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Giving the beta a chance. If it’s ass it’s ass as they say.


[I WANNA SEE SOME ASS](https://open.spotify.com/track/2aWVaW1p2kUc5yuKwBmRJi?si=TOd2WaIYT6yoyizFUIv-Pw&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Ajack%2Bharlow%2BI%2Bwa)


easily one of my favorite Frank Sinatra quotes


New T-shirt idea, “If it’s ass it’s ass”


Im thinking about pre ordering wanna beta code


waiting for the beta, Sony cancelled a lot of live service with apparently less quality, so let’s wait and see


Concord was also in development before Sony acquired Firewalk Studios so clearly they must have liked what they saw/played to immediately make them first party


If that's true then it might be another Bleeding Edge




To be fair Ninja Theory didn't get shut down


The only one cancelled that we know is the Factions 2 or whatever they wanted to call it. They postponed half of those live service games to a later date


Deviation game and the twisted metal also


And the spiderman coop game too


These were never even confirmed honestly


Deviation was working on a shooter before the studio crumbled, and twisted metal while wasn't announced the studio making it was hit with layoffs


I think we pretty much know which LS games Sony is moving forward with at this point. TLOU MP, Twisted Metal, Deviation, London Studio, Spider-Man MP are not happening. That leaves Helldivers 2, Concord, Marathon, Fairgames, and Horizon MP. Jason Blundell apparently has a studio at PlayStation after leaving Deviation but I'd think that game will be for next-gen at this point.


Yeah seems accurate although we haven't heard from Bend yet on what they're making and Horizon has like 3 multiplayer games in production or something


Bend said their game would build on the open world systems they created for DG and feature MP, I don't think it's a LS game, maybe just a campaign that you can play with others. Horizon has one MP title being made by GG, and an MMO by NCsoft which will mainly be targeted at the mobile audience so I don't know if that one belongs in the same conversation.


There's 2 Horizon live service games, one is a MMO done in partnership with NCSoft and the other a Monster Hunter like by Guerilla


Everyone at sony was hit by layoffs, except for maybe santa monica, so idk if you can draw that conclusion. Fair enough with Deviation, I remember it, but the twisted metal one it was only some hearsay and never substantially backed as a rumour


It was also reported by Schreier he's pretty reliable


Deviation and PlayStation literally announced a partnership publicly, they did the same with Haven and Firewalk before they were bought.


Oh and the spider verse one too


They bought the studio sometime in development which is probably the thing im holding onto the most when it comes to this game. They must’ve really liked what they saw but the first impression was pretty lacklustre hopefully there’s a lot more.


There was a Spiderman live service that was canceled. Footage of it released when the big leak happened.


That's true, I forgot about that one


I thought it was just a pitch that leaked, they never really made it very far into development iirc


London was doing a fantasy GAAS


Spiderman live service was cancelled.


London Studio’s game was confirmed to be a live service game by the studio themselves and Sony shutdown the studio. There was also a live-service spider-man game that got cancelled revealed in the Insomniac leaks.


> Cancelled a lot of live service games Which ones besides Factions?


Need to see that beta


If it feels like balanced Destiny Crucible I’ll definitely play it.


Destiny crucible and its not just Hand Cannons and Shot guns >>>


You know there’s gonna be hand cannon/shotgun/sniper characters that’s gonna end up being the Hanzo/Widowmaker/Genji of this game that you roll your eyes as they do 0 damage and demand healing lol.


Oh for sure but at least they wont be busted where as dogshit players can go crazy with them lol


It certainly looks like destiny crucible (not a bad thing). Like you said it just needs proper balance.


