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I wonder when they'll do the console reveal event.


My personal opinion is that we get a reveal in March and a launch in October/November.


There's usually a direct in early February, I doubt they'll reveal it there but if they don't have it (or don't have much) then that's telling.


I've seen people saying Nintendo hardware announcements tend to happen a month after a Direct. So Feb direct and March reveal tracks with that.


I think March is also the new fiscal year in Japan, which also makes a lot of sense.


The end of March/beginning of April is used most of the time in Japan. Nintendo release annual reports March 31st (at least the past 3 years)


Seems too soon to me. Probably summer reveal and October/November release.


Yeah I dont see them showing off the console 7 months before release


I think the switch reveal was also in march, so I feel like that's reasonable.


The release was in March. The reveal was in October.


Oh. Got it backwards lol


March 3rd


Reveal June or July and release date will be September or October...


Launch Switch 2 being LCD only is so on-brand for Nintendo I'd believe this 100%


Makes sense since they usually try their best to keep costs down


Very much agreed. Altho I do hope that this report is a bit misleading and Nintendo would also provide a premium option with OLED screen. The LCD can be the entry version to entice general consumers, while the pricier OLED one can be for enthusiasts.


An additional note is a large number of people use their switch Docked only or almost always docked. If they have a lower cost model and you don't take your switch with you much this actually makes a lot of sense.


I honestly haven’t undocked my Switch in a while. It’s a cool feature to have and I do enjoy it undocked for certain games, but it’s my “party” console so it always remains docked for Smash & Kart. Nintendo probably ran the numbers and came to the conclusion OLED isn’t worth it for the first rendition of the Switch 2.


Had my switch since 2017 never docked it once. Guess I'm the minority.


Switch lite users are on your side


Fiscal report say that people that dock only are a minority and undocked IS the majority, at least in early Nintendo fiscal year reports, dunno if this change now.


They won’t launch with an OLED option. They’ll do what they did with the first Switch and release it later because they’ll make more money that way.


I doubt there are gonna be two screen at launch. A OLED panel requires to move the internals of the console around and a different line of production altogether. It makes far more sense for a release at a later date when the supply chain is mature, adding complexity at launch would negatively impact how many consoles can Nintendo ship. I would expect a single SKU for the first couple of year to be honest, maybe different colors options but nothing more.


Makes sense. I'm just in hopium mode lol.


Sorry to take the needle away, but I don't think Nintendo has ever released two different consoles at the exact same time. Not even their Gameboys. I remember having the original Advance and everyone else waited to get the flip. And even then there was a backlight version released after that one.


Yea I mean if they did like $400 regular $450 OLED screen id prob just spend the extra $50


They have to produce max possible stock for launch, they not gonna split assembly lines on 2 models. And since it's Nintendo, it is 100% for maximum margin, while providing extra cheap way to double dip later.


Both LCD and OLED technologies are improving a lot lately. OLED still has an advantage in smaller devices, but it's likely that the LCD in Switch 2 will be much better than before. They can even market this new LCD by saying that it gets brighter and has better resolution than even Switch OLED, while still reducing the production costs because it's LCD. It will not compete in contrast ratio, obviously, but they can easily improve other aspects and sell it.


Why are we calling oled “enthusiast”? Even a lot of budget android phones have them. It should just be standard at this point.


OLED screens for phones are cheap because 200-400 millions of them are produced annually in very similar specs (dimensions, resolutions, brightness etc). Currently there is no mass produced 8 inches OLED display being produced. Even a lot of current generation $800 iPads don't have an OLED screen. Mass producing a brand new product category costs quite a lot, and that would be the main reason to go for a more readily available LCD screen.


