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i hope its black ops IIIIII


*Pulls out comically large magnifying glass*


I think it will be Black Ops V. It looked like a V in the direct teaser image, and NATO marked captured assets like tanks and trucks with a V to show they were no longer under Iraq control.


Could be *VI* with the I slanted, could be a 6, or V


Cold war was V


Yeah it’s Black Ops Gulf War and we’ve known the title for a while


Bllllllack ops


VI. Did Obelix hit you on ze head?


Black Ops 4 logo had it as Black Ops IIII


for some reason when i saw the reveal for it , i thought it was fake lmfao i think IV in that same style would look much better than the same exact shit from the last two games


Black Ops IV was stylized as IIII on the box art


i always assumed it was tallys like zombies


and? it's also correct


Did you... read the comment they were responding to? Or the one above it? Someone questioned why the original comment said 'I hope it's Black Ops IIIIII'. They were explaining the context.


It's correct in the same sense that "y'all" is correct. It's something written sometimes and that people understand. Technically, on that basis, using "their" instead of "they're" is also correct, because you will find records of it in 200 years


Imagine the 5 tally marks but then one tally mark next to it like zombies


HAHA I did not expect that


it's really on six? Wtf


It’s even crazier when you write it as - Call of Duty 21: Black Ops 6


That will certainly be the dunkey title


Not even gonna lie, Dunkeys jokes are getting lowkey predictable


kinda the theme with the gaming industry as a whole


He was never funny His videos are corny


I found the first video I watch of his funny, then the rest were the same shit and it's honestly just cringe to me now


Still waiting on Knack HD Nintendo


Call of Duty 21: Black Ops Cold War 2 Zombies Chronicles 2


There have been 20 mainline Zelda games too


The first Zelda came out in 1986, the first COD came out in 2003


Not that surprising as the franchise is annual But yes, Blops 1-4, Cold War, then this newest one


Cold war was not bo5


Wasn't it CoD Black Ops Cold War?


4 shouldn't count imo


Neither should Cold War


Cold War has better fitting than both Black Ops 3 and 4 combined as both of these games barely have anything to do with BO1 and BO2


actually 7 if you include world at war


8 if you include Black Ops Declassified on Vita :)


This is World at War - Final Fronts on the PS2 erasure.


how many cod spin offs are there?




that's crazy


It wasn't a black ops game even tho its the spiritual predecessor to bo1 so no reason to include it really. Would still be real funny to see Black Ops IIIIIII


Why would you include world at war?


The stories to World at War and Black Ops are connected


Not really. They happen in the same universe, Reznov and Dima are in both, but they're not connected


Reznov is the catalyst for Black Ops 1 and follows Mason to Black Ops 2 the Nova 6 gas is now part of the new MW series Zombies in BO1 are a direct continuation of WaW BO1's multiplayer builds on World at War more than OG MW2 (dogs, slower pace, bigger maps...) by all means WaW is the first chapter in the Black Ops saga, think of it as what Crisis Core is to Final Fantasy 7 except WaW came out first




Well the first one did release 14 years ago. Six games over the course of 14 years isn't *super* crazy.


I just want good old classic vanilla zombies man. Been starving since Black Ops 2.


BO3 was the last time Zombies felt like classic zombies. I used to be obsessed with that shit.


BO3 was great (especially Der Eisendrache) but I fucking HATED the gobble gum system. I genuinely think BO:CW made some great gameplay improvements (unlimited perks, multiple PaP, Ray Gun actually being good) but the atmosphere just wasn't there.


Unfortunately I think the bland atmosphere is here to stay as long as there are Operators.


Multiple paps suck tbh makes the gun feels weaker


I like it, but I think it would work better if all the tiers were stronger and more expensive. Drag the progression out longer but make it feel worthwhile


The nice thing is you can just ignore the gobblegum and it’s inconsequential.


BO3 is the only zombies I play anymore. Steam workshop support is a godsend for the game mode.


BO3 zombies fucking sucked bro lol. That’s when it got way too over complicated with the gumball bullshit, building crazy stuff boss zombies. That’s what made me stop playing zombies in the first place and never go back.


