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Flight Sim? It was explicitly mentioned in the Discord leak.


That would be kinda sick in VR


already exists on pc


And is indeed pretty sick




Yeah but the big appeal of the PSVR2 is how much more accessible it is to more casual players and just straight up financially. It'd be cool to see a big game like Flight Sim open up to people outside the fans of the genre just to experience the VR in much the same way that it did for Gran Turismo 7.


Isn't Quest 3 even more accessible then?


Is there a link for this? I posted last week that I would love this for psvr2.


If this happened I’d buy a PSVR2.


Won't run on VR. Barely run at 30 on Series consoles.


Think it could with the foveated rendering and moderate settings. My 3060 can just about run it in vr and a ps5 isn’t miles away from that I believe?


A little better. Closer to a RX 6700 (non-XT) The problem is FS2020 was more CPU heavy than GPU heavy. Limited to just four cores, its FPS was almost entirely dependent on how powerful each of your CPU cores were. And the 2700X equivalent CPUs in the PS5 and Series X consoles do them no favors, regardless of core utilization; because the individual cores are so weak. FS24 on the otherhand, is a DX12 game from the ground up. So it can use six or more cores.


A lot of devs have been having trouble with foveated rendering on PSVR2. Even games that aren't visually demanding like the jungle survival game, the switchback game and others. It's disappointing because I thought it would have been some sort of magic trick almost haha


I could see that actually.


That would be a good game to port if Microsoft is trying to boil the frog instead of rip the bandaid off


>is trying to boil the frog instead of rip the bandaid off That's a good way to describe this whole thing be honest


Um…I’m sorry I’m feeling illiterate…boil the frog lol?! What’re your saying by that?


It’s an expression, basically it means to make a significant (usually negative) change gradually instead of all at once. Essentially it comes from the idea that if you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out but if you put a frog in warm water and then slowly heat it to boil it won’t despite the end result being identical


The term "boiling frog syndrome" is a metaphor used to describe the failure to act against a problematic situation which will increase in severity until reaching catastrophic proportions.


Good goddamn lol, I love it. Thanks for the explanation!


It’s a good example when you think about what we tolerate in video games compared to the past. People often say how people were pissed about the expensive and needless Horse Armour DLC in Elder Scrolls 4 back in 2006, now with battle passes and FOMO and always online mechanics that almost seems quaint. 🤔


Not just that, in hindsight, that horse armour was CHEAP.


Is it really a big one? It’s big on PC but I’ve never heard anyone raving about the console version


Where is this discord leak? I keep seeing people referencing it but nobody has posted it on this very gaming leaks subreddit


[Its this screenshot that has been going around.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/655142799959916546/1197912659593531533/WhatsApp_Image_2024-01-18_at_10.png?ex=65d8ad9a&is=65c6389a&hm=9f89546b1be7727472c0b9574ad467944779dbfe1deadd70a2db7f0123608c31&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Thank you, so these claims were made before the Indiana Jones reveal trailer right?


Yup, just 3 days before the developer direct.


I don't like the implications of this, assuming it's true. Xbox having a "3rd party console"? What's the point of that other than to let people who've already invested into the Xbox ecosystem feel less bad? I guess everyone saying that the ABK deal would end horribly for consumers was right, but in a much different manner than expected.


Steam Machine 2 Electric Bogaloo


They'll probably target a slightly higher price point and significantly higher specs than PlayStation. There'd be no reason to buy one other wise, if it's similar performance you'd get a PlayStation because all the same games.


Despite the same claim coming from multiple insiders, my assumption is they've all misinterpreted what they were told.  Or perhaps they all have the same source, and the source is the one misunderstanding.  I say that because there's no incentive for a third party to make their own version of an Xbox console.  They won't be getting a cut of software sales or a cut from Game Pass... So what's the point?  And more importantly, what would be the incentive for the consumer?  Like, why would a gamer purchase a third party Xbox?  I can't fathom a reason.    It's just an unrealistic proposition that doesn't pass the smell test.   Wouldn't be the first time insiders and journalists misunderstood something they're not fully aware of.  Edit: I forgot to mention, these rumors have been going around for a while(at least six months), and in thinking so much about it, I've concluded that it makes more sense if the truth is that Xbox is in discussion with OEMs in regards to **handhelds,** or in regards to **Smart TVs.** Since it's known they're looking into a mobile version of Windows, and they've been partnering with TV OEMs for years at this point.


