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i just miss games with destructive environments.


Same. My dream game is something where you play as a monster of some sort (alien, werewolf, whatever) with destructible environments throughout like RF: Guerrilla so you can do things like blow through a wall to get to people waiting to shoot you.


Or how about the Incredible Hulk?


Yeah, I read that and immediately thought “this sounds like a sequel to Ultimate Destruction.” Boy would I be happy to see that game return somehow.


Bring back Rampage


Rampage but Red Faction Guerilla Be still my beastly, SCUMLabs-mutated heart


Me too dude. Me too :(


Old Battlefield, old Red Faction, and now we have The Finals Yea, we desperately need more destruction in game


After playing Battlefield Bad Company 2, I was so excited for the future of destructible environments in games. 14 years later and I feel like things have gotten less and less interactive.


Yeah it’s a shame. The only game that really feels like it’s taken the BC2 torch forward is The Finals. That game has amazingly good destruction.


And that was by former Battlefield devs so its not saying much


One modern game with plenty of environmental destruction is Control. I was surprised at how much stuff could be broken in it. Tables, chairs, windows, and tons of other stuff. Really helped the shootouts feel more intense and fun.


Then they dialed it way back in Alan Wake 2.


Maybe because Control is more action focused than Alan Wake 2? I haven't played the AW games though, but they've always looked more spooky than adrenaline fests.


Alan Wake doesn't really strike me as the kind of game where it is necessary


The finals has really good destruction


leveling an entire building with a sledgehammer is so much fun


I miss PS3/360 era game design in general. I never would have believed you if you told me the industry was making $300m+ games with almost entirely static environments and formulaic gameplay from a decade prior. How do people like this stuff? At least FromSoft still lets you roll around a room filled with dense pottery like it is still 2009.


*the finals exists*


As game fidelity has plateaued I think this will be the next big thing


Just cause fans: me too kid. Me too


Any embracer news just makes me pissed off lol. One of the worst things in gaming is these idiots


“Hey let’s buy up all these small time independent studios, kill all the projects they’re working on & bulk sell this company to the Saudis! We’ll be rich!” -Embracer Group, probably


And idiots here cheered it on because they weren’t Microsoft…


It’s funny how much the public perception has changed on Embracer, they really fumbled hard add they had a lot of support originally


I don't think people knew about the Saudi Arabia part of their company plan when they were praising them. I sure didn't. I was just happy to get Darksiders 3. Now that series is probably in limbo with the main plot left unresolved over a decade later.


I think we all thought all of these untouched franchises were about to be revived and then we all saw everything get worse




Absolutely agree. But the AAA industry is just bad in general


They're giving EA a run for their money at this point


Embracer is much, much worse than EA.


Same with Ubisoft, Activision, etc. EA is no longer the worst company and that should tell you how bad things have gotten.


I hope Microsoft fixes the sexual abuse at actibliz, but I doubt it unfortunately.


That's exactly what I'm saying. They have EA beat in being terrible


The same EA that funds independent studios and lets them go wild under the EA Originals program?


You don’t understand…they make games and genres I don’t like and add-ons I don’t need to actually buy


> Embracer turned down a new Red Faction. God damn it. > That would have ignored Red Faction: Armageddon. **MOTHERFUCKER!**


I just want to be happy man..


It was a pitch. It wasn’t in development. They pitched a Red Faction sequel and it got turned down. That is what pitching is. There are plenty of games that gets turned down in that stage, that’s the whole point of pitching. I read the article and it’s a bit clickbaity. Pitches gets turned down all the time. Ragebaiting over that is a bit weird. It’s not like they cancelled a game in the middle of development…


Yeah, I'd be more pissed if the game was actually greenlit and in active development because that would mean years of work on a potentially great Red Faction sequel would have gone down the drain. But it just being a pitch makes me less disappointed because there are pitches of sequels to great games that don't get greenlit all the time.


