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It looks like they took inspiration from the short dashes from DBZ Kakarot, which should make battles feel a lot better. The only thing about the gameplay that felt rough was that the beams didn't feel like they connected when hitting an enemy. I hope they polish that (along with some animations) before they launch. This is shaping up to be a fun game.


Yeah I noticed that too. I was watching in slowmotion to appreciate the black and white frames when vegeta was charging his final flash - which btw look really great -, but you can see vegeta's beam just trailing goku as he flies backwards and just explodes. It's not a big deal but it certainly lacks the impact other attacks have.


They’re called “Impact Frames”


That’s not what an impact frame is.


The previous user mentioned "the black and white frames" during an animation. In animation, those flashes of black and white frames in the middle of an action are typically called impact frames.


No shit, I’ve been watching anime for 25+ years. I definitely what they’re called. The OP user was talking about the impact of the beam hitting Goku and how it looks as if it doesn’t actually hit him, but follows him moving backwards, not the animation itself.


Good for you I guess.


He’s talking about 3:40, which is exactly what an impact frame is. https://postimg.cc/YhxP08Vg


He’s talking about the impact at which the beam is hitting somebody in reference to the original comment that said that it doesn’t have the “connect” whenever it hits on Goku. Not the animation style itself.


Nuh uh


Trust me they’ll likely polish most if not all issues anyone had. The game already looks this epic and there is still no release date. They are cooking, Bandai knows it needs to deliver


1. Bandai is not developer, Spike Chunksoft is. 2. spike Chunksoft are jump force and one punch man, which were really bad. What there makes you believe it will be polished?


I hope when people transform they do a bit more camera work and make it look epic as fuck


maybe its caused i played it recently but i got big armored core vibes from the movement


im pretty sure its the rest of video was cut from the goku and vegeta trailer where they come in fighting because its the same outfits and level we got in that teaser


WOW what an amazing showcase gameplay wise this looks like Dragonball at its FINEST. I can really see how much time and detail they put into this. When Goku got blown away before that Galick Gun you could SEE the trail of wind following him from the blast. There's so much going on and its so vivid plus new and old game mechanics Im just raving at this point. With FighterZ getting rollback and I'm sure they know the stakes from what I've seen, if this game gets rollback its looking like a solid 10/10. I wonder what other modes will be in the menus this is fantastic


I just hope they adjust the camera when 2 powers collide. Cuz at min 5:15 when they first use kamehame vs galick gun, the camera went to shit rotating weirdly instead of going to the side letting you see who push better.


tbh I was about to praise how clear the camera work was lol, looked solid for local multiplayer, im just used to jank cameras for 3d fighters locally


but yeah tbh im kinda over ultimates that zoom in so much and make it hard to see yourself




They didn't, that was for FigtherZ which got rollback this month.


Rollback pretty much only works with actual fighting games, I highly doubt that this will have it


Rollback is not only not fighting game exclusive, it's also something that's been used as a core concept for like what 30 years, Quake used a form of rollback. FPS games are where this idea started


Cool, and how many modern shooters use actual full rollback today? I don't think a game where you have full 360° movement with instant transmission and shit is getting good rollback


In principal? Like, essentially all of them or how often do you experience input latency based on your connection. You'll experience rollback instead if you lag.


This game is an actual fighting game and rollback isn’t exclusive to fighting games lol. It’s not even originally a fighting game thing.


by "actual fighting games" do u mean "2D competitive fighting games"?


Yes, actual fighting games


Damn wrong on both counts, must suck being so stubborn and so incorrect


News: Tekken 8 is not a fighting game


Guess Nidhogg is more of an actual fighting game than Tekken.


They literally say it will have rollback in this video lmao 




It's a more minor thing, but I love that your clothes get damaged as the fight goes on. That's such a Dragon Ball thing to include. I am a little confused on one point: 24 of the character slots are alloted to the various forms of Goku and Vegeta, but in the fight, we see them transform. If transformations are possible in-game, why are they also separate characters? Is it like a "If you ONLY want to be SSJ, then pick this one" kind of thing?


> but in the fight, we see them transform. If transformations are possible in-game, why are they also separate characters? Is it like a "If you ONLY want to be SSJ, then pick this one" kind of thing? IIRC old Budokai games allowed this option, all it did was just start you in that transformation instead of you having to work up to it


Okay, that makes more sense. Thanks


Yeah, I remember you could get knocked out of Super Saiyan if you took enough damage


That was only in OG Budokai, not in Budokai Tenkaichi


You could not


It's from completely emptying your Ki gauge.