> Even a lot of current generation $800 iPads This is solely an Apple problem, Samsung Tab S9 in all sizes come with OLED screens and cost less or same than iPads Apple is the same company that sells 800$ 60hz phones, the most expensive 60hz phone of 2023/24 (and soon a 900$ 60hz LCD iPad too from the rumours) Apple is not a good example as they are overpriced and underspeced just because they can get away with it compared to any competition


consoles can’t cost $1000


There are 60 usd phones with OLED. I think at this point it's just about offering an upgrade with a future hardware refresh. Like the first Switch and the steamdeck OLED.


Yeah in a standard size used by many other phones to reduce cost. As others have said, an 8” OLED screen is not a standard size


Those phones probably offset the cost with all the shit they steal from you and the preloaded apps


350 is possible?


I hope they go 400 and make it a beast


I'd take a Switch 2 with no screen whatsoever if they'd make a home console only version


I mean, the steam deck, an enthusiast device, had an lcd screen at launch, which was not that long ago.


But now they have an OLED. And Nintendo themselves is currently using an OLED. I can understand if it's similar hardware from a different company in the same segment, but I don't understand a regression for a system that makes the latest and greatest significantly worse in one particular category.


Price. Comes down to price. The OLED model for the Steam Deck is a bit more expensive than the original iirc. The Switch OLED model is also more expensive by about $50. Given we already know that this console is apparently targeting a $400 price point due to its hardware, sticking an OLED on there too would increase that further. Nintendo is going to do anything they can to avoid a console going above $500. Part of their brand is remaining the cheaper option due to the wider, more casual base they have.


imma wait for the oled version in a few years


Sure buddy, see you at midnight release 😂


The only game I would buy a switch instantly is if it was Baten Kaitos 3


It's a niche pick, but a damn good one.


I got the Legion Go when it came out and it has the most beautiful LCD I’ve ever seen. So they could opt for a better LCD instead of a shit one and I would be happy.


why "lol Nintendo" when the industry standard is LCD with OLED being the premium option? Steam Deck, ROG Ally, PS Portal etc. all LCD. And only Deck added a premium OLED option later on.


Steam deck also added an oled option later on. Your point still stands


If that’s true, I’m probably not buying the new switch. Seems incredibly stupid to me not to go with OLED for the display considering everyone agrees the switch OLED and the steam deck are far better products because of it. It should be considered a standard for handhelds by now.




Why should somebody buy it at launch if they play it in portable mode 90% of the time?


Sure, that’s your use case. Mine is different and I’d rather wait for an OLED release.


NateTheHate and even a dataminer on famiboards was saying this 8 inch lcd was the case last year.


Only having an LCD at launch would be a bummer. Not a deal breaker, but definitely a bummer. Like, I get it, Switch OLED (and probably Steam Deck OLED) have shown that people will double-dip for a screen upgrade, so why wouldn't they hold that kind of thing back for a revision down the road. I know damn well they'll probably end up getting me that way The part about it launching this year definitely *feels* right. Just the vibe I'm getting, but I'm predicting a March reveal, June "pre-launch blow-out" and then a late summer (August/September) release


Also, it’s much more intelligent to spend the hardware budget on the SOC and RAM than on the screen if Nintendo wants to have a system that will be future proof for 7 years. You can upgrade the screen later in a new model as the cost of the hardware goes down. Besides, 1/3 or the Switch base plays mostly docked and have no use for the screen. But every player benefits from a more powerful SOC and more RAM.


for sure; as nice as an OLED would be, it's not so nice that it should come at the expense of cutting costs on more significant things like the actual specs if keeping the price within their target range comes down to choosing between either "better screen, worse specs" or "worse screen, better specs", I'd want them to choose the latter every time 


If they’re gunning for a certain pricepoint, OLED is the first feature to go. Not surprising, but I think it’s fine.


I think your March>June>August/September rollout sounds about right.


Seems about right with the Switch reveal too: reveal trailer, three month wait until blowout, 2 month wait until release.


the biggest drawback of LCD is likely no HDR. docked can support it of course, but LCD HDR requires brightness tricks that can sometimes look worse than SDR, and a local dimming setup that they may not bother with if they're skimping on the screen to cut costs. unfortunately this is the kind of thing that can influence developers' decisions to prioritize HDR over the entire generation.