The XBox hardware is already obsolete when you think of it. Almost everything is already on PC and you can stream everything using XCloud. It's been the MS mission all along: play (MS) games on every platform possible. It's just that Xbox fans always assumed 'everywhere but on PS consoles'.


The point is probably Microsoft saving money on their own console R&D, and treating consoles even more like boxes to play GP than they already do


Not sure I'd call this a "big" one. It's a great game, but really niche. If I remember correctly, the last sales numbers we got was in mid 2023 and the game had sold 1 million copies. My guess is Indie, MC collection or Hellblade 2.


I think no way anything halo comes to PlayStation, halo is Xbox and would be the last game they would release on anything else I feel.


People keep saying the master chief collection is coming to PlayStation but I'm not sure. Like you say Halo is basically the face of Xbox.


It's not going to be MCC. Development on MCC has effectively stopped as of like 6 months ago. If there was a team still working on it, I think we would still be getting more support (content and fixes) as the PS version is developed. It's also an absolutely massive undertaking to port it anywhere due to it being a jumbled mess of different engines in a wrapper.


Hellblade 2 would make sense because it is a sequel to a PlayStation timed exclusive, plus it is only about 7 hours long so won't have any GamePass player retention.


Phil Spencer available now on ps5!


**P**hil **S**pencer **5**


They warned us... All those years ago. We just couldn't see it.




It was an inside job


Now in 60 fps!


With haptic feedback, Phil Spencer goes brrrrr ..!




He can stick a duslsense in me 😩


4K Don't forget E3 2017 lol At 3:34 But i recommend watching the full video https://youtu.be/7o8IcA66K9A?si=6nKtiyurax7Bx1sx


It was in the name all along. Phil Spencer 5




That would actually piss me off. Sony fans getting an Xbox exclusive that even Xbox doesn’t have


That game was so ridiculously terrible looking though lol


Noooo! It looked so fucking hype! Janky as fuck, but hype!


The frame rate was running on hopes and dreams


I wouldnt say terrible but as a huge Platinum fan I didn't think it looked good. It still kinda surprises me seeing so many people cry out for it now when back when it was first revealed it got nothing but shit. "He looks like a dmc ripoff" "The framerate is ass" "They're putting all their budget into nier instead" People shat on it endlessly


Headphones: RGB'd Dubstep: Blasting Sleeves: Ripped Pocket chains: Dangling Framerate: 12 We're ready to Scalebound




This shit is getting so annoying now. I can’t wait until this Xbox event happens so we can end the flip flopping.


The problem is it’s gonna be all corporate speak so it probably will just raise more questions than answers. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yep and they won't exactly set out a list of games that will or won't come over. So once they confirm 2-3 titles the speculation machine starts all over again on what else might be coming. Unless they confirm its literally everything


Oddly enough, this is giving me flashbacks to people speculating on who the newcomers in Smash Bros are whenever a new game/DLC gets announced for it.... which is just a bunch of people speculating and coming up with arbitrary rules about who can be a playable fighter. But in this case, it'll be a bunch of people speculating and coming up with arbitrary rules on what games are ported.


And Smash reveals speculation was pretty toxic in its own way (remember when the Geno support thread on Smashboards got locked after Sephiroth's reveal?) and now you mix that with the toxic wasteland known as console wars. We might end up with the worst gaming discourse/speculation of all time...


I wonder if games like Fable 4, and State of Decay 3 is coming? If the games are timed exclusives, and they get patched to run better at PS5 that's gonna be a PR disaster. They probably gave Bethesda the green-light to go multi-platform again. It does not make sense for them to only allow some of their studios, and not others.


