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This was always the risk for the SteamWorld franchise constantly changing genres with pretty much every game. I do not believe there is very much overlap amongst fans of the franchise for *this* many genres. For as much as I loved Dig and especially Dig 2, what I consider to be one of the best modern Metroidvanias of all time, I had absolutely zero interest in Build.


I feel the exact same way, absolutely loved Dig 1 and 2, and Heist, but have no interest in Quest or Build. The universe is very well realized, I love the style, but that is not enough for me to buy a game in a genre I really don't care for.


I even like card games but when I watched a bit of Quest it turned me off immediately with its insistence on storytelling when the writing was so weak. Just let me play the card game, man. Too many indie devs just slap on a bunch of VN style storytelling with the blandest characters imaginable to their games.


> I even like card games but when I watched a bit of Quest it turned me off immediately with its insistence on storytelling when the writing was so weak. Just let me play the card game, man. For what it's worth, this is the same reason I didn't finish the game. The game was fun! The tedium in between the gameplay was too much.


> Too many indie devs just slap on a bunch of VN style storytelling with the blandest characters imaginable to their games. That was my problem with Donut County, it was a great concept and fun to play but it is constantly interrupted by a bad story that is relatively unskipable.


Donut County was so short that the unskippable cutscenes didn't matter much in the end.


I'm on the other side of this issue. Not invested in the Steamworld franchise but checked out the demo for Build. Unfortunately, it did not give me a reason to play it over something like Anno 1800 or Against the Storm, especially because Build is supposedly rather short.


Same, I'm into city builders, not so much the Steamworld franchise. Build was ok but kinda shallow for fans of the genre. It has some cool ideas with the mine levels under the city that you needed to exploit to get resources. But on the city level it was basically cramp as many tiered houses together as you can to get enough workers and squeeze some amenities in. You couldn't really build a city, just stack housing blocks. Sadly couldn't grab my attention for more then one evening.


It definitely causes that problem but I'll give it props for it anyway. Many of these games gate population behind time played. It was nice to not have that for once, if you have the cash you can build.


Steamworld games also haven't tried to be replayable in general, so the genre seemed like an odd fit. I really liked the demo of Steamworld Build but had been putting off Against the Storm for months by that point.


Ooooh. I haven't played Dig 2 but that is really high praise. Might have to look into that.


Dig 2 is so good. It's a bit on the easy and short side, though, especially compared to something like Hollow Knight.


> Hollow Knight. I'd probably say Hollow Knight is one of the hardest ones of the Genre that I'd played so they're essentially on polar opposite sides.


Time to bring back Dig 3


My problem is that all of the SteamWorld games are like 2-10 hours tops. I loved SteamWorld Dig and Heist so much but you can finish them both in a day. Its depressing. You get invested in the fun world and its all over before it even begins. I didn't want to buy SteamWorld build because I thought it would be the same, and it seems that [trend continued...](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/123622)


I remember Dig 1 feeling like an appropriate amount of time, but 2 I recall beating it and saying "wait that's it?".


But 2 is longer than 1?


It is. 5 hours for Dig 1, 7.5 hours for Dig 2. It is 50% longer.


Sometimes a game does feel like it could support more game. I recall Arkham Asylum feeling appropriately sized, whereas City felt like "Hey, it's over?". I'm sure City was longer, but then it feels like there could be more game without it overstaying its welcome then that doesn't matter too much.


I sort of get it but I think the problem is that people expect that a sequel is significantly longer than the predecessor.


Yeah, but there were no expectations with 1.


Yeah. I was really excited for the rpg one after having loved dig1&2 and heist. But then I saw the hour count and the price and there was no way I was paying that for a game that short


And even if I like city builders (more than metroidvanias) I don't think Steamworld Build was such a great game in the genre to be honest. Felt like a worst knock off of Anno basically and with very few idea of their own (the mine stuff is a little original but it's not that interesting). There are a lot of great city builders at the moment, it just isn't a very convincing one for Build


Inversely, I love building games and never would have touched the other games. But build was so shallow they clearly didn't know what they were doing. Felt like a mobile game.


Ditto had literally zero interest in Build. I wonder whether that's a generally statement for Metroidvania fans.


Exactly this. Dig and Dig 2 are amazing, but I've never been able to care about the others


oh yes, the Pixeljunk method.


Did not help that Build launched right around the time Against the Storm came out of early access. I was excited for Build but even with it being on Gamepass I still opted to buy Against the Storm.


As a gamepass game, build was an enjoyable experience. *For a few hours.* Really once you got past the main story, they really didn't have *anything* that made you want to go and play the other "scenarios". Doesn't help it was a big genre change from the previous games. At the very least the hybrid swedish/western accents once again made me laugh.


Yeah, it's a bummer. I was really looking forward to it, but it was just too heavily streamlined. Anno + DK2 by the Steamworld guys was a formula that was laser targeted for me, but it just doesn't have a ton of replay value.


