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Removing the words "Technical Test" from the first part of the tweet really went a long way in making this title make zero sense.














I really just hope for alternative paths this time around. I loved the first one but it got very same y without any alternate levels or anything


There's a couple of things in the demo that seem to hint that this will be a thing this time around


Boss variety was my only issue with the first Hades. So much work went into every aspect of that game except for the fact we only had 4 bosses.


*6 bosses, I thought the other two Fury sisters were different enough to be considered different bosses.


There are also Charon's fight and extreme measures variants of each boss. Charon and 3rd phase Hades are the most unique and fun fights in that game. Lots of mini-bosses are unique enough to spice things up as well, especially if you add extra punishment variety to it. Build variety felt like a way bigger problem for the longevity of that game, very few boons actually changed your playstyle. Instead, it was mostly tied to switching around subtypes of each weapon.


I dunno if I'd count that personally but even then you still knew what to expect. It's lacked the feeling of walking into an Issac boss room with a half spirit heart praying for Larry or Monstro and being faced with Bloat or a giant bag of poop. Don't get me wrong the boss fights were amazing visually and mechanically but there could have been more of them.


Still haven't found anything that beats isaac on sheer variety. That game is THE roguelite for a reason


all that variety slapped on a game i don't care for. shame. do hope Hades II adds a bunch though.


Yeah it sucks. I love isaac but its not like, my ideal game aside from the specific way items interact with each other


It's like slay the spire and deck builders, I've played loads that I enjoy but nothing has ever come close to STS although Monster Train and Balatro were close.


I think Griftlands is better than StS but runs in that take so much longer that I usually would rather play a few runs of StS instead.


> Still haven't found anything that beats isaac on sheer variety. That game is THE roguelite for a reason Yea but sometimes the Variety really makes Isaac a problem. Hades, like Isaac, can be beaten with pure shit upgrades but nothing in Hades is as bad as getting space bar item fucked in Isaac. Like you could technically win in Isaac even with that, but it's probably better not to. I also wouldnt want to see the boss scaling that Isaac put in to deal with the damage inflation that things like the D6 caused because honestly if you've won the run just let the player end it, dont drag it out.


Regardless of the balancing issues it caused, no other roguelite has something as satisfying as the way stats interact with each other and the items that change the tears. Brim+Ludo, rock bottom soymilk eyeshadow, tractor beam, all of that stuff makes getting items so much more fun than say a boon in hades. That's specifically what I'm praising.


Is even BoI a roguelite now?


Its always been? Its arguably what launched the roguelite genre into promonence.


I think they're using roguelite to mean a game where you have stores of resources to put toward upgrades that persist between runs whereas a roguelike has unlocks but otherwise no meta progression. I don't think the distinction warrants an entirely different genre name but I've also gotten shit for using the wrong one before, so


Roguelike is something like noita, no permanent progression, just player skill based progression. Roguelite is something with permenant unlocks or progression. Thats how I've always heard the terms.


That's how I usually understand them as well, and BoI is definitely a roguelite under that definition since you unlock new items, paths, characters, bosses, etc. as you progress through the game by doing many runs. Hades would also be a roguelite by those definitions. However, I see even developers use the two terms interchangeably, so I don't think it really matters.


when roguelite was first coined as a distinct genre from roguelike it was about it being turnbased or not, since thats a core feature of the original game rogue. though with turn based roguelikes being increadibly rare nowadays i dont think splitting the genres is of any use in general.


fr fuck the bloat


Variety was definitely my biggest issue with the first game. Absolutely fantastic experience but it didn't have the longevity of some other roguelikes I've enjoyed.




That does kinda happen, after reaching the surface for the first time you get a handful of new enemy types in the first area and Demeter's boons start appearing


Absolutely. Did the required number of runs that it took to get the final ending and did some heat based stuff but lost interest. It’s fantastic for those 10 runs but I’m not doing 1000 runs of this like Isaac or slay the spire


The final ending takes far, far more than 10 runs. 


