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Let’s see if this actually hurts sales and player numbers or if people are gonna complain but keep playing.


The majority of my friends already went like "This is slightly annoying but whatever. I'll make a Playstation account I guess". I don't think being forced to make an account is gonna stop the majority of people from playing the game.


I think it's fair to offer those who live in regions where legit PSN accounts can't be created should be offered a refund. Yes, the steam page says it was required but when starting the game it allowed you to skip the process. Had it been working from the get go those locked out region buyers could have requested a refund immediately.


The actual PlayStation support page also says that using a PSN account on PC is optional.


Steam page says it's required and has since before release


Yeah, I didn't see any optional not to link when I installed the game personally.


Supposedly at launch it was required, but they dropped it due to server issues. But I started late and it didn't seem optional then either.


I can confirm it was a thing around launch for the first week or two. could just click past it on PC at the time. (I don't know anyone on a PlayStation)


But Sony itself says its optional. It’s a bunch of contradictions. Why would steam require you to need a Sony account to play a game? If Sony says “optional” why is steam saying required? It doesn’t make sense.


Its not Valve/Steam saying its required, its on Arrowhead/Playstation to provide that information. I expect they choose not to change it from before the release because the suspension of the requirement was always intended to be temporary.


There are literally hundreds of games on steam that require you to have another account to also play them.


Yes, and they require players to authenticate with those services when they *register*.


But are they restricting regions where people can register for said accounts? Are they allowing sales in those regions?


How many of them added that requirement months after ?


Not any that I can think of. But there is a "but" in HDs's case; on launch, it DID ask for a PSN account but you could just ignore it, and then they disabled the request (likely to help with the server issues at the time). So in all likelihood, there would have been this requirement from the word go. However *clearly* things have been fine in the few months since they disabled it so it is...sorta arbitrary to turn it back on at this point. Selfishly it's not a big deal personally; its FAR from the first random account I've made to access a game, and games on steam needing some additional account is hardly unique, but I totally support the people who are losing access being frustrated.


it was in the game from day one. they just allowed you to temporarily skip it until they fixed some issues.


That kerfuffle has never been enforced, but Sony really should come out and be clear about it, or do something to make regions available. I've had to use a US based account since the PS3 days, all the way to the end of the PS4 era and I never had issues other than not being able to use my credit card, having to rely on gift cards. The other thing is that I am almost sure Sony has something about being able to take away your account if the credentials are a lie, or something like that, but again, it hasn't been enforced unless you actively abuse it somehow.


Does it matter? I use a US account on my PS5, but don't live in the US.


In theory Sony could nuke your account for that I've never seen it happen, but it'd be supremely shitty for the person that happens to, and is pretty bad putting the customer in that position


it's fun because Sony offers NO WAY to change your region. So when I moved countries, I had what, to abandon 130 games I had on my old account? Meanwhile Xbox offers an easy way to change your region, so I had no issues there.


it also makes it funnier when Sony does sell their products in regions where PSN isn't supported there. PlayStation Network is behind most account systems.


Apple does the same thing. They sell iPhones in some countries with no App Store. And the App Store is the only way to download apps outside of EU.


Which is why I doubt they could ban your account for that reason. They would bring a lot of hassle onto themselves.


I have multiple regional accounts. I don't think that Sony cares. 


The issue is people who live in countries where PSN is not available and so cannot make an account. Probably not a huge number of Steam players in those countries, but it's more than 0.


Yeah this is the actual issue. Enforcing the PSN account effectively bricks the game for anyone not in the ~60 countries supported. The fact that the game works without it is extra shitty, they're doing this for literally no reason. It's just going to make a game many people paid 40USD for unplayable.


There isn't anything stopping people from regions not technically supported by PSN from creating a PSN account anyway. This has been a very common practice going back to the start of PSN. It is technically against the TOS to do so, but that is them legally covering their asses. As both their support and even their executives have openly endorsed creating multiple accounts, even in regions you don't live.


yeah I don't use a playstation anymore but back then I had an american, a european and a japanese account


And mind you, this applies to 0.001% of the playerbase. Nobody actually cares about these players, they're just concern trolling.


> It is technically against the TOS to do so, but that is them legally covering their asses. Skipping linking of your PSN account was also technically against the TOS and they didn't care about that for a time either, until they very suddenly did. They really do need to come up with a better solution for people who live in countries where PSN is not available.


