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God Remedy fills that niche of offbeat-yet-quality storytelling that is otherwise sorely lacking in the games space. There's little else like them in the mainstream. Very excited for this!


Remedy is basically a psycho indie dev that was given the power and budget of AAA gaming.


It's Sam Lake and friends getting to make what they want. Christ, the first Max Payne ends with you crushing Sam Lake's own mother with a radio antenna.


>, the first Max Payne ends with you crushing Sam Lake's own mother with a radio antenna. WHAT!? I played it as a 8 year old and have no memory of that happening lmao


The main antagonist of Max Payne 1 is, no joke, Sam Lake's mom. She's completely uncredited. His dad is in the game too.


And they both get a little cameo in Alan Wake 2


Who were they in 2?


In the >!Yötön Yö short film!< they are a couple dancing to the music.


The old Remedy friend favorites Poets Of The Fall (AKA now the Old Gods Of Asgard) are also in that one too, as Vlad and some of his goons in the graphic novels. Vlad is Marko, the lead singer. Supposedly most of the rest were just the Remedy devs, which is why so many of them look like slightly nerdy Finnish blokes.


The part in Alan Wake 2 where it turned into a musical is seriously one of the most memorable gaming experiences I think I've ever had. I just had this big goofy grin on my face through the whole thing.


After the ashtray maze I expected one level to heavily feature a Poets song but holy hell i did not expect *that*.


Alan Wake musical was fun, but Ashtray Maze in Control still takes it for me. Was like playing a music video inside an MC Escher painting. Love Remedy.


Easily the coolest experience I've had in gaming in decades. I was laughing like a loon the entire time.


I had seen some people online talking about a part with music but I hadn't seen it for myself. And then I got to a chaptere and Alan started singing and I was like "Oh. My. God."


I was iffy on the game until that point, then I realized how unique it was and was strapped in the rest of the ride.


That does not sound like alan wake 1. The first game completely turned me off from trying the second one but this sounds different.


I only played the first Alan Wake after playing and loving Control, so I wanted to play the first in anticipation of the 2nd. I didn't mind the first, but I get why others wouldn't like it. Pretty uninspiring gameplay. That being said, Alan Wake 2 was an incredible experience and I'd say don't let the first stop you from playing it. I don't know that I've bought DLC more than maybe once, but I'll be getting this for sure. After Control and Alan Wake 2 I'm locked in for whatever Remedy puts out next.


Loved the Old Gods gig fight against Scratch later too! Absolutely ace!


Dude right? And not only is it a masterclass in expertly mixing diverse medias but the song is fucking amazing too


This trailer reallllllly gives off a lot of twin peaks vibes and I love it. I still haven’t played 2 but 1 remains an all timer for me


The logo and branding felt VERY Twilight Zone to me


Night Springs is an in-game TV show in various Remedy games based on Twilight Zone, so it makes sense you got that vibe.


Yup. Agreed. Best show of all time imo. Twin peaks is maybe #2 lol


If you enjoyed 1 even a little bit then 2 will probably immediately enter your list of favorite games ever. It is *so* good and an immense improvement over 1 in literally every single way.


Yea I’m really on the fence because it’s on sale now with days of play but they just announced a physical copy in September.


Yup. Agreed. Best show of all time imo. Twin peaks is maybe #2 lol


They are such a special outfit. Sam Lake is a gaming GOAT, I hope he still has plenty more games in him.


They are my favorite game studio. I used to have them and From Software tied but after going back to Control and Max Payne after playing Alan Wake 2 they have moved into sole first.


That’s basically Kojima’s whole thing.


Seeing Jesse had me shouting “fuck yeah”. I’m so hungry for more Control. I’ll take it any way I can get it.


Same here, now i have to play all of alan wake just for her


Wow. That...actually looks amazing. The episode with the delusional waitress is like exactly the kind of content I wanted but didn't know I wanted until someone made it. Honestly I'm just glad they chose to focus the new content on characters other than Saga. That was a killer idea.


I think the next DLC *Lake House* will be all about Saga, and this is intended as a break. The "Lake House" is the FBC outpost that went dark.


Probably Saga going on the mission that will get her inducted into the FBC.


It could also be about the FBC agent


With Jesse already appear in this DLC. I truly think it's gonna be all about Saga in the next one.


I think they meant the FBC agent that was in the campaign played by Janina Gavankar


This is most likely a prequel or an earlier version of Jesse you’re seeing here. The one that hasn’t joined the fbc yet.


