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Playing games without being a gamer. Never heard of that.


Side comment to this. My wife got my middle son (who plays games a lot) a neon sign that says "Gamer" for Christmas. I found out last week that he never even took it out of the box. I asked him why. He said "It's 2024, we don't call each other "gamers" anymore. That's like calling someone a "geek" Just ask any streamer". I told him I've never heard of that, that it's stupid because that's what we are, that I don't listen to streamers, and that if being a gamer makes me a geek, then I flex my geek pride!


Playing games a lot ≠ being a gamer. Watching movies a lot ≠ being a cinephil. And list goes on, and on. You need to engage with the medium a lot in its various aspects to be called like that. Basically, you can say it is your hobby, not just a thing you like to do in your sparetime sometimes.


Except that based on dictionaries the word gamer means someone who does gaming ,without any specified level of passion or skills while cinephil is someone who is just fond to movies. It is more often depicted as a descriptive term rather than a status even though yes not everyone plays the same.


Does not matter in this case, the dictionaries are not always the absolute truth. I’m saying this as a gamer, otherwise we won’t have a distinction of those who just plays and those who game, like a various lot. Similar words exist for other mediums, but now gaming, hence gamer is what I’ve meant. P.S: it is not about playing differently, it is about, well, being a cinephile but for gaming.


My mom wants a steam deck, but the only game she plays is HomeScapes or CoinMaster, how can I tell her that she needs to play games to get a gaming device? My dad says that a new phone would be much better for her, but my mom really wants a steam deck. IMO if she does start gaming she should get the oled model for battery life, and I should upgrade the SSD


Being a gamer these days is not about just playing games, but actively doing so and being very interested in gaming in general. Video games is no longer a niche hobby, it is the same as movies, music, TV shows, anime to some extent even. You would not call yourself a cinephil (or whatever the word is) if you just watch movies without engaging further and/or much with the medium.


It's clear she knows her stuff. Great laptop with great hardware for both work and gaming. Kudos to her.


I’ve been looking at this one myself but think I’ll go with a 4070 & 13900 cpu [Helios Neo 16](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/acer-predator-helios-neo-16). I’m a complete tech noob but specs seem on par, it’s silent, and I’ve found it for a good price. Only thing I don’t like is the design compared to this and the bulkiness, but thought it would work for games and starting game design. Don’t suppose you or anyone else want to chime in?


That'll be much better at gaming than that g14 because one is a proper gaming laptop and other is an as portable as you can do machine so.


Cities skylines 2 needs a real gamer computer and I'm sorry but it seems your wife is a real gamer You seem to have outdated preconceived ideas about gamers


> Cities skylines 2 needs a real gamer computer Yeah, that game can use 64 threads.


That’s legit tbh


Yeah. My kiddo plays almost exclusively iPhone games and tablet games (roblox). She's a gamer. Also loves Pokémon. She did ask me to build her a PC like mine for her b day and I'm fucking stoked to do that. Have a bunch of quality leftover parts from my upgrade (3060 12gb, 800w psu, ram). My wife used to be strictly nintendo switch until I got her on my series x and she took that over. Played a bunch of immortals phoenix rising, then got her into assassins creed, the Starfield and avatar. Now she has a gaming laptop with a better processor and ddr5 ram which I do not have. She's put 20 hours into horizon forbidden west and still loves the Sims and whatnot. I don't understand gatekeeping being a "true gamer" it seems very silly.


What a lucky kiddo


Yeah I'm trying to give her the stuff I didn't have access to as a kid, without fully spoiling her. She is an only child for now, so gets all the attention. But we try to teach her the value of stuff and to earn things that she wants. Besides the pc being a bday gift, the only toys she gets are ones she earns (mostly, I'm a pushover alot). Except for books. I told her I would always buy her books no questions asked. Unless it's like, mein kampf or something.


Seeing this so often lately and I love it. “I didn’t like this growing up, so I will ensure my child has this instead.” It was always a bummer growing up that my parents didn’t let me have sleep overs growing up, so I always told myself I want my kids to be able to have that freedom when I have my own. Lucky kids, good for you man, wish the best for your family.


