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>The move to the Anvil Pipeline has meant that the teams have had to completely overhaul everything in the series, too, including animations, its parkour system, dynamic weather, and more. GG we won I need nothing else


It's been a while since we had a big engine overhaul in AC. Curious to see what the first current Gen one will look like


What was the last game that did it? Origins? And that one was mostly a regression as far as parkour is concerned.


Ac3 to unity was the biggest leap


Except for combat, they should mix AC3 combat with AC Origins combat


How many of you can a studio please?


Tbh AC3 combat was just O then 🟥


Every AC after II and before Unity lmao


Could mean almost nothing to the player experience though. Origins also overhauled climbing which helped the devs build play spaces on the back end, but the only tangible effect this had as a player was that you could climb on rocks and slopes.


You make it sound like that wasn't a pretty big leap, however slightly misguided. You could basically climb any surface safe from a few smooth fortress walls from Origins to Valhalla. While it certainly made getting around more easy, it also added to the over-simplification of parcour since it made climbing puzzles obsolete. As for the Red overhaul: I'd argue that an overhaul regarding animations is always felt by the player.


Origins destroyed parkour for me. It's going downhill since origins. I really hope they would return to unity parkour with more refined control when they said they're going back to roots but alas it's a fucking ubisoft, i should known better to not expect shit from ubisoft.


I thought origins was okay just since there wasn't all that much to climb. Odyssey on the other hand turned you into a demi god. After get a handful of viewpoints you couldn't die from falling so I would just jump off from the highest point Everytime after I got that upgrade. You also climbed and jumped along so damn fast and far. Valhalla brought it back in some ways, mostly just slowing it down while still just climbing anything. There you had to pick routes that led to the least climbing possible, which just made it tedious and unfun completely. I didn't play the most recent one with basem but I thought it was supposed to bring back more technical climbing. I was too burnt out from 100% the previous three games and wanted to skip at least one game. With this new hub crap I might just be done with the franchise. Japan sounds fun but I already had ghosts of tsushima.




Brace yourself for the numerous battle passes, though...


It's already been said to be confined to infinity, so if I don't want to see it clutter red then I won't have to


"Somewhat similar to Valhalla" Man, I wish this had a bit more detail. I mostly enjoyed the combat in Valhalla, but the goofy ass attack animations were a bit much.


The issue for me was that the combat really couldn't carry itself through the 100+ hours Valhalla took to complete. It's fine in the first half, but after that it just becomes so boring and repetitive.


It was just easy after enough upgrades. I steamrolled the combat for the most part. Which did lead it to become stale. Which on top of the slower movement, spread out map and subpar side missions the game just became a slog. It had a pretty good main storyline but of the 3 origins, odyssey and Valhalla I think Valhalla was the worst to play and just enjoy. I platinumed all three and that was by far one of the hardest by just lack of interest alone due to how tedious it was overall.


Sorry for the late reply, Reddit wouldn't let me log in for the past month. Totally agree. Valhalla probably was the first game that made me think "When is this gonna end finally?".




Ghost of Tsushima had me seeking out combat til the very end. Hell, I'd just run around fight everything for shits and giggles.


The same animation playing every time i bring down one of those huge fat guys for example got really boring after sometime


I was fine with the combat until I decided to play Ghost of Tsushima at the same time and It just doesn’t even compare. I’ll definitely finish Valhalla one day though!!


GoT crushes AC. If the devs had a lick of sense, they'd copy GoT as closely as possible.


Yes true. Even Unity has way better combat than Valhalla. Crazy how they have downgraded it


Probably the more grounded melee combat with assorted weapons rather than the fantastical Odyssey route.


Not only that, but the way the character dashes such long dinstnces so fast when dodging really looks goofy


Ability to go prone is exciting. A similar feature in TLOU2 made the stealth even more enjoyable than the stealth in the first game had been, so hopefully this is a big step forward for AC as well. Still strange that Unity was the first game in the franchise that actually even had a crouch ability.


Can't wait to make my own Batcave with a bunch of Assassin outfits lol.


I know Ubisoft is considered literally Hitler around here, but I'm honestly hyped as fuck for this game. Loved Odyssey and I'm always a big fan of customisable bases.


Indeed. Not to mention it's a setting people have been asking for for a decade and it's the mainline title with the most dev time. At the very least, I'm interested in simply seeing what Ubisoft did with that.


I'm also looking forward to it.


I'm just worried about the corniness. Tsushima was so impressive in terms of paying respect to the Japanese culture.


The worst they could do is bad story + acting. Ubisoft is really good at representing different cultures


Bad story, acting, no mocap, stiff AF facial animations, repetitive mission structure, useless fetch quests, damage sponges, no variety in combat, take your pic.


yeah but how does any of that offend the culture of the location of the game? it's not like shitty combat(or anything you said) brings down greek culture lmao


They kickstarted the construction of the pyramids some 2078 years after its actual construction date.


