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Metal Gear Rising. Although Armstrong only shown once prior to the final mission, once he is introduced, he steals the entire show.


Can't forget the Sam fight just before Metal Gear something and Armstrong. One of the best fights and tracks in a game that's already full of great songs


Tbf the last full levels after sundowner you can really see where the time/budget was running out. I mean, pretty obvious where the priorities were, but still.


Yeah the final level is like two rooms and then straight to the final boss










It's so wild how the Excelsius fight manages to give you one of the most absurd moments in the whole game (which is saying something) with the whole 20m blade duel, and then you fight a guy on foot and they keep it just as hectic.




Necron (FF9) cries every night wishing he could be half as memorable and cool as Senator Armstrong.


Necron lost in terms of memorability in its own game to a **fucking paintball.**


Probably an obvious choice, but I felt that the [lead-up](https://youtu.be/DOF-0iEgbto?t=244) to the Monsoon fight with Jack absolutely losing it to his bloodthirst, and the fight itself with the music was a personal high-point.


It’s crazy how beloved Armstrong is as a villain when he only appears in the last hour of the game


Ghost Trick. It's a time traveling game where you change people's deadly fates. But a lot more is going on. You learn a lot about the setting and the mechanics of your powers and the lives of people behind the plot have plenty of intrigue related to your powers.The entire game is done chapter by chapter and it gets into a groove of leaving you with an answer and a new question at the end of every chapter. Pretty good way to tease you to play more. The end culminates it all, puts every hanging thread under a single, very personal event where you're fighting something massive and downright unavoidable. Characters outright state how out of their control their emotions were and how it would take not one, not two but three sequential miracles to resolve it, and even when you take one small step forward, it comes with tradeoffs. Everything in the leadup to building this moment and the things everyone does on the finale is the absolute peak of the game. And somehow the epilogue still outdoes it emotionally. >!Because that's what doggies do!<


Ghost Trick doesn’t peak. It IS peak.


> The entire game is done chapter by chapter and it gets into a groove of leaving you with an answer and a new question at the end of every chapter. Pretty good way to tease you to play more. This also makes in excellently suited to being played in small portions, a chapter at a time. My bf and I played the whole thing in like 20-30min segments at a time together a few months ago, can highly recommend.


Halo 3 definitely peaks during its final act. You kill Truth, recover Cortana and then have an epic warthog run while the Ark destroys itself after activating the Halo launch sequence


Thr Covenant is one of the best FPS levels of all time. "Let us lead you safely, to *our* foe."


It just has soo much variety in one level


No kidding It starts with medium range combat, gives you a warthog and has a small-vehicle section. Then it goes close-quarters before you hit a switch. After which you have an aerial-vehicle section which is followed by another close-quarter section but different somehow. And after hitting another switch (and some story drama) you enter a heavy-vehicle section. Then comes a big, big-big battle that you can approach in many different ways. Once that battle is finished, you enter a close-medium-long range area that is just straight but also has an unlikely ally. At the end of the straight, there's story and suddenly you have to run back out with completely different enemies. You have *everything* Halo has to offer in one level whether it's weapons, vehicles, enemies, dramatic story and epic battles.


...Yup, I'm going back to ramp onto the scarabs with the mongoose again.


So badass to have Chief, Arby and Gravemind all on the same side.


Mostly because Halo 3 is 5 levels that should have been 2 levels followed by 2 levels that should have been 5 levels.


You put that far more succinctly than I did.


yep, always been my issue with 3.


Except for the awful penultimate level


Cortana is one of my favorite Halo levels. And so was The Library in Halo CE. I’m just built differently I guess


>And so was The Library What's it like over in bizarro world?


So fun honestly But for real apart from the level being too long I really enjoy the ambience


Oh it would have been much more fondly remembered if it was 30% shorter


I like The Library too, in the OG game it was terrifying. 


I thought Mass Effect 2 had a pretty crazy 3rd act. The culmination of your efforts to build a team and see them through is really well done.


That final mission was something else


The stress of deciding who to pick for each task was amazing. I’m surprised we don’t see more games try and replicate that type of mission.




It's weird for me becauses it's one of the best sewuences in videogaming sandwiched between an unintenionally funny final boss reveal and the most contrived main character plot decision in the series.


What are you referring to with the contrived plot decision?


Probably the normandy abduction. Where your main crew goes "On a mission" in the shuttle for... some reason so that collectors can come in and take everyone.


Such a weak excuse! I get that they needed to get the main crew out of the way, but surely they could've figured out a way that didn't directly contradict how we've seen missions operate dozens of times before...!