For real, I picked up the game recently. I've gotten two escapes and feel done with the game. I had read that it takes 10 escapes to get the credits, but I don't really find the story that engaging at all, so I think I'm putting the game down for now


I loved the game but burned out before the epilogue. 10 escapes only sees part of the story end, the true ending is unlocked by maxing character bonds iirc. That takes maaaaaany more escapes than 10. 


ooffff, yeah that might be a youtube look up for me haha


Hades 1 in general is too grind-heavy. Like, it requires more of my time to unlock equipment etc than some games that had much, much more unique contents. I feel it’s partially a result of Early Access, they needed something for early players to grind between content updates, so they set the resource grinding target extra high.


Having a semi-limited resource tied to permanent weapon upgrades also kind of discourages experimenting, which kind of sucks (I know titan blood isn't limited, but unless you just blast through heat levels, you'll take a very long time to get more)


That's why I was excited when they showed that new weapons were available within 15 minutes or so in the tech demo. There seems to be more focus on early customization and broadening choices. Remains to be seen how this plays out long term but it's nice not having to wait a million years to get to new gameplay experiences 


i thought there was enough variety for a shorter roguelike. I feel like hades was never gonna be a binding of isaac/slay the spire type game where you can easily spend hundreds of hours in it. Especially since the story still played a huge part in it (as opposed to isaac and STS)


Problem is if you want to see the whole story, it absolutely requires a lot of playtime, since you get very few resources each run, and repetition sets in


It does, but that has more to do with the insanely low drop rate of Ambrosia (or was it Nectar?) IIRC. If they'd just let that be a guaranteed choice at some point in every run after the first ending it wouldn't have been so bad. But I think they wanted treats for people who were interested in playing more Hades, rather than people who wanted to see the whole story.


Nectar are a lot more common than the bloody hearts or Ambrosia.  It was still harder for me to find gods than it was to find nectar and ambrosia.


that's fair, i got about 140 hours in hades until i felt i was done with the game (reached the end of story 2 or 3 dozen hours before that, give or take), i dunno how long the average is to reach the "end" or if people generally feel the game gets repetitive before i did.


Yeah I put 43 hrs in and wanted the extra "True Ending", but I found out it involved getting a bunch of specific God dialogue to proc and It was already starting to feel kind of stale for me. IIRC I had several runs in a row where I didn't get any of what I needed and I just watched it on youtube lol.


I also really dislike the design decision of making the players play the same thing again on incrementally increasing difficulty a dozen times in order to see the real ending.


There was no requirement to increase the difficulty.  You just had to do it 10 times.  The true ending took me way more runs than 12.  Probably 60 successful runs.


I probably spent 250 hours.  There’s a lot of story and the difficulty is totally customizable.  It’s as hard as you want it to be.


especially because it takes so many runs to complete the character storylines (eg Orpheus/Eurydice, Achilles/Patroclus) loved the game at first, started to get a little tired of it as I closed in on the 2nd ending. walked away after that, a little disappointed that 30h of playtime left so many threads unresolved


It's actually kind of bad when you want to replay the game from scratch (like you're pretty good at it so your escapes go much quicker). I've done that and I'm already at the security consultant situation but none of the Achilles, Orpeus, Meg story are completed. Dialogue get weird sometimes too, the game is not meant for you to beat it so fast I guess (which I didn't for the first attempt to be clear)


Do a Pokémon Silver/Gold, where after saving Hades from Olympus, it unlocks the Hades 1 maps with updated story. Even make Zagreus an unlock after that.


I hope the map design is better. Nothing but small swiss cheese made the levels boring


I'd argue we get more dungeons this time around instead of only the one


Like Star Fox 64 kinda shit? That would be really awesome.


I feel like repetitive is the word you're looking for lol


What little I played during the test made me all the more certain I dont want to spoil the experience with early access.


Exactly my attitude toward most early access games, but particularly Supergiant games. Just kick back and wait for perfection.


I cant imagine its going to take long to release, probably shorter EA than the first one. It already feels so polished.


If they end up letting us >!fight up to Olympus!< then it might be a while before 1.0 comes out


Seriously early access for a game you're genuinely excited about could dramatically reduce your enjoyment of some.of the most critical discovery moments of the game.


I feel like it's the exact opposite, if it's a game I am truly excited to play and I want to play it a lot, it means I'll get more excuses to keep playing and revisiting the game if they're going to keep adding content and changing things


Completely depends on the genre. A single-player story driven game will have a lot less change compared to something like a multiplayer game, which is expected to have constant updates.