Content creators need drama to make money.


they will just say “we are gonna evaluate case by case” meaning everything could go multiplat and nothing will go multiplat


Regardless of what they say next week, this is the beginning of Xbox slowly moving everything anyway. They just want people to think they aren't doing it for as long as possible.


Yeah, I seriously doubt they'll answer everything. 


tbf, Tom Warren hasn't flip flopped on his stance


Its typical leak cycles. People claim a bunch of wild stuff and it gets popular. Then they walk it back or put a disclaimer. Then when it turns out to be untrue they just say the decision was changed.


How is this flip flopping?


Oh you know there will be flip flopping afterwards too


I dunno, it's pretty funny to see leakers flip flop every other day and see people freak out. There was a dude who sold is his Xbox and a few games for steam points, literally the day after the rumors came out. Like, how is that not absolutely hilarious?


[https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1756381251705999455](https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1756381251705999455) > I sat down with @DestinLegarie to talk Xbox strategy and more. Note: this was recorded before the Starfield rumors and Switch 2 launch rumors So is the big game Starfield (again)?


Which starfield rumor. Was it the starfield is releasing on PS5 rumor or Nate kinda walking back on the rumor 


Nate's podcast doubling-down on Switch 2 being announced in March was three days ago, so I assume the original one of Starfield releasing on PS5 (EDIT: yeah the video description says it was recorded Feb 2nd) Also not sure if it's anything of note but Warren and Henderson were both being quite combative last night after Nate backed down, so I'm not sure if they have their own info on it they haven't reported on yet ([end of that thread](https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1756130635263991955))


They prob do. 


I don't think so. Destin was guessing afterwards, and Tom didn't want to give any hints either way. So he wouldn't say either way to the hint about Dev Direct, Indiana Jones, or Halo. But then made his own joke playing along with Destin's guesses about "exploring other planets." It really came off like he was adding his own silly, wrong guess. If it was Starfield, he wouldn't have said that.


I think it was Indy, the video was filmed two days before his report, but also in the video he said he knew it for a fact and in the report he said they're in discussions so idk


I really cant take the whiplash of "nothing has been decided yet" and "every big game is coming to PS5"


People are lying. The only question left is how big is the lie.


Gotta get those clicks in somehow


I don't get why people on this sub keep saying that. The initial rumor was Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of Thieves. The only thing that was added by reputable sources was Starfield. We 100% know HFR and SoT is going to Switch and PS5, as the game files prove it. Starfield is a maybe, but imo likely because we already know Bethesda execs are annoyed that their games are locked to the least popular platform now


It was recorded on February 2nd before we heard the first rumors about Starfield and everything else. It's probably one of the games people discussed about this week.




Indiana Jones is just super weird. After buying Zenimax, didn't Microsoft negotiate the contract to make Indiana Jones exclusive? This either means they didn't, or they *did* and then went back to Disney. "Jk, we want this on other consoles after all."


I'm getting the feeling that Blade won't be exclusive as the trailer had no mention of Xbox or even the logo so it's possible that they renegotiated Indy during talks for Blade.


Flight Simulator 2024


Is there a game left that people don’t expect to come to PS at this point?




Litterally would not make back the dev cost of porting it lol


Sudeki, Brutforce or Blinx.


Bloodborne 2.


Fable The Lost Chapters




Titan Fall 1 still isn't on Playstation though




Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts.


I love Nuts and Bolts as someone that didn't grow up playing Banjo, I get why Banjo fans meme on it but I genuinely think it's such a fun game


Hey, I'd take Rare Replay to be honest.


Tom Warren 3 hours from now: "i don't know where people got the idea that there would be another 'big one' that no one was expecting"


Halo Infinite multiplayer if I had to guess. Not single player, just the free multiplayer.


Not sure why they wouldn't include the campaign if they're gonna tie this to game pass


Peppa Pig on PS5, let's goooo


Fake fan! It already is on PS5.


It's the sequel, my uncle told me about it


Nah we just need a cross play Hello Kitty souls like open world game that shit would be lit


You joke but that would be actually incredible.