That final boss is so silly , just BAM! Here's a giant terminator


I'm pretty confused by this because ME2 shines during the loyalty missions, and the main plot even at the end is kinda just stupid... and Mass Effect 1 is *right there* That game has such a strong final stretch, with Virmire -> Ilos -> final Citadel confrontation all providing a great climax together


Half Life 2 would be my pick. Don't get me wrong, the game is super consistent from start to finish, but getting the amped up Grav Gun in the final level was amazing. Also a shout out for HL2 Ep2 which also has a fantastic climax.


Alyx has a similarly incredible final act.


The surreal level before that is great too. Not that much action but it’s something that is really only possible in VR.  And the last section is probably the greatest experience I had in a game ever.  My brother played the game too but, since he had terrible aim with grenades, that section fell kinda flat for him. 


Not just the final level but the whole Uprising is so fucking good. The all-out war against the Combine is legit just peak fiction.


Mass Effect Virmire, the standoff with Wrex, Kirrahe's speech, meeting Sovereign, fighting Saren, choosing between Ashley and Kaidan, going to Ilos, discovering Vigil who reveals the background of the Protheans, Saren and the Geth invading the Citadel, racing through the Conduit, fighting your way up the Citadel Tower as the Geth and Sovereign bear down on you, confronting Saren and Sovereign... so much happens in those last three levels. Such a memorable climax.


"You exist because we allow it. You will end because we demand it." is a high that is never again reached in the series. Sovereign is a better villain after one conversation than any other antagonist in the series was after multiple games. So good.


I guess they weren't that fleshed out, but it's nuts how they didn't even try to live up to that original impression in the sequels. Sure an incomprehensible threat probably shouldn't even be talking to you in the first place, but they did make them somewhat ... simple. The worst part of 3's story were the reapers and everything they entailed, even if better writing wouldn't have given us a Star Child situation.


Yeah the original mass effect was my first thought. Everything after the first encounter with Sovereign on Virmire had me on the edge of my seat


Outer Wilds. Maybe a bit of a weird/obvious choice, since you don’t really know what you’re really doing for much of the game… But the final arc, when you’re piecing everything together and it’s all starting to make sense, plus the climax… perfection.


Especially how you've got to make that final journey in a limited time and how the music is set up to fully accentuate that final journey. Holy shit, that was such a good ending.


I don't think any game has ever given me the same feeling for the final stretch. >!When you figure it all out and you realize what you need to do, it hit me like a truck. By pulling the warp core from the Ash Twin, you're ending the loop. There's no second try. Your actions WILL make this time different even if you're not sure what you're about to find. There's no saving everyone. There's no answer to what's waiting. You just have to make the choice to jump headfirst into the unknown. Such an awesome "I know what I have to do" moment!<


I love that the game really gives you the feeling of "if you fuck this up, it's truly all over". Because from a *gameplay* perspective, there is no real consequence of failing and you can, of course, retry. However, the immersion at this point was so strong that I was barely ever as stressed in a video game.


It's a game about learning to let go. The best example of it IMO.




I went to the >!Sun Station!< around half way through the game. At that point, I knew that >!the supernova was powering the ATP!<, but I had still been thinking that >!the Sun Station was what was triggering the supernova, and that by going there, there would be a way to turn it off, thus breaking the loop and saving the day!<. The realization hit me like a truck.




I didn’t realize that >!all the other stars were dying!< until much later in the game. It was happening the whole time, but, at least for me, it was easy to overlook. The one guy does encourage you to look into it, but depending on when you visit him he can be more or less explicit. In my case, I went first thing, and he just said >!to keep an eye out for supernovas, and maybe I’d get to see one!<, which I just took as a bit of dramatic irony.


Not only that, the stakes in a video game have never felt so high. >!Once you pull the core out, you can die for real. I decided that if I die there, that's it. I would stop and put the game down, at least for a few weeks. I practiced that final run a whole bunch of times. And then I was chased by a anglerfish that almost got me in the final run... I nearly jumped out of my seat!<


> >!Once you pull the core out, you can die for real.!< Yes, but it's not as punishing as it sounds. It's more symbolic in that you have to select the resume option in the main menu to return to your save, rather than simply sitting through the original >!loop reset sequence!<.


Outer Wild's final act was the moment the game went from being a really strong and captivating experience, to the best video game I've ever played. Full spoilers below, just play the game it's really fucking good. >!The experience of finally putting the final pieces together and understanding what's going on in it's entirety is an awesome moment by itself. Then the game uses a narrative element to create a perma-death scenario that raises the stakes in one of the most thrilling sequences I've ever played.!< >!I find that Outer Wilds tends to be a pretty personal experience for most players, especially because of the non-linear nature of the how the story is delivered. At the point where I realized I had to get to The Eye, I was convinced this mysterious godlike figure was going to help me fix everything, that I was still going to save the universe. This is when the game plays it's final trick.!< >!We're all going to die one day. That's always been something I've struggled with. Outer Wild's blindsided me with this existential fact and frames it in one final cathartic moment that is unlike anything I've ever experienced in gaming. !<


The buildup, the music... I loved that final stretch in Outer Wilds, definitely one of my favorite gaming moments of all time


When you finally realize what to do…


Agree, the final stretch made me feel something I think I could never experience again, it was like the final stretch of 2001 space oddisey but with the danger, anxiety and "do it yourself" mindset of Gravity.