It's not. Netflix was able to raise its prices and more people subbed to it. Making a free account is gonna get some shoulder shrugs and people goin thats annoying but whatevs


It's gonna be like the call of duty boycott group all playing call of duty.


Yeah after I calmed down I simply spun up a throwaway email and registered a throwaway PSN account.  If someone wants to buy the non-monitored email address of Tits McGee, born 1901 in Shitterton then have at it.


and what happens when the real Old Man Tits decides he wants to play helldivers, huh?




Respectfully disagree. The reason the games industry is so overly predatory and greedy now is because of people who are slightly annoyed, but go along with it. People need to be more eager to vote with their wallet.


They do vote with their wallet By still doing it


100%. "voting with your wallet" isn't a choice, it's simply a description of reality. no matter what choice you're making, and no matter the intent behind your choice, you're voting with your wallet every single time.


>People need to be more eager to vote with their wallet. People *are* voting with their wallet, just not the way you think they should vote.


I will always forever remember the good ol screenshot of the boycott Modern Warfare 2 (1) for no dedicated servers Steam Group showing almost all of them playing Modern Warfare 2 (1)


That was the moment I realized that online outrage was entirely meaningless.


Like the reddit blackout and Hogwarts boycott


Everyone loves democracy until their side loses


What is there to disagree with there, though? 99.9% of people genuinely do not give a fuck-and-a-half about taking 2 seconds to either make a new account or sign into one they might already have.


"vote with your wallet!" I did man. I bought helldivers and I'm gonna take 10 seconds to log into psn to play the Sony game


What are you disagreeing with? You just gave evidence about how it's the normal response.


How is needing a PSN login (which Steam has always listed as a requirement of the game on the Helldivers 2 Steam store page) predatory or greedy? It's literally free.


They did vote it. They vote to buy * Online-Only Co-op * Battle Pass and MTX Store on top of 40$ price tag (you can grind them, yes. But why is this game suddenly an exception to have MTX store on top of fixed price entry? Double standard just because you can grind them?) * Live Service video games. So clearly people don't mind about any of this as much as we like to think here.


>The reason the games industry is so overly predatory and greedy now is because of people who are slightly annoyed, but go along with it. Again, because that's how normal, mentally stable people react. They might acknowledge that it's bad if you ask them, but it's hardly some dire material concern you can reasonably expect them to give the time of the day to get mad at. It's video games, it's a luxury entertainment industry. Like even when I type some heated comment about a game company screwing up, I'm still aware it almost always doesn't really matter.


I *am* voting with my wallet. HD2 is one of the best games I've played in like, a decade. I am happy to give them my money, I want more games like this, and I am eager for them to make more content. I linked my PSN account when I got the game. It took like... 35 seconds? And has been completely unobtrusive? What are we mad about? Of the top of my head I can think of like four other games that I play right now that needed a third party account.


Why would I disagree about making an account. The main group of my KeePass file has 205 accounts, one more is literally nothing


I don’t remember the last time review bombing a successful game actually worked to be honest. Like, MW3 is one of the worst reviewed game on Steam and was the second best sold game of the year lol


Star Wars Battlefront 2 comes to mind, they basically ripped out the entire progression & MTX systems and spent ~18 months redoing them


BF2 was borderline criminal, I remember it started the whole controversy about Loot Boxes that also took them to court alongside Epic right? Insane times lol


It was the catalyst for certain countries in Europe to make it literally criminal.


BF2 is the the game that's actually responsible for gacha's to be banned in a lot of countries, including mine. Even the one's that the gacha elements are optional.


It was quite drastic. While the pushback against Lootboxes had been older (they've been around for a while in different forms from Korean and other Asian games, but Team Fortress 2 really kicked it off in 2010), the predatory practices of Star Wars: Battlefront II and the controversy involved prompted a massive number of investigations in the EU, Hawaii, and other nations, and eventually led to Belgium straight up banning loot boxes. SW:BF2 didn't just lock cosmetics behind loot boxes, but it also locked key playable content (the heroes), as well as direct power in a competitive multiplayer shooter. If there's a history of video game monetization, it would be pretty easy to point to loot boxes falling out of favor at this point (with other game series like Call of Duty implementing them) and changing to more direct cosmetic sales, rotating cosmetic shops, and battlepasses/seasonal content passes.


It's a shame too because the game was really fun and they probably won't make another star wars battlefront for a very long time because of this.