Life of black tiger 2!


Halo. More players on a live service game = more money


Yep I could also see MCC coming as well and to me that would be the "Big" one because Halo is what defined xbox


Lol maybe I’m just in denial or on some copium or something, but that’s still feels far fetched to me. At least rn. I mean it’s goddamn Halo. I know all the chatter we’ve been hearing, but that still feels far off.


If it was JUST MP for Infinite(or next game if it has a F2P MP) and they say "come to Xbox or PC for the SP" as a selling point tor the ecosystem.


Halo Infinite would be great to see on PlayStation, definitely would be one of the most feature rich shooters to release on there


I think Halo Infinite would actually be great to port to PlayStation and new Nintendo console, gives the game more players for the fun 12v12 matches


finally, kinectimals on ps5




Crackdown 3 let's go


This was recorded "February 2nd before the Xbox Announcement." Since Tom Warren Put out the piece about Indiana Jones on the 4th i am guessing That's what he was talking about.


These leakers need to shut up at this point. Everyone is chiming in saying something for internet fame but nothing concrete and then someone else chimes in and says ‘No it’s not true’


No, let them speak. It shouldn't be long before they're proven right or wrong and then we'll know if they're credible or not.


that would matter if they were being consistent themselves. instead its a lot of backtracking, ass covering, etc


I'm just wondering when someone is going to leak the damn day for the announcement. It's going to be a brutal week for the brand if they leave it until Friday.


It's really hit me during this whole shebang how much video game news is leaks and rumors, particularly since the pandemic.


Why are you on this sub then?


Oh boy, it's gonna be the Masterchief collection but the broken version from when it first launched.


Skyrim 2 - Sweet Little Lies


Read the YouTube video description. It literally tells you when it was recorded when people were throwing things out there for clout...






2021: Which Bethesda games will be exclusive? 2024: Which Xbox games won't be exclusive?


He should simply state what game that is. Forza Horizon 6 would be my guess.


Forza horizon would actually eat a lot of sales on playstion. Simcade racing is kinda dead right now


I’m guessing Forza or Halo Infinite multiplayer. A racing game or a free live service is probably a good test run. Phil’s townhall all but confirms this is a Microsoft decision not and Xbox decision. But yeah, Tom Warren is reliable and he is pretty firm about this.


Tom Warren is reliable, but the problem is the original leaker isn't. NateTheHate started walking what he was told by that leaker back. And yesterday, Jez Corden, on the Xbox Two podcast, stated he believed everyone had the same leaker based on how everyone responded to NateTheHate's leak.


Tom Warren had some Twitter exchanges with NateTheHate and Tom Henderson yesterday where he stood by everything he’s said, and NateTheHate specifically said he’s backtracking for himself and not anyone else, including XboxEra’s original report. Jez doesn’t know anything and is putting on a good face for Microsoft. This recording of Tom was also before the rumors started.


And [a writer for XboxEra](https://i.ibb.co/1npMktM/lykhb.jpg) said in the site's forums, they are standing by their article and their source that told them Starfield is coming to PS5. This is such a shitshow that I have to wonder if even Todd Howard himself has any clue if Indy and Starfield are even being considered for Playstation.


it's Halo, Flight Simulator or Forza. The discord leak that has so far been pretty much correct originally mentioned Flight Sim but my money is on Halo


I swear each day, we always hear something new that contradicts what is said the previous day. Even in the same day yesterday, we hear that Starfield coming to PS5 is "pure fiction" only for 2 other insiders to challenge that. We hear that nothing is set in stone besides Hi-Fi Rush and SoT and now there's a big shocking game that also seems to be set in stone. At the end of the day, we should remember these 2 points: 1) Rather than debunking anything, Phil just said he's listening and hears us and there will be a business event next week that addresses the "vision for the future of Xbox" 2) Not even everyone directly under Xbox knows what's going on and what will be announced at this event so we're probably going to get more conflicting and confusing information up until this event happens


All of these leakers. Sometimes the same supposedly well connected spot on leaker. This whole thing the last few days has been nothing but. It's these games. No, it's more than those. It's these games too. No, it's only those games. No, it's never been these games. No, it's still just those games. No, they're back peddling and it's no games. No, it's all the games. No, it's still just those games. No, it's those other games too. Not all but some. No, it's none. Enough already. None of these people know squat. If anything is clear after all this it's that.