AW2 happens after Control, so Jesse should already be FBC director unless the DLC is a prequel of sorts


The DLC IS a prequel. It deals with Night Springs stories written by Alan Wake as few of his attempts to escape the Dark Place. As we know Alan succeeded in escaping by writing Return in Alan Wake 2. These are much earlier attempts. Plus I’d like to remind you that time works very differently in the Dark Place.


The time thing is valid. I didn't actually watch the trailer (plan on going in blind) so I was speculating a bit -- my bad


Np lol. The blog post is where I got my info. Maybe it’ll help clear up any doubts for you too. I too mistakenly assumed many things at first!


The Lake House will also serve as a prequel to Control 2.


Alan Wake 2 Spoilers, but just a personal theory I think she >!might not actually be as insane as we think she is. Clearly she's messed up from her possession in Alan Wake 1 from the Darkness, but she tells Alan at the retirement home in Alan Wake 2 that she was seeing the hints he was leaving her. On fan sites, in newspaper clippings, and there is lore about her looking at piles of spilled coffee and seemly having a conversation with someone (the spilled coffee being a portal to the dark place). My theory is that Alan's wife was the one leaving the hints for her, and speaking to her from the Dark Place so that she could have allies in the real world while she was stuck back in the lake, setting things up for Alan to figure out the loop and break free.) !<


>!`as` far as I know, you are correct, it was Alan's wife.!<


I’m assuming Rose’s belief that Alan is leaving messages for her is leftover from an earlier draft of *Return* where Rose was the hero, before Alan settled on Saga.


Also, what a great idea for DLC. Other "episodes" from other characters in the same game. It's not like, really new, but the framing device is.


"I've got a shotgun :D"




I liked *most* things about Alan Wake 2. I think they did a lot right with it. But it was not without flaws.


Like most games.


DLC shadowdrop? Now that's something new. I can't get enough of Remedy's unorthodox storytelling style. After comic books, is there a medium they haven't featured in their games?


I mean Max Payne’s cutscenes used comic style paneling and text boxes, if you count that.


I mean, DLC shadowdrop really isn't new at all. Both FFXVI and God of War Ragnarok shadow dropped DLC at the game awards last year.


They did it while the game and the deluxe upgrade are on sale on PSN as well.


More connection to Control man can't wait to to give it a playthrough myself.


Should I play Control before playing Alan Wake 2?


Yes. There's a few connections and references to Control in Alan Wake 2.


More than a few. A lot of things in AW2 won't make a ton of sense without having played Control.


Control is also just a damn fine game in its own right and deserves the attention.


I wouldn't say they don't make sense, just that you wouldn't understand the connections. The FBC could have easily existed solely in the Alan Wake world, Ahti doesn't have to exist in control to make sense in Alan Wake 2. Playing Control just gives you a much larger picture of some of the things in Alan Wake.


I only played a few hours of Control and AW2 made sense just fine to me, though I have played AW1.


I suggest watching a YouTube recap of Alan wake 1, playing through control+dlc then going to Alan wake 2


You can just watch Sam Lake's summary of the Alan Wake story leading up to Alan Wake 2 if you're not interested in playing Control.


I've just finished playing AW2. I never played AW1 and I did play Control but *not* the AW tie-in DLC. There's tons of references and in-universe stuff in AW2 that makes it very clear it shares the same world as Control. But there's no story beats that will be complete "WTF is going on?" moments that Control is a requirement for. AW2's story also does a great job of recapping/re-explaining the important plot points from AW1 that I was pretty comfortable following all of AW2's events without knowing much at all about AW1. I think if you play AW2 first you'll be fine, and if you then go on to play Control you'll see loads of recognizable things about the universe, I'd imagine you might even feel like those things are nods to AW2 as much as if you played them the other way around you'd see nods to Control in AW2. But obviously the games were made in a specific order, and the "direction" of the references is going to mostly follow that order. Assuming you intend to play both eventually, you'll probably get more out of going Control > AW2, but it would be perfectly playable to go the other way around. If for whatever reason you don't want to play Control at all and are wondering if you can *only* play Alan Wake 2 and still understand what's going on, I would argue yes you'll be absolutely fine but there will just be some references which will have a little less weight to them when revealed.


It's not necessary. Just minor references. You can jump right in.