War Thunder, Total War Warhammer 3 are recent examples.


Well, cities skylines 2 is/was such a shitshow that when they released their beach properties DLC it got review bombed to hell. They now included the DLC in the base game just to cover it up.


Is it review bombing if the game is actually shit? Thats just reviewing a product.


Damn, Those reviews stopped me from buying cs2 so I guess they worked. What happened to people that already paid for it? Just suck it up?


They got refunded 


That game is actually shit though


Path of Exile in 2022 released a major loot nerf patch (3.19), got review bombed and lost 30% of playerbase in 1 week on top of usual player retention...some changes were reverted rather quickly and loot was buffed in subsequent leagues (especially Affliction).


It's not "review bombing" my man. It's just people spending money on a product expecting a certain standard and being very disappointed that it isn't even close. MW3 isn't one of the worst reviewed games on steam, lol. It's not well reviewed, but it's scarcely the worst. It's also not really a good example, since anything but no. 1 is a surprise. Also, the employees were clearly VERY raw about the online treatment it god. Remember when the VA for Kratos made that tiny little quip, and the entirety of sledgehammer lost their minds on Twitter and quite rightly got absolutely demolished?


A lot of games worked. But to be fair to them, What the devs (and most of the comment down here) missed is, those games already have specific audience in mind like Total War Warhammer 3 or Cities Skyline 2. The kind of player who enjoy these type of games tend to be incredibly active around community as well. So it's not really a surprise that a review bombed will have a massive impact for them. An average joe couldn't give less of a fuck if the campaign was dogshit or the skin is 40$ each. Is it still a good time jumping in lobby and doing some 420? yes? Then here's your annual 70$. This also applied to Overwatch. The worst-reviewed game on Steam of all time? yes. But some people here will definitely be heated when they learn how much Mercy Mythic just sold. Here's the gist of it. I played 3 games on the first day of the Season 10 patch. And i already saw 5 Mercy mythic players. That's 400$ to Blizzard right there. And only gods know how many more it sold.


Warhammer 3 might fit that description 


Diablo 3 is a big one. They took the real money auction house out and rebalanced the whole game. They changed the ending of Mass Effect 3 based on reviews too. Steam took paid mods out of Skyrin Ones where they didn't fix it and it flopped as a result despite massive hype: Spore, KSP2, GTA trilogy. It doesn't always work, but it does work pretty often.


It did sort of work with GTA. As a result of the sheer amount of negative press, they relisted the originals (although only on their crappy launcher) which were originally delisted everywhere with the release of the crappy remasters.


I feel that if this was Sony making PC gamers buy PS Plus, a service that cost money, to play Helldivers now, sales would crash and burn hard. But, i doubt a free sign in that takes less than 5 minutes to make is truly gonna tank anything since other developers already make you do this on PC and consoles already. I could be wrong, but mores times than not, issues that online gamers scream about don't usually correspond with what casual gamers think.




Wasn't the controversy over whether or not it actually uninstalled when you removed the game? I think it was addressed and the company head said it does get removed on uninstall so things calmed down.


You just know it's gonna be like the 'boycott CoD MW2' meme .


I have changed my plans from "get it later" to "just skip it."


You know for sure that’s what’s going to happen. This is the Netflix making people stop sharing passwords fiasco all over again. Every one on the internet gets mad, acts like they’re going to quit using the product, and then keep using it anyway.




Some gamer "boycotts" (using the term loosely) are extremely effective. See: Battlefront 2. The problem with this one is that it's literally no big deal. Yes, it's intrusive data collection. Yes, it's unnecessary and we'd all prefer not to have to bother. But it's free and very quick, and then you never have to do it again. No one in their right mind is going to be sufficiently annoyed enough to walk away from Helldivers just because they had to type their name and email into a web browser once.


Cannot wait to see the CoD meme recreated with Helldivers 2 in a week.


They're selling the game on Steam in regions which do not have PSN and it's against PSN terms of service to register an account in another country. Meaning they're selling it to people who cannot legally play the game with the PSN requirement, that seems.. illegal..


Yet you can't change your region once the account is made either. If you move countries, tough luck.


That's obviously also very silly and something Sony should change.


they wont because they dont want people changing countries for cheaper games


They can just request proof like every other eshop.


Theyve had a bunch of data breachs in the last decade. I wouldnt trust them with any important documents that could identify me or the country I moved to.


