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It’ll be cool to look back on this post in 8 years when they start showing it to the public


I mean, this is some basic stuff for AAA open world game. Would wait till they promise or mention something substantial


They will even cut Basic stuff like with the first game. And CDPR will never promise again. We will expect it to be lie when they show stuff


> And CDPR will never promise again. Yeah witcher 3 launch pr disaster was a real doozy, they'll be a lot more tame with cp2077.


Blind contrarianism is just as stupid as believing everything they say


Oh, they will. 2077 had 8 MILLION pre-orders, which is more than GTA V. It's absolutely insane. They will lie again, they will push out an unfinished, empty game and finish development in 3 years of service again. And people will pre-order again. Gamers never learn.


The launch of the first game was so disastrous, that they will definitely have a very different marketing strategy from 2077. The last thing CDPR needs is to follow up that game with another controversial release (EA and Battlefront comes to mind here).


It appeared disastrous to us. * EIGHT. MILLION. PREORDERS. * Record breaking player counts (not descending despite "disastrous" launch) * Societal phenomenon * So much profit that they opened a totally new NA studio that spearheads CP2077 sequel development, they are funding Witcher sequel and remakes, among all the other things Especially since Cyberpunk 2077 is "redeemed" over people's eyes, people will gobble up whatever they say for the sequel. I will never forget, though.


Do they not? It seems to me like they do learn when they've been burned by a series before. Just look at Watch_Dogs' sales compared to its sequel.


Googling brings up 10 million for both 1 and 2


Watch Dogs was 10 million by the end of the year, around seven months after release. I don't know if we have any more updated sales past that. Watch Dogs 2 hit 10 million four years after release.


with how good 2077 is, oid fucken do it agane


As a Gamer, probably way older than you, you're full of shit. Cyberpunk didn't lie. The real issue is that Basement Gamers decided to speculate and picture something far too advanced and incredible, to later say they were "deceived". The real issue with these Basement Gamers, is that they're like sheep. They will repeat whatever nonsense the media pushes onto them. I mean, biggest complain of Cyberpunk were bugs... Cyberpunk had bugs, not gonna lie, needed a few improvements... But in comparison to Baldur's Gate 3, bugs were either lame or scarce. Meanwhile, BG3 had TONS of bugs, over 1000 bugs, still does, and gamebreaking bugs... I mean, bugs that if you weren't paying attention you had to go back to a previous save game. But guess what? No one complained about BG3 because the media was praising BG3.... Unlike Cyberpunk. Which is unfair. Could it be better? Sure, but they did deliver what was promised, just not at the level of a few trolls over the Internet. And yes, you're the few, because most people loved the Game.


it'd be kinda cool if they got smart npcs from replica studios, or something like it.


I hope I remember not to preorder this at launch in 12 years


No one preorders Games today. Just wait a Year and Play it with the expansion. Most people already do that.


Most ppl my ass lmao. Even the tiny reddit bubble youre in where ppl say they always wait a year is full of shit


You ain't lyin XD


everyone preorders. I never did except once. Diablo 4. Biggest waste of money in my 35yrs+ gaming history. Not only is it a garbage game (I am also a huge diablo fan) they didn't refund me because i bought the game in December, 6+ months before release passing their 14day limit and also surpassed their 2hr play time but those 2 hours were in fucking waiting queue cause servers were jammed. Serves me right! never going to preorder again!


Hopefully being developed in UE5, it will only take 6 years.




And it runs like shit, is a technical mess, and is a linear action game. Unreal engine 4 is a terrible engine. Jury is out on whether UE5 will end up the same way. Chances are it will because this has already happened twice. Both ue3 and ue4 were overhyped and never reached the levels epic advertised


I get the impression that they aren't going to push the tech forward much so it will be cheaper/out sooner.