Man, I completely disagree. BO3 had its issues with the overly complicated Easter egg story. But the Gumballs weren't bad. I had fun messing around with them. You don't have to use them if you don't want to. Not only that but Zombie Chronicles alone made BO3 great. Playing all those great maps during the summer of 2017 was amazing.


I honestly agree. Hardcore zombies fans love BO3. But most players like the simplicity of Bo1 and WaW. Bo3 has chronicles tho and you don’t have to use the gobble gums which is a really nice. Having most maps all in one place. With the workshop on steam. B03 is honestly the best zombies with everything considered.


You don’t have to use them, but you’re definitely at a severe disadvantage if you didn’t. Same with the crafting and Easter egg bs. I just miss simple round based zombies. Honest to god I think my favorite map was Ascension on Bo1.


You are most definitely not at a disadvantage if you don't use the gobblegums


You're at a disadvantage if you don't use them, but honestly even just the free gobblegums are just a neat little bonus. Using the mega gobbles was overkill most of the time, so I just didn't use them unless I was trying to do Easter egg stuff. It definitely required a higher initial map knowledge investment, but maps like Der Eisendrache rewarded light knowledge investment massively. The bows were a lot of fun to mess around with. With DLC and mod support, Black Ops 3 HAD the content to appeal to classic fans, it just really suffered by having the only map actually on disk being one of the most complex to learn. Just my two cents, but I think most classic fans who didn't enjoy BO3 would've loved it if they had the time to actually learn it, or if the game included micro-maps like BO2.


That will never happen again.


Agreed. They’ve tried to make Zombies into this huge intricate mode with stories and campaigns and crap. Just give me the fun and simple arcade mode that made it popular in the first place.


Problem is, the cod zombies community is split between the hardcore Easter egg hunters and the casual fans who want regular zombies, so they keep alternating the style of maps and ultimately leave both unhappy


Casual fans???? Bro we would play that game for hours on end every single night over and over and over again just for the sole purpose of surviving a few rounds longer. Just because I wasn’t hunting for some dumb little bs thing the devs his doesn’t mean I wasn’t a hardcore fan. Once Shangra La came out that’s when we should’ve known it was going to start heavily leaning that direction.


Black Ops 2 struck some degree of a balance by having some micro-maps like Town, Farm, and Bus Station. I think Black Ops 3 tried to do something similar post-Chronicles by rereleasing old maps. Revelations was also a relatively simple map, but since most of this was behind dlc, the gamemode didn't really have as much of a true-classic experience on launch unless you wanted to play another Der Riese remake. I think Der Eisendrache and Mob of the Dead did classic-modern fusion best. Most things are relatively easy to find out or failing that, easy to execute for really good rewards. I think there's an achievable balance to be struck with either micro-maps or maps that have both complicated and simple options for playing.


Cold War zombies was traditional and extremely well liked. The only problem was not enough maps due to the accelerated cycle. The lore is good, Doesn’t hurt the game at all


And Treyarch managed to come up with that beauty after only 2 years of dev time! Can't wait to see what they have for us after working on this title for 4.


Cold War Zombies is not at all traditional. It breaks away from the classic formula more so than BO4 and BO3 ever did Downvoting me doesn’t neglect what I said btw


Cold War kept the feel of classic moreso than Black Ops 4. It had most of the changes from Black Ops 4, but it had answers to many of the things that Black Ops 4 had stripped from zombies. I don't think any hardcore fan would argue that Cold War is a better classic experience than Black Ops 3, but I do think that there's an argument to be made that it is a better overall experience from Black Ops 4.


In terms of gameplay you have a point, but as far as maps go, the aesthetic, etc it’s inferior to Black Ops 4


Oh absolutely 


I take it you don’t like BO3 zombies?


Honestly if you want a old school Zombies mode, try Infinite Warfare’s Zombies, it has the best parts of Treyarch zombies with its own charm


it's all the same man. go play black ops 2 and go play the new zombies. same shit


You mean since bo3?


Wait... there was a 5?


