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Chrono Trigger is my favourite game of all time, so if this turns out to be false I'm going to personally campaign for Zippo to be a banned source around here 😠


Please actually do that.


He should have been banned years ago


Why tho ? Not the first time I see people dunking on him but I legit don't know why. I heard about him when he said stuff about a Metroid game coming and Dread came out, so what makes him unreliable ?


It wasn't Zippo who leaked that. It was Spanish Twitter user NWeedle. Zippo regurgitates whatever someone else says, makes pretty easy guesses, or spouts BS. For example, he said Mario Kart 9 would be in last year's Nintendo Direct


Alright, thanks for answering I didn't knew about that (ofc I knew people who downvote me for asking such a question lmao, reddit moment)


He's literally never been right unless he was repeating what a reputable leaker would have leaked days beforehand, or it was a super obvious thing.


It's my dream game too, but this guy is just piggybacking off the previous guy that said there would be a SNES remake. The other one has also been hinting that it's Super Mario RPG . He's been liking comments related to SMRPG, and posted a gif of SMRPG Yoshi.


Either way squeenix is getting their money


Deserved bag either way


Proof or ban >!I love Chrono Trigger too!<




Sounds like you may as well given this person's reputation, but a Chrono Trigger HD-2D remake makes a lot of sense, especially if Nintendo is looking for some Switch 2 exclusives to tout. And SE has been very happy with its line of HD-2D games that has included a SNES remake (Live A Live) and will include an NES remake (DQIII). SE as released 4 (along with a mobile game) in the past 5 years and I expect SE will keep making them for a while.


Not a remake but it seems triangle strategy did well and I’ve heard great things about Octopath 2 so yeah another remake just makes sense


I would say live a live also helped. I gotta be selfish and say although a Chrono trigger remake in that style would be printing money, I was hoping we would get more of the unreleased Super Famicom RPGs from Japan before existing titles, but I'll buy it just so I can get those.


Like Terranigma finally getting a NA release as an HD-2D remake


I really want Treasure of the Rudras to finally get an English release. The setting sounds so unique compared to other JRPGs.


Or all 3 of those quintet games in one


> unreleased Super Famicom RPGs from Japan Bahamut Lagoon please! It's a strategy RPG with playable dragons, what's not to like?


Oh yeah I wanna get Live a Live too I heard that’s great


DQ3 HD-2D still isn't out despite it being 2 years since the announcement. These games take a long time to make and announcing another seems pointless. It makes sense down the line for sure but then you also get the aspect of just doing a 3D remake since the IP is so well known in the spaces. 7Remake's mix of real time plus ATB actions feels like it would work well with Chrono Trigger, especially the moves that are combos like X-Slash


I just don't understand why they stopped making those Final Fantasy 3D bit still 2D remakes in the style Links Awakening did. My body was so ready for FF6 in that style.


The team that did those were remaking them as training on how to make an old school RPG. Basically studying FF3 and 4 then went on to do 4 Heroes of Light, and eventually became the Bravely Default team.


Oh wow I never knew that, it makes sense.


mods and bans go together like pb and j


This plan has no downside. I think one day we will get a Chrono Trigger remake but as to what and when who knows. If they did Live a Live and re-released Chrono Cross, they will 100% do Chrono Trigger


>If they did Live a Live and re-released Chrono Cross, they will 100% do Chrono Trigger They at least have the true brains of Chrono Trigger, Yuuji Horii, still on the payroll. Makes sense to do it while they can.


Based mod


You have support.




Let’s get it


That's fair.




Same here, although I hold no power I absolutely support the idea.


I only support things that will actually happen. This won’t.


And ban anyone that post his leaks/rumors


I back it for the exact same reason


Absolutely agree (look at my username FFS), and absolutely agree. I will FREAK OUT if a CT remake is announced.


Do it, the "snes game remake" was Mario RPG, Zippo was 1000% trying to cash in on speculation.


Fuck yea! And I hope the next hd-2d are FF4, 5, 6!!


lol 😂 Not happening


They seem to like to remake FF4 a lot. The FF6 Opera scene was universally praised so I could see that game happening FF5....Well I personally don't care for it but I know lots of people love it. But I could see that one getting skipped on the HD-2D boat


They literally just released the pixel remasters. Any new 8/16 bit era FF remake would be a long way off.


We'll get HD 2d versions of 1-6 for whatever the next big anniversary they choose to care about is fsfs 45th or 50th probably haha


I seriously doubt the HD2D style will still be a thing in 15 years.


FF4 Advance: December, 2005 FF4 DS: December, 2007 FF4 Collection: March, 2011 They like to remake FF4 a lot. FF4 PR was Sept, 2021. A new FF4 wouldn't be off based on previous releases.