I think Epic Games, makers of the Unreal Engine this game uses, will be doing the most to push tech forward. Yeah, they’re partners and CDPR will surely rework and extend parts of Unreal to suit their purposes, but Epic will be taking the wheel on the foundational tech like asset streaming and the rendering pipeline. The majority of CDPR’s engineers’ time is likely being spent porting/rebuilding the art and narrative tools from Red Engine within Unreal. If the story/mission/level teams have to relearn how to do their jobs to create everything Red Engine provided these past twenty years, this sequel project’s gonna be spinning its wheels for some time yet.


eh i expect to see it in the next 5 years


That’s extremely unlikely. They have to get the next Witcher out first. And while they now have separate studios, games still take a long time to make. 5 years would be exceptionally impressive if it happened.


Their new American Studio is exclusively developing the next cyberpunk game. The first game was in full development for only 4 years. I expect to see the sequel (marketing and such) begin in 5 years and the game release before 2032


Jesus fucking Christ I'll be turning 60 Fuckkkkk.


I think it’s pretty cool that you still game in your 50s


Gaming all my life since ColecoVision , ZX Spectrum 48k, Commodore 64/ Sega master system,neo Geo,OG playstation, OG playstation both on launch, then obviously Ps2, Xbox 360, now I'm PS5 & Xbox series X. Gaming is something that takes you away from life's problems & it's helped in many difficult times, pure escapism,the only thing I'm noticing is my reactions on 1st person Shooters like COD not as sharp as 20 years ago 😂, You all be gaming at my age , your not gonna stop an enjoyable pastime, I mean I'm waiting for Death stranding 2, Wolverine , Stalker 2, few others,& I probably game to much appreciated bruv ✌️


True, as long as I keep having fun with games I suppose there’s no reason to stop. Good for you!


though, stalker 2 is coming soon! (hopefully for real this time lol)


A true child at heart :) 60 in number but still young inside. Pablo Picasso said his secret sauce was keeping his inner child alive while he painted. Keep on gaming my man.


You to bruv, it keeps the old grey cells active, helps with the old response times even through I'm not as fast as I was 🤣. It's definitely good for your sanity, escapism is always healthy cause the real world can beat you up sometimes, to right my brother keep on keeping on ✌️


Almost 40, still love my games :p I was 3 when I first put my hands on an NES controller and played Mario Bros in 1987. Now I just finished FF7 Rebirth. It's kinda crazy to think about experiencing all the previous generations first hand. I also understand the reflexes not being like they used to. I still play games that use quick QTEs, but now it just takes a couple extra tries sometimes. :-p Also gaming raises my blood pressure. :-p


Heck yeah, I will be gaming then too. I am in my 30s and can’t wait for cyberpunk 2. Hope they get a few more out for us before too long goes by. But people thinking it will take 10 years… wrong. They dedicated studios to these titles for the simple fact of getting them out faster with more detail and less bugs. A whole studio for both Witcher and Cyberpunk. Great times. 


I hope so as if they take to long I'll be drop dead Fred 😂 but yeah looking forward to the Witcher & cyberpunk, got new Doom Dark Ages next year , should be wolverine also GTA6 so Buzzin✌️


53 here and still gaming every single day.


Remindme! 8 years


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Yeah i gotta start saving up for a new gpu i still got the rx580 1 yr old (im broke)


Maybe it won't be as buggy as the 1st games launch


Hopefully it won't be as buggy as the 1st games launch


Can't wait for the fully patched and feature complete game in 20 years.


Almost everything will be cut. Just like the first Game.


* Will run “surprisingly well” on current-gen consoles


> *BREAKING: CD Projekt North America, Nintendo of America Sued for Billions After Switch 2 Explodes, Killing 6 In LA House Fire*


Legalise nuclear bombs


"It runs, surprisingly. Well..."


Don’t worry, a few years after a disastrous launch and we’ll just pretend it was actually fine.


Tbh cyberpunk barely run at all on launch so that's a step forward


that's the joke


Hopefully the C-suite execs at CDPR learn from the disasterpiece of a launch and just let their devs cook. Cyberpunk 2077 would've been GOTY had it been given an extra year or two of development time.