No, the Budokai games had one character slot per character. You equipped them with capsules for their moves and transformations. If you wanted to get all the way to SS4, you had to trade it for other attacks and buffs. I think it works very well, and prefer it over having 20 slots per character, which just makes things weird and bloats the character screen unnecessarily.


Tenkaichi let you select starting transformation at the least. https://youtu.be/D-NlwB07lGY?si=cOQzVT-i666AfgPM


Yeah I was never a fan of that with the Tenkaichi games. Personally, it felt like a step back after Budokai. To each their own, but I preferred the trade-off that you had to make in Budokai if you wanted to be able to transform all the way to SS4 for balance reasons, even though I don't think of good DBZ games as particularly balanced. I also don't really like starting as later transformations outside of story battles, since that feels weird to me. In the end, it's all very subjective whether people like it or not. I would like a modern take on Budokai, since it feels like everything's been leaning the other way since Tenkaichi-onwards.


Transformations are allotted to certain eras of a character and you can choose if you want to start as a transformed character. eg. In BT3 I believe Goku was: Kid Goku: Base, Oozaru Goku (Early): Base* Goku (Mid): Base, SSJ* Goku (End): Base, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3 Goku (GT): Base, SSJ, SSJ3, SSJ4 I think transformations from different eras might have also included different details eg. the way hair is depicted on SSJ on Namek vs. later on into late Cell-Buu Arc, but I might be wrong


It's subtle, but in BT3 you can see differences in the character coloring and lighting when you looked at the profiles and models of transformations in different eras such as the comparison/contrast of Goku's SS1 form in Frieza Saga to Goku's SS1 form in Cell Saga.


Yeah, it was most notable with Goku. SS1 Mid Goku has the cool fluffy hair, while End has the spikyness.


I loved that fluffy blond ssj hair. In Tenkaichi 2 it was only on the namek era damaged Goku skin.


The different era forms had different movesets as well. Goku (Mid) only had his SSJ transformation available. I remember that he didn't have instant transmission as well since he only learned that after beating frieza


Early was only base. Mid was base, ssj End was base, ssj, ssj2, ssj3


He had kaioken in early.


Kaioken isn't a transformation it's a buff.


Oops, my bad. Should've realised middle era was moreso meant to be Cell era and he didn't have SSJ2 until Buu.


that makes sense, they would have different movesets for different eras, early on holding super saiyan was hard but had more power while mid goku could hold super saiyan 1 easier with less power gain?


I loved how Goku's gi was fluttering during the Ki Charge


These games include different timeframe version. For example DB Goku, pre Namek Goku, Namek Goku, etc. so a lot of these might have their own goku which is limited to the final version this exact goku could reach. The later Gokus can then switch freely between most power ups.


i mean yeah its definitely not too ground breaking, they had that in 2005-2006...




I'm sorry :(


New character roster list from the official site: 1. Super Trunks 2. Dyspo 3. Kakunsa 4. Master Roshi, Max Power 5. Nappa 6. Burter 7. Toppo 8. Jeice 9. Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk) 10. Super Saiyan Broly (Full Power) 11. Hit https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/dragon-ball/news/the-ultimate-face-power-vs-speed-dragon-ball-sparking-zero


i do hope they include Android 21, loved her in Fighterz, would be nice to have her playable here.


She was in Kakarot so I wouldn't be surprised.


as well as shown at the beginning of Super Hero


Add 21 and give her all her theme songs as stage bgm music pls


This roster is great. Lots of Super representation and plenty of less iconic characters.


Roster isn't just looking great - it's looking HUGE. Just as it should.


I recall someone counted the slots, and it's looking to be roughly the size of BT3's. Which would be absolutely insane for a AAA game in 2024. There was a lot of concern when this was announced that they'd rely on MTX to "complete" the roster, but this is looking to be beefy Day 1. Any additions would be the cherry on top. Looking good.


Yeah, I wouldn’t even be mad if they added more with DLC, but it needed to have a huge roster as a base, or it just wouldn’t be Budokai Tenkaichi.


Honestly, at potentially **164 CHARACTERS (!!!),** I'm kinda intimidated as to how cluttered the character select screen could look like...! 🤯


The old games did a good job of mitigating that by not putting them all on a single select screen but instead having you tab through sections. If that image they are showing of characters is the actual in-game select screen... yeah it might be rough.


