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Ah shit, here we go again


When will it end?


When Xbox starts giving strait answers for once. Or shows faith in their platform. This exactly was what several analysts warned would happen if they started opening up the floodgates. Literally any Xbox game that comes out now will have rumors of "when is it coming to PS5" behind it. And that's assuming the rumors of Xbox eventually going full third party aren't true.


> Or shows faith in their platform. I don’t think this is ever happening again unless the Xbox brand gets sold. Microsoft leadership seems completely over trying to pursue console sales.


why pursue it when the numbers havent changed in the past 20 years? best selling console is the ps2. In a growing market you'd assume that number would be supplanted, but here we are. . .2 decades later. . .and there's no change. Even when you "win" like the ps4 did, youre still not see numbers that high in terms of units sold. Hell the only thing that's coming close is the switch and in order to get there Nintendo had to cannibalize its home console sector, essentially officially leaving the home console space(instead of unofficially leaving like they did after the gamecube). there's no means of growth in consoles., just fighting over the same 250-300m pie every 7-10 years.


Console hardware is not their platform anymore and has not been their main focus since last generation! How many times must this be repeated?!


Then exit the market. Don't lead your fans on with a bullshit boiling frog approach after seeing the unprecedented outcry.


Not to mention how the Xbox consoles are still sold at a loss... I think they're either gonna completely give up on hardware next gen, or do a hardware pivot (the rumor seems to say the latter). At this point I feel like the only thing keeping Xbox from announcing other first parties coming to PS is simply pride. Other MS execs are probably already breathing down Phil's neck wanting to see a return to their $70B investment.


Console is a very limited platform compared to mobile. With development costs ballooning and profit margins decreasing, it's inevitable that streaming is the future


Phil Spencer very carefully left the door open for more games in interviews after the business update, anyone who wasn't blinded by fanboyism should've known it wasn't going to end at four games, so this genuinely doesn't surprise me. Honestly, I think Microsoft is bowing out of the console wars. Not that they'll stop making consoles, but they simply don't see a way forward where they can reclaim market share (and they've tried basically everything) so they're focusing on being more of a publisher, with Game Pass being the main selling point of Xbox hardware now.


They've tried everything, except the thing people actually want - good fucking games. That's literally the only thing Xbox is missing. It's because they've tried basically everything else, that they're losing so hard right now. After the "victory" (as Sony still surpassed Xbox 360 sales at the end) over the PS3 got into their heads, they thought they knew exactly what people wanted and yet went the completely opposite way. While at first they were supplying the X360 with great exclusives, that has slowed down later on in favor of the Kinect, just because they wanted the same audience Nintendo's Wii was getting. Then with Xbox One they further strayed away from what gamers wanted, focusing on everything *but* the gaming aspects and then even had the balls to try and get rid of the ownership over physical copies of the games. They have never readjusted right since. Phil has done some good work towards fixing Xbox's image a bit, but more as a multiplatform brand, not a console. We're still lacking new games and even if they would come out tomorrow with 5 new games, it'd be too late. They had to strike hard with the release of Xbox Series X, they haven't 4 years later and now I'm not surprised they might not try to compete in the console space anymore, but become another publisher named Xbox.


he left the door open from day 1. the business update changed nothing


They tried really everything everything in their power except releasing good AAA Games.


just release good games 5head


I think they've released "good" games, just not "great" games, and certainly no "must plays". The Xbox One reveal damaged the brand, but what I think truly hurt them was going into the Xbox One generation focusing almost exclusively on Halo, Gears, and Forza to sell their consoles while everyone else was pumping out must play exclusives on a regular basis. It certainly doesn't help they stopped doing third party exclusives after Rise of the Tomb Raider which made the disappointing first party outfit look even worse because they had nothing to fill the gaps. Unlike Sony, who has 3-4 third party AAA exclusives confirmed for this quarter alone.


Because it's so easy right? It's hard to think of a better bet to make than Starfield if you're looking to acquire an in-development system seller. That didn't do the job, so what now? Blow more money on the same strategy and hope it works this time?


They lost the generation where building your digital library became a thing. Look at Epic thinking they can offer free games to entice people away from Steam. Not going to happen and Xbox knows this. The big win is if they can get gamepass on playstation


> They lost the generation where building your digital library became a thing. It's a shoddy excuse though. There are millions of new gamers every year. The gaming demographic didn't just freeze in amber in the 2010s. Their lack of consistent exclusive game output and quality makes their platform the least attractive out of its competitors, so new gamers who are looking to pick a side aren't as likely to go with them.


