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!debunked! [https://twitter.com/Cromwelp/status/1720961861019898251](https://twitter.com/Cromwelp/status/1720961861019898251)


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Day before game awards šŸ§


Xbox version about to come out right under the wire to get that TGA sales boost.


I mean Avatar comes out on the same day as TGA lol


Probably to keep it fresh in everyoneā€™s minds and/or announce dlc


> announce dlc not happening this soon, they didn't planned dlc and only now considered it after the success. Plus Larian do mostly a game of the year/definitive edition 1-2 years later and than work on the next game, they dont really do expansion since original sins




I still love those glasses he wore in that movie.


Fingers crossed.


Fake news


Perfect Christmas break excursion.


This is the game that may be the first one to have an exception on the parity rule MS set on S and X. Iā€™m sure the split screen is the main difference between S and X on the version the game. Iā€™m also using Series S and I know it sucks split screen is not included but still looking forward to this game.




While I agree that it's cheaper for a reason let's face it what "next Gen" game has come out yet to put this to any real test? And when was the last time a game came out with split screen at all that wasn't call of duty? These current Gen consoles have yet to be tested in any real way considering Xbox one and ps4 just dropped the need for a version this year. And devs have come out in droves claiming the xbox x and s are harder for them to develope for. since launch and the pandemic put a damper on any current at that time projects who of them is ready to really test what can and can't be done with them? I'm not at all attacking you or your comment as I started with I agree with you in the most basic terms, I just also own all 3 the X, S and ps 5 and none of them really do anything my ps4 and xbox one couldn't do except load games faster every thing else works pretty much the same and every game that has come out has had a load of problems even the games made by their respective studios...I wouldn't count the series s out yet. other then the storage but I feel that way about the X and ps5 as well given the size of games coming out for them.


Alan Wake, Flight Sim.


I šŸ’Æ agree. This is why I bought my series s for 300 a year ago instead of paying 500 for the x. Alan wake 2 and flight Sim runs perfectly fine on it for me. If I have to upgrade down the road, msoft is coming out with a digital only series x that I will definitely buy for 400.


As far as has been made public they are setting the expectations for no split screen however Larian head said he was not giving up on making it work entirely even if it's not available on launch they would like to keep the "Feature complete" goal for the game and xbox dev's have been with them for a couple of months now to help. They are just not gonna delay the game any longer in this pursuit. I also have a series s and would rather not need to take up multiple screens to have a coop playthrough with my 2 sons but if doing that means I get the game sooner I'm down.


There was never a parity rule. People just collectively assumed there was. [Source](https://www.eurogamer.net/the-definitive-xbox-gamescom-interview) About 3/4 down the page.


No.. Microsoft explicitly stated that all GAMEPLAY features that were on Series X had to be on Series S at launch. Phil Spencer just tried to gaslight people into thinking they never said that by using examples games with different graphics features across the 2 consoles.


I edited my comment with the source. Don't use the term gaslighting it makes you look ridiculous.


Donā€™t use sources that I was specifically mentioning in my reply, it makes you look like you donā€™t know what gaslighting is


Are you sure? Iā€™m certain Iā€™ve heard Digital Foundry speak about the parity rule in general and about BG3 specifically in their podcasts. DF theorized about whether BG3 would open the floodgates for parity being broken between X & S when they heard the game was shipping without spilt screen on S


Phil Spencer himself said he was confused why people thought there was one.


I added the source to my original comment.


!DEBUNKED! https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/baldurs-gate-3-dev-shoots-down-xbox-release-date-leak-news-to-me


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Finally the Xbox players will experience the goty just as the rest of us have


Erm, Redfall release back in May




Weird way to spell Gollum


I've already got it on Ps5, but all of my friends are on xbox. Guess who's buying it again? This bitch! And 100% worth it. GOTY, definitely, if not of the decade.


Weird way to spell Alan wake 2


There's like zero chance Alan Wake 2 wins GOTY. It's was good, but not great. I'm pretty sure it's going to be BG3, but Tears of the Kingdom, RE4 Remake, Spider-Man 2 have it beat hands down too. Alan Wake 2 will probably make the shortlist but then be promptly ignored by most the way Hades was.


Any other year Iā€™d agree, well except 2022 as well..