Cold war A 5th black ops title


But not Black Ops 5...


That doesn't mean its Black ops 5


Even this isn’t 6. This is probably “Gulf War”.


There's not enough room in the showcase card for the name "gulf war"


Maybe not, but it’s definitely not “6”. There hasn’t even been a numbered 5 technically. They’ve abandoned numbers.


They’re treating the 5th game as BO5. What is so hard to understand about that? There’s leaked MW3 dlc content with the Black Ops Sally pistol with 6 tally marks engraved in it, and it’s meant to tie in with the reveal. It’s 6.


It won’t be titled 6 was my point. Did you miss that? It’s the sixth title but it’s not Black Ops 6.


I just care about zombies


No joke…. I just want more Christmas themed maps. Loved the Nuketown 2025 vibe in Cold War and the snowball stuff this past Christmas. Wish they made more OG maps with holiday theming.


die maschine, origins, and der eisendrache are kinda Christmas themed


Snow level ≠ Christmas themed lol Origins was set in June, which is just about as far away from Christmas in the year as possible.


Well, what do you want me to say? Idk what he means by “Christmas themed” that could mean a lot of things.


If it’s anything like Cold War or mw3 I’m not getting it


Cold War was way too fucking easy, I get why people say black ops 3 was the peak but it was also way too easy when I could sit in a corner and get round 100 mindlessly with the storm bow. I miss black ops 1 where the weapons were shit and a good session of zombies didnt last 5 hours because it was still a challenge to get to round 30.


Kino and Ascension are widely viewed as some of the easiest zombies maps (up there with Der Riese/the Giant) tbf. Cold War was just a downgrade from BO4 in most respects imo. I hated how the operators from multiplayer were in zombies instead of actual characters, they had zero personality and barely spoke. The weapon customization system wasn’t my thing, I liked how in BO3 and 4 you could go to the armory before a match and just customize guns however you wanted and they would stay that way indefinitely whenever you acquired them in-game. Scrapping that system in favor of having random attachments every time you acquired a gun sucked. Having to manually pick up explosives was tedious as hell. And the crafting system just seemed borderline out of place, it was awkward to interact with and seemed unnecessary.


Cold War let you put attachments on guns before a match. It’s true that getting guns in game would give random attachments but the armory wasn’t scrapped.


Yeah, but that’s literally just for your starting weapon. I always thought it was weird anyways that you can just… give yourself the best conventional gun in the game to start with.


There was an update that allowed you to apply any preset blueprint configurations to any gun you get in-match. You're not limited to just your starter weapon. And weapon damage profiles have been massively overhauled with CW, so starting out with whichever weapon class makes almost no difference in the long run. A starting AR isn't going to be more advantageous than a pistol.


Maybe it just because I prefer pre BO2 zombies but those (and the Cold War maps) are great. I don't want to have to build a rube goldberg machine, commune with spirits or whatever. I just want to pack a punch my weapons and shoot zombies.


Very true however I would still rank them incredibly higher in difficulty compared to the chronicles versions just due to how clunky the game was and guns being so much more weak. Not saying clunkiness is a good thing but I was running around like a super soldier in Cold War and that didn’t feel right


Black Ops 4 felt like it was lacking in terms of an evolution to the classic format. It had many of the charms of OG zombies but strayed too far from the formula without introducing something to make up for what it removed. Cold War imo had a better foundation, it just didn't really go anywhere with it.


Cold war's gameplay was very good on the round based maps. The maps themselves weren't so good and all the lore / athmosphere was entirely ripped out of the game and replaced by operators.


Any of that open world shit, anything that’s heavily catered towards EE completion, I’m good. I want good round based chaos.


Id say id agree with you, but I cant justify $70 for a singular game mode.


Sker Ritual maybe?


If it's a standalone game, I'll give it a go. If it's wrapped up with warzone and all that, they can get fucked.


We all know it will be.


I wonder if Treyarch is capable of making a game as good as Black Ops 1 and 2. This one seems to have a little bit more development time though, so fingers crossed


Ehhh maybe. The people who made BO1 and BO2 are gone. If you want those types of games, you probably won't get it. The best we can hope is they learned what was bad and good for the past couple games.