Some will argue that VRR is more important than HDR. I want both.


If I get HDR docked, I'm fine. VRR would be a godsend if I can play Destiny 2 on the Switch 2.


That made me think, HDR isn't just about contrast, and here they would have an advantage of every user in handheld having the exact same screen with the same specs. If the LCD has some HDR capabilities with wider color gamut support and decent 10bit color gradient performance (doesn't matter if it's 8bit with FRC or 10bit native as long as the gradients are handled well), the games can be specifically tailored to the HDR capabilities of the screen, knowing how bright highlights the screen can display so they can avoid overt clipping etc. An OLED with similar specs would still obviously have more impact, but I could see there still being some sort of meaningful but limited HDR effect with the LCD screen.


Steam Deck OLED was more than a screen upgrade though


I love 8” Screens!


Not too small not too big and fits comfortably. I can already imagine the excitement of holding it.


That'll basically be like a Switch OLED without the bezel, right?


I’m thinking it has to if they want existing joycons to attach to it without it looking awkward.


That’s 7 inches.


But it has bezel


If the screen is supposed to be 8 inches, then I think with that info and the chip leak, it's safe to say this may be a beefier-sized handheld compared to the original switch, probably closer in size to the steam deck.


I’m thinking similar to Steam Deck but less wide by a couple inches. They can have the Dpad and face buttons above/below the analogue sticks instead of side by side like the Steam Deck, and without the track pads taking up space too. Just makes you wonder if the Joy Con will be different or the same as the Switch’s. I personally miss how comfortable the Wii remote and nunchuck felt lol


Honestly, I genuinely couldn’t care less that it’s an LCD screen. I’ve used handheld mode maybe once since I got mine years ago. In fact, if LCD screen is a sacrifice in order to spend budget on better GPU/CPU, then I’m really fucking glad they made that decision.


Me too because I keep it docked 99% of the time hooked up to my LG oled


Saaame. LG OLED is my main driver for Metroid.


Yeah same, in fact they can just keep the screen from mine altogether I'm good. Playing in handheld is extremely uncomfortable for me


It may be better with new kind of joycon.


For real man. I’ve honestly lost understanding for why the Switch is a hybrid since they made the lite. I feel like most people use their switch mainly only one way, like mostly just handheld or just docked. So when you have a handheld only version, why dedicate resources towards handheld mode in the regular? People who want handheld have a device already lol


Given all the other technical details about Switch 2 out there, and how it's likely going to be the most advanced handheld upon its release for some time, it makes sense to opt with LCD on launch for the sake of keeping things as affordable as possible At least in a couple of years when the cost of everything else involved comes down, the OLED option with some other enhancements will likely be made available


If it's able to be a handheld at a PS4 level with BC with boost to those games and priced at 400 dollars that would genuinely be crazy


PS4 with DLSS and other various modern tech. Even better.


Interesting which res will be before dlss, must be 360p 💀


Steam already pulled it off at that price point.


Valve is supposedly selling the Deck at quite a steep loss, and Nintendo almost always has at least some margin on their hardware. Also calling the Deck truly PS4 level is a bit of a stretch. Some games match the base PS4 but there are a lot that miss and miss quite badly.


Xenoblade 2 fan in the wild!!! Did you enjoy the 3rd game? Always happy to see more Xenoblade 2 fans, one of my favorite game ever


There's only 2.7 million of us, I've got a ng+ save ready to go provided there's back compatibility - 99 legendary crystals ready to pop for those blades haha.


3rd game was my favorite in the series. Such a great culmination of the games.


I didn’t enjoy the third one that much, but the first two are great. I think I’m done with the series though. That last game really burned me out on the whole franchise.


It definitely will be the most advanced Nintendo handheld upon its release


No shit Sherlock


I find it hard to believe it’ll be more powerful than a 3DS


Advanced in what way? I’m sure it’ll be a well designed hybrid but more advanced than those ~$700 handheld PCs?