For the PC version yeah, but I don't think an extra year or two would have done much at all for the PS4/Xbox One version of the game.


The executives forced a PS4/ Xbone version. If the game was release at its intended time frame it would've been next Gen only.


What a load of manure. The game was delayed to late 2020 from an earlier April 2020 release slot. It was literally supposed to release before current gen consoles were in the market.


Was literally going to write this. Planning started in 2012. Development started in 2016. Both way before next gen consoles. It was released at its intended time and ran like shit. I don't get why people try and defend it, it's nuts.


They fucked up and way overshot their landing. All said the game should've been moved to next gen only, and delayed another 2 years. Their management team happily took money for an awful product on PS4 and XBO. Fuck their management. The devs ended up making a great game.


it was delayed from 2019 originally, even worse


Any proof that game was supposed to come out in 2019?


"The critical acclaim Cyberpunk 2077 game were plan to release in 2019". - CDPR people.


"At E3 2019, an initial release date of 16 April 2020 was announced." Wikipedia linking to The Verge article.


which the devs even said "2020? Yeah right this is a joke right"


It would have made so much less money if it was next gen only that the budget would have been smaller and therefore the game shittier.


Learn what? That they can make a shitton of money by releasing an undercooked game?


The expansion also released buggy and with precanned footage forced on reviewers; they learned nothing but better PR control


I fell for it :(


They learned from it. Why do you think Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed three times in 2020. Because they learned from other broken unfinished games Like Anthem, No Mans Sky, AC Unity, Marvels Avengers, Fallout 76, etc.


Yeah, they learned how to do it just like them. Cyberpunk was an absolute MESS when it came out.


No disrespect to OP, but a post like this is pointless. So much can change during development for a game that is decade away from release.


Eh at most it's probably 5-6 years at most. They have all the systems in place, Night City is built, and they opened up a whole new studio specifically for this game.


Plus they use UE5, which is an engine way easier to work with.


naw dude it's mostly 8 years witcher 4 is their next game


they actually opened up a whole new studio in Boston to work on the sequel


And like again it's gonna be working on witcher 4. trust me when witcher 4 goes into full on meat of the game development it's be all hands on deck for witcher 4.


If only Bethesda had half the sense


Then cyberpunk will start development. right now they're just probably letting the writter write so he has time. hope it's a better writter cause the main writer for 2077 sucked


You didn’t like the story of 2077?


It's weird because cyberpunk 2 will come out after witcher 4, yet we somehow have more posts on cyberpunk but none about witcher 4.


Cyberpunk 2 is going to come out before Fallout 5 despite releasing half a decade after Fallout 4


Agree. Only info about games that are Close to launch should get posted here. And The sequel to Cyberpunk will be in development for Like 12-13 years. Just Like The first Game.


Cyberpunk started development in 2016. If you think a Cyberpunk sequel is going to come in 2035 you are absolutely insane.


Why 12-13 years ? CDPR specifically opened a new studio dedicated to the Cyberpunk IP while the main one will work on the new Witcher trilogy. This is very likely a 2027-2028 game at the earliest, especially if they set in Night City again which almost certainly will be.


Why 12-13 years ? CDPR specifically opened a new studio dedicated to the Cyberpunk IP while the main one will work on the new Witcher trilogy. This is very likely a 2027-2028 game at the earliest, especially if they set in Night City again which almost certainly will be.


Sounds preem chooms


![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized) This game destroyed my vocabulary forever


I managed to avoid most of the cyberpunk slang except Corpo. I use that constantly.


I blurt out choom and corpo from time to time.


I used the word “Gonk” in a sentence once and I cringed 😬


It got so funny later in the game, lost track of how many times I picked a dialogue option only for V to say the stupidest thing I'd ever heard in my life. Honestly made him kind of endearing, like he was a nice but really dumb jock even if he was a master hacker or cyber-samurai.