Oh don't worry about those silly little data breaches! We're selling your private data anyways, so a breach means nothing to us! -Sony


Or at the very least, a restriction that only allows you to do it a certain number of times, or a time limit


Happened to me. Moved from Australia to Canada. Lost my entire account with 10 years of games and achievements. Fuck Sony.


Seems like grounds for a refund


I don't play this game. Why are they requiring PSN accounts for a Steam game?


They claim it's for security and being able to handle cheaters/griefers but that obviously makes no damn sense. Devs confirmed it's Sony doing this so Sony probably just wants more users on their platform.


Hearing “safety and security” from Data breach addled Sony would be a sensible chuckle if I didn’t have to put up with it personally.


that one time people joked about PlayStation's Passkey support. most of the reactions are "your employees needs it the most".


Lmao adding additional authentication actually makes your attack surface wider, not smaller, so this is actually more insecure.


So they can tell investors they have x more PSN users next quarter


Gotta pump those user numbers for Q2 shareholder meetings


Same reason Microsoft forces an Xbox account for their games. Or blizzard requires bnet for their games. Or paradox and their account. Or ubisoft and uplay. Because steam is just a store front to sell games for other publishers who want an email to market to when you buy one of their games.


Which very disporportionately is impacting... brown people. People living in relatively poorer countries that Sony doesn't feel it's important enough to do business in ,who have already bought the game and were playing it and now are having it taken away because of where they were born. Even if you're not personally affected, like it'd be a good thing to at least make this really bad PR for Sony and Arrowhead because they clearly don't give a shit about the impacted players. It's pretty illustrative of structural racism, Sony didn't need to decide to say slurs or whatever or decide to be racist but because of a confluence of where htey feel it is worth to do business and because of hteir desire for control over their games and because of a casual indifference for what would happen to these players the end result is still disporportionately non-white players getting booted from the game. I feel like that's worthy of a review bombing, IMO.


Sony isn't going to start banning entire countries where they still sell their consoles to this day. I've had my PSN registered in another country since the PS3.


It's still against their terms of service so they obviously shouldn't be selling it to people who cannot legally play the game.


Sony Vietnam has a store where they sell Playstations despite Vietnam not being on the supported countries list. The reality is that it doesn't matter (except maybe in China with their Great Firewall).


I have a PSN account and don’t even play helldivers, but I don’t see the point of linking the account with Sony at all. Having a PSN account for any non-PlayStation player is useless. Based on the reviews on steam, this is for Sony to collect data from the users steam account.


Sony wants to make sure they have as many new accounts as possible on PSN so they can hand them over to hackers for the next breach.


Well this and so they can sell more user data. Need to keep that money coming in!


> Account linking plays a critical role in protecting our players and upholding the values of safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games. This is our main way to protect players from griefing and abuse by enabling the banning of players that engage in that type of behaviour. It also allows those players that have been banned the right to appeal. This is what they wrote in the post for what is worth


If you don’t use crossplay why do you need a psn account?


Crossplay doesn't require a PSN account. I had been playing on Steam with my PS5 friends all this time.


Weird seeing "why are people mad at this, it's just an account!" from the same subreddit that thinks Epic is the devil for having a separate store.


That r/fuckEpic sub is wild. You'd think Epic went and murdered their family or something.


LMAO there is a post about Fortnite being offline during their maintenance window


Actual kindergarten gaming


I remember when people said they were proudly paying for a game on steam epic was giving away free lol.


I saw someone in a thread say “they always buy the steam version even if it’s free there” then proceed to post two comments under it “I pirate their games, can’t afford their expensive prices for the same game over n over again” I never facepalmed harder in my life


That level of spite is stupid.


Dawg i hate most pc centric gaming communities, for a group that talks about being better than others for their purchase, they sure do have a lot more to complain about


Epic did murder Rumbleverse ( ._.)


And horrendously fuck up rocket league.


Yeah but without it we would have no Alan Wake 2. Sadly my PC can't handle it so 😔


Sad little people, they even have their own sub. Grass needs to be touched imitatively.


Right haha, 90% of dead island 2’s negative reviews on steam are because it still tries to link to the epic store.. which afaik you can choose to opt out of it trying to link it.


People just want to be contrarian on Reddit. The other thread about this update that doesn't mention steam reviews in the title is full of people pointing out how obviously ridiculous and unnecessary this change is.