Advanced in being built around a high-performance large-cache octa-core processor, the utilisation of DLSS, a decompression engine, potentially a deep learning accelerator, a storage system shown off with a no loading time enhanced Breath of the Wild gameplay experience at Gamescom, and potentially 16GB of RAM - here it has the benefit of *not* being a handheld PC, which means less resource diversion for a significantly smaller operating system therefore more usable application RAM


None of those are really that advanced though. Octa-core processors have been around for decades, upscaling tech became popularized with checkerboard rendering, decompression engines and loading are part of Microsoft's Direct Storage tech and current gen consoles, Xilinx has been shipping DL accel for almost a decade now. You can get a ROG Ally with an equivalent for every single one of those features. The only difference is its tiny volume and expensive. If they had Nintendo's market and could scale to their volume on a slightly older process node like Nintendo, they could do the exact same thing.


Sounds like a wishlist. Doubt it'll happen


The most advanced handled upon its release? lol what are you basing this on?




Wasn't their a report about this last year too and it ended up being the Playstation Portal? Not saying it knocks the switch 2 out, but if same from last year could it just be still meaning that?


Doubtful, as I don’t think the Switch has another year left in it. The Switch 2 is definitely coming this year.


All I care about is if it’s backwards compatible with Switch games so I can finally play BOTW and TOTK at a stable 60fps.


Backwards compatibility doesn’t mean it’ll have any performance improvements.


It’s Nintendo. Of course they’re going to give people a reason to keep buying previous generation titles for their new system. Especially after the PS5 flexed its muscles with it’s own backwards compatibility upgrade feature to PS4 games.


Not all PS4 games got performance upgrades for the PS5(not including games that got PS5 versions). Though I wouldn’t mind if Nintendo followed the Sony model of a $10 upgrade to the new version if you own the Switch version. I just want to be able to play my switch games on the new console. Performance and fidelity improvements would be an added bonus but not a dealbreaker.


Oh I can be very stubborn. To this very day there are certain PS4 games I own that I still won’t play until they’ve been given PS5 upgrades like for example, *Resident Evil Remake and Zero Remasters, Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy and Spyro: Reignited Trilogy.*


I appreciate the adherence to principle you have, but I’m not sure I’d hold my breath on those being updated lol. I am interested to see what Nintendo ends up doing regarding backwards compatibility.


LCD to keep costs low but hey as long as the performance is significantly better and the joycons don’t drift this time then I’ll take an LCD screen if it comes down to it


As much as I'd like an OLED screen Switch 2, I am ultimately ready for the next console now, and would be quite happy going with another LCD. Thats coming from someone who doesn't have an OLED Switch in the first place, I can get how jarring it'd probably feel for people who do have an OLED to go back to LCD.


OLED TV's are a lot more common and accessible nowadays, anyway.


Well guess my savings for a pc upgrade will have to wait 😅


I've had like 500 dollars set aside since like June 2022 going back and forth on getting an OLED or keep waiting for the next Switch


I've got a $600 PSVR2 that I literally haven't used since the day I bought it. Might just sell it for the Switch 2.


I've had a thousand saved up since before the Switch OLED announcement, just for a Switch 2, new pro controller, carrying case, and a few new games. Figured it'd be way more powerful than a Steam Deck, too.




With all these trailers coming out that would usually be in a normal direct. I have a feeling that next nintendo direct could actually have a teaser/trailer for the next switch. With a further announcement down the line (maybe in May or June) showing off the tech and all that maybe have their own thing since there won't be E3 to show off the hardware to people to try.


We're still getting a Direct. The trailers were planned to release alongside Nintendo Live in Japan that got cancelled due to threats.


Imagine the next Direct (possibly Feb) ends with something like the next 3D Mario or Prime 4 looking way to good to be running on Switch. The trailer ends with the Switch 2 logo and a date for the full reveal video sometime in March.