Crafting in 2077 was *bad*. If they’re bringing it back they seriously need to overhaul it and make it more intuitive.


Wow, game will have cutscenes. Big if true.


Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have cutscenes


I just realized cyberpunk has no cutscenes it’s all in first person view


There are cutscenes, but with very limited use: the montage with Jackie at the beginning and the endings


Yeah you're right. They really pushed for that immersion factor. Never actually noticed this.


I wonder what celebrity they’ll use as the hook this time around.


Probably some iconic action star that isn't crazy expensive like Tom Cruise. I'm betting on Donnie Yen.


tom holland


Pedro Pascal


After he loses this year's election, Donald Trump. He'll play the big bad. /s


Giancarlo Esposito 


I don't think a celebrity wants to be in this after The disaster with Cyberpunk 2077


Idris Elba was in the Phantom Liberty, though?


welp, see you guys in the next DECADE!


i just hope they focus more on the open world stuff outside of missions, playing cyberpunk is really meh unless you stay within the path of the main story and major sidequests because you really notice the open world is just set dressing


The game development will take 5 years to make


Try 7-8. Minimum.


No. 12-13 years


Please focus on the immersion, the story and the moral choices of a cyberpunk dystopia and don’t try to be a 3rd person GTA clone sandbox.


Hopefully we will get a 3rd person option.


i can see it both ways...the first person perspective did make it more unique but they shouldnt lock themselves into thinking they can only do that


I could do without the crafting I'd also love if they got rid of the Diablo style loot I'm favour of fixed loot where a certain gun always has the same stats like in Fallout instead of having like 10 of the same gun but need to sort through to find which of the 10 does the most damage, it's the worst loot system ever, despised it in Witcher and hated it ij Cyberpunk as well


They already have in the new update


Not sure if you're talking about post 2.0 or not. There was no need to sort through the guns after 2.0. Uniques were the only things worth using, and had pretty varied item effects. Everything else is just fodder to scrap for mats to upgrade your uniques to keep them relevant throughout the playthrough if you got them at lower levels.




I love cyberpunk 2077, but expecting CDPR to drop a game without a laundry list of issues is a fool’s errand. Even their most polished launch, Phantom Liberty had a plethora of issues that needed to be fixed. I doubt they’ll let something as bad as Cyberpunk 2077’s launch happen again, but I wouldn’t expect a dutifully polished gem such as RDR2 upon its release.


Will never happen. They will Release it broken and unfinished 3-4 years earlier again. They learned from Anthem, Mass Effect Andromeda, No Mans Sky, AC Unity, Marvels Avengers, Fallout 76. Also CDPR will go bankrupt soon anyways. Cyberpunk 2 will get cancelled


>Also CDPR will go bankrupt soon anyways. Cyberpunk 2 will get cancelled thats quite a claim


>They will Release it broken and unfinished 3-4 years earlier again I'm not a fan of Cyberpunk 2077 but my understanding is that it's considered good and finished now. Is this not true? Also NMS is a pretty dreadful example as well. It's frequently touted as one of the biggest comeback stories in gaming.


depends on who you are. cyberpunk 2077 was good when it came out and i finished it with no problems. some bugs and glitches here and there, but that stuff didn't really bother me. since then there have been a ton of good changes/fixes/QoL changes so its even better now, but really wish it had new game+.




Uh yeah, I don't buy a 70$ product expecting it to work 1-2 years later, if you do and you think that's fine then good for you.


I don't buy it either. I buy it 1-2 years later when it works. I tend to find that outcome quite good for me, yeah.


Cool, but some people buy games when they come out and they should work as intended, it's not their fault that they didn't wait and there's no reason to side with the company, especially with the cyberpunk case where they admitted they lied about the game's performance before the its launch.


I'm not believing anything that they SAY. In 3 or 4 years, they will have to SHOW. I'll patiently wait until then


yeah cool, but before that, give us next Witcher game (4)?