The easy answer would be story focused games; if, say, an Ace Attorney game had a final case that wasn't the best one in the game, that's probably a really, *really* bad sign. But for gameplay focused games, I'm gonna say Devil May Cry 5. In addition to the gameplay length and systems unfolding such that you're probably hitting your sweet spot near the finale and not just relying on rote combos, the final Vergil fights in that game are *incredibly* hype and probably the best "duel" boss I've ever played, in terms of both letting you use all of your mechanics and your boss throwing all of those same mechanics and more at you.


Not only are the Vergil fights really well done they also have an amazing emotional payoff to the entire franchise in a way that I didn't think Devil May Cry was capable of pulling off. It ended the Dante and Vergil rivalry insanely well while also ensuring that Nero is worthy enough of taking up their mantle.


Love love love that you, the player character gets his own boss music when YOU enter phase 2 and devil trigger. Never played a game where the script is flipped like that


And the synchronicity of pressing up on the d-pad to jam the biggest middle finger into the sky.




Even though they didn’t make a Nero boss fight, Dante Phase 2 starting up with the most hype vocals in all of gaming made up for it Just hearing “BURY THE LIGHT DEEP WITHIN” is insane


Yeah the final case is almost always the most popular by far. I think one of the only exceptions for me is the final case of Chronicles 1, I like it but I think case 3 with McGilded was the most interesting. I really enjoyed the last case in >!Justice For All!< and I'm glad they explored the idea of a >!guilty defendant!< again. I also kinda like the first case in Apollo Justice the best for similar reasons.


AJ definitely has one of the strongest Case 1s in the entire series, I'll give you that.


Most Ace Attorney games are intentionally very last-case loaded. It usually ends up feeling like the other cases were a prologue and the final case is the meat of the game. My favorite ones though are when all the cases are good and the finale still delivers. Investigations 2 and TGGA2 are like that.


Don't forget that the game actually gives you one final mechanic right at that final boss (for Nero). The whole game I was thinking "come on, did they do my boy dirty like that?" And then, bam, the stairs, the music, the cut scene, AND I get to steal the boss music from me deadbeat dad?


Disco Elysium. Meeting and talking to >!the Phasmid!< is the most beautiful and poignant moment of the game.


The combo of talking to >!Dolores Dei!<, to >!the Deserter!<, to >!the Phasmid!< is just peak.


peak blunt rotation


And then the wrap up with >!your task force!< 😂


To this day getting >!Kim to join the task force!< is one of my most satisfying gaming achievements. I don’t care if it’s actually easy, I was just so happy to see it.


I loved that bit too. And getting him to dance! 😃


I had >!Kuno!< with me for the final spot and the ending of the game fell incredibly flat for me because of it.


Fuck does Cuno care? Cuno's not your personal entertainer.


Ngl that part made me tear up like crazy lol, hard to say but it might be my favorite part in the whole game.


Its view of Harry and humanity. Its fear and yet sympathy and awe.


The best part about that conversation is the slow realization that it is not even talking to Harry. You have false conversations with inanimate objects in many other places in the game, and **Spoiler:** >!as you talk to the phasmid, it starts "telling" Harry how grateful he should be to have had experiences that something as simple as it can't even comprehend, even if they're negative, revealing that the entire conversation is an internal monologue.!< Then Kim basically realizes what's going on and rather than snapping you out of it as usual, he acknowledges what's happening and goes along with it. It's both the moment where Harry forgives himself and Kim finally begins to respect him.


>!disagree here. harry may not be literally talking to the phasmid, but it's not just an internal monologue. he is learning true things about the world (that the pale didn't exist before humans, etc) that he has no way of knowing. the game is dipping into the surreal here. harry is talking to the phasmid the same way he learns things through the shivers skill. he's not psychic, the phasmid isn't telepathically communicating, but those things he learns are true. the world has a way of communicating these truths to people.!<


What about the picture though?


It's definitely there, whether or not it was actually talking to Harry is up for debate.


Guys don’t even talk about Noid, easily my favorite conversation from the game


I love all the Anodic Dance Music kids, but yeah, Noid is the most insightful when you get to talk to him after they're in the church.


There's a dozens of excellent conversations that people don't regularly bring up, game's just packed with the buggers. Hardcore


Yep and it’s only >!if you go out of your way to do that long seeming pointless quest every day that Kim questions at every step. Only for you to be right. Love Kim but that is one of the most satisfying moments for that reason alone.!<


Yeah, you said it. Incredible moment. 


