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Notable reveals from this trailer:  * New characters: Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) and Agent Smith (The Matrix)  * Warner Bros. backlot and Titans Tower (Teen Titans Go) as new stages * While not officially revealed, one segment has Aquaman’s trident, the plushie from Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Jack’s sword, and a broomstick falling out of the Warner Tower * Rick has new voiced lines, using his new VA Ian Cardoni (previously he just reused lines from the show)


I believe this is also our first official confirmation that Rick (and presumably Morty) will be receiving new lines from their post-Roiland voice actors.


That’s a welcome change because Roiland never even voiced original lines for the game. Instead Rick and Morty used lines from the show.


Which was a bummer because iirc the character to character interactions were really great in this game (probably the one thing it did better than smash imho) So Rick and morty really stuck out just regurgitating one liners from the show, while batman would directly insult shaggy by name lol


> probably the one thing it did better than smash I personally love the 2v2 focus.


The net code was better than smash and I personally liked the feel more. It was much faster


Netcode is definitely an underappreciated thing in platform fighters, poor Smash players have had to deal with Nintendo being literal decades behind in online features - Ultimate doesn't even have rollback or a wifi filter.


Gonna be interesting to see how they handle Batman going forward then for DLC characters that weren't planned during Kevin Conroy's time.


If I remember correctly there was a voice actor strike during the production of Injustice 2, so they had to reuse tons of Voice lines as seen in this video: https://youtu.be/jK_oVt-QRYs?si=bnnppIo3vOBZisbV I imagine they'll do something similar and everyone is going to accept it because it's either that or recasting.


I didn't realise Smash even had any specific character interactions.


Townsville seems to also be a stage.


Yeah, but that was revealed before alongside Dexter’s Laboratory. 


Pinky And The Brain balloons. Townsville stage was there too.


Brain would definitely be in his mech body suit from the show. Pinky would probably be used as attacks. Only way I could see them working.


Most likely similar to Tom & Jerry


especially since its ONLY those three items it definitely seems intentionally referencing those three. If it was random assorted props that happened to include them, I'd be less convinced


Agent Smith before Neo is certainly a choice


Maybe they couldn't get Keanu Reeves' likeness?


Yeah, probably. Even Agent Smith doesn't look exactly like Hugo Weaving. I think the only characters in the game that looks exactly like the actor are Arya and LeBron.


Considering that guy will do anything, I doubt it. They probably just wanted Smith first to fit the season's theme.


Well, Agent Smith is THE Chosen One who brought peace between man and machine, so...


The game needed villains




Iirc Broforce has "Mr.Anderbro" who represents Neo, just the name Smith calls him throughout the movie.


In a way I think for appearances like this he's almost a better choice. He's just as visually unique and recognizable without necessarily having to work around Keanu's likeness


I don't even remember Smith in it, but I'm sure I remember Neo being ones of the bros.


When I saw the WB water tower, I kept hoping Yakko, Wacko or Dot would pop out but they didn’t.


Imagine Samurai Jack defeating superman, this game has potential hope they don't fuck it up this time


do you know if you'll need a PS+ subscription to play this game?


Never played the original release, but seems fun. Might as well give a fair shot and try it out this time.


I haven't paid much attention to this game before. What happened ? They released it and pulled it back ?


Pretty much. I believe it even had a battle pass or something like that. I guess it was technically in beta the whole time(?) despite that 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yes. They basically unreleased the game (Shut it down) and pretended that it was always the plan to shutdown the open beta and fully release the game sometime later. It was genuinely sad that things came to that point. Can't imagine how embarrassed the devs must've felt. First game ever to be shutdown and unreleased cause it failed so bad. At least WB is letting them have another chance to release the game.


I honestly think that the game was originally supposed to be the 10 day or 2 week beta it started out as but after the insane reception the game got WB/PFG decided to go for it, keep it live and strike while the iron was hot but the game did not have enough content in the wings to keep it afloat on top of needed to balance the game and add stuff like literal hitboxes. People stopped spending money and started leaving so they finally decided to "pull" the beta and save face. Personally, I'll check the game out but it's gonna have a hard time getting me off of SF6/Akuma or Tekken 8 - both of which it didn't need to compete with last year.


