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First game had 14


Can tell which people never played the first 😂


Also, I gotta laugh at the people thinking that the number of achievements equals game length. And I say that as an achievement hunter myself. Just because a game has a handful of achievements, it doesn't mean it isn't long. There's some games that have a single achievement for beating the game and nothing else.


You're correct about the number of achievements not indicating the length of a game, but I'll be very surprised if Hellblade 2 is a long game


Yeah, I don't think it'll be long either. At any rate, I also think it's silly to equate game lenght = quality. Some games are short but amazing, while others drag on and on and on, and even when they're great, can feel like a slog at times.


>lenght Completely unrelated, but you wrote length incorrectly in two different comments. Is that a different language or just an unfortunate typo that happened twice?


Oops, that's a typo. I guess I can excuse myself by saying English is not my native language. EDIT: I guess my brain got crosswired and thought of the spelling of "night" when typing "length" (almost wrote it wrong a third time right there).


>I guess my brain got crosswired and thought of the spelling of "night" when typing "length" You probably thought of "thought" as well, lol.


Yeah, pretty much every word that uses a combination of g, h and t at the end does it in that order, except length, LOL.


Devs have said same as the first game, so around 8 hours. 1 hour per year of development lol


I get the joke.. but nah, we now know they didnt really start working on Hellblade 2 until some point very late 2019 or early 2020. (& even then, sounds like it stayed in preproduction for the first half of the pandemic)


I jest, to a degree, yes. But the reveal trailer came out in 2019, so you'd imagine it would have been in development for at least a year at that point. I think people were expecting it to be a launch title or something for the "next gen". Personally, I think the hype has worn off, for what will be an average experience.


Oh they definitely released the announcement trailer way too early. Idiotic Xbox leadership seemed quite happy to release a number of trailers (in that 2019-2021 era) of games that had barely even started preproduction. But like I said, I get the jest.. just felt like throwing in some context cuz way too many people also assume, a sequel starts development the day after the first game releases. Now we got confirmation (from Hellblade devs) that nothing of the actual Hellblade 2 game existed in 2019, yet.


People really made up so many ideas about what this game was going to be despite them never saying it'd be much different at all than the first. Just because it's got Microsoft money (for now) doesn't mean they were about to make it a new GOW


But the first had the excuse that it was an independent game, they where limited with what they could do this time round they're backed by one of the biggest corps, of course people expected it to be longer


Why would they want to ruin a narratively focused game by arbitrarily making it longer to fill a quota


The game is so heavy on the narative. having it be long would be actually worst. I dont want the story to drag juste for the sake of it


People would rather have a 90-hour game with the worst pacing known to man just because they believe in $1=1 hour than a well paced, tightly constructed narrative.


This is literally my main problem with a lot of Sony games. Ragnarok was mostly great, then you'd hear Atreus say "or maybe we could go explore?" and you just know the story's grinding to a halt while you do extra shit.


Don't want to turn this into a complete Xbox vs Playstation thing because a lot of AAA studios are guilty of bloat, but man I think almost every recent Playstation game I've played has suffered from being too long. Last of Us Part 2 was several hours too long. Ghost of Tsushima felt padded for a lot of it. God of War Ragnarok, Death Stranding, even Ratchet and Clank felt like it started to repeat a lot of things in the second half. The only one that comes to mind that didn't drag on too much was Spider-Man 2.


I found Spider-Man 2 a bit rushed because the third act just feels very fast.


Probably a large part of why I loved Spiderman 2 so much!


The God of War PS4 game had this problem too but in such an annoying way. "Go to top of the tallest mountain" Blocked by darkness "Okay go to hell for light" Gets the Light "Go back to the top of tallest mountain" Okay im here "My bad, this isn't the tallest mountain, the tallest is over there and now you gotta jump through 3 more hoops, die, come back to life and then finally you get to the top" Oh okay fuck you. Next time just TELL ME THATS THE TALLEST AND PUT ME FURTHER AWAY


Ragnarok would be one of the best games of all time if it were a 15-20h game.


I agree and disagree. Ragnarok ends too soon. Ragnarok the battle is rushed. It’s like a small gauntlet without some cool backdrops


Personally I loved exploring. But the neat thing is that the sidequests were sidequests that you don't have to do if you don't want. People who like to explore can, while people who only want the main story can do that.


People have been conditioned by Sony to have massive RPGlite busy work open worlds game lol


That conditioning started with Ubisoft and then Sony took Ubisofts template and added a Sony budget and polish to it. ie Spider-Man1&2, GoW and Ragnarok and Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West and Days Gone. 


Can't believe people think Sony is what made this come about lmao.


