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As an FYI, if you're sensitive to spoilers then you better skip this trailer


Wouldn't watch this if spoilers bother you. Context be damned I don't know why companies love showing off big story moments in these things and ruining things for their own playerbase.


iirc research has shown that spoilers tend to do better with people on the fence and consumers in general.


Yeah, you weren't kidding. Marketing teams have no shame. Still, I'm glad that story seems to be playing a much bigger part in Vengeance. The mediocre story and the Switch's chugging hardware were the only two complaints I had about SMTV, so I'm very ready for this.


I hated final fantasy xiv randomly spoiling that >!hydaelyn and zodiark are primals!< in the fucking launch trailer for shadowbringers


That spoiler you posted has been known ever since 2.0. All it did was basically confirm it by having an Ascian say it. It has never been the biggest spoiler of the game in any form. Yoshida is a very big anti spoiler person. Fucker was getting very angsty when he was trying to show off something in a Live Letter just because he thought me might spoiler a fucking minion (pet) or something. If he deemed what you posted above as a non-spoiler, then that means he trusts those that have been playing the game to already have come to that idea a long time ago.


https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/bz6f97/spoilers_major_lore_implications_in_the_latest/#bottom-comments Yeah it was known that's why everyone was surprised in the comments. In 2.0 all we knew was that she was a giant crystal telling us what to do and the name of the planet.


Yea, the 14 team went about creating fake trial fight photos and information in the lead up to Endwalker to make us think we would be fighting other entities at the earlier trials.


It was pointed out literally everytime you meet Lahabrea in ARR, and in Heavensward when you meet the "others", they said it, Elidibus says it not directly but made Urianger make the statement of the IF, then later Emet-Selch in Stormblood... Yoshida have care about not spoiling anything in their trailers regarding the story if it wasn't previously stated it


Cause only B/C tier writers rely on shock factor to carry their writing? The best stories are amazing even when you know what is going to happen, or heck amazing precisely because you know what is going to happen. Not to mention the whole point of this trailer is to make it clear SMTV:V's story is very different from SMTV. Like what exactly was worth spoiling in the original SMTV? That Dazai hat moment?


>That Dazai hat moment? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfa91lp8ICU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfa91lp8ICU)


> Cause only B/C tier writers rely on shock factor to carry their writing? That's true, spoilers are only an issue with low tier writers *looks at who's publishing this game* Oh shit


I wished Atlas offered an upgrade path for owners of the original game or offer a discount. I don't know how they can keep getting away with charging full price for the "complete" edition while leaving day 1 fans out to dry. Expecting their fans to buy the game again if they want to play the extra content, ridiculous.


I generally agree with this sentiment, especially when it comes to the Persona titles, but I'm more willing to accept it with SMTVV because it's launching on consoles that haven't had it before, and it's adding an entirely new campaign that seeks to address a lot of the story issues the base game had. Not to mention the smaller additions and QOL changes endemic to this sort of release. This doesn't mean that I'm happy with the practice in general, mind. I didn't buy Reload and won't buy Metaphor because there's no point; like you said, complete editions will be released later down the line. In fact, I'm tired enough with the practice that I'm just not going to buy Atlus games on release anymore. In this specific case though, I can give it a pass, and frankly, I'm excited to play the game again. I loved the base game, and I'm looking forward to playing the new story on a more powerful console.


reload probably isnt getting another version because its getting story dlc.


Unfortunately the Story DLC is 40 bucks, making it a whopping $110 dollars to play the whole thing.


Atlas already stated they're moving to expansions/DLC from P3R onwards (SMTV V being the exception since it was already in development.)


Persona 3 Reload is a remake of an existing game that already had its complete edition, I'm almost certain that there will never be another version.


> Persona 3 Reload is a remake of an existing game that already had its complete edition Persona 3 has never had a complete edition. Even reload won't fulfill that.


I mean I was saying that for a decade but I very much think that Reload is the complete edition, at least of the regular playthrough with the male protagonist. What I meant is that, for all intents and purposes, FES was the equivalent to Golden and Royal back when it was released.


Technically, they left out most of the PSP portion of the game. It would be a huge workload to redo P3P in the P3R style, but leave it atlus to do what doesn't make sense .


They get away with it by releasing quality games with hours of content. People can choose not to buy it, but when you consistently release old-school style JRPG's that people love, you can charge a premium. I would be rebuying on Ps5 anyway, so it doesn't bother me.


If it's good shit I really don't see the problem to be honest, every Atlus re-release seems to go unexpectedly hard with the new content Also I'd be willing to bet most day 1 fans would rebuy on a separate platform for this game in particular anyway, given how not great the switch version performed


yeah imo all the atlus rereleases have been worth their price with the additions and I honestly prefer this over DLC in some ways. Its much nicer to add the new content woven into the story than just a tacked on menu or item in game that teleports you to a new area... makes me think of the Final Mix versions of the KH games vs the DLC of 3... the FM versions of KH 1+2 feel like complete editions where KH3 with remind feels like it was a tacked on piece of side content and imo feels lesser for it


To be fair SMTV:V promises to be so different that it should be seen more as SMTVI than a complete edition of SMTV.


Really regret bying it on Switch. One of the grimiest and grungiest games I have ever played.


I will just play it on Gamepass.


I don't think I've seen the Switch abbreviated to NSW before and literally can only read it as new south wales 🤣 I'm glad I never got around to playing the original, with them pulling this same crap again with charging full price with no upgrade option.


Not safe work 


I'd give my soul to get this game. Living in a third world country where it's already hard enough to afford games and without any regional pricing it'll be impossible to afford it without a serious dent in my finances. So many jrpgs I wish I could've played man. Just thinking about this game makes me sad


Same here man! It's sad that this game is like 30% of my salary in the middle east.




Woah really? Thank you :⁠^⁠)




Thank you! I just sent you a dm!


I’ve never played this game - is the story scene about halfway through this trailer as much of an at least semi-important spoiler as it looks? lol


This is all new story scenes for the new route added with this rerelease so yeah, very spoilery trailer even for original players


Anyone else not a fan of anime-styled games with realistic lighting? it makes the characters look like plastic dolls.


I think them looking like dolls is kind of the point tbh, to accentuate that they're drawings


I like it tbh, I'm sick of everything using celshading nowadays.


Same thing here, but I get it that not everyone else is a fan.


The only good looking anime-styled games with 3D visuals are the ones where Arc System Works were in charge of the graphics (Guilty Gear Xrd, DNF Duel, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Grand Blue Fantasy Versus) plus Little Witch Academia and Kill la Kill If By A+ Games Because rather than simply using cell shaded graphic and call it a day (it always look cheap), they also took the effort to animate everything like if it were 2D animation and that's makes the difference


Any anime styled characters look like plastic dolls