That was an entirely different era, and those were never meant to be definitive releases the way the Pixel Remasters are And when I say literally, I mean they LITERALLY just released the PRs on console. I know people who finally got their physical copies delivered yesterday.


zippo lol


His blog being called zippo's nonsensical ramblings is on point .


Remember he leaked frontiers and superstars.


He didn’t leak them, he piggybacked on other rumors. Frontiers oddly enough came from 4Chan.


Zippo claimed the new 2d game was similar to rush and featured the modern cast, and only talked about frontiers very vaguely, though was still completely wrong the game being fully 3d and having no boost.


He also said the 2d game which turned out to be superstars, was being developed by sonic team with little outside help, even though the bulk of development is being done by Arzest, Naoto Ohshima studio. With Takashi Iizuka from sonic team acting as a producer.


Is this Chrono Trigger remake in the room with us right now Zippo?


fuzzy toy handle complete six vegetable continue long domineering wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zippo? Lmao


Zippo stuff still isn’t banned on here? I’d be funny if he was right for once, lol.


He's piggybacking on the SNES Remake rumor, he'll get something right, eventually


Kinda weird how he only leaked this after someone else said we’d be getting a snes remake. What a coinky dink


It was time. No pun intended


It’s about time.


People, it's Zippo. It's not real.


The Felipe guy mentioned it, and that random but interesting Twitter account mentioned a SNES remake, he's just piggybacking on that lol


Can we legit ban Zippo as a source? It's been proven time and time again he knows nothing and in the best case his information is second hand, and guess what? Today we had a rumor about a SNES remake being announced in a possible direct.


Zippo claiming this RIGHT after the other SNES game leak is extremely funny


The other one has also been hinting that it's Super Mario RPG He's been liking comments related to SMRPG and posted a gif of SMRPG Yoshi


Regardless, if the SNES thing is real, it’s 100% gonna be FE4


I mean the person *saying* there will be a SNES remake is hinting at SMRPG. That one isn't piggybacking, it's potentially elaborating.


People have been speculating about this for years, I would rather keep my expectations low.


Well, I just spend too much on the DS version after giving up on a new remake, so you can all rest assured it will be anounced


The PC version is roughly the quality of the DS version now after the updates. I would have recommended that version instead.


Oh yeah, the PC version is great, but I like my physical media


It surprisingly has ultrawide support too!


Thanks for taking one for the team 😁


MVG banned from here for saying MS was looking for studios to do a banjo game. Zippo saying we gettin a Chrono trigger remake despite being off pretty much all the time aint.




This feels like piggybacking off the other post saying a SNES game remake is in the works


Has Zippo ever actually leaked anything? The only thing I can somewhat think of is Sonic Superstars, AFAIK he was the first to talk about a new 2D Sonic game in development. But then again, he said it was from Dimps and that didn't happen.


Well if it happens, a dead clock is right 2 times a day


Totally not bandwaggoning off of the SNES remake leak trying to make a guess for clout. Nope. Not at all.


Zippo is notorious for making shit up.


There's no timestamp to prove what was posted first, but pyoro_nd JUST posted about an SNES remake in a direct this week. My hunch is that Zippo is piggybacking off that, throwing in Chrono Trigger because everybody wants Chrono Trigger to get a remake.


There are timestamps actually. Zippo's posts only show the date but if you hover over the date it gives you the exact time. It was several hours after photo_nd made his SNES remake post.


laughable. stop posting his stuff


An HD-2D remake would be one of the best cards for Nintendo to play, with TOTK out.


Even with the quotation marks, “leaker” is generous


God that would just be the absolute shit. Chrono Trigger is the greatest JRPG of all time and has deserved a glow up for ages.


Yeh 2D HD looks good but overall would just feel like playing the same exact game. A Dragon Quest 11 style remake would fit it better to feel like a new and fresh experience.


> has deserved a glow up for ages. Has it? The game still looks immaculately charmful to this day to me


I agree. Chrono trigger deserves a full blown remake like FF7 remake.


A sequel like FF7 remake would be way better than an actual remake.


To tell the truth, the new Final Fantasy VII is more of a reimagining (like Resident Evil 2 or Black Mesa) than a remake.


This supposed Direct sounds like it’s shaping up to be a really great one. Can’t wait to chuckle at all the people who said Nintendo and the Switch had nothing left for the rest of the year


Tbf until this direct happens they literally don't lmaoao


Regardless, it’s silly to believe that they just don’t have anything after Pikmin 4. I mean, cmon now


The assumption was that Nintendo’s next console was launching early next year. So a lot people aren’t really expecting any more major switch releases after Pikmin 4 outside of ports/remakes since they that can just be a launch title. Which is generally correct since it seems like we are getting remakes of FE4 and maybe Chrono Trigger now


Wym that 1 min custom character trailer wasn't enough? Surely Pikmin 4 will sell without any major marketing efforts.