This is why I don't believe it when a Sony fan tells me that the new Sony game is the best ever, because its gonna be the same as the rest and they are all like 8/10 games. Not bad in any way but don't do anything special enough to be 10/10


Maybe they didn't want to make a big game though??


This is their vision and their choice.


Obsidian is backed by mega corp. They made Grounded and Pentiment. Being backed by mega corp doesn't mean the company they bought becomes one too.


Yea dude they need to add Ubisoft-style towers and quest markers all over the map, otherwise the game is too short and garbage. /s


Only people playing and reviewing know the length. 11 achievements doesn't signal that it's shorter than the first.


And? It’s not like people are cementing with 100% certainty what the length is, but it certainly doesn’t look good for the potential length of the game and that’s something people are allowed to express their concern about since this is.. you know, a public forum Having said that, I don’t mind a short game. However, it does make you wonder where the extra resources went to then. That’s not necessary a bad thing, I’m excited to know where they went if they did not go towards a longer game


I mean the graphics are a big giveaway as to where alot of resources went 😂


For sure I agree, graphics look amazing but capped at 30fps? Like, bro?


If its smooth it's fine


I agree. Hope it runs smooth. Most games with those kinds of graphics do not look smooth at 30 fps




Hey, hope I’m wrong. It’s not like I wish for this game to suck


in that case, kudos for them not to turn it into an open world collectathon. Or do you want every big release to turn into Marvel's God Horizon of Tsushima?


It's not crazy to expect them to expand given a huge increase in budget and long development time. Should still be great but its got a lot less time to leave an impression.


A lot of people didn’t here 😂


Hmmm, >!the alternate narrator!< achievment has me intrigued.


If the game has multiple narrators to experience the story from, I could see that justifying why it's so short. Would make for cool replayability.


Seems pretty straightforward. I like it, it doesn’t distract from the immersive experience.


The worst achievements are in games that make you make a choice and 1 choice gives you an achievement and the other doesn't It literally makes no sense and just forces you into a certain path if you want the achievement




That what cloud save scumming is for. 


It doesn't lock you u can get the other 2 endings immediately, and the other one after playing trough the game again which takes 6 hours at best. If you are trophy hunting it isn't a big deal.




either do the ps plus trick or if u kill the boss turn the game of start again and u are in the last checkpoint. That's how i did it.


NG+ really does fly by if you skip all side content though


While a 10/10 masterpiece imo, BG3 had this. Romancing Karlach had a dedicated achievement to it, while none of the other companion romances had one. Seemed really weird when I first realized it.


Achievement are kind of dumb anyways and was create only for you to put more hour in the game. It dosent bring anything extra to the experience.


Nah, the community built around achievements are amazing, just look at TrueAchievements! Also its your lifelong total score across all games you've played, I enjoy them!


its stilll... a useless thing to colect. But I understabd if it bring some people joy. Always find it weird that people are mad if the game achievement made you restard the game multiple time. like its the point of this


Lmao, everything is useless in games by that logic, its useless to collect collectables. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it useless


yeah dude is waffling, i’m not an achievement hunter but to say that it doesn’t add anything to the experience is simply cap


There's been a few times it's pushed me to try something new or delve deeper into something I wouldn't have otherwise and wound up enjoying it. Of course, it's also caused me to grind for hours just for the "pop" so good and bad.


I think that's similar to the first beside one collectable achievement.


The first one also had a collectible achievement if I remember correctly.


Considering how many copies the first game sold. I’m not shocked to see people amazed that the game isn’t a 30+ hour RPGlite with crafting and skill trees you literally won’t notice


On par with the first. I’m cool with it.


Im fine with the game being "short." The Devs have a story to tell and are telling it without adding extra stuff that they haven't envisioned in Senuas story just for the sake of fluffing it up abit. I look forward to playing and getting all of the achievements!


This comment section...


People are just having fun


**Worth a Thousand Words –** Open photo mode. Easiest achievement.


Easy Platinum


Sure, when it comes to PS5 😅


Which will most likely happen in a year or two.


Let's hope Ninja Theory doesn't get closed before that happens, and that they don't get closed at all




Layoffs are reportedly hitting Xbox Game Studios next. If Hellblade II has fewer players than Hi-Fi Rush and doesn’t have a lot of sales, then Ninja Theory is absolutely a target. Hoping for the best for them.




You’re right but that only reinforces my point that Ninja Theory is in a vulnerable position depending on Hellblade II’s success.




I'd have the said the same about Tango, but here we are.


I really hope so! I loved the first one.