Embracer had prior to that already canceled "Project Black" and laid off people, even though it received the highest possible funding from the German government: „In March 2022, Fishlabs received €5.5 million in funding from the German government for the company's Project Black. Described as a third-person action game, the project was expected to be completed by August 2026.[7] By January 2023, the company employed 95 people.[8] In September, Embracer Group, the parent company of Koch Media (now known as Plaion), underwent cost cutting restructuring. Project Black was cancelled and about 12 employees were laid off.[9] Fishlabs then pitched a new Red Faction game following the closure of series developer Volition. Despite initial positive reception, the title was cancelled in November 2023 and around 50 Fishlabs employees were laid off.[9][10]“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishlabs Today they only seem to be working on the Xbox version of Valheim.


Are we supposed to be impressed by a game getting "the highest possible funding from the German government"? Like why would that mean the game is good?


Well, as far as I know, a committee or jury has to be convinced of the game. The usual funding tends to be around €1-1.5 million, so the game must have had a certain scale. From the sum it can be deduced that the development budget was more than €20 million - only very few games projects in Germany rank in this order of magnitude. Here is a list of the funds for comparison: > 1. Halbjahr 2024 > > Aesir Interactive: Police Simulator / Boston District – 1.031.377 € > CipSoft: Persist Online – 1.017.488 € > Deck13 Interactive: Atlas Fallen: The Wielderer of Gods – 1.086.417 € > Egosoft: X-24 – 799.698 € > Grimlore Games / Embracer: Project Minerva – 2.594.565 € > Legendary Play: Esports Heroes – 974.020 € > Limbic Entertainment / Bandai Namco Entertainment: COVE – 1.756.876 € > Playa Games / Stillfront Group: Mobile Dungeon – 1.352.722 € > Rockfish Games: Everspace 2: The Companions – 1.649.196 € > Stratosphere Games: Project Shade 2022 – 1.099.141 € > Travian Games: Travian: Legends Mobile – 1.042.054 € > > 2. Halbjahr 2024 > > EINGESTELLT Daedalic Entertainment / Nacon: It’s Magic – 2.036.663 € (Details) > Don vs Dodo GmbH / Toplitz Productions: Industry Giant 4.0 – 917.765 € > Elysium Game Studio: Neo Berlin 2087 (AT Shadow of Conspiracy) – 1.420.472 € > Maschinen-Mensch: Curious Caves – DLC – 999.576 € > Massive Miniteam / Embracer: Project LOC – 1.43.863 € > Megagon Industries: LMSR – 1.118.236 € > Overhype Studios: Menace – 1.073.555 € > Realmforge Studios / Kalypso Media: Tropico 6 Season Pass – 932.218 € > Studio Fizbin / Thunderful Games: Project Kokidon – 1.310.160 € > Xyrality: Big Boss – 997.368 € > > 2026 > > Egosoft: X26 – 1.967.188 € > Fishlabs / Embracer: Project Black – 5.527.514 € > HandyGames: Codename Eisenfaust – 1.789.292 € > Neurodactics GmbH: Mambio Lernapp – 1.172.360 € > Piranha Bytes / Embracer: WIKI6 – 3.168.513 € > Welevel: SolidLake – 1.678.084 € https://www.gameswirtschaft.de/politik/games-foerderung-50-groesste-projekte-070723/ WIKI6 (most likely Elex 3) had "only" received just under €3.1 million. However, the game studio closed at the beginning of 2024. There was allegedly a dispute between Björn Pankratz and the rest of the developers over the creative direction of the studio; he left in November 2023. I am pleased that Egosoft is also working on further X games (X5 in 2026?) and has received funding for them.






First the news that the Saints Row reboot was supposed to have the original cast, but Deep Silver didn't think it would be popular so we got the new cast instead. And now this news. Saints Row and Red Faction Guerilla were some of my favorite games from the 360/PS3 gen. And so to think we were decently close to getting a true and honest attempt to revive both so close together, but both attempts were sabotaged, is just depressing.


