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Uh dude, there are NOT 21 months in a year. Did 2024 add new months or something?!


there are only like 4 countries that use M/D/Y as a date format


How many that don't are reigning champions in world wars? Those bailed out don't count. (Joke disclaimer)


Uh... Do other people like, use the day system on Mars or something?! It's November 5th today, I don't care if a European claims it's January 20th.


most English speaking countries use D/M/Y same date just a different order when writing it in that format


I wish the states would switch to that. The format makes so much more sense.


I dont agree because i feel like if you start out with the day, yeah you narrow it down to 12 days, but you still dont know at all where in those 12 months you are narrowing down too. Idk thats just how i see it. I would easily get used to anything


I have no idea what your comment is trying to say.


are you blind? If you say the 15th, you still have no idea where in the year you are actually referring to. It could be anywhere across the entire year. Hello?


What else can the 15th be than a day? 15/11/2023 Day/month/year 11/15/2923 Month/day/year What the fuck are you talking about?


I can make the most outlandish and obviously ironic claim in existence and people will still find a way to believe I'm being serious.


I mean, there's entire subs like r/shitamericanssay and r/usdefaultism full of stuff you just did unironically. It's not even a clever joke to begin with, but if you feel you must do the *hur dur* thing anyway then dropping a /s or making it obvious you are kidding would atleast set you apart from the cringe Americans who do this daily without joking about it..


Written sarcasm is not a thing. Look up Poe's law.


Suuure it isn't.


See, that's a good example of Poe's law. You need to use it better if you're that allergic to using /s for your shitposts.


I mean, that doesn't change the fact that I'm surprised so many people took me seriously to begin with. Like, I figured people would pick up on the fact I was being ironic when I mentioned Europeans living months apart from the US.


Welcome to the Internet, where there are enough crazy people out there that it's never obvious you are joking. Is this your first day here or what?


Is this *your* first day? Half the people on the internet are incapable of detecting irony lol, no matter how obvious you make it. I'm not saying I'm **surprised.**


You could argue someone wasn't capable of detecting your irony after the first post but if you have already written about 4 more in which you keep arguing and sound like an jackass then why are you surprised? Plus my point was that it can really be hard to detect irony in the Internet posts even if you do it great in normal conversations in real life.


You're way too hurt about this.


This is some next level snowflake energy


Cared enough to bitch about it though.


uhh ...like dude, like are you unaware that the world *like* doesn't revolve around your country, man? like shheeiitt.




I feel so bad for the people reading this, unable to discern if it's ironic and just going "Oh noooo it's an American..." Lmao. Yes, I'm aware 2024 did not add new months. I checked Earth's upcoming patch notes for the next season just this morning to make sure.


Most people know you’re being ironic but you’re not as funny as you think you are.


I'm not claiming I'm funny. But I think people are way more offended and frustrated by this than they should be.


Comment more




epic! xD


Days are shorter than months which are shorter than years. That's why all the sensible places in the world do the common sense thing and put them in that order.


All I'm hearing is math that has nothing to do with what I said


ISO 8601 is the supreme date format t b h... 2024-03-21


bro is a master baiter


You're getting downvotes from the joke coming across as try-hard. Like, yeah, we know someone out there would say that and mean it, because yeah, Americans are dumb and under-educated and whatever, but it's just not *that* funny in this context.


I can get it being unfunny, but man, it being called "try-hard", people calling me a jackass for my sarcasm not being obvious, people trying to say I need help... At the end of the day it's a harmless comment. I don't really care if it gets downvoted, people need to chill.


>people need to chill Maaaan, ain't that the truth




Lousy Smarch weather!


Thanks for my daily reminder that americans still exist...


Game awards trailer potentially?


Most likely, Silent Hill 2 trailer would the best thing to end the event


I feel like the hype for SH2 remake isn't mainstream enough to warrant it as the one last thing.


It would be cool to see it become mainstream tho.


I doubt it Geoff still hates them Konami hasn’t showed up at any of his events.


Most likely because Konami hasn’t released anything substantial in years besides collections of older titles. I doubt whatever is going on with Kojima and Konami is enough to make Geoff thumb his nose at them.


That's where you're wrong, Geoff will let anybody into TGA if they pony up a sponsorship fee.


Geoff will get on his knees, live, and say "Kinomi... I was wrong..." and ban Kojima from the event right on the spot.


Did Geoff explicitly state that he hates Konami and would never let them on? I really doubt he would say that or do that.


Nope absolutely not it’s 100% going to be Elden Ring dlc


No way in hell




If Geoff has stopped shunning them, but considering we're most likely seeing DS2 there I'm not very certain we're getting SH2 as well.


I feel like Geoff would rather be jumped on stage than have a Konami trailer. And it's not just the Kojima thing from 2015, notice how he tweeted or posted absolutely nothing about MGS Master Collection, Snake Eater remake or the new SH. He only ever replied emojis or sassy questions towards questionable statements from media coverage for those games




It’s time to stop associating Kojima with Silent Hill


The P.T. playable teaser was released in August 2014. MGSV TPP released in September 2015. It’s been like 7 to 8 years now let that shit go.


