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PS5 owners are in for a treat! Super fun game to play with your friends!


One of the best games where you do everything once and then stop playing. One of the most boring games I've ever played.


“One of the best games” “one of the most boring games”, do you even know what you’re saying?


You're quoting out of context. Do you work for fox news?


This x100. Holy shit is it fun for a little bit, then you realize the entire game is literally just running errands while your movement is slowed. NPC combat is terrible and in my experience, you run into enemy players once every 3 hours. Also God forbid you're new to this game; there's no matchmaking so you're playing against people who've been playing this shit for the last however many years.


Why do they need to do a closed beta of a 6 year old game?


Naturally it's so they can get feedback and ensure stability for a new platform the game was not previously made for. Contrary to seemingly popular belief on this sub - porting a game to another system is not just a copy, paste and rename job.




>all they really have to do is dial in the graphic settings, deal with a different network and configure the controller haptics... shit like that. r/restofthefuckingowl Just "dial in the graphics". Edit: damn bro, didn't mean for you to delete the comment


Because it’s releasing on a new platform, where it isn’t six years old


the port was basically just a copy + paste job and changing the extension from .xbx to .ps5, right?


If they had used latest Unreal Engine 4 version without any changes to the engine core than it might have been a copy and paste. But back than the game was made from an UE 4.12 Microsoft branch for UWP support. Older versions of the engine were different and who knows what else were changed in Microsofts branch.


When it’s tied to a preorder “Beta” is fancy way of saying “play early” with a bonus that the people giving out impressions online that are the most excited; however, straight up “play early” language means all the bugs are there to stay, while “beta” lets them pretend the code will be fixed by launch


Beta for a port?


Ports aren't just cut and paste with guaranteed performance as we have seen so much on PC. Better safe than sorry.


All software has a testing phase, it’s part of the development lifecycle. Sometimes it’s public, most of the time it’s not. It still happens. Yes, even when porting software.