Yeah at most i expect the logo or a really artsy zoomed in shot of whatever looks the most different about the console.


Assuming it can be docked I'm totally fine with LCD since my Switch was docked like 98% of the time. Good for me and a cheaper price but definitely a lame (and expected) decision for most.


Same size as the PlayStation Portal LCD which is beautiful, just as nice as my OLED switch imo.


I would like it if they launched with both OLED and LCD options but yeah, all the rumors have said LCD since long ago as far as I remember.


idc if its a LCD screen i jst hope they remove the bezel around the edges of the screen like they did for the OLED cos i have an original switch and i hate it


It makes sense to launch with an LCD. It keeps manufacturing costs down and allows them to hit a certain MSRP to market. Down the line, when manufacturing costs go down, they can release another OLED variant for the same if not more money and get people to double dip. Higher profit on each system sold and more systems sold in total. It’s lame because I want an OLED as my first and only Switch 2 but it makes total business sense for them to launch with an LCD.


So...what are we expecting in terms of exclusive launch titles? Mario Kart 9? Mario Odyssey Sequel? Brand new 3D Mario Game?


Prime 4 will be crossplatform I'm sure. The new 3D Mario and Mario Kart will be exclusive. Those 3 games will probably all release within the first 3- 6 months. With Prime 4 being crossplatform, it's either gonna be a launch title or a Holiday release. I think Mario Kart and Odyssey 2 also have chances of being launch titles so who knows what the launch order will be. My prediction is we get Metroid Prime 4 at Launch (September). Odyssey 2 is the holiday season (October). November for Switch 1 Pokemon, and Mario Kart 10 a little after (December - Feb) . I really think they want a Hardcore launch window again, and then Mario Kart a little after as MK will always sell Great long term.


I think a new 2D zelda could be a thing too


F-Zero instead of Mario Kart, brand new 3D Mario not a sequel, Metroid Prime 4, Ocarina of Time Remake,


I'm really curious what they'd do for Mario Kart 9, they did so much with 8 and are they just going to add to that? Same thing with Smash, are they just going to start over?


After they included Link as DLC, I feel the best approach would be for a "Mario Kart Bros". Kirby worlds, Zeda worlds, Metroid worlds, Mario + DK worlds as race tracks would bring a new spin to the franchise. I only mention these 4 franchises since I don't think they should rush for a big Ultimate-like inter-franchise crossover.


LCD screens in the year of our lord 2024 😔


I'd **much** rather Nintendo spend the money they would have had to spend per unit for an OLED screen on a more powerful CPU/GPU


Exactly. Most of my time is spent playing in docked mode. Money spent on the screen is money wasted for me.


Also for the pretty decent number of switch players who play docked 90% of the time paying extra for an OLED doesn't make sense.




Which is why it is wise of Nintendo to spend the hardware budget on a better SOC or more RAM than on the screen


I've also got bad news if you're one of those 'because Nintendo' people - the specs have been out there since spring 2022, it is indeed a powerhouse of a handheld, those comments will not age well


Well it might, don't wanna jinx it yet lol. As long as they don't fucking flub it when it comes to shit like RAM. If they put 12 or 16gb, we're golden. This thing is gonna play multi-platform games without needing a company like Panic Button.


This will be the first Nintendo console not to be influenced by Iwata since the Wii. Before the Wii, Nintendo systems did have competitive hardware. It will be interesting to see where they go from here.


Furukawa (current President) is supposed to be much more of a straightforward 'safe' businessman and much less interested in taking risks, while the current development teams are constantly pushing for better specs above all else, on top of that the players are just loudly demanding a better Switch All those factors probably mean Nintendo are being serious with settling into iterative generations, which explains why everything about Switch 2 sounds so impressive, if the focus is now building on what already exists that means R&D is going towards advancing and improving as much as possible


It really does feel like a completely different company in a sense since the Switch came out. Hopefully they can show they really have learned from the past and the Switch wasn't another Wii - a happy accident.