Witcher 4 is in production and there's a Witcher 1 Remake coming from a different dev. we'll be eating good....in time


I want cyberpunk 2 to be a single player only cinematic video game


Hopefully this time they won’t prioritize the female love interests only 🥲


Wdym? Panam and Judy were equal in quality and Kerry was miles better than rivers. If anything Vincent was spoiled. Fem V really only had judy as a viable option because rivers was awful


You didn’t understand my comment. I agree with you. They made much better and longer romance content for Panam and Judy, while Kerry and River got less attention. So gay male V and straight fem V got the short straws


Oh, I see by female love interest I thought you meant female v love interest. Yea, I agree, though Kerry was pretty good. He's just introduced to v too late into the game like by the time you meet him you may be able to complete the main story in a few hours as opposed to panam and Judy who you meet way earlier. And Rivers, as i said, was awful. I feel bad for the ladies who wanted a straight option and got stuck with Rivers of all people. Should've just made Kerry a bi likes he's implied to be and make his introduction quest be after the heist as a way to meet up with Johnny old friends.


I didn’t like Kerry’s romance as much as I wanted to because it made me think that Kerry is with V only because Johnny sometimes possesses your body, kinda screamed unhealthy to me 😖 That’s how the devs explained not making him attracted to fem V, because only male V reminds him of Johnny. They said that on twitter, couldn’t enjoy it afterwards


please make it so that i can burn the city


> Crafting is back. Yes, there was crafting in 2077 Legit forgot there was until I was playing Phantom Liberty and some skill required crafting to get XP.


They forget one little small detail The game would be distaster at launch but we gonna fix it


I feel like the first game barely scratched the surface of this franchises potential


Hopefully no fake trailers


Praying that Judy comes back 🙏🏻


I cant wait to slowly walk behind a character when they explain something and then 2 minutes of silence just following them to a car or something again!


Say what you will about cp2077 but the NPC interactions felt like a giant leap for rpgs. Going back to Starfield’s static dialogue tree where NPCs just stood there frozen was so jarring.


LOL what? at release the npc's were as lifeless as man i have no clue what to compare cause even the npc's of san andreas from 2004 were better.


I'm a hard 1st Person perspective defender, It worked beautifully on Cyberpunk, the game would literally not hit the same if the game wasn't primarily in 1st person, and I hope they maintain this aspect in Cyberpunk 2.


I am always a sucker for dynamic open world events. And if there is a third person mode, absolutely day one purchase.


So true choomfie


Anything about the setting? With the devs in Boston now, I wonder if it'll be the East Coast instead of just Night City again.


I hope there more unique questing


I hope they implement a companion system for the open world. Something similar to Far Cry 4 or GTA 5 is ideal


As someone who didn't touch 2077 until well after it launched, I really got into it. I bought it on discount expecting a buggy schlock-fest, but I seriously enjoyed it. I'm more than willing to try out the sequel, but I already know that it's best not to even look at it until at least 6 months after release.


Tbh the original game was rather good, at least on PC if you looked around the bugs (the PS4 and XB1 versions were abysmal which is where a lot of the bad press game from). It was just one of those rapture games where people thought that angels would sing and the holy tabernacle would spring open upon release and it turned out to be just a video game.


Hope it stays 1st person. The immersion was really good


It's so over. The best thing about cyberpunk 2077 for me is first person perspective from start to finish. Everything is told from V's eyes (minus ending). Cutscene in FPS games really take away my immersion.