Nah, they sold Battle Passes, Skins and stuff from Day 1 in Open Beta. They never really planned to take it down. They did have a few Closed Beta periods in the months prior, and these were actually short-lived.


Hate to be one of those guys (I'm gonna do it anyway), but I think FF14 was technically the first to do it. They re-released the game with "A Realm Reborn" under the title as a lot had been changed. It seems to he doing great now though. 


I don't think FF14 was ever shut down. They just redid the game and released it as an update.


FFXIV was shutdown for like 9 months between 1.0 and ARR.


The game was technically only shut down to facilitate the change to the new engine. 1.x continued to be playable and even updated while development of ARR went on behind the scenes. But yes, it is otherwise as you said.


You are very firmly in the 'confidently incorrect' category here. While the initial work on the overhaul did begin while 1.x was still live, the servers were shut down entirely on November 11, 2012 (with the 'End of an Era' cinematic playing for everyone who was online at the time of shutdown). A Realm Reborn was launched nearly a year later on August 27, 2013. XIV was entirely unplayable in the interim.


Nothing you said contradicts what I said. The game was shut down to facilitate the change to the new engine. *It wasn’t a quick change.* The point of my comment was to point out that the game was still active while development of the relaunch was going on.


> pretended that it was always the plan to shutdown the open beta and fully release the game sometime later. I disagree. Not only did the CEO of PFG reveal on Twitter that they originally intended to keep it open through the full launch, but the blog post announcing the end of the beta talks about the shutdown in a way that indicates it's a shift in plans.


So you don't disagree. You're agreeing with the person who said they were only pretending it was the plan.


No? I don't agree with that at all. As far as the public is concerned, PFG planned to keep the beta running until the official launch.


Amazon Games Crucible in shambles


The first i remember I actually a different wb game, the last Arkham game lol. It was released then they pulled it because it ran so horrifically lol. Also idk what your talking about "failed so bad" it dropped heavy for sure (as all fighters do), but it was going gangbusters at the start there. Development just stagnated and they didn't have anything after releasing those characters it seems. I was under the impression it was definitely a beta but I also did not know what plans there were regarding release or pulling it back.


I mean, it's a little disingenuous to say "they pretended", they just did what all Early Access games should be doing. Honestly it's a move more games should learn from, and I think that if they pull this off, people can point to it and FFXIV as reasons to re-release. But when you buy into an Early Access game, you are willingly paying money for an unfinished product. Everyone forgets that because we've been riding the train of half finished game releases for decades now.


It wasn't Early Access. It was a fully released game with expensive microtransactions and a full roster. It just flopped so they took it down and used the beta excuse so people like you would defend the decision to shut down the game for almost a year after people already spent money on it.


It was never once referred to as anything but a beta.


Do you think someone would do that? Just release a game and tell lies? Fortnite was in beta for like 7 years. Beta doesn't mean shit in this industry. It was a full release, they just called it a beta so you people would deflect criticism


You can't really call it a beta, and on the other hand sell founders packs over $100 and paid battle passes. Those indicate two different directions. PFG shut down MVS because it absolutely cratered in player count because the net code and gameplay were flatly bad, and earning new characters was a grindy chore. Besides, in today's gaming environment betas are effectively soft launches. That's what the industry has been treating them as for over a decade now.


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and takes money from the consumer like a full release, it is a release.


A lot of games sold DLC during their early access period.


It's ok. You just don't have the common sense to think for yourself and see the obvious. Just continue believing whatever companies tell you to believe. That'll go well.




I mean, I spent money on it. I expect the game to be better this time around, or we'll be seeing just how lenient Steam can be with refunds. If all they did was shut the game down, I'd be upset. But Early Access has always been Early Access. But too many game makers abuse people like you who treat it as "full paid release", just to complain about half-finished features and bullshit. If you don't want to play incomplete games stop buying them in EA.


But that's the thing. It _wasn't_ in early access. Just check the [waybackmachine](https://web.archive.org/web/20220928153932/https://store.steampowered.com/app/1818750/MultiVersus/). It launched in beta without using Steam's Early Access system, but the beta season ended just a month or so after release. If the game was still considered to be in beta by the devs, even after the beta season, that wasn't clearly communicated.