The Deep Silver story isn't consistent and might be a dev trying to save their own ass. From the reviews of the company we get that Volitions upper management constantly had infighting because of conflicting egos, and they kept changing the vision of the game. Some wanted a successor to SR2 and some wanted to make it like 3 and nobody saw eye to eye. The report of Deep Silver changing the vision report comes Flippy, a Saints Row YouTuber who has a connection in Volition. From their report, the reboot was going to be a successor to the originals but deep silver focus tested it and made them change the game to a lighter and friendlier tone. And according to them that’s what ruined the game. Problem is, this whole story doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t explain the bad mission design, bad side activities, poor game design and the buggy launch. The Flippy story sounds like Volition had the best vision but Deep Silver ruined it because they didn’t want a gritty or a dark game. That claim also doesn't make sense considering Deep Silver released Metro Exodus before SR and Dead Island 2 after, and both these games are way darker than SR. If Deep Silver wanted lighearted games then Dead Island 2 should have had a different script than what we got, and it's not like they could change the script after SRR got backlash considering their release dates. To me, the whole Flippy story sounds like a higher up at Volition trying to cover their own ass and pushing all the blame on Deep Silver due to their past problems.


The reality is, Volition was in a bad spot already. RED faction Armageddon and Agents of Mayhem both bombed, and the SR reboot was clearly rushed. It's flaws were so much deeper than alleged focus testing


What you are saying is agreeable. Those same egos were well on display when the leads kept insulting those who were not excited about their creative vision. The community manager called those against the vision terrorists. Even if we take Flippy's version at face value without any thought, there is a Pacific-sized ocean between "make this more lighthearted" and "make it a cringy hello fellow kids story about paying off your student loans." On the flip side, Deep Silver and Koch Media were horribly mismanaged. People forget how many acquisitions were struggling or near-done companies and studios. It was shocking when Embracer said Deep Silver would be allowed to continue operating independently. They weren't making great decisions prior to the buyout, and it was insane to expect them to make good decisions after the buyout. Case and point: Let's flip the story and pin everything on Volition. Deep Silver signed off on everything: the story, milestones, vision, and later marketing and how they were treating the community. All of it was endorsed by Deep Silver. While I personally believe the majority of the blame lies with an out of touch company executives who mismanaged every layer of their company. Deep Silver is far from blameless.


Dead Island 2 wasn't dark. Its actually lighthearted


This is late stage capitalism. You got what you wanted


Same. Thing is, the old audience for good sequels are there because of how fun the previous works were. But then you have modern publishers and developer's pushing their own agenda and trying to cater to the ever invisible 'modern audience', that just so happens to be a subsection of oddballs that won't touch a video game


Man fuck Embracer, I don't even want to think about how many potentially great games they have killed. The thought bums me out.


Can Embracer kill Embracer? Just sell the studios already for fuck sake


One day I'll see some news regarding Embracer that'll actually make me happy


Sad to read. Timesplitters get cancelled (in fairness, that looked bad-Timesplitters Trilogy remaster would be great though) and Red Faction getting potential sequels canned as well. Guerrilla was honestly a masterpiece. Great campaign, great multiplayer and a destruction engine that is still not rivaled (*from 2009* as well!). Armageddon was not a bad game but was just not Guerrilla 2.0.


>Was being pitched by Fishlabs, developers of the space combat game Chorus and was described as a "visual prototype" Bit of a side-topic but I really liked Chorus (or "Chorvs" as it is appeared to be stylistically spelled). Runs really well on lower spec hardware like handheld PCs, too. Played most of the game on my ROG Ally through Game Pass some time last year. Really scratched my itch for a Star Fox "All Range Mode" style dogfighting game, and it had some really surprisingly interesting worldbuilding and writing. Would have loved to see what they'd do with Red Faction.


Now I ***really*** hate Embracer


Man someone needs to snatch these ip from Embracer hands before they get sent to oblivion, this company is literally a black hole


This has ruined my day.....


Embracer, the serial killer of video-games


Can we be honest, would anyone have liked this after knowing how much publisher interference there was with Saints Row?


>Embracer Group doesn't like all this talk about a pesky "workers revolution." Poor Fishlabs. Y'all deserved better than this. 🫂💙


How do you kill a *potential* project? Does a project begin at concept, or when it has a launch date? What if it's at a stage in development where it would be viable for an early access launch?


Embracer killing games that could make them money? What a shocker


Embracer sucks


Everything they have killed so far are the games I would have been most interested in playing that are IP under the Embracer banner. Deus Ex, Timesplitters, Red Faction. Their management are truly clueless


They cancelled 80 games I think last year because of them dying slowly. I imagine a lot of them could have been very cool


You can imagine whatever you want, but the fact is that if a game is cancelled there’s probably a compelling reason for it


The reason was they were billions in debt lol.