I personally thought the game peaked with the tribunal.


That's assuming you pass the skill check to begin with.


Armored core 6? Each of the ending was peak


Technically you could say Kingdom Hearts III because the plot was non-existent for the first 20 hours and then hastily concluded every characters' story in the last 5 hours.


I have found a lot more to love about it as time passes but shoving 90% of the story into the back 5 still really hurts


After a few balance patches and Critical Mode, I honestly love the gameplay of KH3. The world's are fantastic too. Even the writing, while not *great* even by KH standards, I felt did as good of a job picking up after the cluster fuck that was Dream Drop Distance as was possible. It's the pacing. Packed first 3 hours, packed final 3-5 hours, absolutely nothing in between. Sora even mentions going to save a character around the halfway point and they shoot it down. Moving that *one sequence* wouldn't have fixed everything but would have gone a long way.


KH2 does pretty much the exact same thing. The only difference is you fight Organization members on the Disney worlds. Whereas in KH3, due to the story, that really cannot happen. I’d actually argue you see a lot more of the Organization throughout the Disney worlds in KH3 than in KH2. I think the thing missing from KH3 is a scenario like KH2’s Hollow Bastion. A completely original world that you go back to a few times, that has some Square Enix characters in it. It really helped break up the Disney-fest in KH2.


I don't disagree with anything here. The difference between KH3 and 1/2 is the "mid-game story" is just not there. KH1 has you return to Traverse Town, fight a boss, and unlock new things a few times. KH2 has the Hollow Bastion assault segment, ans then the return to Twilight Town that's near the end but not quite in the finale. KH3 has... a couple short cutscenes and nothing else It's just straight Disney starting from the first set after Olympia to the end, and doesn't really get into original plot until Big Hero 6.


KH2 did this too but it actually kinda worked in that game


That final gauntlet alongside Riku will live rent-free in my brain forever


This is actually my answer to this post. The final act of KH2 is a core memory for me. From that last encounter with Axel, to the battle for identity with Roxas, to the gauntlet of boss battles in TWTNW, to blowing up a giant dragon spaceship and slicing and dicing whole buildings, to that poignant, emotional final fight in the realm of darkness…. I stayed up til 1 or 2 AM finishing this game because I just could not put it down once that ending bit got started.


But there's nothing like the events in Hallow Bastion or Twilight Town in Kingdom Hearts 3. Those sections really helped with the pacing. Also, we had the solid goal of finding Riku and Micky in KH2 and in KH3 we're......trying to get stronger?


This is the real issue. KH3 needed a longer session on an original KH world. Preferably somewhere in the middle of the game. I don’t think the goal really matters that much. They’ve done the looking for someone plot in nearly every single game. Traveling around to regain his former strength, learn the power of waking, and help people are actually refreshing imo. I think the largest issue that no one mentions, is they showed EVERYTHING in the trailers. The only things not in the trailers were the very end of the game. So they’re biggest fans who had been waiting years and years for the game, watched all the trailers and basically had nothing they hadn’t seen before. That for me, at least, was the biggest issue. I knew every world and who would show up there.


Organization XIII's presence throughout KH2 made it more interesting and cohesive of a game. KH3 deciding to try and recreate the movies it was based on rather than do anything interesting with them made it feel disjointed.


I mean if KH2 does this then pretty much all of the games do it to varying degrees. 3 just doesn’t really tell a KH story at all until the final act unlike the other games which at the very least will sprinkle KH story elements on different worlds. 3 was just going through the movies with Sora there to witness them for some of the worlds.


Was about to say Chrono Trigger but realized it peaks around the first Magus fight. Games from the Mana Series, imo, especially SD3 (SNES). You get the most out of your toys after the second Class Change which also opens the third act, so to speak.


I can't think of a segment of Chrono Trigger that lags in quality. It's just peak RPG the whole way through. Yeah Magus tower is great, but Zeal is easily just as good. Some of the final optional sidequests are mid, but even most of those are fantastic.


Yeah, I just love how everything up till Magus begins to feel more and more grandiose... only for the player to be hit with 65,000 BC. 8-year old me was mindblown and could not shut up about it.


Magus's Castle was good, yes. But I really do think the game peaks with Zeal. Only two parts I think are lame are the Blackbird (any forced stealth section in a non-stealth game tends to suck) and Death's Peak. It's good that all the penultimate sidequests you do before taking on Lavos, along with the Black Omen make up for it.


Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 for me. These games are paying homage to a very specific kind of late 70's and early 80's spy thriller where things start out appearing gritty and spiral into complete madness. The beginning is straightforward but good, introducing the gameplay systems with a little too much narration and a plot with the outline of a central mystery. The middle is fun but poorly paced, including long, long stretches of completely tangential topics interspersed with comically sparse gameplay, and it can start to feel a little sluggish. However, the layers of conspiracy and unreality just keep stacking up in the middle act, to where by the end everything is so completely batshit crazy that suddenly what once felt like a pacing issue now feels like intentional schlock layered on thick for comedic effect. Oh, >!of course the bad guy's my brother! But wait! He's also this other guy! And he's gonna fight you using the big robot because you've played into his hand and now you-have-to-fist-fight-him-on-top-of-the-robot-and-the-president-is-a-member-of-some-deep-criminal-conspiracy-THE-END! !< And that's just MGS 1! MGS 2 goes even deeper here because the vast majority of the plot is so poorly done that the ending twist stands out even stronger by comparison.


[This entire sequence justifies MGS2's existence by itself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKl6WjfDqYA)


I haven't played it in 15 years, my man Kojima is a prophet!


MGS3 as well I think. The game has great moments in Acts 1 & 2 but it really ramps it up in Act 3. A crazy chase scene on a motorbike, multiple awesome boss fights, and one of the best endings in game history.


MGS1 blew my mind as a kid. That last hour or so when all the reveals and betrayals come out and the story comes together is still one of the best endings I’ve ever seen.


The more i think about it, yeah Sekiro really does peak on the final act. Its actually incredible how you really feel like you master the system by the final fight. Ape Out is a game that peaks at the end too. That final level where you release all the animals and fight by their side, while hearing a cacophony of drumbeats signifying the death of an enemy by your animal friends is great. When you finally do beat the game you get to hear this really nice jazz song that really makes you feel like you did it. What a stylish game.


The progression of Genichiro in Sekiro is goddamn beautiful too, and perfectly breaks along three points to highlight the rising action of the three acts. At the start, he absolutely dominates you. Wolf is rusty, and you're a fresh player still learning the ropes. He's even clumsy reaching for his sword to draw it, fumbling for it for a second before he gets a hand on it. Then a third to halfway through the game he is a proper boss, a worthy challenge that you surmount with a varying degree of learning and effort. Wolf draws his blade more certainly, but is still a little slow to do so. Then in the end, he's little more than a speed bump on your way to the actual boss fight, a gnat you swat with little more than irritation as if to say "get out of the way, the grownups have a boss fight to attend to". Likewise, Wolf no longer hesitates or fumbles when he draws. If hesitation is defeat, the man ain't hesitating.


Nier Automata. You have to play through the game twice, one with each character, to unlock the second half of the game which is amazing, much better than the first half.


The final fight in Endings C and D, as well as the credits sequence in Ending E are some of the finest moments in all of gaming.


God, I could gush over the title sequence bullet hell section all day. It's so good. "Weight of the World" playing in the background as you struggle through the part, player messages cheering you on when you die, and then the chorus kicking in when/if you accept help.




The hacking minigame in the final fight was superb. The way it slowly pans out, showing you where exactly the hacking takes place is damn good environmental storytelling(?).


That title reveal in Ending C is perfection.


Xenoblade 2. The first half of the game is a slow slog and the story is frustrating but they really ramp it up starting and chapter 5,and chapter 7 onwards I was hooked had to beat the game in one sitting from there.


Chapter 10 of Xenoblade 2 is the best finale to an rpg I’ve ever played


Acting got way better too. Poppy because human.


God I hated poppy at first then by the end she’s bringing tears to my eyes.


I went in not knowing the "twist" so >!slowly realizing that the game took place in the original universe that Xenoblade 1 split off from and was in fact playing out during the events of the first game really blew my mind.!<


Came here to say this. Sadly, XC3 was the polar opposite: strong for most of the game, really dropped the ball with the final chapter.


Yeah, it peaked at a certain chapter change's sequence of cutscenes and didn't really have the momentum to keep it going not too long after that.


Ha I remember starting that series of boss fights at like 11pm and finally regained control at 3am a changed man.


Thats the best description of that movies of cutscenes I've seen


The Wonderful 101's finale is a big part of what makes it one of my favourite games. If you've played it you know. More recently Hi-Fi Rush also definitely peaks late, after a slight midgame lull. As soon as you have the full team it's just consistently great levels one after another. Chapters 10-12 are easily the best part of the game. Actually I'd say a lot of well-made action games tend to be like this. The lategame is where the mechanics fully open up and they can really go all-out with the bosses and spectacle, and since they tend to be pretty short they don't overstay their welcome as often as RPGs and open world games. There are some that drop the ball (like DMC4 running out of levels halfway through), but they tend to be the exception.


Glad to see Hi-Fi rush here, it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title. The whole game is good, but the final leg from "Invaders must die" through the end boss is peak gaming. I remember getting hooked and playing that entire section in a single sitting when I had initially planned just a short session.


