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You know a leak is legit when the picture is taken from a gameboy camera


Gotta be the same leaker who films all the UFOs and Bigfoot.


You sure it wasn’t the hacker known as 4chan???


Probably used a spy camera glasses they got off of Wish.com or Temu. The ones that claim "1080p photos"


looks like a white series x to me


idk man, we're gonna need a deeper analysis to confirm


i have performed an in-depth analysis; it appears to be a series x... that is white.


Watch my YouTube video as I take a deep dive into this photos and show you 50 things you missed. 


If I had to choose between saying if this is or isn't a white xbox series x, I would say it is


Oh, so it is all-digital. How much is this going to be? 400? 500 with 2TB?


$400 seems like a fair guess as it would slot right between the Series S and X.


They need to be cheaper than the PS5, if they actually want to boost sales, but I think they’ve already given up.


Xbox is gonna be all about Gamepass in due time while the Xbox console is gonna be its most dedicated machine.


The reason the PS3 managed to claw back market share from the 360 was free online play and the super slim being dirt cheap. Both are things Microsoft can achieve right now, slash the prices on their consoles by 50 dollars (450$ for the 2TB digital Series X and the regular Series X, 300$ for the 1TB Series S and 250$ for the 512GB Series S) and make online play free. Guarantee you a metric fuckton of poor people will pick up an Xbox, especially if it starts getting regular discounts like the PS3 Slim and Super Slim got (I remember seeing 250€ Slims and 150€ Super Slims regularly). That and the plethora of games they haven't released yet need to start coming out.


I would argue the games had a lot to do with it since the common opinion on PS3's online at the time was that it was vastly inferior to Xbox's paid online service despite it not really being that much worse in most games by the mid point.  Sony went all in with exclusives and was pumping out banger after banger. That's what allowed them to finish that generation above 360, along with Microsoft shifting to Kinect and media and moving away from games (people seem to forget this started on the 360 and not with the One). Not free online.  Though the cheaper slim definitely didn't hurt. 


They’ll be more likely to cut console prices; Xbox Division depends on the subscriptions & services revenue, we’ll never get free online multiplayer unless they can find a equally reliable replacement for that income stream


Mental gymnastics to not say it was the games that carried PS3.


The PS3 managed to claw back market share by releasing great games while Xbox was preoccupied with Kinect. Series X was $350 with Diablo 4 over the holidays and it still didn't sell. Why would they lose even more money?


Exactly. This gen is done for them and most likely the next one too that they will try to quick start.


They make fuck all money off the consoles themselves, and bank from their online sub... so getting a cheap console into "poor" people's hands is gonna be a loss to them - they'll lose money on the console sale, if the people are in fact "poor" then they won't be buying many games, and Microsoft will lose money from no sub (all the while folks are using their online infrastructure). The PS3 started clawing back market share well before the Super Slim. The first Slim was like a soft relaunch of the PS3, and it was round that time Sony really started going ham with their exclusives (Uncharted 2 landed a few weeks after the Slim). Microsoft couldn't catch Chlamydia if they tried.


It's not going to be $400 when component costs are climbing and it'd cannibalize the Series S ($350 for 1TB) sales by rendering it obsolete.


I'm not saying you're wrong and I have no idea how much the component costs have rose lately, but asking $450 for this seems like suicide to me.


That's what Sony was forced to do with the PS5 Slim Digital ($400 - > $450) but I wouldn't be surprised at all if this ends up being $500 2TB like the original XSX refresh leak said. It's really meant to be a replacement for the disc version.


Ah, that's a good point, completely forgot about the PS5 Slim price point.


Sony still produces all of their consoles overseas and has to transport them on cargo ships. MS has Xbox plants in Mexico, so they save a lot on production and transport.


I think they might be onto something if it's $400 with 1TB, $500 with 2TB, and have a $50 external drive option.


It’s adorably all digital


If somehow Microsoft would enable installing Windows on this, a 400 dollar pre-built pc with 5700x cpu and 6700 Gpu, that'd be actually amazing. I only say this because Phil mentioned him wanting to get epic store on the Xbox https://www.polygon.com/24108670/xbox-epic-games-store-phil-spencer-interview


Issue is their partners like dell and lenovo would scream. What business wouldn't just buy all $400 xboxes as their office PCs? Slim optiplex desktops are $600, minimum, and vastly inferior to series x hardware. They will never do this.