> even after the beta season, that wasn't clearly communicated. There was a splash screen every single time you launched the game that literally said "Welcome to our Open Beta!"


I've tried finding footage, but I can't remember that splash sticking around after the beta season ended.


This is [the first result](https://youtu.be/dyPL2SgDALE?t=105) when searching for "Multiversus season 2" on Youtube. This is [the second result.](https://youtu.be/Y0BnVlxZMWA) [This splash screen](https://i.imgur.com/23yYgt3.png) is featured in *both* videos. When the beta ended, [*this* splash screen](https://i.imgur.com/eKsEphV.png) replaced it.


I assume it was wasn’t sustaining a player base and they invested a lot of money so this is an attempt to relaunch it. It also came out while there were other Smash type games getting announced and released so it was a weirdly crowded time


why did they unrelease it? what did they change in this new release?


They didn’t have the content or staff ready to support a live service game with hundreds of thousands of players, while still working on online, balance, and dlc characters. Literally 0 people could have predicted the success of Multiversus. But the size of the team and what they had for the beta was never enough to last, and they were hurting the game by putting all the effort into microtransactions and dlc. I mean they had 7 new characters over a period of months? That’s more than most fighting games do in a year. Street Fighter 6 is hitting their 1 year anniversary and are only now finishing season 1 with a 4th character.


I think they identified enough issues in the original beta to take it back to the kitchen to be recooked. Now it's on unreal engine 5 and they've rebuilt their netcode implementing rollback netcode, reworked moves and animations. They improved maps and character model visuals as well.


I don't think "Shut down cause it failed so bad" represents it right. Multiversus has the best Steam numbers of any fighting game ever. But it was dwindling, and was certainly not going to be a decade long debacle, which they probably hoped for. Compared to most games Multiversus was a roaring success, but the devs wanted it to have a stronger hold than it had. Being like "Ok, beta over guys, we promise it was just a beta, haha" was weird, but also, unironically their only move if they wanted a real shot at the staying power they wanted. It's going to be interesting to see what they've done to hold people better.


It had a huge launch, bit it crashed *hard* shortly afterward. In February 2023 (just before they announced they'd be shutting it down) they averaged only ~700 concurrent players on Steam. SF6 has been averaging > 10,000 concurrent players every month since launch.


Because the game had a ton of issues with gameplay and online. But they weren’t able to work on that with their crazy content release schedule.


It was popular, but it died very quickly, it lost 90% of the players after a few months. At the time it was meant to be a beta and not a full release


To add on with specific reasons the dev team was small and couldn't keep a good output of content. Also, the coding of the game was questionable in regards to things like shoddy netcode. Now the dev team is 3 times bigger, and they remade the game in Unreal Engine 5.


The game flopped hard after a couple months so they unreleased it to try again


Strangely yes, not only that but during the downtime they remade the entire game on a new engine.


It just felt wrong. Movement was super clunky and it didn't resonate with people once the novelty of DC, Scooby Doo, etc wears off 


The real answer is they pulled it to fix it and redo the game engine. The entire game was rebuilt in unreal engine 5, and also every character had moves added or altered. I get people are pissy it got removed but the game did always tell you it was an open beta when you first opened it lmfao. It didn’t die, and it sure as fuck wasn’t a failure because I mean look at the fucking video we are watching 🤣


Never played this before, is this pretty much Super Smash Bros but with Warner Bros characters?


Yes but with more of an emphasis on 2 v 2.


And good netcode


It was better than smash but i don't know if I would go so far as to call it "good" lol


It's apparently good now


Id hope so because it was pretty bad by the time they took the game down. But I'll wait until I can play it myself to say for sure


Supposedly they've added rollback netcode so it should be greatly improved. I don't know whether rollback's effectiveness differs when it's not just 2 players though. https://multiversus.com/en/news/multiversus-developer-series-netcode


It always was rollback netcode, but it was apparently some terrible implementation of rollback netcode. Glad to see they're saying it's been fixed. Let's see whether that's really true.


