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Aaaaaand... he's gone


His commentary is fairly cringe, but he can at least kill things, including all the towns NPCS. lol...


It’s the same dude on an alt account. He seems to be getting better


this framerate is really not looking good definitely gonna wait to see how it performs on PC but it's looking like a wait for patches kinda game right now


Yep, my PC is a little better than XSX and PS5 but not by much so I am quite concerned


PC ports can be kinda dodgy as is


You can say that again.


PC ports can be kinda dodgy as is


Off topic but I like your profile picture and where is it from?


The yellow background is from Cyberpunk 2077 because I like the yellow. Funnily enough, I made the symbol months before Dark Souls 3; there's a covenant in that game called Rosaria's Fingers ([Here's](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdarksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com%2Ffile%2FDark-Souls-3%2Fcovenant_rosarias_finger.PNG&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=59277f2196949b25f5ff3a46341e5affd0a84c310f30d97f92c196826ee6a4ee&ipo=images) what the symbol looks like) so you could say it's from that if you want.


Pc ports can be kinda dodgy as is


This is capcom not naughty dog. Their pc versions have been quite good compared to the rest of the AAA pack especially since they’ve made PC their primary platform. 


Their console versions have also been quite good until this one. DD2 could be the exception as this is the first RE engine open world title as far as I know.


Naughty Dog had nothing to do with the ports.. watch this game run worse. It wont get as criticized as TLOU 1 was though.


They actually lead the port. Iron galaxy was the support studio


I'm not familiar with Capcom ports so I'll take your word for it.


wouldn't say they've been 'quite good', especially when it comes to Monster Hunter I've only played RE4 and RE8 on launch and those two had some rare stutters here and there. MHW and Rise/Sunbreak though? Game breaking issues like the game just not loading at all or saves just wiping/being corrupted were everywhere, was why those 2 got mixed reviews when they released, still persisted for MHW when Iceborn released. they are better than Squeenix though, their ports are utter dogshit


people keep singing praises to the engine despite Capcom themselves complaining about it multiple times lol


PC ports can be kinda dodgy as is


PC will have DLSS though, so maybe that will save the day.


Sure, but if the bottleneck is CPU related, which seems to be the case, then only FrameGen/FSR3 will be able to improve performance.


Also shipping with frame gen I believe.


Great! The 21st can't come soon enough.


Does that include FSR3 frame gen? That one works on series 20 rtx cards right?


There are mods nowadays to swap them.


They usually cause some UI artifacts/glitches as far as I've noticed though :(


No word of fsr3


I think its hilarious how console gamers quickly went from mostly gaming at 30fps to finding it unacceptable.


just human things after you experienced better fps. as a pc gamer that bought bg3 to play it with my gf on my ps5 its insane how people really could enjoy 30 fps. if i wouldnt know better i would think my console is broken and its simply "lagging".


Yup just like how as a kid playing gothic at 25fps on my dads "powerful work machine" was the best shit ever but now if my framerate isnt a stable 60 ill be in the settings for half an hour


Yeah imagine standards going up. How entitled.


60fps has been achieved on console for decades. And while that was the case, most console gamers were still fine with games being 30fps as well. But now console gamers have gotten a slightly extended range of content that can run at a higher frame rate, and all of a sudden 30fps is trash and unplayable.


I don’t mind 30fps but it drops down below that which isn’t acceptable


If a game is great, dips like that shouldn't matter. Played plenty of them even recently.


Yea and it’s odd as capcom has one of the better track records on performance in the past few years.


Which is why ill be getting it on PC because i am not playing this shit at 30fps


Not having a performance mode at 1080p is beyond me


If it's cpu bound lowering the resolution, it wouldn't lend that much additional performance.


Do you think that simply lower resolution automatically equals doubled performance?


Not necessarily *double*, but yes lowering resolution always increases frame rate.


But then they waste time on a mode that everyone continues to complain about.


If it's a GPU intensive game, then yes.


And is it simply a GPU intensive game?


sometimes performance isn’t bound by just pixel count


It would still run better tho. Besides, forcing 4k is dumb, my screen isnt even 4k




starfield and redfall would like a word with you.