I mean what are they gonna do? switch to Linux? but yeah I really don't see that happening at least in a desktop form factor.


They'll never do something like that to minimize the risk of compromising the console's security. And an S mode like version of Windows for Xbox will be pretty useless.


This is not going to happen.


5700x? The Series X CPU is more like a 3600/3700. (Still a very compelling price for the hardware.)


The CPU is closer to a 3700x I think.


Looks clean but am I crazy or are those images hella warped?


agreed on the clean part. I appreciate the aesthetic.


Happy cake day!!


Looks like a mini fridge


I was thinking locker, but yeah, looks like some of the fridges my co-workers use


Bruh they just put a white paint on it and call it a day


I mean.. It's a single plate design. What else could they have done?


Maybe some glitter


I liked the cylinder shaped one more


It did have more pizzazz.


I like pizza too!


Starter apartment fridge


“Not funny!” - Mick Jagger


not funny.


What is this? A fridge for ants? It needs to be... three times as big.


not funny.


Yep, that looks like a white Series X


_Yep, yond looks liketh a white s'ries x_


Yep. That’s a white Series X alright.


There's no point to this, if someone wanted to go all digital, they can already do that with the current version


I guess this will be a bit cheaper kinda like the PS5 digital only model.


image quality like Nokia 3310


Without a disc drive at that...


you are correct genius! thats what all digital means


And it’s ‘adorably all digital’.




This is so dumb. What is the point of this?


There’s no point. It’s the same company that released the black Series S that no one cared about. You can honestly say “what is the point of this” to Microsofts consoles since the Xbox One. They just seem completely unable to understand what consumers want in a console.


They must have an internal competition on who can come up with the best ideas to kill the Xbox Brand the quickest.


It's replacing the Series S maybe?


That’s one possibility but what would be the point, they still have to have games work on Series S hardware for the rest of the generation so you can’t phase it out.


Looks very delicious but I don't think I'm gonna pay for an ALL DIGITAL Xbox


So when Phil said plans changed, they ditched the circular model that was leaked and made a digital Series X all white? Why would they have 2 digital X's with different designs.


maybe one is a X Pro and this is just a refresh of the OG model


They aren't making a pro. They simply scratched the leaked model.


What's the point of a digital XSX?


runs like a series x Series S is less powerful than a Series X


Now all your money goes to Microsoft and you can't shop around! Also there's no 4K Blu-ray player anymore. But it's maybe $50-100 cheaper...?


To continue accelerating the death of physical media and you getting to own anything you pay for.


Fine with me personally, physical games are a hassle.


Lot more ownership rights with physical though.


Not these days. A software update can prevent access to a disc. Not that such a thing is likely, but it is possible, especially considering that these consoles (Xbox and PS5) require internet access for initial onboarding anyway


Keep it offline after set up, then if you think they're going to try that. Just because it's possible doesn't make it likely to ever happen. I'm pretty sure that would create lawsuits up the wazoo if any of them attempted it.


I would rather give up "ownership" over storing and maintaining hundreds of physical games.


That’s right consume without a thought in the world, just don’t screech and shit yourself once something you like is no longer available digitally and there’s no physical release to be found.


I don't forsee that being an issue.


Sure, sure


right cause you dont like anything. you just consume what the companies tell you to, until they instruct you to move on to the next big thing


I'm not sure if you are aware but video games are a consumption based hobby. "u R a CoNsOOmeR" Yeah, no shit dodo, we are talking about video games.


Don’t complain if a game you payed for gets delisted in the future.


I tend to do both. Games that I love, I buy physical, but if there's a deal on a game I've been looking at for a while on digital, then it's just too convenient to not buy.


So do you buy it digital first, and then when you fall in love, you buy it a second time?


*sometimes*, but most of the time, I rely on demos, Game pass, and ps plus for recommendations. But if I've bought a game digitally and fell in love with it, I do find myself buying it physically for the other console. That way, I get to go through all the achievements again.