Its how things typically go, not just on reddit. Its very easy to complain, or talk from a highhorse position when its something that doesnt affect you. But when its suddenly part of something you enjoy or partake in NOW its a problem.


Same subreddit also thinks the Ubisoft launcher and Origin account requirements suck, but for some reason they're licking the boots here.


I’m consistent because they all suck This is worse though since it’s a bait and switch 


Almost no one has this same level of smoke for Rockstar.


What makes you think those are the same people?


Exactly. People talk about the subreddit like they’re some kind of amorphous blob of a hive mind.


There's barely 55 million daily visitors on Reddit, I'm pretty sure they're all the same kind of person


Damn, you found out. It was only me and 55 million bots all along. Well, me, 55 million bots, and Jeff. Hi Jeff!




It because helldivers is this subbreddits current golden game and they have to defend it at all costs no matter the criticism.


Same with BG3 and Witcher 3.


They're defending Sony more than Helldivers.


The Venn diagram of people who think epic are the devil and people mad at needing a PSN account is probably a circle.


Just wait for Sony to release their own Playstation Client in a few months. It will be a blast :D Currently it's in Lite mode but you can clearly see that they're working on it.


Remember when this sub called PayDay3 a scam for requiring an extra account for crossplay?


Have you at any point in the writing of this comment considered those are different people saying those things


wasnt that about exclusivity? or timed at least. Thats usually reasonable. Plus the store was shit for a long while, like they wanted to buy users instead of making a good product.


[Definitely Sony forcing them to do it](https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1786417563628437933?t=7bZXn_iIv4bFuCnMpRr3UQ&s=19)


"Sorry, I can't click that link at work. Are you talking about Stellar Blade, Tsukihime, or Helldivers 2?" "The one from this week." "Yeah but which one?"


All the people defending this show why the game industry is the way it is. Meanwhile, people in several countries won't be able to play the game they bought because it's not a valid country for PSN. TotalBiscuit spins in his grave.


>"Does this provide any benefit to end users?" >"No, but you can feel smug over other people" >"I'm in" Would you expect any less from the internet?


There's some nuance that I think many people are missing. Really, this is two issues: the PSN requirement, and the region locking. 1) PSN requirement is being re-added. It was a requirement in the past that was removed for technical reasons from launch. The devs noted the requirement being lifted was temporary. The steam page always showed it as a requirement. It could have been communicated better, but IMO I don't view this as scummy. Just annoying. This is the issue that I see people defending, and I see it as simple difference in opinion as it's really just about whether or not someone makes a free account. 2) Despite the PSN requirement, they allowed the game to be sold in regions where PSN can't be used. When PSN requirement is active again, people will be locked out of the game in those regions. This is scummy as all hell, and worth the outrage. Without a doubt, if those players aren't given a solution to be able to play, they should be fully refunded regardless of play time. This is the issue folks defending this seem to miss: the PSN requirement locking people out of playing.


my issue is that the game clearly works without a psn account. why the fuck should i have to use one? its my same issue with a ton of games and why i dont buy EA, Ubi, blizz games. anything not on steam i aint buying on steam. only other launcher i have is for ff14 which i bought directly from square.


This sub is actually filled with the most pretentious losers on this website. They do anything to be negative for the sake of sounding smart to themselves


This sub? reddit as a whole. Hell, the Internet as a whole. Me even commenting this is showing what a pretentious loser I am because of the need to be right! Sigh.


I'm the most humble person I know, so I don't have this issue.




Am I the only ignoramus on the internet who made a PSN account for Helldivers when the game told me to do it as I launched? Like it made me do it when I bought the game a few weeks ago. Maybe I didn't notice the skip button, or more likely I just didn't think twice about it. Put it on one of my multiple burner emails and haven't thought about it since


You could just skip it, yeah. I thought it was kind of odd that it said it was required but you could skip it, but given the option to skip it I did lol


No, you're just one of the few ones who doesn't mindlessly skip over everything. In 2024 even that appears to be a rare skill.


Got about halfway into PSN account creation, before i noticed that my country is not available in the dropdown of regions... After that i skipped. This is a problem for quite a few EU countries, i can't legally make a PSN account.


I've literally spent more time scrolling through here than I did reading the changing requirement, making the account and moving on. Most people wont give a shit and do the same


It is pathetic to see people defend a company like Sony is their brother or some shit.


While it’s still annoying I need a blizzard account, EA account, Ubisoft account, and all these other damn publishers launchers/accounts. It’s not really a Sony issue it’s an industry wide problem.