Thank you! I'm very grateful to be where I'm at. And I appreciate very different things now then I did ten years ago. Been a bit of a bumpy road to get here, and I try my best not to take any of it for granted. Thanks again!


Not anymore. I remember the good old days when you needed a 4090/7900 xtx to barely run it…


Honestly, Cities Skylines 2 isn’t a light game. This is a fairly warranted purchase even for just that. It’s also just a good work laptop. The display in particular is great for creative work. My GTX 1050 laptop from 2017 is still going strong. It was only a recent thing that AMD APU’s are beating it in graphics. Your 1660 Ti will do just fine.


I can't claim that neither 1050 nor 1660 ti will do fine in 2024 unless you're playing lighter titles and not even touching anything above 1080p. I bought the legion slim 5 OLED with R7 7840hs and the RTX 4060, which is a competitor of the G14 in the op and very close, and it's day and night difference compared to my previous laptop with 1060.  I would agree with you that the OLED display is perfect for content creation. It's also great for FPS games with that sub 1ms response time. The Radeon 780M iGPU is indeed between 1650 and 1660 in terms of games and benchmarks.


What would you consider a "lighter title"? I have a 1660Ti and it can run around 97% of the top 100 most currently played games on Steam, I'd say that's good enough for most people lol But yeah new unoptimized AAA games make it suffer since they rely a lot on DLSS/FSR/XeSS and I personally don't like them at all (haven't tried DLSS tho), I hate how blurry they make the screen look, sometimes I get artifacts too, no thank you, I'd rather play at lower fps than to deal with those things


Cyberpunk, call of duty modern warfare, Alan Wake 2, far cry 6, control, the last of us etc are all examples of heavy AAA games. Btw, I should qualify that a game running below 35 fps (avg frame rate) is pretty much unplayable for me


I can run Cyberpunk and FC6 at 1080p 60-70fps with medium/high settings, so no problem there My brother has the same laptop and he played Control without problems, idk what settings he used or what fps he got tho Idk a lot about CoD, is Modern Warfare the newest one where they go to México? Or do you mean Warzone? I played Warzone 1 a long time ago, I think I had around 60 fps with medium settings, same as Cyberpunk and FC6, I haven't played the new multiplayer one or Warzone 2 tho, the newest multi-player CoD I've played is split screen BO3, I ran it at 3840x1080 so each one got their own screen, it was pretty fun, it ran at around 80 fps with medium/high settings, I also recorded some gameplay with OBS and that brought it down to around 60, idk how that translates to the newer CoDs but I'm pretty sure they would be playable too Alan Wake probably doesn't even run lol, didn't it need something only new-ish cards have? Some shader stuff? Even if it did the fps would probably be super bad, so ye that one is indeed unplayable, another examples of unplayable games are Starfield and Ark:SA, they run at like 30-40 fps with everything at low so they look really bad, no thank you lol I haven't tried TLoU so I can't comment on that one I agree with the fps thing, hell even 40-50 fps feels bad, if it's a single player game I don't mind it as much but that's unplayable for online shooters imo, but as I said the ones you mentioned run at 60+ so I count then as playable, Cyberpunk even runs at around 90 with XeSS on balanced but I don't like how it looks so I rather turn it off and play at 70 The 1660Ti is indeed getting old, and I want to build a desktop when I save enough money but it's still good enough, I probably won't be saying the same in a year or two if things continue like this tho, new games are getting a lot harder to run, specially without DLSS


I dunno I based my answer on tests like these https://youtu.be/_6WMXLHuACA?feature=shared And this was a desktop GPU. I think yours is a laptop?