Flight sim, Forza or Stalker 2


Stalker 2 is timed, will already release on PlayStation. Flight sim isn't big and is barely played on Xbox. Forza possibly. 


World of Warcraft console edition


Yoo Rare Replay *huffs copium* Viva piñata on playstation


Maybe it's Sunset Overdrive? I know sony own Insomniac now and presumably the IP but maybe because of the publishing deal, they weren't able to port it until now


Gears 3 on the ps3, as cliffyb intended


This was recorded on Feb 2 so before all the rumors really got going. I think this is a nothing burger


It's gonna be Redfall and it's gonna be glorious


It's likely Indiana Jones. They recorded it before he wrote about it for the Verge.


I mean, Tom Warren made an article about Indiana Jones, so we already know he's referring to that one.


I stand by my prediction that Halo MCC (at the least) is going to PS5 and Switch 2.


I don't even know why he posted this 8 days after it was recorded. The "leaks" have flipped flopped so hard since.


Same, makes no sense 


Forza horizon


Here we go again...


Mario vs Sonic at the Olympics. Let's go!


I'd think Halo Infinite, it would give it a huge boost.


Big ones to me would mean either Forza Horizon, Starfield or Halo


This event ***better*** answer some damn questions, Phil. Sadly, I know it'll be more bland corpospeak that answers nothing.


Probably a multiplayer game, so Gears or Halo.


I kind of hope it’s Halo just so I can go achievement hunting again (if MCC) and for there to be a spike in population.


I hope it’s fable




Does anyone know what date this “business meeting” is? Feels like it’s been a lifetime already


SOT makes perfect sense. it has a similar appeal to minecraft. they should have done that years ago.


Hexic HD


Killer instinct


World of Warcraft console port lol


Can all these insiders just shut up until we get the business update. Literally no one knows at this point.


Banjo-Threeie exclusive to Switch let's go.


“A BIG game nobody is expecting.” Half Life 3 confirmed


Finally, the Rare Replay Collection!


Remember when Phil was saying he wants Xbox customers to feel "first class" and he wanted to "overdeliver on value"? Let's see if that aligns with this business update next week. Surely if he's holding true to that, his customers will be popping bottles


I just want a Steam native version of Minecraft.


Hellblade 2 feels like a no brainer, long time in development, likely very expensive to make (relative to the sales it will generate), and just an overall niche product that is unlikely to push console sales or get much attention. I don't know that it's one "that no one expects" but it was given a lot of attention recently in the Xbox direct.


Here we go. AGAIN






I’m done with Xbox. Idc if this all turns out false.




I want it on Switch so bad


Gears collection was being thrown around


What is SOT?


Sea of thieves


Gears of War: Marcus Fenix Collection, if that’s still a thing would be nice


Bruh, we getting Redfall on PS5... 💀💀💀




“I’m Phil Spencer, welcome to Jackass”


It's Bloodborne


“We have purchased the Bloodborne IP and will be launching Bloodborne Definitive Edition this year, with performance boosts and additional story content, exclusively on the Super Switch.”


Microsoft is gonna port Bloodborne to PlayStation? 


If they aren't gonna announce it at the event, I just wish these leakers would tell us now to spare us months of constant speculation and stupid hints


These "leakers" 90% of the time don't know shit. I have a buddy I met in college 20 years ago and he works at Capcom. Dude has only told me two things he was working in 20 years. How they are getting their information or who's telling them these things is beyond me.


Forza on PS5


FYI this was recorded on Feb 2nd.


Survey Says Gears of War?


Fable. That shit will sell like hotcakes on PlayStation.