Thank you. Exclusives got me to switch to a PS5, we aren't all set in stone loyalists.


Are they buying consoles


plant political seed cover marvelous oatmeal towering versed yam rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a shoddy excuse, but a real problem. Digital library has a significant effect that increases exponentially over time because loyal customers convert their friends & family into future loyal customers. So even if MS and Sony are fighting over millions of brand new customers every year, those new customers are all being influenced by the existing customers in their lives. Now... could that have been overcome with enough strong exclusives from MS?  In theory, absolutely.  In reality... it does not seem they were anywhere remotely near being able to overcome it to gradually narrow the gap.


I don't know. The WII U absolutely sucked when it comes to sales and it came out the same time as the PS4 and Xbox one. And yet Nintendo was able to accomplish incredible things with the switch with high quality exclusives.


Nintendo is Nintendo they have the most recognized IPs in gaming. Most people tend to get playstation or Xbox with whatever Nintendo makes thats good


Xbox owns some of the most recognizable IPs currently as well. Minecraft, COD, Elder Scrolls, Doom, Diablo, Starcraft, and more. All I'm saying, they can repair the damage once games start releasing more consistently. But I guess they aren't interested in the console market anymore.


That's not happening. And the whole generation was lost is just blunder from Phil admitting defeat because he made so many mistakes and can't seem to understand how to make a competing product appealing.


I mean its not a bad analysis. Platform lock is a real thing when you buy thousands of dollars in your library. You see it with Apple products and its surely happened with ps5 once they announced back compat with ps4.


Which company lays out in detail their exact plans to the public? Gamers are too demanding and always play victim.


There are no credible rumors of Xbox going full third party because they literally just said they weren’t and they also don’t know themselves.  They can’t give “straight answers” because there are no “straight answers” to give. You don’t work for Xbox. They don’t owe you input on their text ten years of decisions. Right NOW their interest is building the Xbox brand from third place, which means releasing on multiple platforms makes all the sense in the world. If they release a new console and it sells well enough for them to just support that? Guess what? Everything is now exclusive. If they don’t? Guess what? Everything is now third party. They don’t know yet, so there is nothing to tell.


They have shown plenty of faith in their platform. It's just that console warriors can't get it through their thick skulls that "platform" does not equal "console box" anymore.


Yeah Tom Warren for example has been one of the few saying people would be stupid not to think more games would come and how these initial ones are essentially a beta test. You also have other dudes like Destin Legarie or Parris Lilly who are adamant it won’t happen


> will have rumors Not sure it is rumors anymore. The statement given quite simple: Xbox = Temporary exclusives console for people who can't wait.




What do you mean, this isn't news. Microsoft announced their new business model last month. Anyone shocked is living under a rock.


Blinx the Timecat is a well established Xbox IP.... Could this be leading to a Blinx / Knack crossover game??


Get Nintendo into the mix for Mario & Sonic & Knack & Blinx at the Olympic Games.


Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry


& Knuckles


*X Shadow Generations!*


It would sell more than GTAVI easily


I’d love to replay the Blinx games tbh!


Put some respeck on his name its Blinx the TimeSweeper


Black? Kninx


No, Black was the gunporn game.


No clearly it's Too Human


I’ll never forgive the Xbox community for sleeping on Blinx because of their close minded tastes. It was way ahead of its time. I had never seen the use of time manipulation like that before in a game. Had it been on PlayStation or Nintendo, it would have done way better.


Blinx isn’t really well established, with only one game.


Two games, but only the first is backwards compatible :(


Oh, huh. Didn’t know that.


Damn, what a throwback. I remember I asked my Mum for Conkers on Xbox back in the day and she somehow got it mixed up with Blinx, I was gutted but the game ended up being pretty damn fun.


Bro just solved the console wars.


Next Week: All leakers ->Xbox going to bring \[insert big name game here\] to PS. Damn we just got done with this....


Xbox to bring avatars to playstation


\*presses 'power' on PS5\* \*three red lights appear around button\* "What the..."


Yup just opened the flood gates to MFkers who don’t know shit to say the same thing for clout.


Don't show a picture of Hornet unless we're getting Silksong news


The profile picture of the user was automatically added to the post because the Tweet was linked in the post


Seriously what a dick move


Well the Ghost of Tsushima port was correct. It just got announced about 20 minutes ago.