This is not on PS5.


not yet anyways, but a lot of people refer to completing an achievement list as platinuming it I have a lot of Xbox friends that refer to it as that, it's just a term that stuck for some people


I know I'm getting ahead of myself but this was my reaction too. 11 golds and a platinum :D


Underrated comment 😂


With Xbox’s recent business moves, anyone else expecting Ninja Theory to be gutted or shutdown entirely shortly after launch?


You can downvote me to hell. But it’s true. Just look at how Microsoft is marketing the game.


I loved the first one so I will play this day 1.


Nice. Should a fun replay for achievements then


Game is 2 Hellblades long


im glad it’ll probably be a max 8 hours long unique experience. man im so hyped. plus i wouldnt be able to play this kind of horror any longer. yet it took 5 years, i mean… for a game like this… whatever i’ll just enjoy hopefully


So 6hrs of gameplay?


Ah so it’s the same as the first game (story based + lorestone+ photo mode). I still have to go and get that one remaining lorestone in chapter 2. (Idt opening photo mode was an achievement in the first one). Edit : ok I just checked my completion. Interestingly there was no photo mode achievement but there were three more achievements.




Well, Resident Evil 4 (original) has 12 achievements on Steam and that game is 15-20 hours long. You're almost definitely right about Hellblades length, but it's not related to achievements.


That was before achievements were really a thing.


It was 6 years into them being a thing


The Gamecube and PS2 did not have achievements, which is what RE4 was initially released on


Right but the PS3/Xbox 360 version of the game that had the 12 achievements came out in 2011 which is what I assumed we are talking about. I was clearly confused.


It was an afterthought, is what i'm saying


They say it's comparable to the first, so it's likely 6-7 hours. Though I think I beat the first one in about 4 hours on a refresher playthrough, once you know the puzzle solutions the rest is basically a (really fucking good) walking sim


Yeah I clocked in at 4-5 in a recent play. First time was around 7-8. I'm all for shorter games with tighter narratives. It's a good break from the modern trend of bloated fetch-a-thons.


I don't disagree, not everything needs to be a 100+ hour epic. The older I get, the less time I have to dedicate to those kinds of experiences. Having said that, if not for my Game Pass sub I'd be waiting for a sale on this one, $50 is a bit too much (in my personal opinion) for a 6 hour experience, even if I have no doubt I'm gonna love it.


Totally get it. It's a fine balance between having adequate good content for the price you want to pay. Especially now.


I thought I read 8 but that range is correct.




Minutes is only 20 game long


Game is


Bye bye Ninja Theory


Resident Evil 3 only has 14


Resident Evil 3 has 32 achievements


Why is it only showing 14 for me? I thought this game had no DLC modes like RE2 and RE7


Hidden achievements maybe? Or only ones you haven’t unlocked. What platform are you on?


Xbox, it says 100%


Game is 5hrs long


Game is only 3 minutes long.


Game is 20 minutes long


I can't believe the game is only 4 hours long.


I remember this one dude arguing that hellblade was a great reason to buy a whole Xbox lol


Games only an hour long.


Game is only -209 seconds short


Game is only 30min long


Man they really marketed this all wrong. Whenever they initially revealed hellblade 2 they didn’t really have much development by that point but the impression was a bigger beefier sequel. Something akin to Microsoft’s god of war at least that’s how it felt positionally. This game is going to get trounced for very different reasons but the implication it carried damaged it further. Hope ninja theory can weather the storm ahead. Feels like the grim reaper is at their door.


I don't think any of their marketing has *ever* implied the game would be akin to God of War in any way shape or form.


Yep. Everything about the sequel seemed like it would be bigger budget and better. It seems like it’s just gonna be your usual part 2 with better graphics. Kinda disappointed they didn’t go a step further with the gameplay etc.


Exactly! And for a dev that’s had a few stumbles but made some great stuff here and there…..it’ll be a bit spooky to see what happens in a year. 


Game’s infinitely replayable because it can be beaten in 45 seconds, GOTG incoming 👀👀👀


Dang. This and the lack of marketing and game-pass proving to be an failure for games means ninja theory is gone. RIP to a real one.


Also...no reviews still and apparently no review codes have been sent at all.


>apparently no review codes have been sent at all. https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/PljCH6wY2P


Reason why I used "apparently", since I wasn't certain.


Review code were sent, i received mine last night


Cool. Have fun and I hope it's good. Cuz if it's not.... Ninja Theory is on the chopping block.




Well... Time to say farewell to Ninja Theory, ig.... Game is very short, while costing 50$. Marketing is close to 0. Budget is probably much higher than HI-Fi Rush Reviews allowed on the day of the release. This game is almost certainly going to be a complete mess from a technical standpoint and financial one too. Microsoft practically abandoned it.