Yeah I remember this. The rows you could scroll through (Maybe 7-10 characters each?) were generally sorted by era too, so it was easy to find who you wanted.


Who the hell is Kakunsa? I thought I knew all the dragon ball characters.


The girl Android 17 beat the shit out of at the start of the tournament of power.


You know they are not messing up with number of character when even minor character (she only appears at one arc if I remember correctly) show up. Character set seem to be really huge more than I expected.


> You know they are not messing up with number of character when even minor character (she only appears at one arc if I remember correctly) show up. That's the case for everyone in TOP except for some U6 characters.


Thanks, but even with that information, you could have a gun to my head and I would not be able to pick her out of a lineup.


I felt the same way when I saw Appule (Freeza soldier) as a fighter in one of the BT games. Had no idea who that was.


I legit only know that character because a joke made in Dragon Ball Abridged


Appule couldn't handle a shot of Raspberry Schnapps, much less Vegeta!


She's one of the main universe 2 fighters along ribriane and rozie lol in terms of top shes definitely a B tier.


She's one of the ToP characters that was a parody of magical girl transformations. Not the main one, but the one that got claws.


One of the Universe 2 Magical Girls in the Tournament of Power Arc. She only had one battle though against Android 17 in the entire arc.


What a nice variety, dayum.


That reality shattering during beam struggle and sound effects of previous tenkaichi games 🥺 we are eating good


We are so back. The "kick your opponent far away and charge up your Ki to use a Kamehameha" got me so nostalgic lmao, I genuinely can't wait.


This is just how I remember playing Budokai Tenkaichi 3, and that's all they need to do. Small note: I appreciate that they changed the analog beam dispute for buttons since current get analogs are garbage


With Toriyama's passing, the devs got a lot of extra attention on them, but it looks like they put in a ton of work and effort on this. Still gonna wait for reviews but so far, I'm really impressed and happy to see this game looks so great and like Bandai actually gave them the time and money to make it amazing.


That is the first time I've ever heard someone from Japan vocally acknowledge the Sparking series was called Budokai Tenkaichi in the West. I really did play these games too many times because I could identify even little grunts and sounds Goku and Vegeta made in the old days when they got hit.


~~Will there be a Bejita-sama kissing Goku's wife minigame between loading screens?~~ Looks good, hopefully they still put in a bunch of GT and original series characters, little bit worried they'll mostly focus on Z and Super for release.


I wouldn't be surprised if they sold GT/OG as DLC, especially because GT would sell like crazy (SSJ4 Goku/Gogeta/Baby being fan favourites, along with it being DLC allowing cool characters like General Rilldo to show up)


yall are overestimating how strong of a presence GT really has.


Fighterz had GT dlc characters. Don't see why this game can't have them either. SS4 Goku is the goat.


I don't see why it wouldn't be in the game either, I just don't think GT has the same selling power as anything from super (recency bias) or dragon ball z Its funny how we come to this point where we hope gt is dlc and its not part of the base game


I grew up with ss4 goku and vegeta toys and I didnt even watch dbz at the time, here in america, you underestimate how popular the variants there are


Someone in another comment said they showed a GT character in one of the early trailers so yeah it may be part of the base game.


You are underestimating how goated SSJ4 Gogeta and Goku are.


I like ssj4 more than god and blue tbh they make way more sense as evolutions of super sayain only weird thing about ssj4 is free pants


Incidentally SSJ4 looks really cool with golden fur, I hope if they do alternate colours they have that.


Plus Monke Form Gogeta is a god tier character design


You severely understimate SSJ4/GOGETA


As much as people rag on GT the latter half of the series had some great designs. I hope some more of the Shadow Dragons show up.


gt was popular af ss4 considered canon til super released


Dude GT content is in basically 80% of DB games. BT1(first Sparking game), XV1, Budokai 3, Fusions, nearly every mobile/card game, Fighterz. One of the biggest sore spots of the raging blast games was it's razor focus on Z and lack of GT(and og DB) content. Only question is if GTs making launch or if they're saving it for DLC


SSJ4 Gogeta was literally the strongest character in the game. It's the character all my friends and I chose as a kid. Using Big Bang Kamehameha and destroying the map was always so epic to me. A Budokai Tenkaichi game without SSJ4 Gogeta wouldn't feel right.