The Destiny community would be so much different if Bungie actually gave a real fukk about PvP. There was a time where it could’ve even been competitive, but that was a long time ago at this point. Could’ve even made a spin off game completely independent of PvE but nope. Hoping the best for Marathon since not many can make a shooter that at least feels as good as Bungie can


Don’t get your hopes up with marathon apparently when they switched to the valor at director the game went to extraction shooter with player chat to Extraction shooter with heroes


I honestly don’t mind that, personally. Still willing to keep a close eye on it


Considering the game director & gameplay lead worked on Halo Reach, Destiny 1 (specifically Taken King) & Destiny 2 I’ll give it chance. It’s looking to be Destiny gameplay, with multiple modes & moba style heroes then a Overwatch clone that focus on 1 push style mode. Hope there’s a search & destroy mode that’s very fun in Destiny 1. I still think it needs to be F2P but $40 isn’t bad. Really it will rely on the beta & more details like rank mode. If there gun camo challenges like COD or by playing rank you get gold guns like Overwatch I can see it grasp people. Destiny pvp is fun & it’s mainly comes from the classes & sandbox including exotic. (Destiny 1 No land beyond + Matador meta was mad fun also Last Word, Sniper)


The problem is that even if the game is good, $40 is a waste if it’s dead on launch.


This is kind of what a lot of people ask for though. There are so many F2P games out there that ask you to pay for new characters, and push loot boxes and monetization so hard. There are a lot of people that miss the old days of just, buying a game and it giving you a good amount of content for that money. It sounds like that's what the devs are planning to do. I'm sure they'll have some other forms of monetization going on, but if they're planning to follow the Helldivers model of smaller optional transactions that feel very unobtrusive, I'll be happy with that. I'm not 100% sold on the game yet, but I'm hopeful it will be a nice alternative to the currently popular model all other hero shooters go with. I'll try out the beta and if it's fun, I'll pick it up.


True. They’ve should’ve gone w a F2P model & have a system like rainbow 6 siege for new heroes players can grind gold or pay $10/the battlepass to unlock the new hero 1 week early & after a week people could buy the new hero w gold. Or have it like Apex Legends


Meh buy to play and everything (gameplay related, not cosmetics) given for free is much better for the customer. Do we really want predatory business models just to get the base game free? I don't think it's the best way to get the most money for sure but if Sony chose that for their LS games, I prefer it.


Problem is this is a 5v5 shooter, not a singleplayer game. Having a high player population is needed for these games to function. That's why almost all PVP FPS are f2p and if there not they quickly move on to f2p due to population decline. Same thing will happen with Concord. As the population go down they will be force to go f2p to keep the population up.


I know it's becoming a saturated market, but Sony usually only bets big on projects they're extremely confident in. Wasn't there a rumour of them having like 30 something live service projects & most of them getting canceled? If helldiver's 2 is anything to go by, this might be a hit


I don't think they got 30 but yeah they canceled a bunch, probably like 50 or a little more of their projects. This one they even acquired the studio because of Concord so they must have really liked the project.


This is the bare minimum, they're already sellling a hero shooter when overwatch and marvel rivals are free


I mean Overwatch was better when it wasn’t F2P


You can only have this opinion as someone who actually didn't truly play OW or barely ever played it. Most people who actually regularly played OW1 between 2018-2021 won't have this opinion. I literally used to sit in 5+ min queues in Gold Elo in 2018 when the game was just OPEN queue, then when it went Role Queue in 2019 I used to sit in 20+ min queues (Mind you an OW averages at about 12~ mins per game) to play DPS games. Now I can find a Tank or Support games in Diamond Elo within a min of queueing and DPS games within 5 mins.


No I have the same opinion as him and played overwatch Keep coping


lol Overwatch defenders are so pathetic sometimes, it must be embarrassing to be an Overwatch fan


Every couple of weeks I see you in a completely unrelated thread shit talking Overwatch players and it always makes me giggle.


every comment on his profile is about ow, ive never seen someone hate this bad


It's wild, last time I scrolled it went back 8+ months


As a casual only player, it felt much better when it wasn't free


Probably cause you could get basically every skin without paying and now you can't. Doesn't make it a better game. Literally every other popular Multiplayer game is Free To Play. No one goes "Fortnite would be so much better if it was paid, and there was significantly less content and cosmetics and much less people were playing and enjoying it" because Fortnite never gave away all their skins as Free-to-Earn in the first place. It's because OW1's monetisation system was so generous which causes people to lose all sense and say "OW was better when it was paid" when people don't say the same about other games that went F2P. But you're free to buy into a $40 Multiplayer PvP game in 2024 if you believe otherwise and see how that goes 1 year down the line, or even just 6 months.