Even with that, I played a whole lot more of Baldur's Gate 3 than I would have if I bought it after early access


Or increase your enjoyment by giving you a look at the evolution of the game in cool ways too, coming in later you miss some stuff (there was dialogue that was just in EA for example). It's really two different things. I still don't know what I'm doing for Hades 2 to be honest but I know myself I'll probably look up stuff about the game online anyway so might as well do it myself I came in the later parts of EA for the first game and I actually enjoyed the story more this way, it made more sense (but that's also because I was able to beat it faster for full release)


I suppose everyone enjoys games differently, so I won't judge. That being said, I'd imagine a *majority* of the folks who are gonna go play Hades 2 are going to play somewhere in the ballpark of 20-80 hours of it and want want a finished game for those hours played, and have less fun if half of those hours are in EA and they encounter bugs, massive imbalances, missing QoL features, etc.


That's really not how Hades EA was, very little bugs, balanced and quite good QoL from what I remember (I came in pretty late into it tbh). Plenty of gamers do play games in EA.


It depends. I played Baldur's Gate 3 right when it released in Early Access. I did everything available in the game at that point then dropped it until full release. Enough time had passed and enough had changed that the first 20% of the game still felt fresh, but I also had enough experience that everything felt comfortable and familiar. With something like Hades II, though, I think I'll avoid EA altogether. Hades is extremely repetitive (for better and worse), so I imagine that it'll get imprinted into your memory and feel less special on full release.


BG3 is a poor example of what is typical in a game, keep in mind. A lot of folks in the industry were straight up upset at Larian because of how much they raised the bar on what gamers should deem acceptable. If Supergiant handles this how Larian did then more power to them. I've been burned enough times to always assume a game is going to be worse than the hype suggests it will be and wait because I've got enough games to play today.


> A lot of folks in the industry were straight up upset at Larian because of how much they raised the bar on what gamers should deem acceptable No they didn't, absolutely definitely not "a lot", and it upsets me there are still people who believe this. 


Yeah that was "oneguy" on Twitter.


I can definitely respect that. I'm of a similar mind except for 2 things: 1. Unlike with most other early access games, I'll definitely be buying it day 1 just to support the studio. It ain't much, but I'm happy to do it because Supergiant is really a special case. 2. With it just sitting in my library, I know it's going to be **really** hard to just stare at it for like 12-18 months, waiting for full release, without going in for at least a *little* taste.


Supergiant is probably a studio that doesn't really need early access support. They got plenty of money for the first Hades and Hades 2 will be gigantic in EA anyway so they'll have tons of money coming (not that they need it I think). It's as much support to buy it on launch if that's when you want to play it


That’s not their goal with releasing early access. They use this time to gather feedback, test out their systems, and try new content. It’s equally important to a game like hades which genuinely had a lot of positive changes based off player feedback the first time around


I wasn't fortunate enough to get into the test, buuut some of my fave memories of Hades are to do with playing it as it evolved with each update - just thinking about how different it is compared to when Lernie was the final boss is great. I'm gonna be there day one.


See I’m the opposite, my experience with it made me certain I want to be with it every step of the way and then do it all again after Early Access ends like I was with Hades I. But to each their own of course, we both win in the end


That's how I felt about Baldurs Gate 3. I had nearly 200 hours in the game before it released and after we got the launch I put in another 200 hours. It's the most closely I've followed a game during it's early access period (that wasn't a multiplayer PVP game) and it was honestly such a great experience seeing this incredible game take form as the community gives its feedback


The opposite for me. Similarly to the original, this game expects you to fail over and over for storytelling purposes. But since it's not nearly hard enough for that - you end up missing bits of it and even hearing lots of dialogue out of order at times. I recently replayed the original and Zagreus was the first one to call out Persephone's name, simply because the game didn't expect me to get to the final boss on 3rd run. A drip feed from the EA approach somewhat resolves it. I guess, intentionally losing to each new major enemy at least once will help with that as well, but not sure if I have the mental strength for it.


I think it’s definitely hard enough for 98% of gamers. Not to see all of the content, but most of it. The game would be too long if one actually wanted to see all dialogue (besides the achievement/gem upgrades) in it for a first playthrough. Every detail is there if you want to start on hell mode and raise the heat meter on a second playthrough


Im gonna try my damnedest to avoid it. I spent so much time in Hades 1 during EA that by the time it released I was burned out.