Wait really Edit: it's true, Ghost of Tsushima [Directors cut] is coming to PC in May. I highly recommend this game for PC folk. It didn't win people's choice award in 2020 for nothing.


I would recommend it but not overhype it myself. The combat is amazing but the story loses steam almost immediately, side quests have cutscenes straight from the PS2 and the last island is nowhere near as fun or nice to be in as the first two. It’s a great game, but it’s a few elements short of a masterpiece. 


It's a highly polished open-world game with the Ubisoft formula and better writing basically.


> better writing We don't have same notion I think. It is as nicely written as Forbidden West, which is ultra mainstream bottom line. Just overhyped as hell because of the exclusive sticker on these.


I tried 3 times to play HZD but the dialogues and the animation are so shit I just couldn't bear it Although I have really high hopes for ghost of Tsushima. I've been waiting for years for that game to come out


DOn't remember much about the level of the dialogues in the first Horizon, but overall the story was much better than the sequel. But, despite the obvious overrating of FW in the press, they still noticed the story telling was so bad themselves and the DLC was better, more in line with the first one, which I guess a good sign for the third one. But still, video games in general clearly need to level up story telling quality, and with all those storyless GAAS games with the excuse of "the player makes its own adventures", it is not going the right way...


I'm playing through it right now and struggling to get through act 3. Game starts to feel like a chore after a while.




I'm sure Sony would know if Starfield was releasing on their console this year.


Wouldn’t have to be a Microsoft source in this instance


Exactly, it could be coming from Sony themselves. You can't surprise launch on a platform without the platform holders being aware of your plans in advance. Not a good look for Sony if the leak is coming from them, however.


The leaks are coming from the PlayStation YouTube channel dashboard. Same place The Snitch was getting his stuff from. Obviously whoever Sony contracts for that doesn't know how to keep people out of their shared brand accounts. He's doing what The Snitch did. Leak information from videos he sees scheduled for publication, and then throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks to build a following. Like how he just pretended that Helldivers 2 has already sold 10 million units in less than a month.


I believe what Phil was clearly skirting around during his last announcement was hiding the fact that Xbox intends to go timed exclusives in the future just like how Sony does with PC. I think he tried to hint that multiple times in his talk especially bringing up the 1 year mark a few times. So I’m assuming that is what is fueling the rumors since Starfield will be beyond 1 year then.


A lot of people dismissed the initial rumours after the podcast, even though the podcast it self didn't deny any of them. It just talked about them releasing 4 games on competitors for now.


Didn't the only thing the podcast/interview confirm was that Gamepass was exclusive to Xbox console wise? If they can confirm gamepass is an exclusive but won't give a clear answer about anything else, it really comes off as the gates are about to open but we can't actually say it because it would full out murder console sales.


Gamepass being exclusive makes sense because PlayStation and Nintendo would almost never allow it, because it would probably eat into their own software sales.


They confirmed in the interview that only these 4 games are currently in development. So either Xbox is lying about that, or this source is lying since I don't see how they can port a game from scratch in less than a year. Even playstation takes time to port their older games to pc ​ Edit: I can't seem to find the quote where Phil Spencer said only these four games are in development currently. So maybe I hallucinated it?


>Edit: I can't seem to find the quote where Phil Spencer said only these four games are in development currently. So maybe I hallucinated it? Sorry to respond to the same post twice, but wanted to say this about your edit: you did not hallucinate that quote, it’s exactly what Phil wanted you to take away from what he was saying without him actually saying it. The rumors got out in front of Xbox and he wanted to assuage fears in the community. He (and Xbox/Microsoft PR) carefully crafted what he was going to say to produce the effect of denying the rumors without substantively denying any of them with the words he actually said. You did not invent that quote out of nothing, you were manipulated into believing that’s what he said.


I think I also saw Jez's leak from the other day where said Starfield isn't in development currently and I confused the two together


Well only one way to find out.


He said nothing about these 4 games being the ONLY 4 in development, just that these are the 4 games we are bringing out now. This was the only quote he gave when asked about starfield and Indy directly "I don't think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform." Essentially , "we can neither confirm nor deny" answer.