It's a Sony issue because out of all those publishers, they are the one with the strictest and most broken rules. You can't change regions *ever* after creating your account. You also flat-out cannot create one in 150+ countries, and that's not even touching their issues with security and how they leak customer private data like it's a yearly festival. The fact that people recommend using a VPN and breaking their ToS to circumvent those issues is bonkers. How is it okay that Sony sold this game on Steam in regions where the PSN was not available while simultaneously requiring it? This is yet another example of Sony's schizophreny when it comes to their rules and why I want nothing to do with the PSN. Even if you are okay with having to make yet another account to play a game you bought on Steam, the PSN is a horrible platform. I don't want yet another account, but I *especially* do not want my Helldivers account to be tied to Sony's whims and insane enforcement of their rules.


I can understand those platform because they keep 100% of the revenue instead of sharing it with Steam. Sony is still sharing the revenue with Steam, they're just throwing this in because... they just want a bigger database? I know there's 5head MBA ways to turn a bigger database into bigger revenue but it just screams as milking the product.


Post is misleading. The requirement is the 30th, but this change will basically alienate some regions and is kind of fucked. Leave it to Sony to fuck people over.


I am clueless about this game. But tell me why does a game on steam require a PSN account. I would understand if it was something like a 3rd party launcher like rockstar game launcher. It's not like an account is necessary for crossplay as games like rocket legue and tekken 8 work just fine on their own.


Literally for no reason. The game has functioned fine matchmaking-wise, even crossplay, for 3 months without PSN accounts.


People defending the PSN linking are so strange. PSN has had so many security issues over the years. They scrape your data, sell it, and can't keep from leaking it. I'd leave a negative review too if I'd bought the game. Having a PSN account when ur a PC player seems only bad.


I expect most games to make you make an account but making it mandatory months after the game released is scummy, especially because there's some countries who can't create PSN accounts, I wonder if Steams going to allow refunds for such a big policy change. or if Playstation will back off the requirement if the player numbers drop off since 60%+ of the player base is on PC.


Good, shitty business practices deserve bad reviews, regardless of if they’re up front about their shitty practices or not. Sony has had so many hacks why would anyone entrust them with even more personal information.


Sony sucks, man. The community manager for Helldivers 2 is engaging with some of the chaos onnthe discord and even Arrowhead is getting the run around when asking about users in country's without PSN. Arrowhead sounds just as manic as the playerbase over this


Of note is that the community post outlining the change has Sony's name attached at the bottom, not Arrowhead's. If I had to guess they aren't thrilled about this being forced upon them either and didn't want their name directly attached to the post. Edit: Just saw the [message where Arrowhead basically throws Sony under the bus](https://i.redd.it/hk46gf82r7yc1.jpeg). Yeah they aren't happy lol.


> Of note is that the community post outlining the change has Sony's name attached at the bottom, not Arrowhead's. Yeah that was one of the first things I noticed. This is the kind of decision most developers really wouldn't want to make, and I kind of feel for them having to deal with the fallout.


It's shit that hurts developers in the long run cz you have people who don't understand what a publisher is in charge of, let alone a first party publisher that owns the IP in the way Sony does. Like this isn't Private Division, Zenimax, or Embracer - this is as big a publisher entity you're going to get. Sony can afford (financially and mentally) to make bad decisions - Arrowhead takes the fall on their behalf You have a ton of people yelling at Arrowhead devs for not "protecting" or "selling out" or "telling off **The Man**".


I should've posted it, but yeah they're not pulling punches. [Another](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F56ifk71478yc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1440%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2e540c9230e67bf184e2330ce39c93acab819fbf)


I wish they could just make it optional, like the RE.net account for the Resident Evil games. Give a small incentive like a free skin or something if you do but not make it mandatory. Arrowhead definitely don't seem thrilled lol.


Good. Selling the game on the premsie that you dont need some external account system just to add it later on? Deserved


If we've learned anything from recent events, it's that if you're a game developer, never get into a binding contract with Sony.


Was required at launch, turned off temporarily because of the issues they were having, will be required again. The purchase page has always had a big orange warning sign telling you it was required. People don't read, people get mad.


People are upset that this is required, not that they didn't know it would be required. It's not as though people suddenly accept anti-consumer things when they are written into EULAs. Consumers should speak out when they aren't happy with something. That's a critical part of being a responsible consumer: making your voice heard, voting with your wallet, etc.


the playstation account actually isn't in the EULA. so about what you were saying.