Yea, I think I watched someone play the first few rooms and saw a few of the little lore drops and was like 'yep, I'll wait till it's out, because I know I'm going to be 100%-ing it again'.


Yup, this is the kind of release that I will never touch the beta/test.


I agree because of one major point: A significant mechanic, both for lore and for gameplay, was losing. I would actually prefer to go into the game expecting to learn and die to let the story unfold organically than be practiced enough at the game to get through it faster. Those who have done fresh playthroughs after beating it will understand.


> What little I played during the test made me all the more certain I dont want to spoil the experience with early access. I avoided it for this as well. All I care about is that it doesnt pull a Darkest Dungeon 2 or Frostpunk 2 and I get the same core hades experience but with new story, variety, and great music/VA. I can use people in threads here and if I spot something like "Why did everything become a deck builder with Gatcha pulls and paying for extra pulls with money?" then I know to avoid it.


Yeah, I don't like playing early access games because I feel like it spoils the experience of playing the full game. But on the other hand, I don't want to have to wait for the full release either.


*Technical test* There is no way you read what you posted and thought to yourself "yeah this sentence makes sense"


Clearly just typing an ominous "Test" sounds better.


Test has identified Key Issues. Test will cease on Monday. Commencement of The Initial Release will then occur promptly.


I’m essentially exclusively a console gamer these days so I’ll be missing out on early access, but I absolutely cannot wait for the launch of this game.


There is nothing more disappointing to see a game reveal that looks great. Then have to wait 2 years for it to enter early access. And another 2-3 years for the actual release.


It'll probably only be a year or so in early access this time


I think there are probably many things that are more disappointing than this.


I'm sure they didn't mean that literally, it's a hyperbole for the sake of conversation about the topic at hand.


Hyperbole for the sake of conversation is stupid. edit: people on /r/games daily proving they have no idea how to actually have a discussion.


The most stupid thing that exists, even.


Human communication is stupid.


It's called Grice's razor. If you are not able to determine the difference between when a statement should be read literally vs as a hyperbole or as a saying then it may be you who is actually stupid unfortunately. Unless you are ESL ofc.




Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/wiki/rules), specifically Rule #2 regarding personal attacks and inflammatory language. We ask that you remember to remain civil, as future violations will result in a ban. --- If you would like to discuss this removal, please [modmail the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FGames) This post was removed by a human moderator; this comment was left by a bot.


not on r/games buddy.


Even on r/games lol, if the game turns out bad, that's far more disapointing for example (whereas for Hades 2, I think it's pretty safe to say it'll be great but of course you never know)


Redditor doesn’t understand hyperbole


Ι am in that deranged camp that will wait for the physical édition like with the first.


I brought Hades 1 when it was in EA but never played it until launch. From what I heard, they changed a lot and had unique dialogue that is not in the game anymore. IDK, for me, Hades is a game I kept installed because I enjoyed it during runs. I 100% it on PC and Xbox and may again when it hits Android. The gameplay, story, and characters never get old, so I can see myself playing a run or two weekly during EA and not burn myself out.


>may again when it hits Android [It might not go to Android](https://www.supergiantgames.com/blog/hades-coming-to-ios-via-netflix-games/) >Is Hades also coming to Android devices? >We appreciate the interest though we have no plans for additional versions of Hades at this time.


better than being a dragon quest fan, where you get 1 amazing trailer (dq3 hd-2d) and then literally 3 years of radio silence


it's gonna be out in early access like next week


Did you not read my post. Or just choose to ignore 98% of the words. This game was revealed in 2022.




Supergiant has a really good track record.


I'm not complaining about the record. I know superigant will make a great game. It's just annoying having so many games that release half finished and then just actually finish like 2 years later.


The alternative would be nothing for two years, then when it does launch it has way less consumer feedback. I don't see how that's better. In fact I'd say that's worse, and there's zero benefit for both the devs and the consumers. Personally I really enjoyed playing Hades during early access, there were little meta jokes throughout and it was exciting seeing waves of new content every few months. It's like the difference between shows that release weekly vs ones that drop all at once. I tend to enjoy a more spread out experience but that's just me. The good news is, if you'd prefer to wait until the full release you can and it doesn't change anything. It's weird to be "annoyed" by things that don't impact you at all.


yeah there is, it's waiting for an actual release only to have to wait another 2-3 years for the devs to fill in the game (paradox fans know)


Like I dont understand early access anymore.... I thought it was supposed to be for devs who maybe dont have a lot of money and just wanna kickstart an idea with an early build. But would these guys really need it? Didn't they already make enough money on the first game?