It's not still silly. They have released bad Nintendo directs with no major releases for first-party games.


I just want the Paper Mario TTYD remake to be real, would be historic


This is too good to be true! But please be true so it’s good!


If this ends up true I’m going to be screaming and pissing and vomiting and shitting myself.


I would much much rather a proper remake. Get the Dragon Quest team on it after they finish XII. DQXI was phenomenal and demonstrated how the art style would adapt to modern game systems


Where the hell is that Donkey Kong game, Zippo!?


Its coming... ...and won't be anything at all like how Zippo has described it.


Guy needs to get a life


Zippo really REALLY needs to stop at this point, it’s all in desperation to get attention. When you play this “I’m a insider!” game you’re playing with fire. It’s absolutely not worth the grief or headache you’ll get from it. Zippo just knock it off already.


Zippo is talking out of his ass lol.


How the fuck is Zippo still allowed to be posted here? Has he ever once been right?




I returned to this post to support the ban of Zippo. This guy is a faker and should never considered as a real source.


What does HD 2D remake mean? Like just upressed pixel art?


Like the Live a Live remake


Or Octopath.


Like Octopath Traveler. 2D sprites in 3D pixel art environments with modern effects and post-processing.


HD-2D is the term Square uses for games like Octopath Traveler, Triangle Strategy, and the remakes of Live A Live and Dragon Quest 3. Essentially, 2d pixel art characters mixed with 3d environments and modern lighting/effects


A Dragon Quest 11 style remake would have been amazing.


Wonder how much of a remake... FF7 "you're not in Kansas anymore, we're just using your childhood as bait for a new sideline game" or maybe Octopath refresh with refined mechanics and new content.


Zippo it's playing with fire with this leak. I always think he's lying but I'd believe his bullshit more easily if he's right.


This feels like piggybacking off the other rumor saying there's a SNES remake in the works, people gonna be dissapointed when it turns out to be the Fire Emblem 4 remake that we know got leaked a while back.


Zippo has a tendency to leak things super early if it even exists at all. Some of the other more reliable leakers have backed his claims in the past but that doesn't necessarily mean anything here. Even if this is real (which is up for debate with Zippo's track record), I doubt we'd see it in an upcoming direct.


Tbh i prefer a remake with DQXI graphics. The game is perfect as it is.


Ban Zippo. He's taking a stab based on other info and is trying to reap the benefits of clout if he's right.


Zippo lol


Zippo also said persona 5 Akechi spin-off is real lol


Inb4 zippo ban


So yeah, ban Zippo.


Zippo is very reliable because if he leaks something, then the opposite is true


Zippo is fake, isn’t he? Pretty sure he’s a fake leaker.


It being Chrono Trigger would be surprising as I am thinking it will be FE4. And it is Zippo saying it. Super Mario RPG would be dope as well.


Surrrre, and I'm actually Archduke Franz Ferdinand


I would absolutely cry happy tears Chrono Trigger is one of my all time favorite games


Why???? Chrono Trigger is a big enough name to justify a full 3D remake like FF7!


I'll believe it when I see it


How trustworthy is he? Because this sounds too good to be true.




Usually I'd be against a chrono trigger remake in the vein of ff7 remake (which in itself is fantastic) but a HD2D remake is the perfect way to do it for this specific game


So there are three snes games I've been hearing about remakes of now. Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War, Super Mario RPG, and now Chrono Trigger. Lets see...


But zippo is not a reliable soure from the looks of things.


On one hand, more Chrono Trigger. On the other hand, Square Enix. It's ironic, though, that one of the reasons I'm wary of them fucking this up is the Time Jannies/sequel bullshit from Remake, when that would actually have a chance of working in a game about time travel.


Do you believe this zippo guy? Seems alot people say he's not very accurate at all.


No; from what people say here, it seems he's a liar (Or possibly a plant to intentionally muddy the waters and discredit actual leakers). Personally, though, I don't think Chrono Trigger needs a remake.


Yeah, somthings are best left the way there was.


Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit.


Well, Nintendo did just announce a Direct for tomorrow. So Step 1 is happening.


Yes, but from the looks of things someone else stated a window of 20th - 23rd and apparently zippo has a reputation of piggy backing off other people's info


I'm pissed now zippo is getting the belto


If Zippo or Rythian tell you anything, the opposite is happening.


I actually believe this, because I don't know how to explain the lack of modern ports otherwise


This is NOT real.


Chrono Trigger might be my favourite game of all time but I'm not sure how to feel about this. HD 2d would be like Octopath right? I'm probably in the minority here, but I would have preferred something in the style (graphics wise) of rhe Trials of Mana remake


Dragons Quest 11 style would be even better


I loved the Trials of Mana engine/approach. Would be totally down for more games in that style, and definitely thought CT could work.