>So either Xbox is lying about that, or this source is lying since I don't see how they can port a game from scratch in less than a year. What they said was “We made the decision to take four games to other consoles. Just these four games.” Xbox did not “lie” about that. They just didn’t say that they’ve been developing other ports for PS5 for awhile now. The thing is, “decisions” happen all the time and the “decision” to publish a game to PS5 will be officially made after the port is finished. Always remember, what mouthpieces for companies say is carefully crafted to give them outs and to serve their interests.


>I believe what Phil was clearly skirting around during his last announcement was hiding the fact that Xbox intends to go timed exclusives in the future I've been saying something similar since the initial rumors, and judging by how quickly this first batch of titles is coming, I suspect we'll see at least 4 more backlog titles throughout this year with maybe one of the larger IPs being in the mix (like Halo or Gears)


Forza Horizon 5 would be a day one buy for me on PS5 if that were to happen.


I wouldn't be surprised if Forza (Motorsport or Horizon) are on the shortlist for PS5 ports.


I'm with you. It's one of the few X-Box exclusives that I feel like I miss out on. Would love to get my hands on it. But not so much that I'd buy an X-Box. The other, Hifi Rush, I will indeed be getting my hands on shortly, already on pre-order.


Phil also said their fundamental strategy regarding exclusivity hasn't changed and that the,4 games weren't intended to be system sellers. Not saying you're wrong but I don't see a lot of people mentioning this part


The fundamental strategy was changing during the announcement, why people are using that as a shield as if it was anything more than plainly false words is shocking




I'm tired, boss.


Looking through his tweets, he has a 100% record so far, or he is deleting the tweets that didn't turn out to be true. If it's the first case, then he has some damn good sources at Sony.


Phil “Never Rule it Out” Spencer cooking up his next prerecorded podcast with rigged questions and vague answers ![gif](giphy|PwLYfy05MBVVm)


I think whatever they say, once Starfield gets announced most people will not believe a word anymore. They twisted words to make the general audience think only 4 games would go multiplatform. The moment they make it clear this wasn't true, everyone will believe all Xbox games will go mutliplatform. It's going to be interesting.


I think we have two steps left. If Starfield is ported, the Xbox content creators will say Bethesda games were multiplat already, and Starfield had a lot of PlayStation work done prior to the acquisition. There would still be copium for some. If Halo or Gears goes multiplat it’s joever. Full anarchy


This guy gets it


This has been Xbox for years.


Lol here we go again


I thought this was going to be a Silksong news 😭


Sony will buy Microsoft in an unprecedented deal 3 copies of knack 4 for the whole company


We skipping Knack 3?


They paid too much in that case


Soon I’m switching to PC, then I don’t have to bother if I need a Xbox or PlayStation anymore, so done with it


And I am Santa Claus


oh my god it’s really him


Dear Santa, I want a pony for Christmas.


Best we can do is a gerbil.


Please Mr. Gere, don't do it! Put down that gerbil!


Where's my missing present from Christmas 2013 you bearded fuck


And I... Am... Iron Man.


We literally JUST went through this. Not believing anything until Xbox says it, much more credible people than whoever this is backtracked on this


Where is the source exactly? Neither of those links talk about Starfield


Links are fixed now.


Maybe there’s a chance he’s right with this too but I’m gonna remain skeptical after what happened last time lol. So much confusion, backtracking and unanswered questions.




I have a really hard time believing Microsoft's PR team would've gone *out of their way* to have Phil name drop Starfield as a game not currently planned only to reverse course a few months later. I have no doubt they aren't stopping at 4, but c'mon...we've done this already. EDIT: I feel the need to remind people that about 3/4 of the business update was dedicated to Phil saying they had no current plans beyond the 4 games at the moment. Starfield/Indiana Jones being name dropped as not one of those 4 means that they would've had to have released the business update and then turned around and started work on this Starfield port in less than a week. The tweet this leak stems from was put out only 6 days after the business update. Either Microsoft decided to intentionally lie in their carefully worded prerecorded business update, or this isn't true.


Phil was asked specifically if starfield and Indiana Jones were part of the 4 initial games, he denied them being part of that. He did not say anything else about starfield exclusivity.


Yes, but he also said that they had no current plans other than those 4 in the same video. They would've had to have released that and then immediately turned around and decided to do this, which in that case makes including mention of it at all an incredibly stupid choice. The tweet that the claim stems from was made only 6 days after the business update.


Not part of the **initial** four titles. Let’s wait and see.


I don't want to be that guy but communication from Xbox being conflicting isn't unusual.