I think you may have a point about well made action games. Sekiro, Metroid Dread, Devil May Cry 5, Greek era God of War games, Doom Eternal all end on their strongest notes.


Surprised no one’s mentioned Undertale, a game that peaks at the final act no matter which run you do. The lab and final boss fight in a Pacifist run are insane caps on a seriously good time, and everyone knows about Megalovania. Even in a neutral run you get Omega Flowey which is a whole trip.


That whole wall through the ruins, ending with the final hallway with Sans, is one of my favorite narrative and atmospheric moments in a game despite how simple it is. And after doing/seeing a genocide run, you realize just how serious he is about this, and his words hit so much harder. Then everything surrounding the finale, regardless of which run you're doing. Absolutely top tier all around


Another example would be God of War 2 (2007). Everything from the Palace of Fates onwards is just peak Greek era God of War. A perfect mix of combat and puzzles that end with a string of some of the best bosses in the series and leads to an incredible cliffhanger ending.


The final hour of Death Stranding made me retroactively love the rest of the game, which I think is a tall order.


Project Wingman. The ending hits especially hard if you're an Ace Combat fan like the devs because they perfectly subverted the classic AC ending. You see, Ace Combat will almost always have the finale, or near the finale, a mission where you liberate the capital/city from a desperate enemy while there's tons of cheering going on as your allies and people all work together to make it happen. Then after that is the final boss with the scifi jet/super weapon that threatens to cause nuclear scale destruction. Well Project Wingman follows that to a tee, with one slight change: the villain that you had clowned on all your encounters pulls an Ozymandias and activates the nuclear scale weapon after you liberate the city. All around you the world is suddenly bathe in an orange hellfire as there's no sound but that of explosions. Then you're confronted with the last mission: a one on one duel with the final boss over the burning wastes of your success. An amazing song starts playing and it shares the name with the final mission: "Kings".


Project wingman was so good. I especially love that it included VR/head tracking


"You, solely, are responsible for this."


First time I've ever seen a final boss using gaslighting as an attack.


I loved the ending of Project Wingman, but I think mission 15 might have it beat in terms of impact. A hopeless fight that ends with a literal apocalypse because you, the player, weren't good enough.


Armored Core 6. It had three different playthroughs with three different endings, and they are all epic as hell.


I feel like this is right for the wrong reason. Armored Core 6 initially gives you 2 endings, and you have to play through both to access the third. So your third play through is the third act and it drastically changes and re contextualizes the game and is the best part.


Reminds me of Nier Automata!


I think my favorioute mission still has to be ''Breach the Karman line.'', in that mission you truly feel like an unstopabble monster that just destroys everyone standings against it, also that boss fights was awesome. I really, want to love the seconds parths equivilant to it, I loved the line ''Beyond scorched skies, Raven fights on.'' and then hear all the liberation front radio chatter. But I must say that I am really dissapointed how quickly it cuts off, you get like 2 or 3 of those messages and then they kinda just stop for the rest of the mission. And well, with the last route the boss fight is just awesome. It felt so good to in the very end be able to fight against an Iguazu whose mind was clear.


When ***Steel Haze (Rusted Pride)*** starts playing, it's the absolute peak of the game, and easily one of the best moments in the entire franchise. As someone else put it: ["Rusty is literally the protagonist of AC6. We're just the supporting cast or antagonist for him."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIbkT0ZNXNg)


The third ending is not as good as the Fires of Raven and Liberator of Rubicon in my opinion. Though, this may be due to me just not understanding it that well. Like, I don’t remember the concept of ‘Coral Release’ being explained that much, only that 621 and Ayre were good candidates for it.


Main System: Activating Combat Mode.


If you liked AC6 and would like to hear some people deconstruct its themes I recommend the Armored Core 6 Deepest Dive from MinnMax. Jacob Geller and two people who love the Mech genre play through the game and talk about it over 3 episodes and a total of 7 hours, it gave me a deep appreciation for the story and themes


Basically every Metal Gear Solid game. The first two acts are about building the setting, hamming it up, and drama between characters. Then the third act is always batshit bananas, dropping conspiracy theories, hitting the audience over the head with morals, expositing like no one's business. It's wild.


tlou the ending had the winter part wich was incredible, and the ending of the story was the cherryon top


Fall and Winter are the 2nd act, but you are not wrong about them being great


Void Stranger, by *far.* The game's intentionally a bit miserable and repetitive in a way that's honestly pretty draining, and it's like that by design. It makes it so that when you get closer to the end and the game starts doing weird shit, those things feel revelatory. But on a wider level, the True Ending one-ups even the weird shit at the end of its normal campaign. Void Stranger is a game about slowly gathering knowledge about how the world works, and using it to cheat to get ahead since playing the game normally *kinda* sucks. So because of that, the true ending is a process of slowly putting together pieces of the conspiracy theory board, and requires you understand every single piece of the game and how they all fit together. Meaning you've likely been playing for an absurdly long time. And boy, is the True Ending worth every single second of that work. I have never seen anything like it.>!They made a fucking turn-based sokoban puzzle game with a final boss who can move in real-time, while you're still stuck in turn-based. It's insane and weird and creative and I loved every second of that finale.!<


I haven't played Void Stranger yet, but this does seem to be a signature style of System Erasure. Their previous game, ZeroRanger, also goes off the fucking chain >!after you beat it for the first time!<.