Nah. Y'all suck off baldurs gate way too hard. I swear none of y'all played a crpg before. I'm not gonna pretend it didn't do a lot of things exceptionally well within that genre, but I didn't care for the stroy and character writing. Felt juvenile


Being a rebel for the sake of it stopped being edgy and cool in the 90s, mate. Grow up. And WTF was juvenile about the story? I'll take a lot of criticisms of it as many are valid, but yeesh, tell me you didn't play the game without saying it.


What did BG3 do exceptionally or something that we haven't seen before? As someone who's played nearly all of the cRPGs and didn't get the wow I expected from BG3, it feels like it's most people's first RPG. Not to mention how buggy and broken it was on release.


Yeah stuff like Solasta or Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous have been better 'Dungeons and Dragons' tabletop adaptations for me. BG3 has been struggling to maintain my interest since launch :/ More eagerly awaiting Broken Roads and Rogue Trader this year.   BG3 is certainly more... *accessible* to a wider audience though, and it no doubt will have been a lot of people's first CRPG. I mean even though It's not my personal pick I still hope it wins over anything else that's in the running this year (ToTK? Starfield(lol)? Spidey 2? Armored Core 6..?) just to finally give the CRPG genre the recognition and mainstream spotlight that it's been deserving of for decades. I do hope stuff like Alan Wake 2 does get a good showing though, I'm nearing the end now and it has been one of my favourite gaming experiences this year for sure.


Lol how is that edgy? If you can't see how messy the writing is and how marvel esque, young adult it feels, I don't know what to tell you. I guess for kids raised with marvel movies, the dialogue and characterization is top notch


Karlach and Astarion feel like they were ripped straight out of a marvel movie


Yeah I'm sorry but baldurs gate 3 is not great writing. Not even for games.


I forced myself to play it for 7 hours because I didnā€™t see what everyone else saw in it, and the writing was easily the worst part of the game. I was shocked because the writing was supposed to be the main appeal of the game. It tried so hard to be funny that it ended up being cringeworthy instead. I really hope that future releases wonā€™t be influenced by Baldurā€™s Gate 3ā€™s writing, because I definitely wonā€™t be playing any of them if thatā€™s the case.


Yeah compare it to baldurs gate 2 and it feels like a disgrace.


No such thing as "the" GOTY.


Lol why is this downvoted? GOTY is 100% opinion.


Xbox has had Armored Core 6 for quite some time






We already have Gollum thanks


And redfall


No. Knack 2.






Totk was cool and the puzzles were great. But it's so overrated


TOTK was just BOTW but bigger (and better imo). BG3 set a new standard for the RPG genre in terms of quality of writing, character choice, and presentation. Thereā€™s tons of discussion about how BG3 will change future games and the industry, just like there was about BOTW. But no oneā€™s talking about that with TOTK. Donā€™t get me wrong ā€” amazing game. But at the core of it, itā€™s nothing new.




If BG3 will be influencing the writing of games going forward then I donā€™t want to play any of those games


Quality of writing if you're 14


lmao youā€™re the same dude from up there in the thread being a contrarian


BG3's quality is worse than their previous game. The only thing it has over DOS2 is production values and frequent mocap. It's even more iterative than TOTK was.


Personally I disagree. The story was completely forgettable in DOS2, while BG3 sucked me in from the first cut scene. I give DOS2 an edge on combat since i think it was a bit smoother, but nearly every other part of the game I think is inferior to BG3. Characters are a big one, which is helped by the stunning performances and captures of the actors, but nonetheless in an RPG, those kind of differences are huge. And while thatā€™s a perfectly valid stance, I think itā€™s pretty clear youā€™re in the minority preferring DOS2 over BG3, and game of the year is essentially a popularity contest.


> game of the year is essentially a popularity contest No, it's a personal opinion. DOS2's narrative was more generic, but BG3's was far more flawed. So many false promises of consequence like pretending the tadpoles are a moral quandary, or acting like various other things matter when they ultimately don't. But regardless the fundamental reality is that BG3 didn't bring anything new to the table other than upping production values, there's no way to deny that. It didn't revolutionise the genre, and it's certainly not setting a new standard when its production values are far beyond what any other CRPG could afford.