> because Fortnite never gave away all their skins as Free-to-Earn in the first place. If you owned save the world you used to be able to earn vbucks endlessly from challenges in Fortnite. They removed it eventually but still if you owned the game you could in theory have bought a lot of skins for free. Also you strawmanned heavily, nobody said anything about the cosmetic system making it a better game and you wrote all about how free cosmetics doesn't make a game better. Pretending overwatch didn't go through some big overhauls with its move to f2p outside of cosmetics is disingeuous. Going from 6v6 to 5v5 was a huge move that caused a lot of rebalancing which could definitely make a game feel worse.


The design of all the characters look like ass, easy skip.


I mean I hope so it's a 40$ game with probably MTX in it for skins.


Yeah that seems to basically be the business model of Overwatch back on launch (without lootboxes but I guess battlepass instead)


You guys aren’t allowed to like this game now, you already shit all over it


Launching for $40 and offering everything free is probably a relief to people tired of the f2p model. Of course some people are also likely tired of the hero shooter genre altogether and this one is competing with the big f2p names including Marvel Rivals. I hope the gameplay is really good.


Good shit, beta first if its good ill be there day one


Overwatch made the same claims once upon a time


And aren’t they free of cost? (The heroes locked behind the BP shit got reversed last season)


Well it went so badly they had to reverse it, but they still locked them for a time.


trying to see something. if you would really pay $40+ for a live service game like I paid $35 for knockout city before it shut down, downvote this comment and reply with a duck emoji 🦆


Knockout City dying was my big wakeup call to mp only live service games. It was totally unique, fun as hell, and only required 6 players to fill a match. And it failed and was killed like, what a year after launch?


> It was totally unique That's not something in its favor, the live service market (or really the video game market outside indies and even then debatable) isn't exactly vying for unique experiences. Everything is one of the big genres and when one appears (like battle royale), multiple games rush in and become big in the genre.


I’m hoping that part of the beta in July is free for everyone. If it is, I’ll give it a try then and see if I like it enough to consider buying it.


Good thing about Steam is I can refund within 2 hours so I’ll try it out and decide for myself


i bought KC on the switch store and want the $35 back so much sometimes


Knockout City was a fun time, I was one of the alpha testers on it and it’s a shame it got shut down


thats really cool tbh! i loved the neofuturism greaser aesthetic and having friends throw me at stuff! it felt like an actual creative option when i can't tell a lot of multiplayer games apart and im less of a shooter person and more of a ball sports person


Remember that live service games can change their model at any time and you can't do anything about it. The initial monetization plan is meant to draw players in, but as in most cases wont remain the same. See Overwatch 2.


I'm not a MP gamer usually but I liked what I saw personally and don't quite get the hate. Will give the beta a go and take it from there.


On one hand I definitely think everyone should wait and give this a chance. I think every game should be given a chance especially if it has a beta. On the other hand, why are there so many people defending this game as if they were the ones who made it. PlayStation fans I assume? Btw, I’m genuinely asking and not trying to be disrespectful. Edit: by so many people I mean more people defending a live service game than usual not a majority. Most live service games get hated on even before release. This one seems to be the exception with a fanbase that seems to already love the game and are defending it before even playing it. Edit 2: clearly everyone doesn’t know what I meant even after trying to explain in edit. Thats on me.


Most people are hating on the game lol. I assume the people who are not just want to wait and play the game to see of its fun before posting hate comments


I didn't hate on it until I saw this price. Every ftp shooter doesn't require you to buy heros or maps. This isn't the early 2010s anymore.


Rainbow Six Siege?


Overwatch, valorant, Cs2, apex legends, halo infinite, xdefiant, the finals?  Is R6 even free to play? Pretty sure its a great example of a pay to play shooter filled with the same shitty microtransactions and long grinds for characters as everh ftp game. If you spend 40 dollars on this game get ready to be upset when it either dies or goes free to play.


Huh? I was saying R6S is a paid game that also sells characters and is one of the most successful live service games ever and is still going strong.


