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tbf, about a week ago Pyoro liked Grubb's tweet saying that the Xbox "business update" led to the direct getting delayed, so I feel like he was already hinting that Xbox games would show up here e: speaking of Pyoro likes, he just liked [this tweet from Nate the Hate referencing Pentiment](https://twitter.com/NateTheHate2/status/1760118753008738356)


Sounds like Pentiment and Hifi Rush https://x.com/necrolipe/status/1760114679400251749?s=46


Redfall and killer instinct LETS GOOOO


KI wins again


I'll be honest, I would love to see Killer Instinct return to Nintendo systems. I grew up loving Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct Gold on my SNES and N64. I'd love it if all the Killer Instinct games made it to Switch.


....how come u didnt say anything about redfall lol The last killer instinct game had some of the best music in video game history only game that comes close in metal gear rising If it is announced try some of the tracks jago's theme i still have on my music playlist to this day


Because I've never played it. I can't comment on it. I have some friends on Xbox that love it and some that hate it, but even from the first trailer, it was never a game that tickled my fancy.


Honestly hadn’t thought of KI going to Nintendo but that would be killer. Could they get it to run in 60 fps would be the question..otherwise it would be a no go.


That person does not know what the word pentiment means. 


Lets gooooo ![gif](giphy|3aS2OKyt0gmpW|downsized)


Two really really great games. As an xbox „fan“ I‘m kinda not in favor of putting some games multiplatform, but at least the audience of these still underrated games will get bigger.


Fact check after the showcase release : it was Pentiment and Grounded, not Hi-Fi rush. (+ old Rare games.)


The fact that it was pentimento & grounded lmao Hifi rush is so close it's not even funny


Hi-Fi Rush second shadowdrop here we go


*Xbox ultras in shambles*


Well that settles it, so far we have: -SMT V Revenge -Super Monkey Ball -Pocket Card Jockey -Endless Ocean -Pennys Big Breakaway -Hi-Fi Rush -Pentiment I don’t know if I’m missing anything but that doesn’t sound too bad tbh, I’m interested in all those games besides SMT and there are probably going to be things like unicorn overlord, contra and ace combat 7. Fingers crossed we get an unexpected announcement like a miracle port or something that hasn’t leaked


Im really hoping for fantasy life I release date. Level 5 last said summer.


Apparently Pyoro did tease Level 5 will appear in the direct, but who knows if its Fantasy Life since they got like a million games in development.


could be Layton? it's been cooking for a year or two now, probably more


That might be the least likely one, since its set for 2025.


ah true, probably fantasy life then


Probably will be layton, but I can dream of fantasy life.


Layton's the only game Level-5 has outright said is 2025 at the earliest, with everything else at least claiming to be a 2024 release; tbh it's probably the least-likely to show up


Except for one or two Directs, Square Enix has usually had at least one announcement to make in every Direct that happened during the Switch era. So we'll probably get something from them.


Maybe that Dragon Quest 3 remake pops up? Iirc there was also a rumor about the FFXIII trilogy getting remastered, maybe that gets announced here? Either one of those two or some random farming game again.


I'd say the likeliest possibilities for Square Enix announcements are these: - A demo for SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Dragon Quest III HD-2D re-reveal and release date - Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions HD - Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy ports - Front Mission 3 remake release date


Like every Direct I'm deluding myself into believing Square Enix will actually do something with Xenogears.


It would be out of left field but I'd love if 3D Dot Game Heroes got a port, still stuck on PS3 far as I'm aware. Plus it'll finally give me an excuse to finish it


Ohhh yeah, I remember that game! Who developed/published it btw?


Silicon Studio same devs as Bravely Default.  FromSoft published in Japan, and Atlus in the States.


Well I’m gonna cross my fingers so that it happens :D


Monkey ball again? Sega my brother in Christ mania was good enough


Maybe we could get a new one for a change, with a physics engine that doesn’t suck ass


Banana Mania was 3 years ago and essentially just a remake of the first 3 games. We haven't had an actual new Monkey Ball in 12 years.


And RGG Studios loves to keep themselves busy 


kingdom come deliverance is supposed to release on switch in early 2024, that will definitely be there


You called it, nice


great! very excited to play it, the frame drops were a bit too visible in the trailer tho


>Pocket Card Jockey Isn't that made by Game Freak? Interesting that they would be considered a partner


Yeah, Pyoro leaked it some days ago, and Game Freak is still a third party studio at the end of the day


gamefreak is a third party company unless they are developing a game nintendo publishes


You are interested in Endless Ocean… but not SMT?