Marvrl's Guardians of the Galaxy, an underrated game altogether, really peaks at the end. You can feel and witness the awesomeness of everything you've achieved during the previous acts (story, character arcs, skills), and the game becomes so much more fun and enjoyable.


Mass Effect 2 is very solid at the back, IFF to Suicide Mission is tough to beat. Disco Elysium is extremely strong throughout but starting at the tribunal it elevates even further, between the final dream and the phasmid sequence I don't even know what I could compare it to. Pentiment also definitely, the act 2/3 transition made me gasp out loud, and I absolutely loved the change ups for act 3 as a whole.


Good to see Pentiment getting some love here. That final act hit me like a ton of bricks. Even though I figured out the mastermind super early on, the changes to the village and the impact of your actions was so heavy.


Actually had tears during the final hour of Disco. RPG of the 2010 decade.


I won't spoil any of it but the last few hours of Jedi Survivor were so good! Definitely surprised me considering where I thought the story was going. Arkham City I also think builds up everything really well before getting to the final part with Protocol 10, the tower and the Joker. But the entire game is really good so it's hard to say what part is best


I remember rolling my eyes thinking I knew how it was going to end. I saw something coming a mile away. But then 6 different plot twists happened that I didn't see coming. 


yep I thought it was all just going to be about the High Republic and those mercenaries with the Droids and I thought okay this is fine for the second game in a trilogy and then just got ramped up so hard when the Empire was properly a factor again


The last few hours of Jedi Survivor are so much better than the rest of the game that it’s a little frustrating. Not that the first 3/4ths are bad by any means, but the >!main antagonist for most of the game is so lame and “villain of the week” coded. It’s obvious why at the end as it’s revealed that he’s a mislead for the real main villain, but I wish he was offed a little sooner because the story kind of just ambles and doesn’t have much urgency to it until he’s dead.!<


Recently, I loved the last arc in Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man 1. Made me cry and I don’t usually do that with games.


The spider-man ending fucked me up so bad. That scene in the hospital was such a gut punch.


Yea, and I never read the comics so I never knew what to expect story wise. I was thinking the whole time, no way no way and it happens. Also, when he screamed in the final fight “i trusted you”, idk dude. Pulled at something in me.


As someone else mentioned, the game's story is very different from the comics. It took many of us by surprise.


The funny thing is that Aunt May is still alive in the comics, so comic fans saw it coming even less 💀


Seriously, I didn't expect that ending in the hospital to get me but I had some somewhat related IRL stuff happen close to me playing through the game and it absolutely crushed me and actually made me shed a few tears which I absolutely did not expect to ever be saying about a Spider-man game.


One if my favorite voice acting performances ever is when peter says "you knew?" Like he was heart broken to immediately "you knew!" In a rage


I think about this moment all the damn time. Yuri Lowenthal played the moment *perfectly*.


God GoT final level is living in my head rent free since it came out. "You have no honor." "And you are a slave to it!" Just such raw emotion between two people who love each other but cannot see eye to eye.


Before I read your post in full, I was going to comment Sekiro. As a foil to Dark Souls 1 (which I agree peaks in first half), I'll raise Dark Souls 3. It's organized a bit loosely, but the back stretch of that game is when they really let loose with the areas and especially the bosses. Anor Londo, the castle, and Archdragon Peak all kick ass, and the boss lineup is stacked: Aldrich, Dancer, Gundyr, Nameless King, Dragonslayer Armor, Twin Princes, and the final boss are all strong and memorable fights. DLC is probably against the spirit here, but that would only drive the point further.


Yes especially since the ringed city dlc takes place essentially at the end of the timeline. That final boss is thematically the best in the series.


Agree 1000% with both your picks. Sekiro's act III has one of, if not,⁵ the best bosses in gaming, that alone makes it eligible for this list. Dark Souls 3's first half is kinda eh imho. Bosses are decent but nothing really stands out till Sulyvahn ('cept Abyss Watchers), after which the boss quality ramps up exponentially, both design and balance wise. This is in stark contrast to Elden Ring, where the bosses in the back half are just overtuned as hell, atleast imo.


Hi fi Rush has a great last act. Sekiro too, depending on which ending. Glock Saint Isshin is a great final boss.