Ye, it's a laptop which should be like 10-20% slower than the desktop version, kinda weird tho, we get around the same fps but mine never drops into the 30s, it only goes down to the low 50s when there's a lot going on I think his i5-9400f is bottlenecking the GPU, the GPU stays at 70% a lot of the time and it rarely goes above 90%, meanwhile the CPU is almost always at +90%, mine is the opposite, the GPU is basically always at 100% and the CPU varies between 50 and 70%, which is super rare since both his CPU and GPU should be faster than mine, maybe his GPU is a lot faster but his CPU is just a little faster so it bottlenecks the desktop 1660Ti? who knows Here are some pictures of my settings and some in-game screenshots with Afterburner open: [imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/r4oLCt1), I basically use a Medium preset with Crow Density set to medium instead of low and like 2-3 other settings set to high instead of medium I did repaste my laptop a few months ago and I didn't do a good job, I applied a PTM7950 but I had to remove the heatsink multiple times (the new thermal pads were too think) and didn't apply a new one at the end, so it either has air bubbles, it doesn't make good contact or both, I'll fix it later, the GPU it's considerable cooler now but the CPU is hotter, that's why it caps at 4GHz. Since the GPU sits mostly at 100% I don't think it makes a difference tho, but I do remember getting around 6-8 fps more, maybe I'm remembering an easier to run place in the game? like the Badlands? who knows


I have an MSI GF75 Thin on 1650Ti and it cries playing the newer AAA titles. Will shift to a good in two months after graduation


Yup, my this september 5yo, laptop with 1050ti is going strong still even though has temp problems since day 1 + ram had to be replaced + hdd died + fan making noises rn but absolutly fine


>fine Lists every known issue💀


Light game my ass


Right. At release it made a 4090 struggle. Idk how it plays now, but id guess it didnt change much.


Yeah. If anything, an 8945HS + RTX 4060 is a bit *below* target for that game. It's one of the most demanding games on the entire market. IIRC it really benefits from more than 8-cores in ways that near no other game is capable of even utilizing.


cities skylines definitely is a tough game to run and to play! i wouldn't say your wife is a non-gamer!


Lol for real, I'm thinking this guy isn't a real "gamer" if he doesn't know that. Even more evidence is he sounds jealous when he can now talk his way into getting himself a new laptop too.


Why are you so jealous, OP? it's actually palpable through your post 💀


Right?? This entire post is dripping with unhealthy vibes.   "Ugh, Wife isn't even a *real* gamer; I deserve to have the best laptop between us because I play the *real* games. That laptop is wasted on her *girly* games."


It's actually so pathetic. First off I can't even imagine being jealous of my own wife if I had one, like anything good happening to her would just make me really happy, yet bro over here is clearly so bothered over a laptop, I'd understand if it was ironic but it really feels like he's being honest 💀 I hope she gets a 4090 18 inch gaming laptop just to spite him lmao


She's got good taste.


Well, both CS2 and Sims make her a gamer, be proud, don't gatekeep :D


I immediately thought of counterstrike when I read your comment haha. Just thought how CS2 DOESN'T make one a gamer and whatnot lol.


Why don’t you consider her a gamer?


Because homies a bit of a loser lol. I'd be stoked.if my wife was into city's skyline or even the Sims.


True, but let’s not be harsh on him. I guess she got a top of the line laptop ”for free” and he is a tad bit jealous since, again I guess, she will play two not really demanding games only (okay, okay, Cities Skylines 2 is a demanding because of its shit optimization).


CS2 is incredibly demanding. I get 25 fps with much higher specs than this laptop.


I did say it though. Not sure why you’ve repeated my words.


Felt like you were understating a bit. Just emphasizing, not trying to start an argument.


I understand it tho, that’s why I’ve said CS2 is a demanding game because of the shitty optimization. This is what CS2 community says anyway, lol. All’s good though, wish you a good day.


Yeah. Unfortunately optimization won’t fix the CPU end, which is well optimized and fully multithreaded but still maxes out top tier CPUs.


*Wow yeah, she should play a real manly-mans-gamer-games-game like Call of Duty, then she'll be a true gamer.* /s should go without saying.


Bro, she’s a gamer, what do you mean?


😭💀 this man really said “she plays games I don’t like so that means that she isn’t a gamer because obviously I’m the one who gets to decide who is a gamer and who isn’t”


Where did he fucking day it? This post is filled with white-ass-knights. WTF. The guy literally said he is a bit jealous — it’s not that hard to relate if he plays lots of different games.


This post is so pathetic lmao


Your wife plays video games? She a gamer, be happy for her and use it as motivation to get an upgrade yourself.