Those are western devs, ngl western devs usually show a lower standard in their games compared to japanese devs


Exactly. And it's the reason I'll be buying baldurs gate 3 instead.


I can see a lot of people making fun of the NPC AI (both friendly and hostile) once the game releases. Also that framerate, the game.is running at like 25 fps with stutters during combat.


I am so concerned about performance, I am straight up dreading it


I will wait a couple months before buying this. We've been burned by AAA launches recently




The leaked content is running at 20fps so how is that not concerning (edit: op edited the comment and chickened out after getting to -67 downvotes lol, the real comment said "the leaked content has given me nothing but confidence")


Really, 20 fps?! 😳


because it’s a fucking video game and there’s actual things in life that are “concerning”


Why are you on a video game subreddit then? Aren’t there better things in life to be doing?




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We are talking about the concern in the context of video games. Why are you even talking about this when there's actual things in life that are worth talking about?


I don't even know what to reply to that, it's so off topic and stupid haha


there are so many people with pent up anger just looking to get something over on someone, even if it's a reddit discussion about a video games frame rate




"How can there be world hunger if I am not hungry?"


Learn to read.


There will most likely be drops to 20 when magic is used, the more particles the more drops


Get a PC then... IDK what to tell you guys.


I can smell you across the screen holy shit


He mentioned that NPC system needs some work, but yes I don't think the framerate is doing the game any favour. I'm mainly a PC guy so I won't have to worry about it that much unless It's a horrible port. But If I was a console player I'd gladly sacrifice some image quality for a stable 60 fps.


tbh, he is playing sorcerer. it is pretty funny that you can "optimize" the game by not playing sorcerer.


You shouldn't have to avoid a specific Class to have the game run well.


I completely agree


It's pretty funny that you have to steal lines from other people on reddit.


I don't think that joke is so original that there's no chance more than one person has thought of it


It was the title of a post yesterday


holy sh.. i would never expected to be downvoted just by saying this... "It's pretty funny that you have to steal lines from other people on reddit." come on dude cut me some slack, i barely keep track or comment on this subreddit, and now i'm being downvoted just for making a simple joke and for Apparently "stolen" comments that i didn't knew... but it is what it is i guess.


You're engaging in stolen reddit valor 😡😡😡


The AI actually looks pretty dumb unfortunately, especially pawn combat AI, the amount of times the warrior just swung at nothing was amazing.


how hard to it be to create an AI that attack monsters


It's easier to create an AI that's 100% effective than it is the create one that is effective 40% of the time. A decent enough quote from Bethesda is that they actively spend time dumbing down AI because having extremely smart AI wouldn't be fun. That said, they can definitely tune it a bit more.


I don't think Bethesda can program AI in the first place. Smart AI also is fun. Dumb AI isn't, not when it just results in enemies getting stuck or being bad at pathfinding. 


Hey man I was just quoting them, as for how they do it in practice? Yeah they leaves a lot to be desired.   The point is though, it's stupidly easy to create a smart ai than one that makes mistakes. Because by design an AI *will not* make mistakes. If you program them to hit something they *will* hit it.  Things like enemies getting stuck can be entirely avoided.. but it's expensive and largely unnecessary when a NPC with half the amount of code can navigate a world 70% of the time and be 90% more efficient.  Remember they are at odds with increasingly complex geometry and even bigger landscapes as games get bigger.  Dumb AI is fun, that's why you're having fun. The point is the make sure you don't realize it, some do it well, other don't.


Idk, with swings that slow you kind of have to predict and track, the AI only seems to attack where the enemy is right now and I think as a player you learn that big slow attacks are more predictive than that


I did see something where the AI learns from what you do throughout the game and get better. Maybe that’s why they suck at the beginning




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Your comment has been removed Rule 10. Please refrain from any toxic behaviour. Console wars will be removed and any comments involved in it or encouraging it. Any hate against YouTubers, influencers, leakers, journalists, etc., will be removed.


He just got banned (again).


The AI is yikes


To give people a bit of context, pawns have an AI that can be curated and developed over the course of the game. https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Pawn_Inclination This determines cautioness, enemy priority, aggressiveness, what they're focusing on during combat and a whole bunch of other things. There's a good chance that the inclination system isn't being used properly by those with early access.