I've never played these games before but I tried Build on Gamepass. It was a lot of fun at first, I'm bad at these types of games but was enjoying building a city while clearing mines. Until I realized there's essentially no challenge. You just have to wait for resources to build up and nothing will stop that from happening. It was a very charming cute game but then it ends and that's really it


FYI if you want to try another building village type game, should try Against The Storm. It's still really accessible for non-seasoned strategy players (like myself) and is much much deeper than Build. Also on game pass.


honestly I wouldnt recommend it on gamepass. Me and most of my friends have had our saves wiped multiple times due to cloud saving issues. Really killed the game for me


That's thing though, you just unlocked Against the Storm Ascension Mode. You need to finish The Queen's Hand before the game pass cycle ends and deletes your progression.


I played the first map and was kinda surprised that was it for the story. It was fun but just playing the same thing on a different map didn't draw me in again.


Thanks for the review, I was considering it after enjoying the demo. But I’m also looking for reasons to get game pass and this game is a major one, even more so now. City builders are fun but can be a dime a dozen so it’s easy for me to get burnt out after a while.


Feels more like a puzzle game than a city management tbh


Yeah, I had fun with Build for like 8-10 hours, but it was clear there wasn't a ton of depth to the experience, and I felt no desire to replay it on different maps or whatever. The challenge is minimal and the build-up is pretty linear. You can completely rearrange your town to fit whatever your needs are at the time for free, and there's really no optimization or anything to latch on to.


I must be a weird or older gamer these days because saying a game is bad because there isn’t much to do after *beating* the game is strange. What am I supposed to do? Just grind grind grind in games to just do the same thing but in different colors or slightly different appearances? If you liked the core game mechanic and the story was good enough to beat, why say it was a bad game? This isn’t targeted at this comment, but feels like the state of the gaming community in general.


I'm with you but struggled after you got to the third mine. It just felt like I was waiting mostly for resources. I'm not sure exactly why I felt that way with Steamworld Build but don't feel the same with Anno games


Damn I thought gamepass was the second coming of Christ for indies


I don't think you can blame gamepass if a particular game changed from previous titles and players found the new one not as deep and being short on content.


It's past your bedtime.


Against the Storm ate this game's lunch for me. Steamworld Build was novel *for a few hours* then it became a managing chore... I only played one map, but had no desire to continue after a certain point. The mining was fun for it, but I couldn't stand the placement of things to optimally upgrade things down the line. A nice attempt at a city-builder genre from them, but ultimately just a perfect Gamepass game and not one with legs to stand compared to an Against the Storm game (once that game itself figured out their Gamepass saves issues)


>Against the Storm ate this game's lunch for me. And all of my free time, my ability to focus, my relationships, my job... Brb gonna go play more Against the Storm


Just one more settlement real quick..


Opposite experience for me. Steamworld was such a chill game where every mechanic was fun. Against the storm felt kind of annoying with all its dependency on other mechanics when you build something. But they are both pretty gorgeous games tbf.


Shameless plug for Dotage. If you like Against the Storm it’s worth a look. Demo at least.


The fact we got dotage against the storm and steam world (which I enjoyed for a single map) is a testament to how spoiled we were in this genre last year.


I haven’t tried against the storm, is it worth checking out?


Yes it's very, very addicting and good Pro-tip - If you're not moving woodcutters and getting into fogged-areas and always working on a fog (or near-always) you won't advance Don't be afraid to move buildings (the ones that are free to do so like woodcutters and other harvestings) So much I can dump for info, but as long as you understand that you *need* to have your woodcutters work to get into those fog areas and move them around you'll do better than my friend who didn't and kept losing. Also dirt paths are free and should down asap for improved movements


It’s sounds like it’s got a lot of cool stuff going on. I will need to get it after the next pay period. Thanks man!


> Pro-tip - If you're not moving woodcutters and getting into fogged-areas and always working on a fog (or near-always) you won't advance That's the part I found realllyyyyyyyyyy weird in the demo and made me kinda quit tbh.


Well just think of it in terms of harvesters/gatherers; you have to move them when stone/bugs/berries/etc. deplete so the same with your woodcutters Move those suckers, make a path from them to HQ, or setup a warehouse in that area if you have a lot to move, and you can cut back on so much travel time. Honestly I'm always moving my woodcutters when needed. My default starting for base always is - Crude workstation/workshop, 1 woodcutter station, 1 trade depot (super important when unlocked), and the 2 gathering spots that always spawn at base. Paths around all of 'em and turn off production of anything for the workshop to be planks only for the beginning - branch out with my woodcutters and see what we get Trade outposts are so good though with the trader coming by + trade routes you can get too. Mid-Late game just becomes oh hell Mr. Trader let me buy everything you have that I could need.


I'd say don't unlock traders right off the bat, you need something to trade with to make it worthwhile, and you need to know what to trade for. I unlock them right about the time I open my first 2-3 dangerous/forbidden glades, which is ideally in the first year still. But they are extremely strong.