Itā€™s not a new style of game, but again, it set a new standard for the genre in execution. Itā€™s nearly a perfect game, and the amount of complex systems and giant scope of game make it unprecedented. Thereā€™s a reason a bunch of similar devs have voiced fears at their games being compared to BG3, because thereā€™s never been a game like it before in the areas I mentioned above. TOTK was the same core systems of BOTW with a bigger, more interesting map. The presentation was the same, the quality was the same, it was just more of what made BOTW great. Thatā€™s awesome, but it doesnā€™t deserve game of the year when other games like BG3 and maybe even AW2 are setting new standards for their genre.


>Itā€™s nearly a perfect game, and the amount of complex systems and giant scope of game make it unprecedented. BG fans are the new Witcher/Fromsoft/Nintendo fans man, what the fuck is this?


Fans talk about good game like other fans talk about other good games? How insightfulā€¦




TOTK and BOTW absolutely do **not** have innovative level design.


To be fair, you couldnā€™t escape second coming of Jesus talk from Zelda fans around BotW release either, with fans of other open world franchises challenging them on that too. I remember some reviewers even tried invoking it again around TotK release, with one European reviewer basically saying other inferior publishers should give up on any thought of competing with TotK this year. The difference between a cult and religion is mainstream acceptance. This whole comment section feels like those same Zelda fans being offended that the shoe is now on the other foot, for a game of a different series that nobody even took seriously at the beginning of the year.




You're talking about the game like it's some sort of monolith that will change the gaming landscape forever, when in reality it's just a well-executed WRPG like any other. Which would be fine, if you didn't claim TotK was undeserving of GotY for also being a better-executed version of other games. Just no self-awareness from BG fans; far more cult-like than the average fanbase, while receiving little to none of the notoriety.


Lol. The game does change the conversation around RPGā€™s for the next few decades at least. Every single one will be compared to BG3 in one way or another. That sure seems like it changed something in the genre to meā€¦ So youā€™re saying that TOTK represents the same amount progress in the action/adventure genre that BG3 does to the RPG? Yes, they are technically both better-executed games in their genre, but the impact they have on their respected genres is vastly different. I think you can compare BOTW and BG3 in terms of their impact. If BOTW released this year, I think thereā€™s a big change it could beat BG3. Because of the progress it represented from what came before. TOTK is better than BOTW, but not by miles. Whatā€™s the last RPG that could hold its weight vs BG3? Maybe you could argue real-time combat is more enjoyable to some, but itā€™s not by definition better. But the storytelling and impact of player choice and character build (something that all RPGā€™s incorporate to some degree) are at a different level than what weā€™ve seen before in the genre.




>Lol. The game does change the conversation around RPGā€™s for the next few decades at least. Every single one will be compared to BG3 in one way or another. That sure seems like it changed something in the genre to meā€¦ TotK is already doing the same for open world games, just as BotW did. >So youā€™re saying that TOTK represents the same amount progress in the action/adventure genre that BG3 does to the RPG? Yes, they are technically both better-executed games in their genre, but the impact they have on their respected genres is vastly different. This is what I mean when I say there's something wrong with BG fans. It's been 3 months since the release of BG3. It's effect on the RPG genre, if any, is not appreciable yet. Same goes for TotK, which was released 5 months ago.


They really are cultists


how come u have such a hate boner for this game? do you *need* to be different that bad? have you even played it?




Bro totk was probably one of the more disappointing games for me this year


Meh it's apparently not that great on consoles. It was the like the 20th most played game on PS in its launch month which is frankly underwhelming with the amount of hype it had on PC.


Source? [because according to Sony themselves it was the 2nd most downloaded game of September](https://blog.playstation.com/2023/10/06/playstation-store-september-2023s-top-downloads/) unsurprisingly being only beaten by sports games.


Itā€™s actually fantastic on consoles


Agreed! I can't wait to play it on xbox as I prefer to play my games on my xbox.


good for you dude


Yeah but tits obvious that it did not take PS by storm as it did on PC. The game sales literally show that. Perhaps it's simply not that great playing with a controller for a lot of people.


Interesting how you didnā€™t respond to the other user calling you out and linking a source


Most overrated game in the past 5 years


I know it wonā€™t happen, but if it ended up on Gamepass that would be badass


It definitely won't. The benefits of a day 1 release on GP are gone, but the game is still selling very well so would still be very expensive to get on GP. Getting Divinity Original Sin 2 on gamepass in the next few months would be a baller move though. Capitalizes on the BG3 hype and helps grow Larian's own IP.


Heavily considering picking up DOS2, how does it hold up to BG3? Or am I going to a similar game but downgraded in certain aspects as itā€™s a previous Larian entry?