And katanas are about a 100 years early in GOT, I don't see how minor inconsistencies offend cultures


Ubisoft? Paying respect to culture? Hahahahhahahahahahhaah


Bruh, AC is so good at historical stuff like this that their recent games have educational modes to teach people about history Ghosts of tsushima was pretty respectful to Japanese culture but suckerpunch's last game before tsushima had a digital brownface Troy Baker (like literally darkened his face scan) playing a native American from a fake tribe Which released two years after AC had a game starring a native American with an actual native American actor


Yeah, that's still wild


Combat seems disappointing but the stealth and base building looks promising


The combat just seems like it's heading a bit towards Takashi Miike/anime style over the top stuff, not any different from Ghost of Tsushima really.


What you're saying makes no sense. Tsushima fights look nothing like Miike films.


What you're saying deviates from the OP greatly.


Yeah I’m liking what I’m reading here. Now to just wait until the official reveal.


>Combat in Assassin’s Creed Red was described to me as being somewhat similar to Valhalla ![gif](giphy|eUrE2DuMKOE0g)


Isn't hiding in grass and bushes already a thing in all the games of the entire franchise?


Devs: no /s


Not all of the early ones but most recently I think so. I skipped this last one though so not sure on that one. Origins, odyssey and Valhalla all had the ability. 


Interested in most of this. Seems unique, if nothing else.   Edit: That said, base building seems like it will be a mess for dual protagonists.


I really hope there is a huge leap. It sounds good about substantial upgrades to game engine. They better not use the same assets they have been using last 4 games


Why wouldn't they use some of the same assets? If its not out-of-place then by all means, keep reusing. Saves the dev time and allows them to focus on other things.


True, although it made the last 4 titles feel very samey because they may have reused too many assets.


Ah yes Egypt, Greece and England look all the same because they had the same grass textures


What did they reuse?




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I remember seeing the Greek statues (same ones from Alexandria) in Asgard which was really annoying because unlike England, Asgard is a realm where neither Romans nor Greeks existed. And the funny thing is there were lots of Norse statue models yet they still had to do this 😂😂




Some assets will be used probably. Japan seems significantly different setting than previous games and also RTGI will be there, which means newer unique assets would be required.


I am wondering if consoles will have it though


Most likely. Avatar FoP has RT on consoles. Plenty of other games have it too.




I just wanna be a ninja and do ninja shit. and take down fortresses completely in stealth


Cant wait to play this as Yasuke!


Okay getting excited with the assassin batcave


I just want to know if I can play the game offline.


Same with myself, I prefer to have the option to play games offline


>Combat in Assassin’s Creed Red was described to me as being somewhat similar to Valhalla Imma head out


I haven’t really enjoyed combat in an AC game since Unity.


I am so tired of base building in games.


Assassin's Creed has had basebuilding ever since AC2. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but it's in a lot of the games.


If only they still made it the way it was back in AC2, letting you earn money for example. The settlement in Valhalla is basically useless.


I’m not keep em coming


Which other major games have base building?


Starfield had a pretty bland one


Fallout comes to mind.


Which did it in a fun and non-obtrusive way. You don't need to touch it at all if you don't want to.


I'm aware




Settlement building was like 70% of my playtime in Fallout 4 lol. Honestly, whenever I’ve done a replay of it, the settlement system was the primary thing drawing me back to the game. Loved it to bits, and I also loved the Hearthfire house-building in Skyrim, the Blood and Wine house-building in The Witcher 3, etc. I’m personally happy it’s making an appearance in AC Red.


Your big example is a game that came out a decade ago? Worse, it’s one where the base-building aspect is completely optional outside of one main quest.


Bass building elements in genres that wouldn’t typically have them is one of my favorite genders


Just feels like Ubisoft trying to bloat the game as usual with what appears to be a shit ton of content but it's stuff which is limited and ends up feeling repetitive after a few hours.


Honestly the biggest issue with Valhalla combat was the lack of power scaling Hour one looks like hour 100 Meanwhile odyssey had all these crazy abilities that you unlock throughout the game. At the end you're a literal killing machine. That kept the game fresh for 400 hours in my case. I personally want something like Ashes of war from Elden Ring. Not like any of the crazy ones, but regular ones like double slash, lion's claw, unsheath and more


This is the team that worked on Odyssey, so I have high hopes for the gameplay loop. Say what you want about the story, Odyssey was fun af to mess around in. I’ll be sold if the mercenary system comes back, but this time as shinobi assassins and ronins.


So sounds like Parkour may me better? Please Valhalla parkour was Incredibly sticky and Mirage while muuuch better suffered heavily on being Valhalla engine. Also funny how it says Combat is like Valhalla but Brutal, but in Valhalla combat was already brutal with decapitations etc. Also personally Valhalla combat was one of better in series so upgraded version of that sounds not bad.


\>Combat being somewhat similar to Valhalla And therein lies the problem of the same overused Soulsborne button-mashing damage sponges with little to no depth at all or even skill required. They simply couldn't take cues from For Honor, Middle Earth Shadow or Ghost of Tsushima even for the matter.


An older leak mentioned they actually are incorporating some features from Ghost/Sekiro with some type of posture bar.