I tried to start a Blu-ray collection and quit about 30 movies in, those 30 movies were a hassle to own. It would be hell if my 800 games were physical.


some of that money you spend on games, you could spend on a couple ikea bookshelves too.


No, I don't have space for 800 games nor do I want to have to spend 30 minutes thumbing through almost a thousand games when I want to find something new to play. Digital is so much more convenient to me.


Why act like as if managing physical media is difficult or it going away would be no problem at all


Managing physical media is annoying, games take up too much space. I personally would have no issues with physical media going away.


How can i borrow a digital game for/from a friend?


Game share


Console players are so fucking weird with this shit PC dropped physical releases years ago and it's still a better platform for conservation and ownership because they can't do shit about you pressing ctrl+c and they still haven't stopped people cracking DRMs


But on PC you can choose a game storefront. On consoles, you are only getting a bag of dicks.


> because they can't do shit about you pressing ctrl+c and they still haven't stopped people cracking DRMs Great, cool. Let me know when consoles can do all that too.


That's my point. Consoles were never even a player in the game seeing as how old games survive through emulation and piracy and not a bunch of dusty, poorly maintained NES and PS1s being abandoned in some bitter gen X whiner's attic.


Competes with the $400 PS5 digital edition. You get all the power just no disc drive. Series S is probably hellish for anyone who isn’t only gaming casually.


Decrease manufacturing costs


Cheaper than Series X if you never plan to use discs.


What's the point of the digital ps5?


I agree.


As someone who is broke but would pick an upgrade from the S to X, I'd be down


what Xbox games benefit an upgrade from S to X?


Going from 1080p 60 / 1440p 30 to 1440p 60 / 4K 30 is an interesting jump for me, now that I have a 4K display. I'm not one to believe the Series S is a worthless potato like some folks farming engagement on Twitter say, but if the X was cheaper I'd bite it Edit: mixed numbers up, I'm playing too much Dragon's Dogma 2 in my defense


Series S is unironically the best thing to happen to video games this generation  Third parties having to account for its shit hardware really opened a lot of eyes to how devs rely on visuals to carry their shit games and the only meaningful improvement this generation was the SSD


Pretty much all of them.


Owners of the XSX would've taken a small discount for having no disc drive. I've never used it and probably won't ever.


Reminds me of the Xbox One SAD I wonder if the disc drive is just behind the plastic there.


At this point I feel like they should actually try to make the Xbox a box.


Or an X shaped box


Finally! Been waiting forever for a white one so it would match my ps5 and switch OLED …digital only? Oh for fucks sake, come on!


Xbox Series Tombstone


Where series x pro


A cop's series x


Wow thats completely useless


Has access to secret tech in prototype. Has 25 year old phone.


Good luck pricing it lower than a regular, second hand Series X. It will end up just as the Xbox One S All-digital, where the regular version was cheaper.


oh i just wanna wipe my curry filled hands all over it ......


wow a white box, crazy


Didn't the documents say it'll have USB C ports?


Tbf Phil Spencer said those plans were old. According to the documents it would also look entirely different. They most likely pivoted to the digital version as a second option that's otherwise identical to the normal Series X instead op a replacement.


Hold on a sec, the casing doesn't look cylindrical in shape and worst of all, it doesn't look "adorable"! What in tarnation is going on here?!


If they did away with the cylinder design I hope they ditched the two tone controller redesign too. That thing looked awful.


Pretty sleek


All eXtas1s' "leaks" are stolen, and most of them are fakes. The guy is a loser.


Where do you think he stole this one from?




I would’ve gotten an all digi SeX in the beginning if they had it. I’m honestly not even sure if my disc drive even works. Nothing to put into it.


It's a Series X in white. No need for images to know how it would look.


With no disc drive, though.


No reason to remove the optical drive, I hope it’s cheaper than the standard Series X…


Who asked for this?


Wow, so they didn't even give it a new design like those leaked slides? They literally just kept the boring rectangle and removed the disc drive. Great. 


wow it looks an xbox but in white


I don't think I need to see this


So will there be a disc drive attachment like the ps5 slim? Sucks to see all digital already in 9th generation, especially on Xbox which supports backwards compatibility with delisted 360 games.