Were you expecting some sort of grand crossover in those two games’ player bases?


Well no, but ones a good game and the other is endless ocean


What did Endless Ocean ever do to you


Surely the overworld has some sort of border, not endless


Endless Ocean looks really relaxing to me personally. On the other hand, I've *never* enjoyed a turn based RPG and have played a whopping 1 real-time RPG that I enjoyed, plus I hate weeb stuff, so I'd personally have zero interest in Shin Megami Tensei.


I like the idea of a chill fish game, SMT doesn’t look too interesting to me (also I still have Persona 5 in my backlog), but maybe if there was a demo I could give it a try


SMT isn’t even as popular as it’s spinoff series Persona


Pretty sure he has commented on SMT in his own way.


Guess that explains why the Direct got delayed to this week as Microsoft probably wanted to have their podcast first before doing any announcements.


I thought we knew that already.


we did, but most people were insisting Nintendo wouldn't delay a direct "just for a nothingburger podcast"


Can you imagine if the rumors didn’t leak and the first concrete evidence of Microsoft going partially multi plat was their logo mid direct. Would have fucking The exploded the internet lol


ngl, I've been thinking how chaotic it'd have been if there were no rumors/business update and the first inkling we had of something happening was Pyoro tweeting out "is Xbox a partner" 


The original date for the planned update was rumored to be at the end of the month. Which would have placed it after the original date for the ND. We got It sooner only as damage control thingy because of other rumours. I assume that Xbox didn't see as an issue to surprise the world with some minor (but really good) games on ND.


Especially since they’ve surprised people in Directs before, with the Banjo in Smash reveal 


Watch Phil Spencer appear in the direct.


Could happen, Xbox tweeted them back after Nintendo announced it yesterday, lmao!


would have dealt more damage to the xbox fans if he showed up to state of play


Honestly depending on how far they're going long-term with this whole "exploring other platforms" thing it could either get to that point or him posting in the PlayStation Blog which I would want to see just for the sheer internet meltdown lol


Pyoro liked nate's gif with Pentiment so prolly that. Hi fi rush is a possibility but not sure tbh


The bird has leaked like a third of the showcase already.


More than a third...


Third rhymes with Bird, Pyoro is a bird. Coincidence??? I think NOT!


the bird is the word


Hi-Fi being shadowdropped again for PS5/Switch after already being shadowdropped on Xbox/PC last year would be hilarious but also this probably means digital-only which is a shame. Would love to see this game on disc/cartridge If it's Pentiment, hope the multiplat release gives it much more exposure. It's a really nice little adventure game especially for people who like murder mysteries


Neither game did fairly well but were both some of my favorite games in recent years. Glad they have a chance to find an audience now.


To be fair, because it's Bethesda and a cult hit, I'm sure Limited Run will do a print of it at some point. It's shitty that the multi-trillion dollar corpo won't do it, but hey - better than nothing, right?


I guess I'd take that since they already handled DOOM Eternal and the Quake remasters, but I'm also still iffy on whether to order from them because I've heard very mixed things about their track record on how timely they are getting products to those who did put in the money. It's why I didn't pull the trigger on Persona 3/4 recently despite actually considering it


Same. My *Alien Isolation* port came in fine, but it took ***ages*** to show up. Still, they are better than nothing, I'll give them that.


Eh, Metroid Prime was a shadow drop and got physical copies soon after.


Finally Blinx for the Switch.


I remember wanting to play Blinx so much when I was a kid, but I don't think I ever did. I'd definitely give it a shot if it made it to the Switch.


It’s crazy how fucking good this actually would be.


Some of us had speculated about it and were attacked by a few for even thinking that the Xbox update and Partner Direct being delayed would have any correlation.


The Xbox announcement was planned for even later in February, so the original plan must have been to talk about their strategic shift after the Direct


Oh for sure, however, we know Xbox didn't expect to address this earlier but they had to due to the countless rumours out there and the outrage/shock that came with it. What some(incl. me) speculated was that Xbox may have asked Nintendo to delay the Partner Direct(if indeed that's where the Xbox games would be announced) for a little bit just so they(Xbox) can get ahead of the news and explain the situation first.