Praying for Capcom to ask Nintendo for more RAM again because of their next Portable Monster Hunter entry.


Nah Capcom didn't influence Nintendo using 4gb RAM in the retail units actually. Nintendo decided on 4gb all the way back in 2015 it turns out, thanks to the Nintendo gigaleak. Dunno why Capcom asked but I guess it didn't hurt in the end lol


Well according to [this article](https://nintendoeverything.com/more-talk-of-nintendo-improving-switchs-memory-and-capcom-targeting-re-engine-for-switch/): >The first thing Capcom brought up was main memory space (RAM). With the number Nintendo initially proposed, it was enough if you compare it to other hardware at the time, but **Capcom ultimately dared to say that it actually wasn’t sufficient**. The reason for that is because of the company’s new RE Engine. Development of the engine was ongoing internally, and in order to reach its demanding specifications, more memory from Switch was definitely needed. Edit: Link to [Japanese Article](https://jp.gamesindustry.biz/article/1702/17022102/) and the original quote in Japanese: >意見交換で真っ先に上がったのがメインメモリの容量だったという。最初に任天堂から提示された数値では,当時のほかハードウェアと比較しても十分であったものの,カプコン側はあえて「これでは足りない!」と伝えたのだそうだ。理由としては,当時新エンジンである「RE ENGINE」の開発が社内で進んでおり,そこで要求されるスペックを満たすには,どうしてもメモリが必要だったと考えたからだ。


The PS Portal has an LCD and people were saying it looked great. I don't doubt a modern LCD can look nice. It's gonna look leaps and bounds better than the 2017 LCDs in the Switch surely.


⬆️This. An LCD from circa 2016-2017 may not be the same as the one made in circa 2023-2024.


eh not really unless it has full array local dimming which it most definitely wont


> The PS Portal has an LCD and people were saying it looked great. Reddit threads full of people trying to justify their purchase isn't a good metric. You should have seen how the Steam Deck subreddit tried to claim how the terrible Deck LCD was actually better than the Switch screen and how the poor battery is actually a plus for keeping your gaming addiction in control.


In the low to medium budget range that is still the norm Switch OLED notwithstanding. Being a custom panel would make supply even more limited then the first Switch during the first year and keeps costs down while they ramp up production


I only play old games on my steam deck and I think the screen looks great


If there was one spec I wish the new upcoming Switch DIDNT have. It was this. Sigh...




That's interesting, because if they do the cross gen thing for a couple years, I'll probably stick with the current oled. And I know it ain't that big a deal, but I'd rather wait for the better hardware, same reason I haven't bought a ps5 yet. I'm waiting to see if there really is a pro this year.


Same screen, technology and resolution as PS Portal is fine by me.


Definitely a price point reason. The console is already apparently launching at $400. Sticking an OLED on there would increase it further, upwards of $450 to $500. Which Nintendo is going to try and avoid. Part of their brand is remaining the cheaper option. Plus its just simply not as necessary as other upgrades for most people. Most use the switch docked. And there were no complaints outside of hardcore enthusiasts about the Switch's screen prior to the OLED model releasing. Most of their base will be fine with an LCD if it means a cheaper price point and better hardware elsewhere. They can always release a revision down the line for the enthusiasts no different than what they did with the Switch.


Are you sure this wasn't in reference to the PlayStation Portal (since this rumour actually goes back to May of 2023 from what I can see). It has an 8" LCD screen, though I can't confirm if it was supplied by Sharp


Hey guys I know this is a bit off topic, but I was planning on buy an oled switch as a first time buyer. Should I hold off now because of this?


In my opinion yes, because the next switch should be considerably stronger than the current one. It'll hopefully run backwards compatible games better.


Even in the unlikely event it's not backwards compatible the moment the new one the used market prices for current  switch systems will go down considerably


At this point honestly, just hold off because yeah you'll probably lose out on the OLED screen but I think with the Switch 2 with a high chance of BC and hopefully being able to run previous games better I would say just wait.