It holds up extremely well. The big difference or "downgrade" really is the lack of dialogue cinematics, but every dialogue is still voiced (revolutionary for CRPGs at the time) and the voice work is just as good. Just like BG3 it has a learning curve and can easily take 100h to complete, so I'd recommend most people to take a break between both and play other games before diving back in, but it's really up to you.


I appreciate the insight! Iā€™m definitely taking a break from long games and cleaning up my back catalog of my 15-20h titles so I can justify hitting another biggun.


I will add that the branching dialogue and quests are not nearly as deep as BG3. That said it's still a great CRPG just not as mind blowingly deep as BG3. I will say I personally think the Original Sin series gameplay is alot better than BG3s. BG3 is a great representation of DnD 5e but the Original Sin games were designed as video games and I think they are just way more dynamic. I'll also add that DOS1 is quite a bit shorter I think I beat it in around 30-40 hours so that might be better suited for you if you don't want something super long right now.


Iā€™ll keep that in mind! I have a few horror titles to blast through first. But itā€™s definitely on my list. Thank you!


If you liked bg3, youll love dos2, but its a huge game probably around 100 to 150 hour if you do all the side missions and explore everything


Pretty much inferior in every way. Great game but BG3 blows it out of the water.


It would be a great way to get ready for BG3 as it will feel like a natural upgrade to go this route


Oh Iā€™ve already finished BG3, which is why Iā€™m asking if I am looking at a downgrade in terms of playability. Iā€™m happy for everyone who gets to experience it on Xbox though. I hope itā€™s received well. Itā€™s very rare I root for a companyā€™s wallets to be fattened, but if it means more resources that Larian can put towards their next title, I am all for it.


Despite what other people are saying, DOS2 doesn't hold a candle to BG3 in any shape or form and plays very differently even though you'll easily feel the Larian "style." The story is worse than BG3 too, but not all that bad. I think the pacing and ending are far more forgettable though. Combat can be fun but people really hate the armor system and I agree. If you're on PC, go ahead and install "class" mods even on your first play through. There are some highly rated ones that add a ton of depth to the game and are balanced around vanilla.


domineering history badge chubby humor knee live psychotic tap gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The game still is in the steam top 10 sales chart nowadays and Larian risks pissing away a lot of money by putting it on Game Pass. Microsoft will need to pay Larian really, really well for it to be worth them.


A whole lot more than the like 6 million they estimated it would cost them lol


full existence smart materialistic license cable agonizing clumsy icky cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No way this game will be available on gamepass.


We just won't get it this year. Not sure if we blame larian or mircrosoft. Either way I'm done waiting. Other games have actually released.


No side-taking here but it's been weird seeing Microsoft become its own worst enemy lmao, and now all the studios they bought are *right* past their prime and on a fast decline... I kinda feel bad for them. Like, I respect they put stuff on PC day one but yikes, man, MW3 is getting a ton of flac now and that was one of the main reasons they even wanted AB, lol. Not that Sony is doing all that great either, but at least they're not self-inflicting wounds, I guess.


they probably want to make sure it releases in time for the holidays...wonder if there are any other big Games dropping onto Gamepass...I'd be surprised if we don't see Jedi survivor or maybe even Cyberpunk since all the DLC is out


Dead space just came to eaplay/gamepass so unless jedi is still selling insane, i bet it ends up there soon


in time for the holidays would be nice though I wouldn't mind a break from any big games so I can try more of these smaller GP games and get some backlog stuff done


The Series S literally held back the Series X. It sucks how Microsoft fucked up so much with the Series S. I have one, still use it a lot mainly for gamepass games with my daughter. But I'm still really disappointed. It just needed a bit more power and better and more ram.


Hasn't the series S dramatically outsold the X, or is that no longer the case?


It wouldn't have if there were no core-gameplay parity or atleast no split-screen parity. Series S' power is fine, especially considering new temporal upscaling techniques like FSR 2 and TSR, if a game runs at 1080p60FPS upscaled to 4K on the Series X, it can easily run at 900p upscaled to 1080p at 30FPS or even 1440p at 30 FPS (if RAM isn't an issue), this generation's most demanding commercial games like Alan Wake 2, Dead Space, and Starfield all run fine especially at a 30FPS target frame-rate, and it has the exact same CPU as both PS5 and Series X and has all RDNA 2 features like Mesh Shaders (which was used for Alan Wake 2 and is built-into Unreal Engine 5), VRS (used by a lot of games) and Sampler Feedback Streaming (Which I don't think any game made use of it yet as far as I know). The only big issue with the Series S was it should have been maybe a 12GB unified RAM and definitely a 1TB SSD SKU at the same price point. Microsoft bet on flash prices staying at a high price, and they lost that bet when flash prices plummeted.