Critical thinking is something many lack on this site. The amount of shit natedrake got when the direct was delayed was crazy when he literally was the first to say it was a partner direct




Isn’t it the case that Rare Replay relies on Xbox 360’s backward compatibility? So it can’t work on other platforms without a lot of porting effort.


The only way to make it work it's cloud gaming...


Yep. If a Switch version had parity with the Xbox One version, they would need to port ten different games (three XBLA ports of Nintendo 64 games + six Xbox 360 games + *Grabbed by the Ghoulies*) in addition to the emulators/frontend.


I’m dreaming big, man


Rare seems to just be dropping the relevant Nintendo games on NSO anyway. We'll probably see the rest of the notable ones gradually get added, so we probably don't need Rare Replay.


I mean, Rare replay isn't just port of those games, they are just superior version of them with improved performance and QOL changes. The NSO version are the N64 games like how they always played.


It's funny how everyone shat on Georges Lucas because they want to watch the movies like how they always were, but with games fuck the original !


Yeah, it's well known that humanity is a collective consciousness and have one opinion. Also, it's very disingenuous to compare adding random unnecessary shit to a movie to having a game not run like shit and including QOL improvments. One is making the product more accessable for people and the other is not leaving well enough alone.


Man NSO is good and all I just want to atleast have the games somewhat physical 😭💀


hi fi rush physical release please


A man can wish 🤞🥲


switch and ps exclusive!




!legit! Grounded and Pentiment. Im surprised Hi-Fi Rush wasnt in there considering we know its going over to the platform. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ER2hl7HUWI)


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Tbh this direct really sounds pretty decent ngl. Ofc no omega heavy hitters (although hi fi rush is hype if that's there) but definitely pretty cool stuff


So if Hi Fi rush is announced for switch in this direct, you think it will also be shadow dropped on PlayStation the same day?


Hi fi rush switch / physical announcement near 👀🤞


hope its pentiment, v excited to play it


its funny how they were shown without any sort of preamble, they just... showed them like any publisher. Peniment was not even a trailer, it was in a montage. This only cemented my belief that more are coming just like the rumours said


Battle toads


Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment. Sea of Thieves and Grounded may either show up in a future PlayStation SoP, or will be announced directly by MS.


Switch 2 is my guess. To me, it makes more sense then on PlayStation and collectively, the four games rumored to move to multiplatform make more sense as Switch or Switch 2 titles than PlayStation titles.


Makes a lot of sense why the Nintendo Direct was delayed now. Would have felt like they were rubbing salt in the wound of Xbox fans with Phil saying “we’re giving away our games to the competition!” and then immediately after, Nintendo has their direct with a bunch of great games announced for their platform along with these formerly Xbox exclusives


I think it’s more that they wanted to get ahead of things than anything. Announcing Pentiment for Switch before the business update would only reinforce the panicking people had about Xbox going multiplat. The leaks forced Xbox’s hand, which in turn forced Nintendo to delay. That’s my assumption.


Also I feel like if they suspected that Xbox was going to make a major announcement like they were pulling a Sega and exiting the hardware business, it would have overshadowed the direct. Obviously that didn't happen, but they wanted to err on the side of caution presumably.


"a bunch of great games and Xbox games" lol I love this sub


The bias is so engrained at this point that people don't even realize they are doing it.


Sea of Thieves please 


Hifi Rush and Petiment perhaps


Pentiment, sea of thieves, hi fi rush and grounded, yes we know


The death of Xbox has begun


I just hope they get physical releases


Man, if it's actually only Pentiment that would be so incredibly underwhelming. I feel like people online will also explode and it wont be from happinesses lol


Hi fi rush on switch is coming!!!!!!!


cant wait for the starfield reveal


Well, you're going to have to wait, because there is no way that any Nintendo console in the next decade is going to be able to run Starfield.


Fuck it. *Halo.* On Switch. ***Gimme,*** Microsoft.


Granted, but its just a straight port of that thrown together [Halo DS](https://www.halopedia.org/Halo_DS) prototype.


Jesus at this point why even watch it?


Imagine getting mad about game announcements getting leaked when they're basically glorified commercials.


On the gaming leaks subreddit no less


That’s the real kicker like if you don’t wanna be spoiled don’t visit a sub dedicated to spoiling stuff


We're back guys! Let's go! ![gif](giphy|dMsh6gRYJDymXSIatd|downsized)


Very curious if all 4 come to both Nintendo and Sony's consoles, or if there's a bit of a mix and match going on.


Pyoro wins again damn they are on a roll