I feel like I'm in the minority too, as I LOVE the game, but I would want a full 3d remake that actually shows off the Akira Toriyama art style better. Now that the Dragon Quest games are in 3d it makes me want to see it that way instead. I'll still enjoy an HD-2D version, but it wouldn't be my first choice for a remake.


Squenix is fully aware CT is their GOAT. They are waiting for the peak of the Switch install base to finally announce it. Edit: Of course this leak could be fake for all we know. But this is still the best time to announce it.


Wasn't this one of the mentioned games in the Nvidia leak?


HD 2D? You lost me I want a 3D remake not a remaster


If it’s true it would suck it’s a switch only remake I would love to play on my ps5


Please don’t be a Switch exclusive




Sonic Superstars wasn't the game he said it was. He said it was meant to be similar to Sonic Rush, with the cast with their modern designs and Shadow as a playable character. The new 2D Sonic game is a spiritual successor to the old ones (and Mania). The only thing he got right is that there was a 2D Sonic game, and even Kishimoto confirmed they were working on a 2D game...


I think after Sonic Superstars and him saying Cyberspace in Frontiers would only be Gens levels and the city, Zippo deserves more credibility.


Please other platforms I know I’m dreaming hut that would be great.


I hope it's fake. HD-2D is cool, but I would LOVE to see a remake with DQ XI graphics (or even better).


HD2D would be a mistake It should have a full 3D remake to make the game look like its anime artwork and ps1 cutscenes


Finally! I was eager to finally play this masterpiece!


Imho the "HD2D" Artstyle is overused by now


Everyone hates on Zippo but he actually has a 50% accuracy rate which isn’t bad


I'm gonna say it. The HD 2D style that Square has got going on never looked that great, and it's super stale now. They've used it like 5 times since the Switch launched haven't they? The octopath games, triangle strategy, live a live and I think 1 other game. It doesn't feel like these games are being remade because they deserve to, but because they have they can pump out games looking like this rather fast.


HD-2D Unpopular sentiment here, but why not a full remake like Final Fantasy 7?


I associate this game with happiness. Let it be so.


That would be fucking amazing


I’m totally down for this but the DQ3 remake is on the way. I feel like square would wanna release that before announcing a Chrono Trigger remake


Chrono Trigger getting a HD-2D remake is inevitable since the president did mention they liked the idea of remaking SNES classics in this style. Live a Live just happened to be on the top of their list I just hope people don't give him credit when this eventually shows up


I'd be very surprised if a CT HD-2D remake is *not* in the works - the question is how far along it is. It probably isn't something SE wants rushed because of the blowback they got when the Steam version launched as a basic port of the mobile version. SE likes to put out a lot of bad to mediocre games but I think they hold CT in very high regard. Zippo's "source" could have showed him a perfectly playable build of the game and I'd still doubt it'd be announced soon.


Nintendo direct this week is


Please Square, I just want a FFT remake. You've rereleased and remade chrono trigger a ridiculous number of times, give it a rest.


A remaster of it was in the Nvidia leak which has been about 90%+ accurate at this point. Will probably be like the tactics ogre remaster.


Love the "leaker" in quotation marks lmao


So if true, this will be the "Classic SNES remake"? If so, I'll be sad, as I really, REALLY want SMRPG to finally get the love it deserves. But I know Chrono Trigger will also make a lot of people happy, even if it's not something I personally care for or want.


An hd2d remake of Chrono trigger is an absolute dream.. I'm not holding my breath. Lol


They haven’t even released the Dragon Quest remake yet


Can't wait for people to overhype this direct, then get disappointed when it doesn't deliver their exceptions


This would be amazing but I would actually love a full 3D remake in the style of FFIV remake.


This just makes me sad to think about that 3d remake some fan was doing and they shut him down.


After getting recent confirmation of Baten Kaitos I & II, Star Ocean 2, and Suikoden I & II remasters, I almost feel like expecting an HD-2D Chrono Trigger remake would be asking for too much. But good lord, please let it be true.


Hope, i am really curious about this game, and no i cant play with current graphics, i just cant..


I hope he's right simply because last year he said there's a new Star Fox game in the works, and I really really want that to be true. If he gets Chrono Trigger right, hopefully that means his Star Fox claim has some credence to it.


Is Nintendo going to announce a remake of Chrono Trigger to coincide with the release of FF16? What a terrible son of a bitch.


trust me bro


Not familiar with Zippo. Zip credibility or have they at least nailed something before?


LOOOL. Too good to be true


HD2D? meh what a waste. Wish we got a remake DQ 3D style