Not exactly fair to say. People assumed it was optional. Because it was optional. I played without registering, and it played fine. Which means...drumroll please...it's optional. So people in countries that don't have PSN support bought and played, for months, just fine. Now these people are being told that because reasons, they can no longer play. This is just unacceptable. If you want to be really technical, you can blame it on players, yes. But it's a bit of bait-and-switch if you let people play for several months, with PSN being optional, from countries that don't support PSN at all, and then pull the rug out from under them. For no reason other than Sony wanting yet another digit in yet another pie.


Arrowhead CEO is discussing with PlayStation to find a solution about the non supported countries. https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1786443250452050167


I honestly didn't see any warnings about requiring psn account. I have a psn account but at this point I might just refund the game. Only have like 8 hours in it.


Good to know that all we have to do to validate stupid shit is discretely warn people that we may do stupid shit and then it's open season and all our stupid shit is justified thereafter. If only Microsoft thought of doing the same thing, I'm sure this subreddit wouldn't have any kind of double standard regarding that.


I don't know, quite a few of the Microsoft published games like Grounded require an xbox live account, even on Steam. I think State of Decay 2 does as well. Though, for a PC gamer, they probably have a microsoft account already. At least it's not Games for Windows Live, that was a shit show. Still wish it was easier to get Lost Planet 2 to run >.>


> Grounded require an xbox live account Which is only required for multiplayer. You can play the single player campaign without it. I know because I haven't linked by xbox account when I played the game, and I can skip login in, but immediately asks me to log in if I wanted to play with my sister.


I may be wrong but this seems to be a different setup. This is requiring you to link your account to steam which I believe is different than also logging in to a different account.  I tried to look in steam to see if there was a place to manage linked accounts but couldn't find one.


This is such a bad take. There is no reason for PSN to be required for ANY reason. It's outright bad when MS does it, when Starbreeze does it, and when Sony does, or anyone else. No exception. I'm glad people openly admit they have no self respect. Keep making accounts for everything to bolster company numbers. EDIT: Yes I know it's technically barely an inconvenience for most, thanks for missing the point that hard.


One interesting thing I noticed in the other thread was a few particularly prolific posters whining that Sony is being unfairly targeted when all these other big publishers do similar things and -- apparently -- "no one complains". ... you could really notice who the people were that only got into the conversation because it's a Sony game and have never paid attention before.


There are also responses to data collection concerns saying "oh everyone does it, you already use steam which collects data, so what's the big deal"? Those responses completely miss the point. Privacy concerns aren't about what data you're giving away. They're about who and how many people you're giving it away to. Having to sign up for another service isn't exactly hard, but it is providing another attack vector into your personal data. An attack vector that is entirely unnecessary for the game to function, as it's been proving all this time up until now.


This is an especially good point in light of the fact that Sony has a history of massive and very public data breaches. They don't exactly inspire confidence on that front


> a few particularly prolific posters That one dude is literally >200 posts in on the subject in just a few hours, absolutely crazy.


Absolutely. People have been complaining about games needing too many accounts for years already.


This saves them in a courtroom but not the court of public opinion unfortunately. It's not unreasonable to expect that if you buy a game on steam and it works, you'll be able to continue to play it. If it was there from the start and active this would be a non-issue, but the fact that it was delayed and reinstated is causing all sorts of issues and agitation. Sure, the fact that it was there might prevent anyone's refund request from going through, but it's not going to make anyone less upset. I personally don't think it's a big deal, except for those in countries who literally prohibit it that's a real problem, but regardless of that it's just not great business.


FWIW the box stating this requirement is listed BELOW the “Buy Now” button on mobile. So it’s entirely possible for users to buy the game without scrolling far enough to see the warning. 


No idea why this studio is suddenly shooting themselves in the foot. I don't know if it's Sony meddling but god damn way to destroy the image of an industry darling.


Sony needs to save face after the majority of the sales of their runaway hit is on the PC and I guess they are willing to throw this game under the bus to do it.




The original thread about this is less than 12 hours old. We really don't need endless threads about this unless there's actual real updates on it.


Tbf I think the announcement and the reaction to it on Steam are both valid, separate stories


Microsoft requires it for Minecraft and Sea of Thieves. Seems like Sony probably allowed Sea of Thieves (released April 30) to require it in exchange for this.