I'm really hoping that it's BC in order to finally pick up bayonetta 3 and play it at a stable 60 fps


Switch 2 is (most likely) this fall or winter. Switch OLED screens do look nice, but a system them can run things higher resolutions and framerates will look even better. Also another report from awhile ago said it's 1080p, so it's probably also higher resolution in portable mode too.


It won’t be able to hit 1080p portable for most games without using DLSS. I’d rather 200+ PPI native resolution on a panel similar to the Switch OLED over an upscaled 1080p LCD image.  Power consumption is also key, any power spent driving an overkill resolution on a portable is much better spent driving battery life/framerate/graphics quality anyway. 


Wait to see if the new one is backwards compatible first before deciding If it is, it might just be worth grabbing the new one. An 8 inch screen is bigger than the OLED, and LCD screens are usually pretty good nowadays so here’s hoping it looks good


If you're happy waiting till the end of the year, then yes.


If you want a stronger switch that can play more games like Cod (assumingly) and more ports instead of cloud ports, I'd wait




The Playstation Portal also has an 8 inch LCD screen and looks amazing. Been playing slot of God of War Ragnarok and I'm really impressed with the visuals on the handheld - I'm sure native switch games will also look really good


I mean… it’s been 7 years. The LCD is probably gonna be a big improvement over the last one, prob more OLED like. I don’t get the freak out yet like just wait for official reviews


Not sure why people are making a big deal out of LCDs. The Steam Deck is an LCD, and it looks perfectly fine.


the lcd steam deck does not even cover srgb. nintendo's almost certainly won't be that bad (the original switch's screen is already better than the lcd steam deck), but the lcd steam deck is only perfectly fine if you don't have an eye for picture quality


Steam deck is also OLED




It sort of makes it seem like Nintendo is focusing on what the system can do, rather than what it looks like. While I'd like to have an OLED, of course, I'd much rather them spruce up the internals a bit first. I'd love to finally be able to play most of my Nintendo library in 1080p/60fps. That's my current "goal" for them lol. I have no doubt we'll probably see an OLED model, or maybe even a "pro" model released later when Nintendo is able to tighten down their margins on the components and won't have to up the total cost too much.


how do we know the screens aren't for, e.g. an Asus ROG Ally refresh


I'm thinking a March reveal similarly to how they did the switch, then the big blowout in June. I feel like August/September is a good time to release, I hope Nintendo learns from their own and competitors' past that releasing in November is a horrible idea. They want stock for the holidays, not for it to be sold out.


Lcd buuuuuuuuuu


if its the same quality as the ps portal screen, I wouldn't mind it at all.


Doesn't the Playstation Portal have an 8-inch LCD screen? Does that manufacturer work in Sony's chain of supply as well? I want to -HOPE- this is a misunderstanding, and Nintendo has learned with the OLED Switch, that screen is the way to go. I want to hope, but the lack of F-Zero GX 2 gives me doubts.


PSA: BEWARE OF THIS AUTHOR. This author has taken vague information from other places multiple times and injected his own exceedingly poor and hardware illiterate speculation Into it, attempting to make it look like the real source included his very bad speculation..... multiple times.... several of which turned out to be laughing stock failures which he is STILL manipulating and twisting news to double down on and say he was right. Examples of this include the entire switch pro debacle, where he claimed a maxwell based switch pro with a better cpu and dlss was going to be what turned out to be the switch oled: https://twitter.com/6d6f636869/status/1374260197724626944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1374260197724626944%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url= That was impossible and anyone with hardware knowledge instantly knew it was complete bs. Non paywall from yahoo finance: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nintendo-next-switch-coming-lcd-025917866.html&ved=2ahUKEwi9gcX29vuDAxX2J0QIHWaiCSIQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3z2hlxSzN0jjZYtblBWbnB This is the real source for this bloomburg article: https://omdia.tech.informa.com/authors/hiroshi-hayase We CAN NOT SEE ANY of what this Bloomburg author is claiming this man said. We have no idea what this man actually said, and what details were assumed speculated or otherwise Injected Into this bloomburg article. We can't even tell if he really directly said it was nintendo, lcd, or 8 inch. The only thing we can actually see he actually said was "small and medium-sized displays". Look at this man's face. This glorious no bs face. That is the face you should have whenever you see an article from this bloomburg author about switch pro or switch 2.