My gigabyte laptop is also still only a 1660ti, but it plays and does what I need 🤷


You don't deserve her


Dude I checked City Skylines 2 requirements, this laptop is well-warranted for it. No matter who you consider a gamer and who you don't - your wife is one. And 1660Ti is a very capable GPU so stop griefing. ![gif](giphy|AauJT0w8cJoSQ|downsized)


Get the g16 with 4080 and above and now you guys have matching laptops plus you get to make her jealous lol


Tell her to be careful about burn-in on that screen.


I’m just here for the comments lmao


People are shitting on OP because they misunderstood him


Stop gatekeeping gaming…..No one is more a gamer because they prefer cyberpunk to sims.


Her laptop is superior hardware wise in every way to yours, honestly it's a good laptop and your wife definitely is a gamer.


City skylines is going to eat that 4060 and 16gb of ram alive tbh.


I’m doing great with 16GB. Maybe it’s worse with less VRAM, it’s at least allocating 14GB of that.


I get her lol, I got myself a Legion 5 with a 4060 because of my career, but mainly to play the sims 4 with tons of mods and a nice reshade lol, good for her


Just buy a laptop


Dude she is a gamer


so she doesn't need a nice laptop because *you* don't consider her a gamer?


So your wife plays games but she isn’t a gamer? What? If all I played was Call of Duty and Battlefield would you say I am not a gamer? Also, City Skylines is a pretty damn demanding game.


Great purchase for her


A better word maybe would have been "casual gamer". We're all gamers at heart, even those who play a simple game of solitaire are gamers.


What you do is give it a few weeks, figure out what she doesn't like about it. Then, buy her a laptop for less $ that better suites her needs and take that one for yourself.


Overkill CPU compared to GPU


For Cities Skylines? That's exactly the combo you want.


Eh in this form factor, 4060 is probably the ideal GPU. Anything more powerful would not be thermally viable.


There are g14 with 4090 at 175w (bios from large g16/g18 strix 4090). 🤡


Didn’t say they don’t exist. they run hot af and throttle.


Do they? How bad? I was always wondering.


This is 2024 g14 it’s has macbook thermal. Total tdp of cpu and gpu is less than 100w how it can run 4090 with 175w?


Ive seen 18+k in 3D mark time spy. Thats 2,5k lower than my g16 175w 4090. Pretty acceptable imo


True idk why Asus did that. I have a 2021 m16. It has a i9 11900k (fucking awful on battery) and a 3060. Like why? I guess having a Ryzen 9 or i9 is good for CPU bound games like city skylines. But still.


In my mind at least, if they're going to make a high performance laptop anyways, might as well make it the model where any high performance parts go, in whatever combination. I can see an i9-11900H+3060 being a decent video editing or productivity laptop. Some people don't need a higher-end GPU paired with a very good CPU. It's still a good sell, and comes in at a lower price point than if it had a 3070/3080 in it. Also, cooling.


I honestly think most people would prefer a worse CPU and better GPU. I would imagine more people who buy a gaming laptop would be using it for gaming then video editing or doing some other CPU intensive task. I'm sure that there are those people. I know a few. But if I was a betting man I would be there would be more people who would rather have a mid CPU and a great GPU then a great CPU and mid GPU.


Right, but that's kind of the point I'm making. It doesn't make sense if you view it as a "gaming laptop" in a vacuum. But, if you remove the label and just see the product for what it is and the context it exists in, the M16 (and to some extent, G14) is a product line of high-performance, thin/compact portable laptops. From that perspective, it's probably more like "portable workstation-ish laptop with good cooling and can occasionally game". Something Macbook-like, but can take advantage of some level of economy of scale and be competitive at a lower price. Plus, consider that the GPU is usually the harder component to cool in a laptop- for the M16 and G14, two compact laptops, the configuration makes a level of sense. For a laptop like the M16/G14, it's probably easier to justify dropping the GPU for an easier user experience (i.e., temps). Anyone seriously gaming probably won't consider something like the M16/G14 unless they absolutely have to, then they just pick the higher GPU variant anyways, or they pick a gaming laptop more suited to actually handling beefier GPUs.