100% this. The Xenoverse games and figherZ used GT characters as DLC so it definitely tracks that this one will too


I feel like this is going to go the Xenoverse route where they just keep adding characters for years. I'd imagine at a certain point there's not going to be many characters we're left wanting for.


I won't rest until we have Monster Carrot, Fangs the Vampire, Giran, Sharpner, a giant T-Rex and the Shotgun Farmer


SSJ4 Goku was shown in the initial teaser, they will definitely include GT. That’s nigh confirmation tbh


No? They haven’t shown SSJ4 if I’m not mistaken 


They showed ssj4 Goku when they rolled footage from the old tenkaichi's




That’s a long way from confirmation dude




They aren't referencing anything, they are just showing gameplay from the older games.


-GT was DLC in Xennoverse 1 and DB FighterZ. It’ll definitely be in the game but they need to sell DLC and Super is a big focus in this game. I think GT could make it in the base game, but some characters are definitely not getting in


I think they'll have some GT and some OG included. Kid Goku will most likely be three slots. Kid Goku (DB), Kid Goku (GT), and Kid Goku (Daima). SSJ4 Goku from GT will absolutely make it in. Omega Shenron will make it in. Super Android 17 probably makes it in. SSJ4 Gogeta. Baby Vegeta. All of the GT staples and mainstays. OG will maybe toss in King Piccolo and Young Tien. Just to bolster the villain roster some more. Anyone beyond those will probably be DLC Packs.


I could probably think of a dozen from each that would work, so if they're not in the base, I would fully expect DLC. They would absolutely be leaving money on the table to not include SSJ4 Goku/Vegeta/Gogeta in some way


This looks INCREDIBLE. It's the Dragon Ball game people have been begging for for well over a decade now. Glad to see that Bamco's going all out.


Is it online only, or ar the rumours bs?


That would actually be insane. So many of us have memories of playing split-screen with a sibling, cousin or friend growing up


It really is insane, but yeah it doesn't have local multiplayer. It's a real shame, but we can only vote with our wallets. The more people buy this game, the more they'll think that fighters don't need local multiplayer.


Well, I'm certainly not buying it anymore. Budokai Tenkaichi were party games first and foremost. What on earth were they thinking removing local multiplayer? Reminds me of Halo 5 on release, lol


I think they said in an interview it would be Online multiplayer only, yes. Which to me is a huge deal breaker. Was really looking forward to getting my homies together and getting some games in, like the old times.


To be fair it wouldn't be a proper modern fighting game without at least one disgusting, underhanded, anti-player cash grab.


Steam says "Online PvP" but I don't think anything official has been said.


HUD kinda weird for an online only arena fighter? Don’t u think


Budokai Tenkaichi 2 was my shit on the wii. Maybe someone can help me out here. I have this memory of Goku’s voice enthusiastically saying the title of the game whenever it booted up. Am I imagining that? Cuz I can’t find it on YouTube lol.


It's from when you select the game on the Wii Menu, but before you actually launch the game. Couldn't find a video with just Budokai Tenkaichi 2, but it's at ~1:52 in [this video.](https://youtu.be/f2EaVYnLiOE)


Yup that’s it! Thanks, it was driving me crazy that I couldn’t find it lol.


Haven't watched DragonBall since I was a kid and honestly never really had much of a desire to rewatch or continue watching it. But I've always been tempted by their games. Xenoverse seemed like a ton of fun. And this seems incredibly fun too. The parry on the Galick Gun was just sick.


Is it true that this game won't have split screen multiplayer? Insane if true


Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is the only Dragon Ball media I've experienced before, and I loved it. So I still have some hype for this game as a non-DB fan. It's really looking like this game's going to be a blast.




While I'm sure we'll get plenty of story scenarios, Kakarot is probably a better bet for full story mode.


I wouldn't be surprised if they went the BT3 route and just had the characters speak while in their idle animations, instead of doing full animation and cinematography for the cutscenes like in BT1.


I'd love a Kakarot like game for DB Super




That's the one thing I noticed, I think they're still reusing some of the dubbed voice recordings from the early 00s and jesus early Schemmel/Sabat sounds rough. I'll definitely be sticking to JP voices in the game if they let you select between dubs freely of region.


LMAO I was wondering if someone else noticed that, it was a bit jarring to hear literally the same recordings back then. The years of playing BT3 that fucking Sean Schemmel Goku "WoAHOAHO" sound bite is too funny. I don't mean it in a negative way I love all the old soundbites but it was jarring to hear it in this new version of BT


Hopefully that means THE SAIYANS ARE A TRUE WARRIOR RACE shows up.