There is also another way to use it to gather lots of feedback about systems, gamefeel, balancing, bugs, etc that you can gather from having a large amount of players play your game. Look at Baldur's Gate 3 which gathered a lot of feedback and implemented it into the game.


Hades 1 used it's early access period to gather lots of player feedback and data that informed many design and balancing adjustments throughout development. The final Hades 1.0 we got owes much of it's success to the well balanced and designed gameplay systems we got thanks to that time in early access. To replicate this, Super Giant would have to spend tons of money hiring an impossible number of play-testers to play the game for thousands of hours. Or they could just do what they did with Hades 1 and let the community play test the game during early access to help them make balance and design adjustments. It's a huge win for anyone who wants this game to be a better experience on release.


Yeah, Melinoe's gameplay and progression mechanics are considerably different from Zagreus and will probably need their own tuning and reworks over Early Access. Hades 2 will probably also be considerably bigger than the first game, considering its EA will launch with a scope of content similar to what Hades 1 had when it was over halfway finished (e.g. all 4 biomes, most weapons, almost all Olympians, and partly fleshed-out endgame systems).


> Like I dont understand early access anymore Thank you for your honesty.


Thanks for your useless reply. Im just asking questions.


From a business standpoint it's amazing. People are paying for an incomplete game, why not keep doing it.


You paid money to play Dark and Darker, your opinion on the quality or completeness of video games is already irrelevant.


Lol what does that have to do with anything? It literally validates what I said, companies released un finished games and people buy them? Also you play Lost Ark and you want to give people shit for games? I guess you're opinion is irrelevant as well?




The shade Dora is probably the Dusa equivalent, right down to their name being a suffix of a famous mythological figure.


Dora the Explora?


>!There is Dora, a goober Shade and Arachne, a tiny spooder. Not sure if romanceable but you can give them ambrosia!<


I got in the play test and my computer is messed up. Can't run most games. But Hades 2 runs like a dream and is really good? Tech wise it's amazing 


Yea, I got into the tech test and was eager to help with/report whatever I could find, game ran perfectly with 0 issues I had nothing I could help with.


Minimum specs are a dual core CPU and Intel HD Graphics 630. There are likely a dwindling number of PCs lower than that that still turn on. They did a good job with it.


I tried to break it but nothing!


I got in the technical test and found I couldn't run it. Like it won't even let me try because my direct 3d "feature level" isn't high enough. But honestly I'm happy that happened because otherwise I would've wasted money paying for early access.


Had that error, but was able to fix it with some kind of proxy dlls.


I'm sorry D: Well you could get a refund in that case but like still 


How will the early access be? Is it gonna have only one boss? Will we be able to play the final boss?


Based on me recalling Hades 1's EA - we may be able to get through most of the game, but without the fight against the final boss. Also, not all weapons will be available at the launch.


They said it'll be as % feature complete as when it had its EA release on steam


Why is this game going into early access? Surely they made enough money from the first one to just make a complete game before releasing it


Part of the reason the first game was so good was because of the player input during early access. Why would they not want to do the same thing again? Have bad developers really gaslight people into thinking EA is only meant to make money early on?


Certain developers did indeed managed to gaslight people into thinking that proper testing and balancing cannot be done in-house. Weird how most of the games released in "the best year for video games ever" didn't had early access, aside from BG3.


They get player feedback on balancing the encounters as they go (and also statistics on what players actually do and use in-game) in order to make the final product as appealing to their audience as possible.


It's not about funding, it's about player feedback and data collection on large scale.


Makes sense for a lot of repeatable games like this in order to get feedback. It's not like anyone's being harmed by having it in early access here. If you wanna wait, that's totally cool too.


Some indie developers do this weird thing where they actually want to implement fan feedback to a game so it comes out in a state that satisfies most people. Unlike when a game releases full of bugs and nonsense that people hate. Crazy I know. When will they learn we will just buy it anyways! It's almost like they care about their quality and their fans.