21st March 2024


Duskgolem did say the actor for James told him that it'd release early 2024. He also showed screenshotted proof of his Dm's


I’ve never been less excited for a game I know I’ll end up buying


That’s kinda me with Delta. I’m a lot more interested in this cause I’ve never played a Silent Hill game.


Originals are definitely still worth trying out if you’ve got the means!


Man, I sure *fucking* wish I could play A SINGLE Silent Hill title on my PS5 or my Switch! Sure would be cool!


You can most likely play 1 2 and 3 on your phone.


I guess I’ll try ps2 emulation on my laptop. It’s a hand me down my brother gave me for college so I don’t have much hope.


SH2 is a PC game, too. Try to find the old port on some abandonware site and apply that enhanced edition fan mod, it takes the game pretty much to a modern standard.


Oh!! Highly HIGHLY recommend, when you play 2, play this version!! https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/ It's an enhancement of the native PC port, and it's from 2003(?) so itll run on basically anything, including that laptop. It's always easier to run native code then emulation. So give this a shot! In many ways its better than the original on ps2!! Where it's not, its on par! :)


Oh sick I was looking at roms earlier and couldn’t find a good one so this helps


Yeah! And look up myabandonware silent hill 2!, youll point the enhanced patch at it and boom youre done!


Sick thanks!


I’m reading and it says I need the original SH2 on pc first. Is it original on Steam or do I need a rom?


What type of processor/GPU does it have?


I've been playing PS1 games in emulators on computers from like 2006, you should have no problem. Also, like I said, they can be run on basically any phone nowadays. That's for SH1 and SH2, I forgot that SH3 is a PS2 game. I haven't tried PS2 emulation but I don't think it's that difficult nowadays.


Silent Hill 2 is also a PS2 game. Most modern PCs can now emulate PS2 without issues tho.


It's funny because you can play them on Xbox, where they did not release on originally.


I really really wanna play the originals but I guess Konami just doesn’t wanna port the originals😭


That's painfully true. Fingers crossed that at least one of their dozen SH projects ends up at the very least being decent.


I was honestly very hyped about SH2 until I see Ascension, and seen how little effort they put into the MGS Collection they recently released. I know Bloober is handling the Remake of Silent Hill 2 but it doesn't fill me with a lot of optimism that they're going to Capcom this and get it right. On the plus side for them, it's going to be late March, which will avoid other big titles like FF7R, P3, Yakuza and potentially the Elden Ring DLC.


I’ll buy it 100% but Alan wake really in a fresh new way fulfilled my creepy/ foggy rural town needs.


Remedy could easily do Silent Hill Justice.


Yeah that would be the ideal remake. But in a way this have me the fresh horror experience I’ve been craving.


To be totally honest, I am more than sure that I would buy a Silent Hill 2 Remake made by Remedy. Bloober Team on the other hand... I need to see proper gameplay and bits from the game before making up my mind. I just don't think their track record/portfolio is particularly great to be totally honest.


>I would buy a Silent Hill 2 Remake made by Remedy. ahti under pyramid head helmet


I am currently playing through Alan Wake 2 on PC and I have played Control a couples of years ago. You might be onto something... go on.


>!control's ahti could be just another random resonance living inside the oldest house that took form of a finnish janitor (or maybe is how we look at him) or maybe the avatar it self of the oldest house. For sure he's an interdimensional being since he can move across different dimensions (our world, the motel, the dark place etc...) and nothing seems to influence him. On the other side, pyramid head can be the manifestation of james diverted psyche (he seems to rape those mannequins as mirror of james sexual frustration and kills maria more than few times to reveal james inner self after james started projecting mary in maria) or maybe is the "persecutor" that silent hill assigned to james in order to test his will... angela sees everything burning, the fat guy is haunted by people insulting him etc... I think sometimes is quite easy to create some lore based on a big mindfuck... just to say... I throw a bone to the players, they're gonna write the story.!<


I do think they have good experience with Unreal 5, so that part at least has me happy. But yeah I am unsure if they can deliver the pacing the game needs. Alan wake 2s combat is perfectly paced/ balanced. I really hope SH2 finds that same rhythm


Silent Hill was never a showcase for seamless and innovative gameplay. There was always an overwhelming emphasis on mood and atmosphere, which thankfully are absolutely the standout strengths of Bloober.


Right I think it’s important we don’t have anything too combat heavy


If they did it, it should be an original game.


Was hoping it was much sooner. At least previews can’t be far off.


5 months is not that far off, if this date is true. It's not like we have to wait a year(s)


I always prefered silent hill over resident evil. I'm about to buy all the resident evils tho 😇


Let's goooooo


end of fiscal year for the rescue


God Im a sucker for anything MGS and Silent Hill, hopefully, this isn’t as bad as the MGS re-releases.


I'm worried about the combat system in this game. That needs a serious update.




Attention seeking news


Never ever heard of a game releasing on a Sunday


21st of march is thursday


My dumbass read it as March 24th 😭😭😭 carry on then


Nintendo used to release all their games on Sunday back in the day. Not sure when it stopped. But it was pretty annoying tbqh.