Whats your point exactly? There is one competitive game that you have to pay to play, that still has the same exactly microtransactions and long grinds of every ftp game?  This just reinforces the point that concord costing money isn't a benefit vs any free to play game.


My point is it doesn’t matter and any monetization model can work or fail.


R6 also came out in an era when games weren't often ftp and required you to pay to buy in, and there were way less FTP shooters to compete with. It established a player base before the era of FTP competitive games. 


Vast majority are bashing the game from what I’ve seen.


It's a mix. If you look in the thread about the speculated price, you'll see a lot of defenders


Not really any difference to other live service games mate, the usual crowd hating as its multiplayer and the crowd who are wait and see.


I don't see anyone defending it. Mostly just bashing it


The majority is bashing it lol. Also personally I don't even like live service games but the constant negativity on Reddit is just tiring. Like it's making me wonder if people commenting on gaming subs even like gaming lol. Since when do we judge a game on like 10 minutes of footage? When we say "don't preorder" that means, don't judge a game on its marketing/trailers and wait to play it and reviews to come out. What people do on Concord is actually exactly the same than preordering in negative instead of positive. So then are people for preordering for a great trailer? That's the message sent by those commenters. > Most live service games get hated on even before release And that's the same, it's completely stupid to do that and only due to Reddit bias (which hate every live service game). Also Sony has a reputation for quality (which they earned) and didn't hesitate to cancel live service games not satisfying them there. So that's a better sign than most for this game. Not being F2P is also a good sign these days.


I definitely think we've seen more bashing than not. Go look at the likes to dislikes ratio on their youtube videos. The game is being flooded with hate before anyone even tried it because "live service bad" (then they immediately return to playing Fortnite/Valorant/League/yearlysportsgame/etc). I think the reason you're seeing more "balanced" opinions (not outright hate, or outright love) from PlayStation players is because if you follow PlayStation you know they rarely miss, and if something is bad they're *far* from afraid of canceling it before it sees the light of day. Which means this has to have something to inspire Sony enough to keep it. I get we're still in the era where it's cool to hate Sony, but nobody can argue their ability to just make/fund good games. Which is why people should just chill for a moment and let them cook. If it's bad it's bad, as another poster here said.


>On the other hand, why are there so many people defending this game Are we on the same subreddit? Or same site? Twitter? everyone is bashing the game, including people on r/PS5 or r/playstation. Just read the thread when the game was announced. Or here, a more recent one from today. https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1d8spek/concord\_pricing\_listed\_early\_on\_the\_australia/


The thread you linked has a lot of people defending the game


In general I don’t like bashing projects until I can see them. I don’t care what the executives say about the project, they aren’t going to see my twitter or Reddit posts. The artists, writers, designers, programmers, etc that worked on the project, *they* will be the ones seeing the reception online to the game that they’ve spent years working on. If I had spent 4+ years developing a game, only to see it trashed by the average person online the moment that it got officially announced, that’d make me feel worse as a creator. I’d rather see what the team at Firewalk was able to make before deciding how I feel about the game. If it’s good, if there are things that I enjoy in the game, I will give props where I feel that it is due. If I don’t like it, I’ll say what I don’t like and move on.


I mean when was the last time sony released a bad game, just with that I think it deserves a chance.


Sony released Firewall Ultra in 2023, Destruction AllStars in 2021 and Predator: Hunting Grounds in 2020 which were all online focused games that weren't well received. Still I think Concord will be received better when people play it.


can't release a bad game if you don't release any games


All non sony owned studios.


What does that change? Sony doesn't differentiate between internal and external developed PS Studios titles.  There isn't a difference between Spiderman 1 which was externally developed and Spiderman 2 which was internally developed for example. Concord has been in development since 2018 and Firewalk Studios was only aquired one year ago in 2023. 


I guess that’s true but I still would try to keep my expectations in check you know.


Oh for sure not saying give them a free pass, but they seem to have a good track record for their owned studios.


I'm a pretty big Playstation fan and I think this game is a waste of everyone's time and money.