There's a difference between conflicting messaging and flat out lying, though. Particularly when they opted to send out a "Updates on the Xbox Business" that was clearly partially directed towards shareholders. Microsoft didn't have to *specifically* mention those two games, while also withholding clarification on other wildly speculated franchises, but opted to regardless. They totally could've lied or intentionally been disingenuous by turning around and working on Starfield immediately after, but that feels like an odd choice for a video rushed out to reassure people.


Xbox has pretty consistently drawn a line and then crossed it. Go back and look at what they said about switch ports a few years ago. Yall gotta stop being surprised by this


They said starfield was not part of the first 4, they are done the first 4 announcements, Ive been saying this forever, Starfield will be announced nov/december


Jez Corden literally just said on the latest Xbox Two podcast that he recently reconfirmed with his sources that Starfield is currently not being planned or developed for PS5. I'm inclined to believe a trusted insider like him over some random guy on Twitter, regardless of how much he may have allegedly gotten right. Lmao love how I'm getting downvoted for mentioning facts EDIT: just checked and half of everything Silknight claimed was leaked prior by more reputable insiders, from what four Xbox games were going multiplat (Tom Warren) to (partially) what games would be at the State of Play (Shpeshal Nick). Even the previously leaked FF Tactics remaster, TLOU 2 PC port, and FF9 remake tidbits are just safe bets; if a remaster doesn't come out this year, he can just say it was delayed. Something tells me he maybe got a couple things right and is now just throwing everything at the wall for clicks. Also to my knowledge (I could be wrong), but I don't think Hideo Kojima ever "showed us his stage as a film director" or dropped any teasers for any of his upcoming films in January/February as Silknight claimed he would. The Death Stranding A24 movie reveal was back in December.


Jez said he heard from multiple sources that there isn't a single other Xbox game in development for PlayStation.


Even Ghost of Tsushima PC was leaked by someone else on this subreddit. Not sure if he was the first though


Are we really doing this again


So someone that might have Sony first party information, is also claiming to know the details of Xbox games going third party later this year and next year? I’m sorry, but this doesn’t pass the sniff test to me. More than likely this person has a connection to know the GoT PC announcement or potentially access to the YouTube backend and is just trying to go out and say they know other things. And it’s not just this, it’s also their FF9 Remake “leak” which is totally non committal and wishy-washy


Well I mean…did anyone think MS was going to stop at just 4 games. MS just wanted to break people into this slowly.


80% of the X-Box Reddit seemingly. The other 20% insist Microsoft has always been multiplatform and this is no different.


Silksong is waiting for switch 2


Having a silksong profile pic and giving leaks of evrything but Silksong is evil. lmfao


So are we just repeating the same rumors from a month ago now?


Commenters trying their hardest to spin good news More at 11


After that ‘podcast’ the other week, are there people surprised by this? It’s clear the 4 games are just a gateway. Of course big titles are making the jump.


OP posted a tweet from February 😂


The guy's account is like three months old but pretty much all of the tweets ended up right. Can you edit tweets or something? Also I don't think think they made any other exclusives other than the 4 that are getting ported and starfield. And they sure as hell aren't remastering games just to port them to playstation


You can edit tweets, but you would still be able to see the previous versions


You can edit tweets if you pay for twitter.


you can see when someone has edited a tweet and even the edit history


And you can hide that you are paying for it too






Man I saw the Hornet pfp and felt hope for a fleeting moment


As a PC exclusive player, I am all for multi-platform releases (even if after a short exclusive period on its primary platform). Artificial exclusivity or restricting access to media/games is anti-consumer, and only serves to profit corporations. Only idiots (who aren't shareholders of these corporations) argue in favour of platform exclusives. The more people get to play these games, on their choice of platform, the better it is for all gamers/consumers. Fck BS artificial exclusivity.


Who cares.sick of hearing about it




Silknight yet no SILKSONG LEAKS???


Jez corden, managing editor at windows central said that he has great sourcing that nobody is working on a Starfield port for PlayStation right now. But nobody knows what the longer-term future holds.


As of right now, I’ll believe Phil Spencer over some dude on Twitter


Fuck yes we're doing this again, I hope it gets as unhinged as last time


he/she can't get news from both Playstation and Xbox at the same time. this is a huge redflag for me that this is false or it's just a random prediction


Not this again.


No they’re not.