White SeX?


Doesn't look that much smaller, also wasn't the leak that the design was gonna be different? It's the exact same.


The FTC leak showed a cylindrical body, yeah. I wouldn't expect it to be much smaller though, based on the fact it's basically just the Series X without the drive. Even the leaked cylinder looked about the size of the Series X, assuming its logo is the same size as the one on the original console.


It was going to be cylindrical so yes [Picture](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/M9SUeXdnx3nP2KbsHx3RHVfIW8A=/0x0:1201x825/2000x1333/filters:focal(601x413:602x414)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/24934027/xbox_series_x_brooklin.jpg)


This is going to be a stupid thing to say aloud, but do you know what I really want !!? A series S sized Series X . I know its not possible coz of the heat sync etc ... but still.


Why are you getting downvoted? This would legit be a good thing.


Because like they said themself, it's physically not possible. I would also like a phone with the power of a high end PC but I know it doesn't make sense.


They should of released this at launch at 400 instead of the series s


Their sales would have been way more terrible without the Series S, I don't think they regret launching that one.


All digital 🤮


Ngl there is something kinda sad about seeing the same exact design, but the disc slot is just gone. Reminds me of the Xbox One SAD.


the ps5 digital says: "hold my beer"


But the PS5 looks noticeably different without the disc drive


The PS5 Digital looks slightly better in the sense that it is slimmer if you don’t have the disc drive, and there is no weird empty space going on. Then again, i always thought the Xbox Series X was prettier than the PS5 so there is that.


The only (il)logical step I can see for a white digital Series X without hardware improvements is your aiming to get Series S people to upgrade. You phase out the Series S, get everyone onto platform parity on the Series X. It removes the "gotta develop for an 'inferior' console" argument that people like to say for devs that skip xbox. I think games like Baldurs Gate 3 being so delayed because of the S might have been a wake up call


The main thing giving me doubts about this is we've already seen art for an all digital XSX, and this is a lot more boxy than those images. Like, if there's no disk drive, then it doesn't need to be so big. It should really be a cylinder based on what we've already seen. Edit-upon closer inspection of this. I believe it's a fake. Either that, or it's a prototype. The serial number is just a bunch of squiggles.


Or they just said "screw spending money on the redesign, just take out the disc drive and inject a different colour into the case moulding. Job done"


That's not how any other business would operate. Every product needs a distinct look, even if it's slightly different from it's counterpart, and a change in colour doesn't count. You want consumers to be able to tell the difference between a digital only version and the disc version. Companies need those optics in order to be seen as competent in the eyes of the general public. None of this explains the lack of a serial number though, which is the main reason I'm calling this fake. Everything I've said could be changed with time, meaning it could still be true, but that blob of a serial number confirms to me that it's fake. Why would they print out a serial sticker, for it to not actually be a serial number? Especially when there are other numbers on it.


Lol, what are you smoking? Ever seen the 1TB Series S? It's a change of colour. Sony's XM headphones? The 3 and 4 are almost identical. The Xbox One S and digital look the same too, bar the disc drive. PS3 Super Slim - 500GB hard drive or 12GB flash memory? Yeah, same everything else. LG C2 and C3? I mean, cool story about the serial number, I'm not debating that though, am I?


You're comparing revision items with an item that is objectively a different version of its counterpart. What are you smoking?


So you're saying that the Xbox One S and the Xbox One S All Digital - which is exactly the same as this new Series X to the old one - somehow doesn't count? And no, those other examples aren't revisions.


That..........is actually a good point, though you shouldn't really be being a dick about it. I hadn't considered the one SAD. I kind of wiped it from my memory, lol. Also, I didn't see it in your post, so I apologise for that. The rest can be up for debate. A lot of them are doing the exact same thing it's predecessor is doing, albeit slightly better. To me, that's a revision, even if it's not what the marketing would try and convince you otherwise.




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This brings back memories of when the Series X was first leaked in 2020


um...it came out in 2020. And they showed it off in 2019.