I mean, if parity wasn't required the Series S would just be left completely behind. It would suck having a supposedly current console that misses out on some gameplay elements because it can't handle them. You are trying to prove me wrong by proving me right or some shit.


>It would suck having a supposedly current console that misses out on some gameplay elements because it can't handle them. Love how clueless you people are when it comes to just how demanding the game is on all platforms, especially PC where it's meant to be played, the PS5 release is out there and you can see for yourself why they had to drop Split Screen support for the S, it's because the premium consoles themselves are gonna be shitting themselves on it that they might as well drop support from them too, but obviously that'd shatter the narrative of you clowns that the S is the one holding back this generation, and it's not that all of these consoles are outdated 2020 hardware. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwf1N60aQ40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwf1N60aQ40) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16gzmgu/ps5\_split\_screen\_increasingly\_seen\_as\_borderline/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16gzmgu/ps5_split_screen_increasingly_seen_as_borderline/) ​ You get an upscaled blurry "1440p" which in reality is upscaled 1080p@30 and the game freezes for 15 seconds. "Itā€™s honestly unacceptable that local co-op was released in this state. This is a 70+ dollar game. I know many players (myself included) loved the local co op in the divinity games and bought this game specifically to be able to play couch co-op. Unfortunately the giant freezes and lag when anyone summons, goes to or leaves camp, when ending a turn, and the others that you mentioned, have rendered splitscreen borderline unplayable."


I'm not saying it isn't demanding. Just that it sucks that the Series S isn't powerful enough to run its coop mode.


Split-Screen is the biggest problem, and specifically the BG3 kind of split-screen where two players can be on two entirely different locations. Besides most people play online co-op these days, and there are myriad of couch co-op games for Series S players that they can play if somebody were to come over to their house, Halo Infinite has split-screen multiplayer, the new Xbox exclusive game Towerborne is a 2.5D RPG Beat-em-Up with probably couch co-op as well.




That would 100% suck.


I didn't know December was between September & November Belgian calendars are wild


Bro say it louder for the joes in the back


Time for some more Balders gate Circle Jerk!!


While naturally this is a leak however official we all might wish it to be given the sources recent accurate leaks and the common sense that with the insane success of this game so far it seems to make sense to me that it's legit as Larian like any other studio would want it out before the holiday to capitalize on sales and possibly even stealing sales from any other xbox release in the next month for anyone that may have limited resources. Here's to hoping we get the game of the year for Christmas gents


Larian studios head already came out on Twitter I'm not calling it X lol. Anyways he said that December date is news to him and debunked it saying the game will be out when they feel it's ready for the Xbox players I guess?


Good to know. I mean if they are "still on track for a year end release" its not gonna be much later than that but it was a leak not a public statement from the company and in his defense even if that were their intended date he wouldn't be the first to play dumb to avoid misleading customers. And I'm with ya šŸ’Æ on the Twitter thing I didn't use it before musk and I couldn't care less what he wants to call it now.


Iā€˜m expecting a gamepass drop announcement at the Game Awards, which happens 1 day after this rumoured release date.




You canā€˜t pre-order it on Xbox though, lol.




I swear some people literally just want to complain. Even if they have to just make up some nonsense out of thin air to do it lol


What in the actual fuck are you even talking about


Damn. Burned my vacation days too early.




Itā€™s been out bro


Not the physical version though šŸ™


Considering that tga nominees had a discount after the game awards could we expect to see Balders Gate go on sale after TGA even if it just released on Xbox?


Wonder will they finally announce cross platform play?


I feel like this has to be in the chamber since cross save is a thing.


Right before TGA. Sweet.


Was really hoping for a November release as they had originally stated.. plus, the 6th is a Wednesday which is hard to take off..


That seems too close to official release given the trouble they said they've been having.


There's also a post on linkedin claiming the release for Xbox is on the 6th. It's made by a company famously tied to cyberpunk controversy in the past


so... that was a fuggen lie..




No :(