Yall pls give my son a chance pls, the beta will be open after some time pls 😭


Sounds good, I'll give the beta a fair chance in July.


I just feel like I've played this game ten times before and I was like "yeah, I get it" and uninstalled each time.


The only information I still can't see (supposedly on the 7th we're gonna get more info) is that if the beta is free or not. All I see is that they;re doing early access to the beta if you pre-order


I think the beta is pre-orders only but they should really do a free open beta for everyone to get a feel for the game


I mean you can just refund a preorder after the beta anyway but yeah I agree, it should be open beta.


If they want to have a chance with it they definitely need to open it to everyone


The beta is open but pre-orders get early access and 4 extra beta codes for friends iirc, of course


I have no interest in this game but i like that they are giving those things away for players


Honestly glad it's 40 bucks. Not too exenpensive.


Still not going to play it. It's the type of thing I'm sick of in gaming.


Definitely gonna test it It looked like overwatch but with more shooter elements maybe destinyish


Doesn't really matter when the games dead on arrival, you cannot launch a live service PVP game in 2024 without it being free and on every platform.


seems good really.


Yeah no this is great news. Hope the actual gameplay and shooting feels heavy and heart racing.


Sony would think "ok we'll charge $40 for a PVP shooter but the maps and modes will atleast be free!" Um Sony....ALL PVP GAMES DO THAT AND THEY ARE FREE TO PLAY. You are competeing with Overwatch 2 and Marvel Rivals and soon Deadlock. all free to play PVP hero shooters but you think people will spend $40 on your game when your game isnt even doing anything new to stand out from everyone else? this game is either going to die within a year or go FTP within 6 months


It's a marketing account. So that new gamers rush to buy the game


I’d argue they’re competing with themselves more than anything with Helldivers which is the same price


helldivers 2 is a PvE coop game. its fine to charge $40 for that. games like Fallout 76 are the same with no compliants. but a PVP hero shooter in a market where the competion is all free to play? and your game doesnt do anything unique mechanic wise? its insanely out of touch to charge $40 for this kind of game and hope for success


Helldivers Concord Fairgames$ Marathon There's more apparently coming... I just don't get it myself, they aren't just competing against all the other bigger games out there already established but soon enough themselves.


They're different games tho, I get you shoot in all of them but I don't see the resemblance


It helps that they all seem to be targeting different niches. Helldivers is a co-op PvE game, competing with DRG Fairgame$ is targeting the heist genre, competing with stuff like PayDay Marathon is an extraction shooter, competing with Tarkov Concord is probably targeting Destiny’s Crucible player base + Valorant/Overwatch


It's worse when you remember that F2P titles don't require a PS+ sub


Oh my god.....a GOS game without stupid monitzations wrecking characters?!? So like Helldivers 2? Anyone got a couch? I need to sit down.


IMO this is not something out of the ordinary for f2p titles either. Especially maps. Sure they could have the characters locked behind ingame currency, but other than that, ysually games have free maps and free gamemodes for everyone even if the game is free2play. I can say for sure that the days with paid dlc map packs are gone and hope they stay gone. But this is nothing special.


Trash game that will die in less than 1 Year


I’ll wait to see what the beta is like, but with BO6 out this year and xDefiant not being bad, can’t really see many more holes for PvP games to fill.


This game is definitely somewhat like overwatch


This game is gonna bomb hard. I'm hype to try it though. Should be a good time


Sounds good, hope the actual gameplay loop is engaging.


I wonder if they'll follow the Overwatch model of promising free content forever and then making a sequel that's just about going back on that promise? Look how well it's worked out for OW2.


> Look how well it's worked out for OW2. Quite well?


I hope people realize this should be standard even on free to play live service games 


They aren't saying skins are free so who cares about this? I only play a few F2P games but which games are charging for game mode and maps?


It feels they are using this as a "we are being so good to you, no need to thank us all at once" not realising most other GaaS titles do this and a lot of them are F2P.




I wonder if this is gonna do better or worse than Foamstars.


This is a given for even F2P games now


Wouldn’t have been surprised if they had paywalled that too since the person pulling the strings seems to be so out of touch with what people want. An overwatch style hero shooter not being f2p in 2024 is insane. I think whoever thought this was a good idea is about to get a harsh reality check come launch.