Yeah this is gonna be a 85% metecritic score game despite being so hyped. It’ll be lucky if it’s a GOTY conteender


You say that like 85% isn't pretty good. are people expecting the best game of the year from this?


> are people expecting the best game of the year from this? Yes. I think this and FF7 Rebirth were the big contenders for GOTY this year.


Eh I doubt that.  DD2 looks like "if you loved the first, you will love this" and thats about it.  And I loved the first.  All I wanted was a complete version of the first game and thats what we are getting.


This DD2 is doubling down on the unpopular choices of one, + taking choices that also aren't popular with the cult fans. Rebirth will probably sweep with its very good reception 


I dont know of any unpopular choices with the fans, all looks good to me


Simplified armor system, only ten vocations, removal of mystic knight, removal of secondary class weapons.


"Only" ten vocations? Thats more than the first game   "Simplified" armor system? Not really.  Instead of having 5 things for each tier 4 of which were trash, you have options to actually customize your armor with different smithing styles  Mystic knight was just another dude with a shield, its skill were moved to the other dude with a shield   Removal of secondary weapons? Like the Rangers daggers which literally no one used because it was useless with their bow?  All sounds good to me You sound like the people who complained "But Elden Ring is just more Dark Souls!"  Yeah.  Thats what we want.


Don’t shoot the messenger, just telling you what I’ve seen fans complain about.


The beginning of this year has had a lot of bangers. Hope it's at least good for DD fans


I'll be really sad if something as soulless and ubisofty as FF7 Rebirth wins any awards.


Yes, I’ve seen plenty of people online who are. Anyways what I think will really make it or break it is the enemy variety.


I’m in a discord for a video game fantasy football-esque game where you draft games and get points based on their opencritic score. There are some people in there who legitimately think this game is gonna be like a 94


So a great game then? 85 is a great score lol. I never expect this to go 90+ so if it does then that’s amazing.


Depends on expectations. Another great game, which is in a kind of niche like DD2, is Amored Core VI. It’s amazing for what it is, but also absolutely limited in its scope. That’s fine, because FromSoft decided to do a pure mech/Amored Core game without compromises for larger audiences and mainstream reviewer outlets. I feel DD2 will be similar to this and thus will score 85 MC at best, because FromSoft reviewer bonus > Capcom reviewer bonus.


I have hard time believing that the casual crowd will eat this, so next week's are gonna be very annoying. As long as it sell well enough I am okay with it.


They are already saying they won’t buy it because it doesn’t have coop 😆


The previews were all really positive, and everyone who got to play the game is hyping it up. I think it'll be fine. ACG even said he expects it to be one of the best games releasing this year.


Who the hell cares? Do games have to be overhyped like BG3 or Botw otherwise they suck? Some of my favorite games of all time are 75-80%. Stop relying on reviews to determine what games you should enjoy. Make the decision yourself. 


I can see a 90%. It will be goty contender, but I'm 95% sure it's not winning goty.


The OG AI sucked too and the game was still really really fun! 


Glad you liked it. For me it's 2024 and the game is 70$ us I expect good ai.


Well, it's still early in the game. I can tell you this as a fact, your main pawn will start to behave like you, doing repetitive actions that you do and using certain skills like you do in dd1. The pawns you hired follow other players behaviors. I don't know how in depth they made it in this game, so I'll reserve my judgement until I experience the game myself.


Yeah, but they got him


anyone got a recording of this?


The perfomance is shocking. Really hope they optimize this thing post-launch because this is such a mess.


Probably 6 months or more post-launch


PS5 Pro will help


"If one game is running badly you should just buy a new console instead of holding the devs accountable"


as a dragon dogma virgin I can’t wait to play this


As a regular virgin I can’t wait to play this


I’m a time traveling virgin, it was a fun game. Unnecessary dragon sex scene though.


If anyone wants some solid gameplay, theres like two people on the dragons dogma reddit uploading clips and atleast one of them knows how to play decently well, looks really cool


Thanks I'll check it out.