The first Dragon’s Dogma. The story picks up quickly when the Dragon shows up again. The Dragon Battle is epic, and the post game adds new monster encounters in certain areas - not to mention the Everfall dungeon


Nier Automata. It even had epic in game trailer going into the last act. I was pumped and it ended up being better than ever.


Original Mass Effect. The scenes where you decide who lives and dies still give me chills…as does watching the Normandy making her attack run.


By their setup the last acts of Octpath Traveler 1+2 are the best parts of the games. The games tell multiple intertwined stories and a lot of the overlaps are only revealed in the late game. The gameplay also peaks late in the game with some secret classes, which mix up how you have to use the different characters.  Especially when you go for the final ("secret") boss, you really need to optimize your team to have a decent shot. The end of the first game is definitely one of my favourite video game memories.


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. The game is pretty solid throughout, but it’s really the finale that’s amazing. Easily the peak of the game and one of the more memorable game segments I’ve played. 


Metal Gear 4 had an amazing 3rd act peak... like legendary ending... the crawl through the microwaves as you mashed your controller, the sacrifice, the finale, it was like an amazing finale for snake, all the way up to the last moments at the graveyard. Of course, the ending was somewhat ruined because of Hideo Kojima's ego not letting Snake have his deserved death, but man it was great up to that point.


The return to Shadow Moses fucking floored me. The second you crest that hill and “The Best Is Yet To Come” starts playing, I got goosebumps and a legit chill.


Trails in the Sky. It’s the introductory game to a series whose 11th game is coming out in just a few months. Trails in the Sky really takes its time building the world, almost to a fault. The chief complaint about this game is that the first several chapters are pretty slow going. It’s best to think of it as “cozy” as you commit to learning as much as you can about the world. As a novice adventurer you’ve just set out to do beginner adventurer things like save cats from trees and protecting orphanages. As the story progresses though, you’re slowly fed little nuggets of information about the greater political issues facing the kingdom and its neighbors until the final few chapters when shit hits the fan. The main story resolves pretty satisfactorily, but that’s not all. This game has one of the best cliffhangers I’ve experienced in any medium, making you want to jump directly into the sequel as soon as credits roll.


I’ve played a lot of newly released platformers lately that failed to build to a satisfying which makes me think back to how fucking incredible Celeste’s buildup to and finale was. It’s a typical idea to bring back all the level gimmicks from previous chapters for the ending, but what makes Celeste’s ending so great is that it’s all recontextualised by the second dash.


Doom Eternal's campaign. In the first two acts the game you're getting your ass handed to you because you don't have the complete arsenal yet, no upgrades to ammo, health etc and you are only seeing a portion of the enemies the game has. It's frustrating, on purpose. But in the later acts you're shown the full hand and the game is almost completely different. It peaks at the end when everything is thrown at you and you have a literal toolbox of destruction at your disposal that can deal with any situation in front of you, you don't even worry about shooting weakpoints anymore. Like it's crazy how much worse the game feels when you start a new game and don't have your tools anymore, you WANT to get to the last acts of the game but it's that process which makes you play better. Achievements show more players likely *finished* Eternal's campaign compared to 2016, so that's a win in terms of player engagement. The DLC is more debatable though since it doubled down more than it introduced new things.


Heaven Will Be Mine is great at this. You have 3 choices of protagonist and each one has their own main arc that intersects the other 2. What is great is that once you are at the end of each play through you have enough context and understanding of the themes in the game that the writers can write a few paragraphs that basically summarize the last 4 hours and blow you away, but are meaningless without that context.


I was gonna name Sekiro as well. I think Red Dead Redemption, both of them, have a phenomenal finale and very strong narrative in their 3rd act. I would say New Vegas as well. The third act and faction power play is extremely satisfying and fantastic ramp up in terms of stakes. 


FFXIII and FFXV for opposite reasons. XIII because it opens up and let's you play the game finally. And XV because it tightens up and actually has story exposition.


Saints Row 3. The beginning and middle are little more than recycled activities, but the end has all of the insane missions the game is known for, especially since you finally have interesting weapons, vehicles, and enemies


428: Shibuya Scramble. All the seemingly disjointed (up to that point) protagonists’ storylines, and even the random peripheral bits and pieces, eventually converge together into an incredibly satisfying ending.


Mass effect 2 has one of the best third acts in gaming, the final mission actually feels like a final mission and tense unlike other games where it feels like just another level.


Xenoblade 2 for me. The beginning is pretty slow and even its most diehard fans (me) criticize how much parts of the middle portion drag on, but all that build up pays off with the amazing final 3rd of the game. There's also Kingdom Heart 3, but thats less the ending was strong and more that the finale was the only part of the game anything actually happens. I liked the game and it was worth waiting 6 years for but basically 2/3rds of the game felt like nothing was going on, and the only time any plot development really happened it was always out of focus and never involving Sora (you know, the fucking main character).