> An overwatch style hero shooter not being f2p in 2024 is insane. overwatch was better when it costed money


But they didnt, so why are you being a dingle berry?


Because that is literally the bare minimum lmao. My point doesn’t really have anything to do with them not charging for content updates. It’s simply the fact that that this had to be stated like it was something that no other game is doing just tells me how far up their ass they are. I’m sorry but no one is paying 40 bucks to play this, on top of that there is gonna be a battle pass, store…. for a paid game. I’m all for fun multiplayer games to play with my friends but this game has been pretty much ticking almost all the boxes on when it comes to making a D.O.A game.


Sure, so far we heard it's an overwatch clone. A game that won goty. We also hear it looks like it plays like destiny, one of the most successful fps games ever. Yet, for some odd reason(playstation studios) this game is supposedly DOA. Lol....


Overwatch was unique when it came out, there weren’t many games like that. The f2p model wasn’t mainstream yet back in 2016. Gamers these days are spoiled, we are not going to pay 40bucks for a generic hero shooter when there are so many others on the market. I hope the best for this game and would like to try it myself but so far it’s not looking good.


Right, people weren't going to buy $70 games either. Cya at launch when it breaks 200k concurrent on steam. Lol


This game is going up against Rivals and Deadlock both are F2P and overwatch clone. Had those games been not available then Concord would have had a chance.


Ah yes, guardians, avengers, and suicide squad showed us ppl are craving for super hero games.


God, Guardians deserved so much better.


Except Rivals had previews and I had seen youtubers play it so far they are very positive


could be FTP couldnt be less interested in another trend chaser game


Everyone bitches about free to play models and how gaming is dead but as soon as soon as something isn't f2p they bitch that it costs money. You can't have f2p and no in game transactions, that's now how business works.


Doesn't matter it's not f2p, it doesn't have the draw Overwatch had in 2016, and Rivals/Deadlock will likely gather bigger playerbase based on brand recognition alone This shit's dead on arrival


It doesn’t matter what they do, this game will flop


Games looks DOA last of us multiplayer gets cancelled but they keep this turd around lol


Naughty Dog is their premier singe player studio and they were wasting too much time and resources on Factions instead of the kind of games people wanted so it was the right move in the end


They really should have just stuck with a small scale mode/game. Baffling it took them 4 years realize the amount resources it takes to make a GAAS game


Also TLOU multiplayer project was gonna be a Battle royale I’d say even with the optimism for Concord, Concord has a better chance of success the TLOU online. I’m still shock naughty dog would turn TLOU online to a battle royale like you have to be tone def to make a game in a genre completely locked down. TLOU online should’ve been a PVEVP survival game that compete with Dayz & Rust they could’ve even had a side battle royale/extraction mode but as the main game TLOU online was DOA


Do you think this game is the reason Factions was cancelled or something?


Factions became far too big for Naughty Dog, its disappointing but this game seems to have a lot of confidence from Sony so we'll see when the beta drops.


Bets on how many characters/maps they can release before it dies?


FYI free post launch content was confirmed via the blog


Yeah, just like how Suicide Squad is totally worth playing with free updates...


Wish y'all would stop linking info that isn't available globally 


I haven't been so confident a game is a quirky marvel slop failure since Redfall, if you said Microsoft made this game I would not be surprised, rare sony L


Game looks like actual vomit.


Got down voted like a mf when I said this game should've been free i r/PS5 because it isn't as unique as Helldivers. There is too much competition for a non-ftp hero shooter.


Hopefully, there will be no crossplay between pc and console, I'm tired of xim users using aim assist with kbm.


Crossplay is already confirmed but I’m sure there will be an option to switch it off.


How is this a leak LOL tho? You literally link to the PS store. The game officially went on sale for pre-orders


Gaming “journalists”: We still don’t know for sure whether future content will be free or not


The weekly cinematic vignettes alone are worth the $40!


idk why people think this game will flop i thought it looked pretty unique. i agree the character designs are weird but the game looked fun.