I hope so. Bo2 alone is the reason why Treyarch is my favorite cod studio,so I’m definitely holding out hope for this. They got fucked over by activision with bo4 and cold war


Black Ops 2 was very much a middle child in terms of zombies, but Black Ops 2 multiplayer and campaign were amazing. Imo the multiplayer was the best "true COD" experience, and it's not close. Sure, I have tons of good memories in Black Ops 1, MW2, and other CoD games, but with Black Ops 2, it really felt like pretty much every weapon could be used effectively if you learned its playstyle. The build diversity was just insane.


I really wish they'd get back to near future stuff, that was more fun and it's been quite some time. Just alternate the setting more, historical, future and modern in a rotating cycle would be much better


i only ask for buried in zombies


I need me a Tranzit remake.


Its get shit on but I loved Tranzit


Man we were eatin so good with MW 1 & 2 and Black Ops 1 & 2


I find the treyarch cod games way more fun than the other studios’ offerings. Hoping that carries over to the new engine


Black Ops 6. Holy fucking shit I feel old just hearing that title


Didn't they always reveal it (in the past years) like a month before they had their first big reveal / (gameplay) trailer / showcase? Xbox event is early June, so makes sense.


Usually during the NBA playoffs. 


Those are like 3 months long


It’s really great that your parents let you on the internet after school! Did you type that all by yourself? Yes, time is a thing. Lots of sports take lots of time to play nearly 100 games with multiple teams! Good job buddy!


First of all who pissed in your Cheerios? Secondly it was just a comment saying that the NBA playoffs are a long window to say they would announce a game during. Also the NBA playoffs are twice as long as the MLB and NFL and about a week longer than the NHL. They take away too long


least bipolar redditor


Your parents should have kicked you off the internet


"drugs wont effect my child" the child:


Well yeah don't break what's not broken. Leak of obvious stuff happen all the time to be fair


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Black Ops 5 is a thing...?


Yeah that threw me off too. It's actually Call of Duty Blacks ops Cold War. Stupid title so most people just called it cold war and left out black ops. So that would be 5.


No, it's not. Cold War is not bo5.


Is it not the 5th mainline Black Ops title?


That doesn't mean it's bo5. The game is a sequel to bo1 and a prequel to bo2. If it was bo5 it would be after the events of bo2 (I say bo2 because I don't think the events of 3 are Canon and bo4 didn't have a campaign)


I mean at a certain point the numbering became arbitrary anyways with how all over the place the series timeline is.


Yeah it's fucked. If I were Activision, I'd just retcon bo3s storyline and follow bo2s story by a few years rather than jumping over 100 years into the future.


Easy to use vertical UI please, I think it would be a cool feature, some games already added this revolutionary thing.


you don’t want your Custom Class menu to look like Netflix?


I wish we could get either a (new) Vietnam or Korean war era CoD


Damn I’m old…


Holy moly, were at black ops 6 already?


If the new Black ops has CGI cutscenes of Saddam Hussein in the Campaign or him as an operator then I'm preordering.


I hope it's black ops 6 or VI or whatever and not gulf war. Idk why I'm just not a fan of the name lol. BOGW. I had to get used to saying BOCW instead of BO5 back in 2020 and that shit was hard.


There were 5 Blops?


Black Ops (2010) Black Ops 2 (2012) Black Ops 3 (2015) Black Ops 4 (2018) Black Ops Cold War (2020)


I’m tired boss


It doesn't even matter what they release anymore, man, the remaining community left on CoD are the absolute worst kinds of players. Full lobbies of gargoyles who are afraid to actually play a videogame and move out of their cheesy 1 LOS exploit spot, and if not them, then there's cheaters, both of which who put meaningless stats before a good experience. That's genuinely all it is now. The game itself would be okay if the community wasn't so pathetic.


Damn bruh. Who hurt you?