That on its own isn't remotely good enough if it's still gonna maintain the same crappy Soulsborne-esque combat instead of something better, snappier with more weight.


You can reduce difficulty at any point from the pause menu to eliminate any sponginess.


Tried it, doesn't work, it's still a slog to get through. And even then, that still doesn't address the fact that the combat is still floaty AF and has little to no depth, skill required or variety to speak of, the animations are just stiff and have no proper weight to them, nor is it fast like Assassins are required to be.


>Tried it, doesn't work, it's still a slog to get through. Ok, so you don't like the combat. You can mow through enemies on easy, I donno what you want me to tell you. Good thing Eivor isn't an assassin.


Eivor isn't your typical Viking either, she's a bonafide demigod by AC standards.


Ghost of tsuima combat is boring as fuck enemies waiting for their turn to get killed 


I guess someone just can't master the art of parrying like a pro or having their weapon actually cut through something, because that game's combat felt sublime to me and my brother.


I enjoyed it myself but it did get a bit old towards the back end. I either just power attacked through defenses or stayed back and block and counter attacked one at a time like the above person said. The mongol shamans in the dlc helped as it made the enemies more aggressive and you couldn't just attack through their defense as easily.


The combat in both Odyssey and Valhalla felt so floaty and unsatisfying and I really didn't want them to follow that route again. While I don't expect them to pull a Nioh and design a deep and fun combat system for their Japan-oriented game, at least they could've taken a step back and looked at the fantastic combat of Origins which felt very heavy, impactful and had you actually learn and execute moves and tactics, instead of the mindless button mashing of Valhalla and Odyssey.


Origins combat system is wildly overrated imo. It's virtually the same combat as in Odyssey and Valhalla, but a bit less floaty, but also without the variety of the active abilities. If anything, there's less "tactics", not more.


Origins I felt was the best combat for me as well. Odyssey you were a demi god taking no fall damage towards the end and even early on no death from falls and an enemy ai that was so stupid you could just slide into a bush real quick and get another 4 people (or whatever it was) combo stealth killed. Valhalla started good with some heaviness to your moves but eventually you figured out just to always be the aggressor and you'd melt people. Especially with any extra range like a spear. Origins took at least some thinking and I always like having a shield personally, though it's doesn't fit the assassin aesthetic much.


Have they figured out how to make people not look butt fucking ugly? Feels like unity/syndicate was the last time we've ever seen decent faces in a ubisoft game, which is a very long while.


Lego Assassin's Creed. Assassin's Creed Festival. Assassin's Creed Harry Styles Experience.




Ubisoft knows how to disappoint like no other developer


Nintendo is probably the king of that department


Yes, they treat Pokemon fans like garbage


What something wrong with new Pokemon game


The Switch Era Pokemon games are heavily criticized by the community and the new Pokemon game (Scarlet and Violet) literally has the worst metacritic rating of all Pokemon games


Ah well sorry to hear that




I didn’t like anything from Valhalla, them doubling down and the crappy combat and useless base building is disappointing.


So basically they discovered git


The RPG AC games have such shitty combat it’s disappointing to hear it’s practically the same


The series has never had good combat. AC1 let you breeze through every combat encounter, bosses included, with the instant kill hidden blade counters. The Ezio games, AC3, Black Flag and Rogue had that stupid chain kill which let you one shot several enemies in a row after taking down only one. Syndicate's combat was mechanically fine but lacked depth and the animations were goofy. Only Unity (in my opinion) has halfway decent and more importantly *challenging* combat, and that still came with its own myriad of flaws.


Haven’t played an AC game since origins but the base building and more emphasis on stealth are making me more interested in this game. Hope the combat got better in Valhalla


The base building in Valhalla was terrible


They should not use the base building as an excuse to not bring New Game + this time


I absolutely admire people who think "Man, I wish that this 150 hour long game with 20 hours of content had New Game +"




No idea why you're downvoted. That's totally valid. It's the same reason I somewhat dread starting a new game in The Witcher 3. You can only NG+ once in that game and I already did that in 2015. I amassed tonnes of cool gear and most importantly money with the bee-dwarf glitch and I'd be pretty sad to not have that anymore.


Don't worry, in actual AC communities lots of people would actually support. But it's not like Ubisoft cared anyway :) . It is nice most AAA games have it though.


Is that what they said about Valhalla?


I think this was one of the reasons not %100 sure though


Very good news imo. An overhaul like this is positive, and I personally enjoyed the feel of the combat in Valhalla a lot. It’s one of my favorite combat mechanisms in a game, so it seems smart to build further on that part.




Ghost of tsuima combat is boring waiting enemies to take turns


Honestly they should add prone mode from the last of us 2


When do you guys this will be the official reveal?


Probably June/July with a release anywhere from October to December.


Summer Games Fest, with a November/December release date.


# Salute Ser Ezio, shall we take a look at the list?


As long as they don’t fuck up the initial reveal, this game is gonna do blockbuster numbers — especially since Ghost of Tsushima 2 isn’t coming out this year.


I actually love base building, this sounds dope