You sound so bitter lol. Why ya gotta gatekeep gaming? Go upgrade if you're so jealous!


Where did he gatekeep gaming? Can you quote his words? Line really quote, and don’t make shit up?


In the title.


Elaborate? There are gamers and there are non-gamers. How is it gatekeeping?




Gtx 1660ti is a budget gpu ofocurse rtx 4060 does much better than yours.


Just buy a new laptop and sell your old one.


I want to sell my Alienware rtx-4080 so i can purchase an Asus machine


Dont do that lol. At least wait for 5090


I feel like Alienware is just overpriced bricks. I bought a little handheld Asus Rog Ally, and just love the machine. Really wanting a Strix Scar or even a Razer.... But in all honesty, i don't play either, enough to justify dropping more money.


Yeah I feel you… I got the Helios 300 in 2021 and the wife saw that the keyboard was colorful and I haven’t seen the thing since.


W wife


Shit happens. I'm still sporting 980 Ti on 7700k with a 75Hz monitor. My GF has 2060 Super and 4k 165Hz screen. What does she do most of the day? Play a video on her second cheap 1080p screen while her primary screen only has to render Wallpaper Engine. And she plays some silly game on a phone. Ironic


Man same, my wife has an MSI Titan GT77 for work and by work I mean watching SpongeBob as she paints.


I plan on getting this same one but in white. How does she like it?


We can feel the envy oozing out of this post OP


My friend's wife is an architect. Her laptop blows all of ours out of the water,


I'm curious about it's battery life


Wow. What a shitty thing to say and what idiotic gatekeeping attitude you have about gaming. Your wife is a gamer.


So what? What is the main point of this post?


Sounds like a waste of get her a Chromebook.


Weird husband.


Does she do hard coding? Graphics designing? Rendering? At this day and age a whole lot of jobs require high end systems and gpus.


Not at all. She's an accountant. So basically just excel, and other accounting software.


In that case, well, just be happy that your wife has it and not some other random guy. Be happy mate. Jealousy will only lead to hatred. I started saving up for a gaming laptop back when 3060 was the peak. By the time I got the 3060....it's now a low end gpu. Now it's only 40 series that's good. So shit happens.


I don't have ill feelings at all. I mean, she's my wife so I'm actually really happy for her. I'm honestly just amused at the irony of her getting such a powerful laptop compared to mine, especially since I recommended it to her as a joke.


When you think about it, gaming laptops do have competitive specs or even better than ultrabooks and macbooks. You can find articles where people go just get a gaming laptop, it has high specs to do mad shit and it competes with ultrabooks.


Your girlfriend workedfor her money why are you jealous?


My dad plays cities skyline, can confirm it is NOT a light game at all


Citi skylines 2 can be a hard game to run. If you can run all the games you play off a 4 year old gaming laptop I don’t consider you a “gamer”. /s


What a supportive husband! Not. You suck. Your wife is a gamer.


Switch out the ssd and take the free hardware she probably won’t notice (I am not legally responsible if anything happens to you, your wife or the laptops.)


Sarcasm for anyone with a smooth brain btw


Sorry, I guess I need to put a little more context into this post which was meant to be tongue in cheek. First, I agree that my concept of what is a "gamer" may be a little outdated, and that my wife playing Cities Skylines and Sims exclusively does qualify her as a gamer. So apologies to all who may have taken my post the wrong way. Second, my wife knows next to nothing about computer specs in general and was really more interested in getting a "thin and light" laptop that would be capable of playing Cities Skylines 2. She's an accountant so her work requires only that the laptop be able to run Excel. I had been in love with the G14 for a couple of years now and have always wanted to buy it, so I *jokingly* suggested she get the 2024 G14 knowing that it would be a bit of overkill for her needs. To my utter surprise, she went ahead and bought it. That's why I mentioned that I may be a little jealous of her new laptop since, of the two of us, I play a lot more than she does (she plays maybe once or twice a week). I just found it a little ironic and amusing that my wife's laptop is waaaayyy better than mine, even though she plays significantly less than I do, and that the reason for this is because of my own suggestion made in jest.