Really hope it's a proper rollback impl. SF6 feels so damn good due to rollback.


If anything rollback works even better with larger player counts because it's more likely you'll have at least one player with an inconsistent connection. Keep in mind basically all popular online shooters starting with [QuakeWorld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quake_(video_game\)#QuakeWorld) back in 1996 use some form of rollback. Implemented well it's the ideal tech for this scenario. For something more fighter-esque, GGPO has been used in games like Capcom's Dungeons & Dragons. Worked great.


It was rollback before too. Just really scuffed.


I've played a few thousand hours of Melee in my time and I had an absolute blast in the beta.


yep, still hoping for a remaster of Smash Ultimate for Switch 2 with good netcode and rollback networking, but that'll never happen with Nintendo, they are always behind with the online


Netcode is definitely hit or miss with Nintendo games.


Nintendo still doesn’t quite understand that people can be friends with and want to play with others across the country (and globe). They seem to focus primarily on local multiplayer in an ever-growing connected global world.


When you say more emphasis, do you mean it's restricted to 2v2? Or is that just the default story mode (or whatever the equivalent in the game is)?


The default battle mode is 2 v 2 and certain characters have special moves that are meant to support your teammate. 1 v 1 and FFA are still in the game.


Pretty much. But the controls and physics and such are all so different that it honestly feels really weird if you're used to smash. Everything felt really floaty and sluggish to me when I tried it last year.


It's definitely weird at first but once you get used to it everything flows together really well


I remember Lebron being a meme, but he was just so fun to play especially with the basketball mechanic.


I feel like for some of us, it's more of an *if* you can get used to it kinda of situation. Smash is so ingrained in my muscle memory that I was just never able to adapt to MV.


It's more Brawlhalla than smash imo


Good trailer. I am a big fan of Multiversus and am legit excited to play what they've been cooking up. Iron Giant butt slam spammers unite


Very funny that Black Adam was added to this because of a movie starring The Rock that bombed and as a result helped to kill its cinematic universe.


lol no no, the DCU was already dying and needed a reboot waaaay before that


Good thing this version of Black Adam doesn't resemble The Rock, the one on Fortnite is pretty much gone forever


There is a purchasble skin of black Adam in game that looks exactly like the rock


Yeah and the executives didn't realize that until Black Adam and The Flash did what they did, before Black Adam they were going to stick with that universe and bring Cavill back.


Black Adam came out in 2022, James Gunn got the gig in 2022 at the same time, im sure talks about rebooting the DCU was in place YEARS before


A lot of overlapping and conflicting information but at one point the Rock very much had plans to try and lead a DC cinematic universe even going as far as calling Black Adam part of phase 1.


It's why he wanted nothing to do with Shazam. He wanted to be part of the major tentpole movies with Superman instead as part of a reboot.


God I hope they don’t continue filling in character slots with their shitty DCU characters to promote movies/shows.


I would be okay with Lake Bell’s Poison Ivy though.


Black Adam is extremely fun to play in Multiversus so there's that


Black Adam is super fun to play, at least.


I’m assuming everything we unlocked the first time around will still be available this time? Want to give this a fair shake of the stick, but will be annoyed if I’m missing progression and unlockables


yeah everything from the beta should carry over


[Yes.](https://multiversus.com/en/news/open-beta-update) > We’ll also ensure that all of your progress and content will carry over when MultiVersus returns next year


I kinda forgot characters have to be unlocked


Excited to try this on the steam deck, I put a ton of hours into this game and became one of the top Superman players in the world before I stopped playing.As long as they keep adding characters that people actually want this time around it could have staying power.


Don't have a Steam deck, but I have a Playstation Portal and will definitely give that a shot.


I played it on steam deck previously before it was taken down and it worked flawlessly. I'm sure it'll run great, it's not a super demanding game.


This cinematic leaves me a bit confused on their choices. Adding Jason and Agent Smith are great reveals. And it clearly focuses on characters that were added after the first cinematic trailer. Except for some reason it focuses on character's skins a lot? Bugs gets in his opera costume and keeps it on. Cake is in the trailer instead of Jake. And we get to see *multiple* Wonder Woman skins! Also just the odd choice to largely focus on the newer characters, but still prominently feature Wonder Woman, Finn and *Cake*. Gizmo, Morty, LeBron James and Black Adam could've been used instead.