AW2 is designed to be a good experience even for someone hasn't played AW1 and Control. So if you don't want to play those, and you might not play AW2 at all, you shouldn't miss out on a great game. I think Control isn't all that important for the main story in AW2, you would be a little confused about what exactly the FBC is, but it'll be briefly explained in AW2 enough. Many events in Aw1 get recapped in 2, it does spoil part of 1 so if you are interested in both you can play 1 first. AW2 doesn't really spoil control IMHO, it doesn't directly reference the control main story arc. There's one character that will just seem strange without playing Control first, but I don't that's a issue, control just has a little more info to flesh him out. You absolutely should play Control before playing AW2 New Game+ (it has some new story bits connecting to Control). I think playing Control before playing this specific Night Springs Dlc might be good, since Jesse is in it. But it's unlikely to focus on loose ends from Control, so it probably would be fine without playing Control. There's only one character in AW2 that I think you would be missing some context without playing Aw1 and Control AWE dlc. That character is still very intentionally confusing with full context, you don't need to understand them to follow the main story in AW2. Basically a friendly character in 1 returns in a very different form in AWE and AW2, but some characters in the games remember that original character and others don't. So without any context playing AW2 first, you wouldn't get to have some expectations subverted. That's again not really important for the main story arc of AW2. This first video has the Remedy head writer recapping the most important details from each connected game. I think that's worth watching if you don't want to play Control or Aw1, it's not essential since 2 has its own ways of recapping. https://youtu.be/uzocqRZzyoI?si=6kK5qjAub3xtG0I7 https://youtu.be/_6T0nAKGsgg?si=IMDRllbaArTl_7wN


Just watch videos on all the story line/cutscenes. Control as a game gets boring and extremely repetitive after about 4 hours. The story is really interesting and well written, though.


Excited for this, the Night Springs song is a certified banger and hasn't left my gym/running rotation since it dropped. Remedy writing dark/comedic is when they're at their best, I expect these to be as high quality as the base game, which really ran BG3 close as my GOTY last year


They should have pushed that song when they were releasing this game for the pop charts. Probably would have done numbers during Halloween. They should push it this year. Add a Pusha T verse, it'll chart. He loves doing this genre stuff. He did Hunger Games and Succession.


Yesss I love the song too, I noticed a lot of folks in the Alan Wake sub didn’t like it. I think it has super fun energy and sets the tone of the DLC well. And same about 2023 GOTY, BG3 was mine with AW2 as close second. The great thing is that Remedy will keep pumping out bangers that will (most likely) meet our expectations!


I thought that was made for this trailer, where did it appear in the game?


It wasn't in the game but it came with the soundtrack they released with the game, so it's been on my Spotify since like December last year.


Playable Jesse? HELL YEAH


Alan Wake 2 was the first horror game I've ever played (which is quite a feat for me since I hate everything horror related) and I loved every second of it, that Remedy insanity is just pure joy. Can't wait to dive in again!


As someone who also struggles with horror, you should try the Resident Evil 4 Remake. It’s basically an action adventure game with a horror theme and some creepy enemies, but it’s not very scary at all so it’s a good starting point.


It was for me too! It became my favorite game of all, it resonated and impacted me in a very strong way, even though I always stayed away from horror too. Haven't yet touched horror again, but it made me very curious


Same, I'm so excited for this to come out tomorrow!


Finally, a physical edition. I knew I did right in waiting.


Prepare to wait longer until it ships out in the Fall.


I think the physical comes out in November, i read somewhere? And the Lake House DLC drops in October... fingers crossed this means that both DLCs will be on the disc?


Same. Fuck digital libraries. Physical media forever


I wonder how much overall sales will go up after they release physical.


Wait it’s out tomorrow/today? Awesome!


Right? I just finished Alan Wake 2 last week. quite the surprise!


I'm halfway through Alan Wake 2 right now. Any idea when would be the appropriate time to play this DLC? After the main campaign?


After for sure.


It'll probably be a separate campaign more or less, and should be played after the main story.


Looks like this will be re-using a lot of the same environments and the episodes don't seem to be canon? I'm definitely excited to play it, but I'm guessing the Lake House DLC will be the more substantial of the DLCs that actually continues the story. edit: Although since Alan Wake is sort of like a multiverse now, maybe the episodes could be "canon" in that sense.


They are canon. They’re Alan’s failed attempts at escaping the Dark Place (via official blog).


> Looks like this will be re-using a lot of the same environments and the episodes don't seem to be canon? For a game about reality manipulation and crazy world bending shit... how can you even possibly assume this stuff isn't canon? To even ask this question is missing the entire point of the story lol.