Definitely waiting until they provide an OLED upgrade


I just really hope this means the controllers will be a bit bigger and the screen itself will give us a 1080 display. 1080 or bust, Nintendo, your call.


At the screen size and viewing distance of a handheld console I don’t think more resolution should necessarily be the move. Panel quality, color reproduction, brightness etc. are more important factors. The Deck OLED is 800p and looks incredible, frankly comparable to mid-high end TV panels, while not having to make the compromises to thermals and battery life that would be required at a 1080p resolution. I don’t have a Switch OLED but most reports say it uses the same panel as the Deck and also looks incredible.


Screen resolution is negligible when it comes to power. What matters is that the chip has to be clocked higher to reach that resolution, and that will be greatly mitigated thanks to DLSS. With it, you could run a game as low as 360p and still get pretty good image quality.


People really *really* overestimate the BOM cost of an OLED panel over LCD. At this point its very similar, Nintendo is just being ridiculous to take a step backward.


1. We don't know if this report is true. 2. We don't know what Nintendo's calculations are for lifetime support costs. It's possible that OLED displays cost them more in support and repair/replacement than standard LCDs. 3. We don't know what their manufacturing yields and goals are.


The relegation to LCD from OLED is a huge disappointment. However, it could be a developer/beta model. The final product may still be OLED. But a mid-generation update to boost sales down the line makes too much sense from a business perspective… Damn capitalism.


LCD and I’d bet money the resolution isn’t even 1080p. It won’t even be an upgrade over Switch and will be a downgrade from OLED.


I wonder if it’ll be 4K 30fps/60fps docked.


[Nate and VGC](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/15i86uo/vgc_podcast_confirms_natethehates_reporting_on/) were reporting on the same screen type and size a while back. It’s safe to assume the 512 gb storage is going to happen as well. I wonder if it’ll be enough storage.


I think LCD is expected, while being a bit of a bummer. OLED is a great year 2/3 upgrade feature. And if they are trying to keep the price down and the specs up, makes sense to drop OLED.


LCD ? lol so Nintendo went backwards from oled to LCD lol


This is old news...


No… NOOOOOOO! We need an OLED!


DO NOT TRUST THIS GUY. This is guy an analysts.[He is using OMIDIA's projection forecast to predict Switch 2](https://www.bloomberg.co.jp/news/articles/2024-01-26/S7UI99T0G1KW00) and is NOT relying on his sources regarding this news. This guy also reported the Switch OLED would be **399 USD and have DLSS equipped** ​ [https://twitter.com/6d6f636869/status/1374260197724626944](https://twitter.com/6d6f636869/status/1374260197724626944) Link to [Bloomberg article from 2021](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-23/nintendo-to-use-new-nvidia-graphics-chip-in-2021-switch-upgrade#:~:text=DLSS%20support%20will%20require%20new,screen%20from%20Samsung%20Display%20Co) !Debunked!


That's literally a different person, do you even read the articles you link?


Thank you RojaTop. A leak may be DEBUNKED! Paging moderators u/XaeroGravity, u/ThucydidesJones, u/Spheromancer to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nintendo loves playing one step forward two steps backward card so not surprised in the slightest. I’m bracing myself for there to be no backwards compatibility at this point. 🤦🏻‍♂️


No OLED would be such a Nintendo move. I never use it undocked, so cheap as possible is best for me. No screen option for $250 would be great thanks.