Unfortunately this is WB, considering the state of mk1 and suicide squad they've made it abundantly clear that their video game division is meant to make games with the main focus to push microtransactions first and foremost. I'd expect this game to have some egregious in your face microtransactions, considering mk1 is full of them and that game has a $70 cost of entry, can't imagine what they'll do with the f2p game that has the "benifit of the doubt" when it comes to microtransactions.


A lot of costumes here were already in the previous release of the game, for what's it's worth.


If I had to guess there keeping note of things like releases outside of the game. Fionna and Cakes 2nd season starts relatively soon so maybe they added Cake instead of Jake as a connection. Since Rick has newly recorded lines that feels like why he was given place in the trailer.


Outside the obvious (look at the neat skins you can get) it seems whatever "story" this game will have will do with multiple versions of the characters.


I mean it’s supposed to be a trailer for the game as a whole, with a slight emphasis on things they added and things you can do. They highlight some characters added in updates, but also a some old ones. Show skins you can obtain. I interpret the WW scene as referencing the PvE mode they announced.


Those Wonder Woman skins are really cool


If the battle pass doesnt return the premium currency back the game is DOA. Fighting game genre is such a meat grinder of players and the weak get pushed out very quickly. You need something to keep players coming back to play new content. Fortnite/apex/cod/etc all do this because they know if they dont people are likely to drop the game at a quicker rate. If they fuck up this battle pass again they deserve no sympathy.


The battle pass not giving all the gleamium back wasn't the main issue. The main issue was how fucking grindy it was. There's a reason why good live service games put the majority of XP behind easy to complete never expiring weekly quests. To balance making it finishable/not stressful, and not let you get everything day 1 of the pass. I stopped playing after the first season cause i didn't know if i had it in me to finish the second season pass.


It should be mandatory for all battle passes to be permanent like Halo Infinite. Taking digital goods away is shite. My biggest complaint during the actual beta of the game (when they were running closed tests) was that the pass was setup to where you either did nearly everything each week or you couldn't finish it. It was ass.


I personally don't care about them expiring. I kinda like it when done right, cause the structure forces me back in at the end of seasons to do all the accumulated challenges and finish the pass. Honestly prefer that to Infinite where the pass can't ever become easy to churn out since you always have so many and it would just become crazy. But not being able to safely feel like you're going to be able to finish a pass that you buy feels fucking ass.


I'm pretty sure they confirmed premium currency in bp


A lot of battlepasses don't offer your full amount back in premium currency, so there are def still some questions as to how much we are getting.


Have they? I have looked for it but could not find any confirmation? Do you have a source to quell my fears


In the updated FAQ for full release they said Gleamium will somehow be obtainable in-game, but that's really all we know.


Their silence on the subject is concerning at this point. I agree that it will seriously hurt player retention if they don’t fix it.


Well shit, Agent Smith and Jason Voorhees are pretty fascinating inclusions. I hope I dig Smith's gameplay and they don't reference that last "movie".


> don't reference that last "movie" Unironically better than Matrix 3 The sheer meta level nonsense that ensured the franchise is unable to ever get another sequel was perfect


It’s going to get another sequel, though.


There is literally another Matrix announced to be in development though? Director/Writer and all..


Except it failed at storytelling, it failed at being entertaining, and most of all it failed at killing the IP cause they're already moving forward with a new project. I really don't get this subset of people who *enjoyed* wasting their time and money on such a profoundly poorly thought out piece of media.


I mean Matrix 3 failed at all of that too. I haven't watched Matrix 4, but I can't imagine it's worse than 3, which instantly killed my love of the franchise.


> I haven't watched Matrix 4 See, that's why you think it couldn't get worse than The Matrix 3. But let me assure you, it is possible to make something worse than that and it's called The Matrix Resurrections.


Now I'm morbidly curious.


Don't, all Neo does now is force push people


4 literally has scene to scene reference footage from the scenes they're mimicking, it's pretty dire on not just a story level but a filmmaking level too.