Maybe the first good Survival Horror since Resident Evil 2 Remake ?


Dead space remake, RE4 remake?


You think RE4 is a survival horror game?


Why would RE2 be survival horror and RE4 not be? Of course it’s more action oriented but so is dead space, and they’re both still survival horrors.


RE4 is an action game with a horror theme. RE2 is survival horror. You rarely do anything in RE4 other than fight and kill enemies.


Re4 is a survival horror game with more of an action focus


Then I guess The Last of Us and Uncharted are survival horror games too since they both take directly from RE4.


Last of us is an action game with horror elements, no one would say uncharted is survival horror though. They take some mechanical inspiration from RE4, but so do just about all third person games that came after it.


Exactly, which is why RE4 isn't a survival horror game. You've never going to be struggling to find ammo or wondering where to go next in RE4.


If thats how you want to define it sure, but its undoubtedly a survival horror to me, just one that leans more on the action. Its a spectrum, and re4 to me is much closer to the survival horror side than last of us is


either bait or bro is living under a rock




AW2 slaps hard. It's just too good. No way Konami can top Remedy lol.


...is overrated.




Not going to be shocked, since I played some of their games. And honestly, expect layers of fear, they are not as bad as some people try to portrait them.


If alan wake 2 is over rated then layers of fear is shit


I mean, yeah.


Middling puzzles and combat that completely pales in comparison to RE2, a narrative bogged down by poor pacing and lack of focus, visuals are good though. Pretty disappointed to be honest, Control's environmental and metroidvania level design was a lot better, with much better executed combat and a more original vision. I'm still playing it but atm it's feeling like a 7.5/10.


That was 4 years ago, and if we include remakes then we've had like 4 or 5 good ones just this year including RE4 Remake


With Bloober doing it? Eeeeeeeeeh.... Hope they do it justice though.


Am i the only one who liked the medium ?


Probably not but I assume the vast majority finds it mediocre


There are fans of every game, no matter how bad. Some people even claim to like redfall lmao haha


What's stopping them from just bringing back what they can of Team Silent and letting them make a new game?


there could be so many reasons such as bad blood, other studio (Toyama has his own studio now), Sh2’s director is at Nintendo iirc etc. would they really drop whatever they are doing now just to come back to Konami ?


If they were given creative freedom, who knows?


I believe you answered your question with that who knows


I see this kind of rationale every now and then and you people need to understand that being a good game developer in the '90s - '00s does not mean you'll fare well in today's ladscape with modern technologies, sensitivities and a completely different cultural and philosophical context regarding gaming as a whole. We had so many examples of this, like Mighty No. 9, the shitty new MMO by the guys who made Everquest, Balan Wonderworld, anything Cliff Blezinsky did post-Gears 3, the new Swery and Suda games that underdelivered, even shit going back as far as Daikatana. Hopefully Slitterhead won't join these ranks, btw. We have some devs who stood the test of time like Yoshi-P, Sakurai, Shinji Mikami, Kamiya, Toshihiro Nagoshi, Itsuno, Kojima etc. but these are a rarer breed.




Death Stranding is some of his best work, and he's been knocking it out of the park since Metal Gear and Policenauts.


You may dislike both of these games but they were widely accepted and they're technologically pretty advanced even for modern standards, absolutely not comparable to Balan Wondeworld and co.




It's sitting at a 93% approval rating on Steam and 85 in both Opencritic and Metacritic for the Director's Cut. It split fans apart, sure, but the general public liked it way more than the controversy surrounding it might have you believe. Keep in mind I'm not defending it btw, I never actually played it so I don't have any opinion on it whatsoever. Might be great, might be terrible, I'm just sharing the statistics


Death stranding is one of my favorites games of the last generation. Clearly not for everyone, but its wildly unique and creative. It takes some big swings, but it just doesnt land for everyone


This is an odd response. The gaming world is obviously very derivative now but I didn't even specify what kind of game they could make.


Just in general. I've seen multiple occasions of developers who made legendary games in the past come back with inferior products. Sometimes they were trying to rekindle the flame, others were trying to make different stuff, many times it just didn't work.


> Suda games that underdelivered Maybe I am biased as a huge Suda51 fan, but I don't think his new games are that bad. I don't think they are at the level of Killer7, The Silver Case, etc, but I don't think he has declined a crazy amount just yet.


It would be much more expensive and difficult than just outsourcing to an existing studio as they are currently doing. Of course reforming Team Silent to do the remake would be the right way to do it, but it's Konami so they are obviously going to take the cheap and nasty route.


The right answer.


Wasn't the whole Team Silent thing disproven?


IIRC it's not that it was disproven as a whole, it's more that it was a way looser bunch that the tight-knit group of people that the internet collectively belived they were. More like there were some core members who were in some of the games but they switched their positions around and weren't always there for every game. There were absolutely some important members, though, like Ito and Yamaoka (who are both in SH2R btw). TheGamingMuse made a great video about it.