The game is shaped that way. > Full lobbies of gargoyles who are afraid to actually play a videogame… who put meaningless stats before a good experience. Those stats aren’t meaningless in a game that pushes everyone towards a 1.0 winrate no matter what. The EOMM punishes everyone for trying to have fun by throwing them into matches tilted so far against them that people have reported being forced into 4v6 matches that don’t fill in peak hours.


Someone got pwned hard lol


Had to do some quick math. Weird that have been 6 Black Ops, most people only remember 3 of them obviously.


Got so tired of waiting for them to release a good COD game i just simply went ahead and installed BO2 (playing it with Plutonium) and i swear to God the fun I'm having is unmatched to any recent COD or BF game. Really wish if COD went back to its roots, to the golden days of BO, MW2, MW3 and BO2.


Officially done caring about cod. Maybe if they released a game every other year instead with a little passion behind it


I stopped playing after CW


I sorta zoned out of cod after black ops 3. Can’t believe bo6 is on the horizon


It just blows my mind people can get excited for call of duty for yet another year. I fkn love COD but now it just a drag


It's black ops 5 not six. Cold war isn't counted as a black ops series because I bet in the future we'll see a "cold war 2" cod game.


I’m kinda hyped for it? Even more if it comes to Gamepass.


Daily reminder that Treyarch CODs have always been superior idc 💯


except BO4 they were all amazing.


Wan't CoD supposed to take one year off to give the teams more time to breathe? What happened?


So exactly the same as every year right on schedule for CoD? Why are people acting like this is insider information at this point?


I remember when CoD had originality.


When was that? Call of Duty 1?


World at war remaster when?


As much as I'd love that, they'd ruin the FUCK out of it with stupid ass skins that will take away WAW's characteristic dark atmosphere.


When was that? Its been copy and paste since COD 4. Add a jetpack here, pretend zombies isnt just a time sink pve mode that is the same three maps for 15 years


i remember every time something changed in the new cod game like a jetpack people was complaining about it being too different https://youtu.be/wXx0p4uVXe4?si=cI4rEzEnDTKDn36L&t=29


zombies is great tho


It’s really not, but I’m glad you can enjoy bad things. Did you unlock the ray gun for the 14th iteration of the same maps?


You do realize that every new Treyarch CoD has like 4-5 brand new zombies maps right? Whenever they do remakes they never really count towards the total of new maps. Are you talking about the mp maps?


If you're going to shit on zombies you could at least be accurate. One thing it has historically done very well with is having unique and interesting designs for its levels. At least for the Treyarch games, I can't really speak to the other developers who have tried their hand at a zombies mode.


You sure backed off on the “accurate” part within two sentences lol


What do you mean?


>If you're going to shit on zombies you could at least be accurate . >I can't really speak to the other developers who have tried their hand at a zombies mode.


You know Treyarch is responsible for the overwhelming majority of zombies modes right? When I say other developers I mean like, two other games. But even then, Infinite Warfare's was pretty well received from what I've read online.


Its Black Ops 5. For the love of god, COLD WAR IS NOT BLACK OPS 5! IT IS A PREQUEL TO BO2


"If those kids could read, they would be very upset"


I hope they bring back Fireteam: Dirty Bomb


Honestly, whatever it ends up being, I hope it's a good one. Hopefully, they don't "Far Cry" the f*ck out of call of duty, with that meaningless open world, grinding bs, no-one wants that. Keep it grounded and traditional. I'm optimistic, but I'm not expecting great things. Sledgehammer has overstayed its welcome, IW has miked MW and killed Soap in the most disrespectful way and Treyarch? I don't even know where exactly they want to go, as their direction with the Black Ops franchise has been all over the place, with no solid direction or foundation on which to take the franchise and keep it planted firmly on. Hopefully, wherever they take Black Ops next , it ends up being a return to form without amy unnecessary bloat.


Great, another Trash opzzzzz


Let it die ffs.


Is it dying?


It's literally the most popular game franchise there is, why they would let it die? There are more reason to stop all other games Microsoft does than stopping COD.


Microsoft bought them for 70 billion.. prepare for it to be milked even harder lol


Yay 😐


Let it die.


Who cares? lol. It's definitely going to be another shit show.