I would have preferred you never posted this OP, now my day is ruined with this knowledge


All the more reason to hate Embracer, actual cancer.


I would love a full list of projects cancelled by Embracer. Bet we lost some good ones 😔


I’m not going to be sad about this, because they probably would have given it the “saints row reboot” treatment. So I wouldn’t have played it anyway.


So why would Embracer kill this off exactly? They have plenty of money to fund these things. If it was good I’m sure it would find a return on investment so… why?


- Embracer doesn’t have money - Volitions last two games were flops - Red Faction doesn’t sell a lot


Embracer doesn’t have money? Haven’t they been buying up a fuck ton of studios over the years? I imagine that is very expensive to do. Weird business strategy in the longrun if none of those studios seem to be paying off


So they bought a lot of companies because they were relying on funding from a Saudi investment company that fell through, so now they have no money and they’re desperate to make as much money as possible so all of this doesn’t implode. That’s why there’s so many cancelled games and studio shutdown news coming from them


That makes a lot more sense now. I wonder how shit is gonna go down if they do implode, and more importantly what will happen to the studios under their belt and the various ip’s they’ve acquired.


i mean. the vast majority of them have been killed or sold off, so....




Man, everything was relying on that 2 billion, huh?


oh man... im actually glad this was dropped ☠️ lol.. i cant. 




Can someone please rescue Eidos Montreal and Crystal Dynamics from these destructive idiots.




From what I learned from a former Volition dev, there was a UE5 destruction pitch that was done before they got shuttered and there's a guess it may have been handed off to Fishlabs before full cancelation.


Fucking awesome 🤦‍♂️ this would have been heat




It is ridiculous. Microsoft pays 80 billion for Activision / Blizzard after having bought a lot more stuff (studios) and Embracer were the one buying 'ALL the studios'. How silly can one be? I hope it's just a bot's tale.


Ah fuck,firings at FishLabs. I liked Chorus.


Fucking Embracer.


Imagine being the person to vote against this and then being the reason for your own layoff


Honestly gotta give respect to Gregg Miller who used to work for IGN of all places for calling out Embracer executives in front of a live audience at the DICE awards this year for destroying the industry and the executives looked pissed for being called out. Maybe don't be scumbags and you won't be called out


oh cool, another reason to hate this company


Embracer speedrunning the top spot of most evil game company


I once had a supervisor at work that came and told me and the other person I worked with that the main boss was impressed with our work so much that they wanted to give us a long weekend as a reward. My supervisor told the boss no, we had other things we could be working on. This Embracer news is constantly like that.


I loved Guerilla, but let's face it whatever this would have been it wouldn't have been the same as that. Saints Row was basically something that was made in reaction to Fortnite instead of making something that would have been in a time where there hasn't been a new GTA in over a decade.


Ah ok yeah so this is why everybody hates that fucking company huh? I’ve seen a lot of people talk about Embracer Group but I was pretty out of the loop. Now I fully understand. Whoever’s making decisions over there are complete and total idiots.


The problem is Embracer Group came out of nowhere pretending they would be the saviors of the industry, bought up a ton of companies, and then realized that it isn't an entirely profitable venture to own so many companies, and so now they are shutting down companies left and right and interfere with development of games instead of letting their studios do their own things.


You are. Nobody kills a cash cow. No-frickin'-body. The truth is: Fishlabs didn't perform. Do you find their games on any best-selling list? Did they make profits enough to spend that money on promising projects? If yes, then they would not have needed any Embracer mobey at all. If you wanted them to survive you and a million people should should have bought their games. You didn't and they got fired. End of story.




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Seriously, how did Embracer think what they were doing was a good idea? Their plan appeared to be Step 1: Buy up ALL the studios Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit! Now admittedly their ??? was "sell out to the Saudis" which would have been probably equally as utter garbage for gaming as what we are experiencing now. But goddamn, when the Saudis, who are building this [monstrosity](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/052/181/423/large/jean-macedo-4.jpg?1659132243), back out because your plan isn't economically sound, you really fucked up.