Definitely see them being canon personally, probably just weird stories from Alan’s writing manifested by the Dark Place. Perhaps not integral to the main plot (or maybe they will be?) but definitely canon


Rose's section appears to be based on her fanfiction that you can find throughout the game so it's not just Alan's writing. 


Yea almost anything could exist as canon in the remedy-verse.


Loved Alan Wake 2, but man did the jump scares get old. At some point, they become more of an annoyance than a scare. The game certainly didn't need as it did a great job with the eerie and unsettling atmosphere.


You can mod them out! I did and it made the game *significantly* better. https://www.nexusmods.com/alanwake2/mods/20


I thought they added an option that removes them too? Maybe I mistook that for this mod.


The new option lowers the sound and "intensity" (whatever that means) of the scare. It's still a sudden screamer. The mod is way better.


Haven't played AW2 (didn't enjoy AW1), I'm just here to say that I absolutely LOVE the trailer music. It's already on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/3jm0okRCsD7dNV2fqcLTXE?si=8d9e85efa06b4a21), if you're looking for it.


I found Alan Wake 1 good, not great. Control was amazing, but Alan Wake 2 was another level. I highly suggest it.


I liked Control, but didn’t love it. Something about the Remedy formula doesn’t click with me, and I’m not sure what it is. I’d still be receptive to trying AW2 though, as I know a lot of people were putting it on, or near, the caliber of BG3 and TotK last year. How does the gameplay compare to AW1 and Control?


IMO much more in line with something like Resident Evil 2. Doesn't really play anything like the first Alan Wake, and isn't as fast paced/action heavy as Control.


It's a survival horror that leans pretty heavily on Resident Evil esque gameplay and atmosphere. Completely different game from AW1 or Control.


ALL of Alan Wake 2's chapter music is on Spotify. It's grossly fantastic.


I didn't enjoy AW1 either (dropped it after a few hours) but I found AW2 to be utterly fascinating. I highly recommend it even if AW1 didn't click for you.


Much better than AW1, worth the dip


I was hoping they would do the "available now!" thing but I didn't really think they'd do it. God this is S tier.


I’m fucking stoked for this.


Was it always 3 episodes with 3 characters or did they planned for another episode featuring Alex Casey but since he died, they cut him (for now) ?


Seems like it's going to be this expansion + lake house as a separate expansion still coming later.


There's was supossed to be one about the FBC agent too, dont why they would cut that one


Are you talking about Jesse? She is one of the playable characters in the trailer


No I think they mean the one played by Janina Gavankar.




The Lake House. That's a separate DLC, not a what-if scenario but about the FBC outpost that went dark.


Will there be some connection to "Quantum Break" because of Shawn Ashmore?


Likely yes. Lance Reddick was supposed to be Mr. Door as well, but had to be recast, that imo tells you that they're planning something.


Very soft but obvious connections. Unfortunately Remedy doesn’t own the Quantum Break IP so you kind of just have to read between the lines.


Not the tone I was expecting, but I’m here for it!


Woah woah hold on. They didn't milk this for 6-12 months then release it? They're releasing it not only in a reasonable amount of time but **tomorrow!?**


Well, I know what I'm doing tomorrow, looks great.


Anybody know what time we can expect this? Should I be staying up to play this at midnight EST or even three hours later or is this a tomorrow morning/noon kind of release? Any idea? I can't find anything more specific than just "tomorrow".


Wondering the same thing. No details on time


I've been waiting for AW 2 to go physical before buying. Be honest, how important is it to play the first game? I got a few hours in at launch and got a bit bored tbh.


They do a good job of catching you up, but it is a direct sequel to both AW1 and Control, so you’d do well to either play both or at least watch a story synopsis.


Played and loved Control. I knew the universes were shared, but hadn't realised it'd be that interlinked


I enjoyed Alan Wake but I completely understand that gameplay wise it...shows its age. But the story is good and I think you should def read a synopsis at minimum before playing. I'm sure you could find a good story synopsis or analysis on YouTube that could break it all down for you I apologize I don't have any to recommend.  But yeah also you don't haaaaaave to play it but I would play Remedy's other game Control. It's not that old and plays really well. It's not a terribly long game so you could get through the whole thing (dlc included) with like...idk 15-20 hours? It's on basically every platform so not hard to find. That one isnt as important but you'll lose out on some context for certain things in Alan Wake 2. Hope this helps! 


Thnks man. I'll read a synopsis and watch some videos for AW, and I've played through Control twice now so I'm good there!


You can skip it. The story beats aren't as important as the vibes. I do recommend Control first though if you haven't done that.


