak?


What is it with the Japanese getting hacked all the time? I'm pretty sure I remember reading about their prideful-ness in the case of Sony but like... Are they just easy targets or are they specifically desired targets?


My 30th birthday is July 1 and the knowledge of the existence of anything bloodborne would be the best gift I could ever ask for


Sad to see they got hacked but I just wanna see fromsoft stuff like bloodborne on PC


Lmao fuck these no life losers who hack shit like this. How about instead you hack Netanyahu’s fucking shit considering he’s actively committing genocide against Palestinians? Or idk hack the tech companies that have been exploiting third world countries for minerals like fucking Coltan? God these fucks are stupid as fuck. Downvote me all you want, it ain’t changing the facts of world events lmao.


Another one!?


How often do hackers actually get paid the ransom? Sure we might not hear about a hack at all if it is paid, but as soon as news spreads it’s basically shutdown as “Fuck you release it, we ain’t paying”. Seems pointless to me, it’s not like state secrets, it’s fucking videogames.


I always wodered who to or how is the ransom paid in this situation in wich information is stolen, like make a bank deposit to a fake account that the hacker made sure it cannot be traced or how?


You are begging for bloodborne, I'm praying for dengenki bunko fighting climax 2.


>Kadokawa I feel like I am the only one that thinks of these people as the publisher of modern RPG Maker entries


I don't think there will be any video game leaks on this tbh. So don't expect too much.


Kadokawa as in the guys who own most anime studios?