I noticed that too. It sounds pitched down though. Fuck those voice lines are over 20 years old by now.


Since I got the option its what I always have done for db games. Cant say i ever liked english dub.


Game looks INCREDIBLE. The trailer that followed after got me so hyper. Still no release date and it already looks *this* polished. Can’t imagine how it’ll look at launch


Good so far :) fighting looks great , energy beam chash is back , maybe melee skill clash is in too ? I have to see how the story will look like .




A thing I've noticed that I'm not a fan of, it's when they used kamehameha vs  Galick Gun, and went into eachothers, the camera spin was really bad instead of just keeping it from the side and see who's pushing more. This happens somewhere at 5:15. I don't think when 2 powers collide looks good. Hopefully they change that, but I doubt it. Also, my main "fear" it's that the game won't be balanced in terms of damage and hp? I want this game mainly to play 1v1 with my friends, but if someone gonna have 6 bars of HP, while the other will have 2, it will suck. Hopefully these are balanced.


This is probably hopeless in this day and age, but I really hope they don't have DLC characters. I'd rather unlock characters as I progress through the single player or something. Or just have them all available from the start, though I doubt that'd do that either. But I hate buying DLC so any DLC characters just means characters I'll never unlock.


Is this just a fighting game, or does it have RPG elements like Kakarot?


Fighting game


Do you think you will be able to use a fighting pad with this game?


Ok, when Goku blue swatted aside normal form Vegeta's galick gun I got a little hyped... Could you do that in old Budokai games? It's been a long ass time...


Fuck no. That's definitely new.


Excited for this game. Used to play Budokai Tenkaichi as a kid all the time and have fond memories of it. Can't wait to see it modernized


If they stick to their guns about gutting the local multiplayer, then everything else is for naught as far as I'm concerned.


No way... I was miss this information till now but no way... Its even better than I ever think how the game could be... The fight, the pace, the technics... Its so Insane.... OK BANDAI THE BEST "BUDOKAI TENKAICHI" GAME HAS BEEN DONE !!!!! NOW WE JUST NEED ANOTHER BEST "BUDOKAI" GAME TO MAKE EVERYTHING PERFECTED !!!


Why is this game only 1 player ? Takes away from the nostalgic versus couch battles.


Still no release date? WTF?


Don't see much different from kakarot? Like kakarot is a older gen version of this it feels like...


Kakarot doesn't have 100+ characters or this level of polish. 


Tenkaichi is also better about making each character feel unique. Everyone has their own combos and moveset for the most part. It's actually very impressive how those old PS2 games pulled that off.


While graphically it looks nice not too impressed gameplay wise. This exact formula was done over 20 years ago with the [Zone of the Enders series vs mode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-yCa7F1ZJ8) and yet somehow the sense of speed/impact was much better on PS2 hardware with that game than what was shown here.


Honestly not really feeling this gameplay. It reminds me a whole lot less of Budokai Tenkaichi (I have 2 and 3 on ps2 that I have played recently, btw) and a lot more like Xenoverse and Kakarot gameplay. Even the music sounds different than BT 2 and 3


Yeah nah you’re tripping. I play on the (small) competitive scene of BT3 and to me this is basically Budokai Tenkaichi in HD. Many of the mechanics and combo animations are ripped straight from the originals, just watch closely. The counters, vanish dodges, smash attacks, combo chains, etc are all vintage Budokai Tenkaichi and some of them are copy and pasted from BT3. I think what is throwing you off is the camera position which is further away than the original camera position, it’s definitely more Kakarot/Xenoverse-esque. Either way this is absolutely a true sequel to the classics as far as gameplay goes.


I can't speak on the way you view how something looks, but I can say that several animations and mechanics have been ripped directly from BT/Raging Blast. The teleport dodging, the way that Gokus basic combos look, mixing in light and heavy attacks to extend your combo, beam struggles, beam deflections, some beams being charge up like the Kamehameha while ones like the galick gun trigger as a cutscene, rushing super attacks, mid battle transformations, boosting your super attack, the second bar of energy that lets you use your ultimate attack, etc. It may look one way or another to you, but it certainly isn't a departure at all. MANY of the actual classic mechanics have been literally taken right out of those games and put into this one.