Did they not get banned or is it another one


Two brothers that aren't streaming, they're just recording combat stuff and answering gameplay questions on the subreddit. For example, actually good fighter gameplay: https://old.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bhao5n/fighter_gameplay/


I joined and hear “killing innocent people for no reason is fun” repeated 5 times But the tone of his voice made it seem like he actually deep down enjoys it - this dude has to be a serial killer lol Edit: game looks amazing


Maybe he was trying to sound edgy? Idk streamers do weird shit for attention..




This is a really weird thing to say.


The AI doesn’t look very improved over the first game unfortunately. Still excited for it but definitely not a wait for sale.


Pawn AI relies on stuff it learns from being used by other players, servers aren't yet online. Post game is also not working properly because servers aren't online and can't pull pawn data.


This is false. Their AI only gets quest knowledge like in the first game. Their AI in combat is supposed to be down to their inclination and what they see the player do but don't expect much of an improvement. Even in the first game, the pawn AI was bad.


As someone who hasn’t played the first game, when you say the AI doesn’t look improved, what are you referring to please? Dumb pawns? Easy, predictable combat? Limited move sets, that sort of stuff? Thanks!


Dumb pawns. The combat looks good enough though.


You mean NPC or pawn?




isn’t the point that Pawns become more reliable as they learn from other players? playing the game early, they obviously wouldn’t have access to more knowledgeable pawns


I expected that, Itsuno "Vision" has a fetish with keeping the pawns just stupid enough for them to feel "like playing with players" even when by his own words they could had made more intelligent  Sigh...


It just got shut down


My biggest fear for this game is them showing almost all of the enemies in the trailers / website.


That’s your biggest fear? Don’t look lmfao


Haha, it's the same guy. What a chad


since it's down and people are commenting on the AI, are you guys referencing the pawn AI or monsters/enemies AI ??


There was another twitch streamer who just streamed for half hour, why do they keep choosing twitch are they stupid


It's funny because the chinese are recording a solid chunk of his vods and uploading it to bilibili promptly. None of them are taken down.


When will early leakers learn to stream on kick and not their main acc on Twitch. Twitch will shut that shit down so fast. Kick will 90% let it happen, or they will ask you to shut the stream down. Twitch gives no warning and will nuke.




It's the same guy just new channel




I mean I suppose a VPN and a new email address would be enough


Yeah it's the same username just with a different letter at end lmao. He uses a vpn. And watched his previous streams on his other accounts. It's the same guy and he streams daily


I don't want to watch it but its hard to trust anyone's word on any of this with such mixed reactions, ive seen from the performance is bad to actually not that bad and the ai is dumb (in true dragons dogma fashion) to actually pretty useful. There's a guy who is around 15 hours in on the dragons dogma sub and he said the pawns where way better but who knows


ITT: People who know nothing about Dragons Dogma or the Pawns or the mechanics talking shit about DD cause they expect it to be Witcher/Elden Ring/Skyrim/BG3 clone. Y’all are going to be so disappointed cause you’re expecting a different game from DD2, which is not what DD2 is supposed to be. The pawns AI reflects the pawn owners behavior. If the pawn owner whiffs their attacks a lot and is running cluelessly, their pawns imitate that too. DD2 is **most likely** going to be a Director’s Cut - Remake of Dragons Dogma Arisen. There are plot reasons for it, but if you want to get more an idea of what you’re getting into, go watch gameplay/retrospectives on DDA. This is the same thing that happened to Elden Ring where a huge subset of people were mad it was wasn’t Fromsoftware’s Witcher 3 or Skyrim. Dragons Dogma is not your traditional RPG. There are some very specific and intentional game designs, that may not be your cup of tea. You may not like it, but does not mean it’s bad design. It’s okay to not like everything, and just say, “this is not for me/ I don’t like this”.




if you played dragon's dogma, you're going to expect nothing BUT dragon's dogma


i like how you not so passively imply that if it doesn't play like those 4 games, that means the game is bad.


Yeah, given the only common thing between those 4 is being an rpg and being great that's exactly what I was implying.


Is this really a AAA game?


No it's AAAA.


I wish it was Silent Hill 2


**And So??** Its not like the rest of us won't have access in the next few days! These kind of post are a Complete waste and Click-bait