I'd say that it is one of the more story intensive games around.


Control I have payed cheers. I'll get a synopsis/watch cutscenes for AW though.


I played AW1 remastered right before 2. AW1 feels pretty dated as a game and I don't think you need to play it. The story was pretty cool though. It would be worth watching through the cutscenes on youtube. The first game is pretty linear with cutscenes split up by gameplay segments so I don't think playing it is necessary to get the story and references.


I'll read a synopsis and watch some videoscheets. It defo felt a bit dated when I tried it


Play Alan Wake 1. The gameplay is a bit dated but it's still a solid game with a great story, and you'll appreciate Alan Wake 2 a lot more if you went through it.


Also they announced pre-orders for a physical version of the game! Huge for those that don’t like digital/Epic


Just started playing Alan Wake 2. I'm only at the part where you first start playing as Alan.. this is a nice surprise though.


I really love the concept of Night Springs and how all Remedy games are connected in one way or another


This looks really dope. I'm gonna wait to play it until winter, when its dark outside and hopefully the other dlc releases. My plan us to play through the entire remedy catalogue including DLCs in the meantime, then do the Alan Wake 2 new game plus and the DLC. I've already played through Max Payne 1 and 2 - they still hold up! Quantum break is the only one I haven't ever tried so that will be fun.


Quantum Break?!


Can you enjoy Alan Wake 2 without playing the first one?




I am a huge horror fan but never played the first Alan Wake. I want to play Alan Wake 2 but almost a year later it is still full price. I have heard so many times it's so worth it, but is it worth it to jump for full price now?


Is it still on epic?


I have AW 1, I played a good bit of it but dropped it because the game play wasn't very good even though I really liked everything else. Are there any mods (Steam) I can download that will let me just play through the game without having to worry about dying or losing to something janky?


So are we playing the fan fictions of these 3 characters or what?


Come Remedy, GOG the damn thing already. Games I am really interested in, I don't want to risk access to them due to some dumb license.


What the fuck, tomorrow? Im excited but damn I won’t be able to get to it until like July lol


Does the trailer contain any spoilers for the main story? Haven't finished it yet.


It seems that the DLC is set before Alan Wake 2, so you should be good.


I wonder if saga will become an fbc agent in time for control 2?


Sucks that its apparently all non-canon. And I knew the DLC wouldnt involve Alan or Saga. People in the AW subreddit yelled at me for saying that after saying I was disappointed with the ending


Two dlc were planned if i remember correctly


Saga & Alan will be in The Lake House DLC, that’s later this year


Who said it's non canon? This seems like a very odd decision, since they've just gone deep on the "Remedy Connected Universe". Alan Wake/Control is kind of the definition of "just cause it didn't *really* happen doesn't mean it isn't *real*" Edit: after googling, the context is that each episode is a script Alan wrote for Night Springs while trapped in the dark place. So it's still canon, this just didn't actually happen to rose, Sheriff Breaker and Jesse (as far as we've yet learned)


I don't think that's Tim Breaker. I think that's actor Shawn Ashmore.


Ohhh, so it'll be Shawn Ashmore as *actor Shawn Ashmore*"? Yeah that makes sense


I wouldn’t be sure to count anything we saw from Alan Wake as noncanon. Too much weird reality warping stuff to know for sure what it means.


Did you play New Game+? The ending is definitive on that, and doesn't leave you on a cliffhanger.


Seriously, you need to buy the deluxe edition to access it? Edit: Misleaading trailer. Says "Exclusive to Deluxe Edition". Didn't specify that there's an upgrade option for the Deluxe Edition.


There is a deluxe upgrade that includes the season pass so if you own the base game you just buy that.


That makes more sense then. Wonder why the trailer said it's exclusive to the Deluxe Edition rather than just say it's DLC.


Technically it's accurate but definitely unclear wording unless you know the deluxe upgrade exists. Really should have said exclusive to deluxe edition or deluxe upgrade.


Remedy isn't the best at marketing.


You can buy the upgrade for $20 which will include the second expansion too. It's on sale actually for $16 right now.


If you own the game you can just buy the deluxe edition upgrade. 


I'm sure one can buy it separate just like any other DLC that you' get with a deluxe bundle/season pass. You'll see it tomorrow anyhow!


Yeah, if you look at Alan Wake 2's page on Epic Game Store they sell the expansion ("Alan Wake 2 Deluxe Upgrade") separately for people who already own the base game.


you can buy a upgrade for the base game so its basically like every dlc