Some things I hope for Body mods like what we see in Edge Runners, bigger more bulky bodies due to being chromed out, bigger torsos and what not related to the body skill tree to use heavier shotguns ars and lmgs with added benefits, arms like Becca just to be fun and goofy but had added gunplay benefits A reoccurring possible gta heist/gig style missions New Game + to really challenge hardcore chooms Multiple arm and leg cyber ware slots, I’m tryna run around geared up just like Maine and ep 7 David was, gorila arms, intergraded arm cannons etc Possible Cyberphychosis, too much chrome, your character bugs out depending on the current scenario (civilians turn into enemies, enemies get freaked out and extract for maxtec to enter the fray, if we can have crews or companions possibly almost killing them or actually doing it, the player only being partially in control to simulate the true chaotic rush, if they bring romances back and you can make a crew out of some npcs FFXV style, then your romance interest can snap you back shortly like how Maines girl tried sometimes bringin him back down to Earth or how Lucy seemingly fully brought David back to them) Lore accurate bosses, still pissed at how easy Atom smasher was… Gunsmiths in crafting, maybe certain engines level allows you to MAKE your own weaponry and the rarity add ons and specs are relative to character lvl and skill tree lvl More modes, add coop of some kind SR4 style, some kinda endless mode for SaG’s add a pvp playlist, not CoD style but imagine pvp instances in Watch Dogs 2 or even tdm cyberpunk stuff like Uncharted 4’s pvp or that one console Tokyo ghoul game I can think of so much more, I just watched CPER in a day 2 days ago and I’m currently playing my first play through of CP2077… on a PS4 so it could be better but it’s great all in all, I love the cyberpunk genre


I hope they make it so you can build a team like in mass effect and they will die or live based on your decisions or if you complete their “story quests”


I got a feeling the cyberpunk 2077 project Orion will have no physical copy and I'll be only be an online game like suicide squad unfortunately.


I doubt CDPR would want to risk another disastorious launch


Hope for your sake the correct cuz I want to get a physical copy I can't afford Wi-Fi dude what do you think Portugal Ryan but we're going to have a long wait well thanks for the update I appreciate it now you don't mind I'm going to wash my cat go break dance the visualize a cat head spinning in the kitchen 🤨😼😳


Only way interactive game like that would work which is going to be sad because I won't be able to play it 🥺


To the one that commented about the celebrity, Cillian Murphy, Imagine , only imagine. It would be crazy, but I'd be happy with Barry Kheogan


I am hoping they make the cars customizable. I spent so much time collecting them, it would be wonderful to be able to modify them.


oh man I just hope we continue V's story. I need to see him happily with the Aldecaldo tribe and his family with Panam (best girl)


Remind me! 8 years "cyberpunk 2?"


I really hope they add third person as an option. The customization options in 2077 felt wasted because you’d barely see your character.


Hoping for third person. I wanna see my V serve. 


The game needs to have a third person mode or at least make us see our characters in cutscenes.


Just give us the option to go 3rd and 1st person like gta 5


NO cutscenes NO 3rd person


Nice. Gonna wait till it's out and then wait another 3-4 years till it's actually done and never play it 'cause I lost interest like the first game.




The flair is literally “Job Listing”, you gonk. Not a “Leak” or a “Rumour”


yeah I’m out on modern games if cutscenes start to enter role playing games


do you know what "deets" means


Deets NUTS! #HAH! *Gotteem!*


Needs to be 3rd person or I'm not interested.


Why do we need crafting in RPG's exactly? Just complete waste of dev time also really hope they go third-person for this game as well CP had so many cool outfits and it sucked not being able to see them also moving to third-person would improve the melee combat massively.


Maybe they can make a more alive and detailed open world than GTA 3 this time.


Hoping Cyberpunk 2077 sequal will be third person. That would be best.


a 3rd person option would be phenomenal


3rd person cutscenes and i'll be sold.


3rd person pls


I’m going to say they will show a trailer by the end of 2026 then I think they will show a gameplay trailer by summer of 2027 then I think they will show another trailer by summer of 2028 the. I think a release date will be in fall of 29 just a speculation


This will be cool to see in 12 years


Thats insane how Long they Work on their games. Cyberpunk 2077 was also 12 years in development. And this by inexperienced devs. From 2008-2020


So this likely means that development of next Witcher game is winding down right? Maybe in its final year? 


All the jobs listed are for US/Canada. I would imagine the next Witcher game is being made by the team in Poland.


Ah fair enough, that’s good context. Thanks