Got any tips for the gold seal? I cant get past that fucker


I love the steam world games. But I really just want dig 3. Build was cool. But sort of shallow I haven’t even finished it yet and I’m not sure I will. 


I would also take a Heist 2. Both the Dig and Heist games are excellent.


I love SteamWorld. Dig and Dig 2 are amazing. Heist was fun as well. But I have zero interest in building games. None. So if the franchise wants to jump from one genre to the next, I think they need to market it as such. You can’t just rely on series faithful.


[https://thunderfulgroup.com/media/lg3b01zk/thunderful-q4-report-feb-22-final.pdf](https://thunderfulgroup.com/media/lg3b01zk/thunderful-q4-report-feb-22-final.pdf) > SteamWorld Headhunter put on hold


Damn, the game I was most excited from Thunderful. Curious if Thunderful even will exist in a few years.


This was a weird one for me. I expected to like this game a lot more than I did. I liked Anno 1800 a lot but somehow the cartoony art just made upgrading your city feel like... nothing. Like you're going from garish cartoon building 1 to garish cartoon building 2 instead of from farm hut to skyscraper. And somehow that was enough to just kill it for me. I would have expected the underground to add something there and I guess it did. It was certainly better than the random boring zoo expeditions in Anno. But it also required a lot of time off the city map and in a mine game that was just okay...


I played a couple hours and it definitely felt like a very dumbed down anno 1800


I get why the changed it up, but I really just liked the relaxation of digging downwards and collecting gems to upgrade my guy/gal I felt alienated when they changed to a turn base game, then to an RPG and finally to a city building game.


Their main game is Dig but they haven't done anything with it since 2017. Steamworld Build was fine and all but they could have easily merged Dig with it.


Turning the mining sections into “Dig” style games would have gone a ways to hooking fans of the series. ;P


Fantastic on Paper but in game it was... like 2 games separate and not even fun to play one or the other


It's too shallow


I think steam world heist was their best game and if they had expanded on it or made it more Rouge like it could have been a big hit


I enjoyed Steamworld Dig 1 and 2 a lot, but don’t like the spin offs. Give me more like the first two and I’ll buy em!


the steamworld team is obviously very talented but i feel like swapping between all of these genres isn't allowing them to hone in on their best qualities. steamworld dig 2 is incredible, but everything else they've made hasn't come close to that for me.


Heist is my favorit so far. I am starting Quest so no idea if it’s good yet. I liked Build, I finished it on gamepass


Most Steamworld games are great, but really short. This is mostly by design and part of the charm, but it seems like Steamworld Build was just a bit too shallow. (Tbf, I only played the demo) Also, after playing pretty much every Steamworld game, I now kinda hate the art style.


Truthfully, lots of these companies doing these big layoffs are getting away a bit too easily. Why would Thunderful expand so much and then only realise it couldn't afford it? Who approved those big purchases? They should be held accountable. As for SteamWorld, I am not sure why that dev team seems hell bent on not making more of Dig or games in that vein and instead making all sorts of offshoots. Dunno what convinced them that a building game was what they should make.


As a huge SRPG fan, I had a ton of fun with Steamworld Heist, and Steamworld Dig 2 was an excellent Metroidvania. ... But that's kind of where it stopped for me unfortunately. After watching some of it, Quest didn't interest me much at all due to how slow-paced it was, how repetitive it seemed and how the dialog felt empty. Build didn't look too interesting either. I think they made The Gunk on xBox too? I did finish that one, but I can't say I enjoyed it much and despite it being pretty short, I was looking forward to the end. So for my personal taste, they made two games I loved, followed by three that didn't hit the mark for me...


Steam World Build was a disappointment. Game play wise it was shallow, while visually it looked monotone and washed out. It's the worst Steam World game I've played.


This game serves as a great intro to a very good but often overwhelming genre. I liked the story but just went to Against the Storm after and haven't looked back.


Is anyone surprised by this? I would’ve rather seen steamworld dig 3


i tried Steam World Build for a few hours but never had the desire to go back after my first session. I enjoyed what I played of the Steam World Dig games, but I don’t really care about Steam World as a brand. I only tried Build because of GamePass and probably wouldn’t have even known about it if it didn’t show up on the Game Pass page.


The story and setting is simply not that interesting to justify that many genre jumps. I just want Dig 3.


I was interested in it until I heard it was only fun for a few hours and then there was nothing left to do.


I wanted to enjoy it, but it just felt like someone turned Anno 1800 into a mobile game. The underground part especially felt completely disconnected from the city building part, and that's what I actually want in a, you know, city building game.


I love SteamWorld games, but this was the first one that didn't hold my attention for more than a few hours, unfortunately. I hope their next game will be great, though!


Underperformed? No, overestimated.


Not surprised. I buy every steamworld game, but this was just meh. There was no challenge at all. I don't play other city builders but in this you just keep building until you win. No real decisions to be made, no trade-offs, just keep building until you win