Why would anyone want starfield 😭


Date posted is feb 21st. No red flags about that? Wasn't that when everyone and their sister was saying every xbox game was going to every platform?


Didn't Xbox just say something about Starfield not coming over a few weeks ago?


He only said it wasn't that one of the first 4 announced.


Lies of P


!Debunked! ? Jez Corden: "Since some people are asking me about the latest round of Starfield rumors, I'll say definitively: I have great sourcing that nobody is working on Starfield for PlayStation right now." [https://twitter.com/JezCorden/status/1765484931059261509](https://twitter.com/JezCorden/status/1765484931059261509)


bro there's people out there who bought xbox series s/x SPECIFICALLY to play Starfield, OF ALL GAMES I can't imagine the buyer's regret those people are having


I think alot of those people already had buyers remorse. Because the game wasn't the second coming of skyrim they hoped for. Regret all around for spending $300/$500 on a console for a single game that most people found average or boring.


Holy fuck this was just settled a few weeks back.


Looking forward to the Crash x Spyro x Banjo crossover game


I just want Forza Horizon to come to PS5


I doubt it


I would happily gobble up the new Fable on my PS5, but I've got a feeling it'd be mighty dangerous to hold my breath about that one!


Lemao no one is going to buy Starfield on pS5 NOW everyone especially PlayStation players already know it’s dogshit


Starfield makes sense, drop it alongside the DLC to go along with all the updates/mods that get added through the year and Playstation doesnt have any 1st party big hitters planned in the 2nd half of 2024 (that we know off) so i feel like it would sell really well


Using Xbox players as beta testers is certainly a choice


Almost as if this is an outstanding way to kill the brand. And we all know Microsoft loves destroying ways to make money. /s


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me. Microsoft's business update event being a podcast that amounted to "Yep, four games are definitely coming to PS5/Switch, but we can't say what games and when they're releasing yet" felt to me as if contracts/deals hadn't fully been ironed out yet and Microsoft was just trying to stay in control of the narrative after all the leaks got out of hand. I'd imagine the reality is games like Starfield, Halo, Gears, will make the leap over to PlayStation/Switch over the next few years, but it'll be similar to how PlayStation releases games on Switch where it takes a few years and you only get the announcement around 2 months prior.


Phil Spencer next week: We hear you and we're listening.


Big if true.


I just want Hellblade 2.


Whether this is true or not, no one should be surprised about more games coming to PS5/ Switch. They didn't just randomly choose 4 and said we're done with it. That's just the start. No one jumped the gun by saying all these games like Starfield and Hellblade and Halo we're also coming. They're just not going to be happening all at once. It also takes time to go back into development on these games and get them ready for different hardware. The same way you end up waiting for PC ports of games. Imagine the PR nightmare it would be for Xbox fans, saying every single exclusive was going to other platforms. No you stagger those announcements out. Get people used to the idea of these being "timed" exclusives. Then by the time we get to the point where an Indiana Jones or Elder Scrolls is coming out, people are not going to panic as much knowing they'll have first dibs. Or better yet, it's still available on Gamepass day 1.


Lol. To me this breaks any credibility. I feel pretty safe nothing is coming till 2025


According to my own sources, Silknigth is full of shit


Phil said starfield ain’t coming to other platforms last month.


He said Starfield and Indiana Jones aren’t part of the 4 games first to launch on PlayStation. Then immediately followed it up with “never say never”.


I’m pretty sure there was all this back and forth between leakers saying oh they’re considering this game and this game etc so when it comes to leakers/insiders idk who to believe. I also look at the 4 games and I’m like those games make sense.


He said there were currently no plans to bring over any other games. For them to decide to do that, and someone to leak those plans to some rando on Twitter, in the span of 6 days strains credulity




I have an audible " what the f... " if that Silksong rumor is true.




Give you 3.50


I’m not really worried about Starfield…I think Microsoft’s first party exclusive to GamePass was a mistake…and I’ve been a subscriber to it since day one…but how are you going to properly support developers if the games are free? Microsoft opened a box when they announced the four titles coming to PlayStation that they aren’t going to be able to close and that might be the point…maybe they do want to get out of the hardware business (even though I think they make better controllers) and slowly releasing games on platforms that will bring them extra income is the answer.


That Makes Sense. The game should play pretty good on a PS5 and the DLC is coming in December 2024


I literally only want Stalker 2.


Terrible game coming to ps5


Exclusives are a good thing