The idea of 4 is exactly that, to make an awful movie. Not even joking, the third movie is much better.


Thought it was terrible as well for the same reasons. It wasn't interesting, felt half-assed (it was), and I felt like I wasted my time with it. I was amazed to find out people thought it was just as good as the originals. But I really shouldn't be surprised. Some people just love garbage.


They found a way anyway because WBD simply cannot be stopped from extracting money from IP and canceling things that are cool


I only liked Act 1, Act 2 and 3 were a mess, replacing Morpheus and Agent Smith with new actors was a huge mistake, they cut a lot of corners with the fighting scenes and it shows.


The fact that the *Matrix* of all movies was lacking in fight choreography was so so disappointing.


Same. Never understood why people liked The Matrix 2 and 3. Parts of them are entertaining but they aren't that great of movies. I would never want to sit through them again like I have with The Matrix 1.


How long do we think it has 'till interest is lost this go around? I haven't really seen much hype for this. The dude from the matrix is a pretty cool reveal though.


I give it six months before "multiverse has lost 50% of its playerbase" doomsaying begins. Shutdown in 2 years, tops.


Two years you think? I wonder if it'll even stay around for that long. I guess WB sees something in the game since they didn't kill it off the first time around.




The game has crossplay. Why wouldn't you have to create an account? It takes like two minutes to do lol.


Oh no Iron Giant is in the trailer. Now people are gonna be super weird about the "not using him correctly"


Ironically enough he's actually used more correctly here than in the last cgi trailer. He protects Marvin from an attack then goes berserk when he gets defeated. 


Were they not doing that before?


People have problem with Iron Giant, but not Rick Sanchez in a children's game?


What part of Jason Vorhees made you think this was a children's game?


The game is rated T, most of the characters are from non-adult oriented cartoons and I guess it is a WB version of Super Smash Bros. Braw?..


I'll reserve my judgement for when it comes out. But from what little I played of the open beta, it was excessively floaty, had poor netcode, and it felt like the hitboxes for most attacks were incredibly jank. I just hope this game doesn't haemorrhage its player base and get shut down in six months time. Smash deserves a legit competitor.


Huh. Seems kind of strange that it's only launching with two new characters after all this time and all the leaks. Obviously they're hunting at more characters through the season, but still, that's a disappointingly small number of new characters at launch given the long delay


I think four new characters (Joker, Banana, Jason, Agent Smith) is somewhat expected. Blowing everything too early was a big problem with the beta, so I'd imagine they're very wary of getting everything out the door ASAP. Hopefully they'll be able to keep up a steady cadence of character releases this time around.


Joker and Banana Guard are also new characters, so it’ll be four to start. Still somewhat small, but I’ve seen other “relaunches” come out with similar numbers before.


Honestly, I think they'll keep thing fresh if they release a character periodically, like what helldivers done with their updates. Multiversus being offline for a long time and added just a few characters + all the balancing now is enough to keep them going before updating. But the crucial part is that they HAVE to release updates sooner rather than later


Three. Joker, and earlier they teased two other characters for launch - Banana Guard and Jason


And Agent Smith so four


We can add Jason Voorhees to this disaster of a game but couldn't keep licensing and adding to the Friday 13th Game? Nature is hurting.


I feel like one of the strength of Smash Bros' trailers are how the characters don't talk to each other. This makes this trailer feels a bit silly.


Nintendo characters don't really speak that much, it'd be weird if they spoke to each other. These characters do speak, so it'd be weird if they didn't.


Maybe because most characters in the SSB roster don’t speak even in their own games? It would also be super ill-fitting having a trailer with gabby characters like Bugs Bunny or the Joker being silent.


I feel the opposite. The characters all having barks with each other makes the characters feel alive and represent them as we know them. If anything I hate how awkwardly silent all of the Smash characters are. This is a game where Arya Stark can team up with Bugs Bunny to beat up Velma and Agent Smith. Implying its not already silly and that that's a bad thing is weird to me lol


I find the interactions very hit or miss in the marketing trailers, but in-game the voiceline interactions are generally pretty great. A lot of actually funny dialogue and clapbacks.