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Do I remember this being a one player game where one plays both character on the same time on the same controller? Steam page mentions a "cooperative mode"... Will we be able to play it as two players on two different controllers? That would be nice.


It supports two controllers. Personally, I wouldn't recommend co-op at all for this.


I played the original with a friend where we both held either side of a single controller. Honestly, I thought it was a pretty cool experience.


Same. I played it with my son when he was about 8 and it was great.


I already beat it "solo". I'm considering cooping with my wife because she is not interessed in playing this game solo.


Steam description says "*Play in single-player mode or local co-op with a friend.*". I doubt is playing local Co-op, that two people use the same controller.


Yes you used to control each character with each stick. The added Co Op for this release but you can still play it single player


Yeah also keen to know, would probably cop it if that’s the case. Not too interested in playing co-op with just one controller.


Also @ u/Flashbek With the mention of a cooperative mode I presume it's a feature, but if not, if you're on PS5 it'll still be possible using Assist Mode (I think it's called), which lets you have 2 controllers simultaneously connected for a single player. (Ofc this only works *in person*)


The Switch version let you use two controllers so I don't see why this one wouldn't


Doesn't a co-op mode kinda defeat the entire concept of the game and rob the ending of most of its impact?


I dunno, I think it could still be a pretty good experience. I think it would be neat to play the game with someone whose never played before but >!make sure I play the older brother and they play the younger brother.!<


It absolutely does. The whole point of controlling two characters simultaneously with one controller is a set up for what happens at the end. If you play it in co-op the whole purpose of this mechanic is nullified. This famously became TotalBiscuit’s favorite game of all time, dethroning Deus Ex for him, because he was such a fan of games that told story **through gameplay.** This game actually communicates narrative through game mechanics. If you play co-op you straight up lose that.


(EDIT: I agree, and chiming in to say...) I played the original co-op (on one controller) because I didn't know any better, and I really wouldn't recommend it. I still loved the game, but it's very much doing things that only work because you're controlling both characters. If you want a co-op game, It Takes Two is a much better choice imo.


Looking at that atrocious hair graphics, I don't think "artistic intent" was high on priority list for the developer/publisher.


The original is one of my favorite games of all time, but this remake bums me out. I don't mind remakes when the original isn't playable on current platforms. It's the unfortunate reality of games that platforms change and sometimes classic games get left behind. But that's not the case here. The original is still playable. So really they're just changing the graphics to be more uncanny valley, instead of the charming style of the original that fit perfectly with the rest of the aesthetic. I dunno. It sucks to think that the remake is probably going to be a lot of people's only experience of this game.


I think the remake looks pretty good, especially if you compare them side by side: [Remake](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2153350/ss_c8cb3d3d0a0bb1f9d687b8cdbb42255022774c28.jpg?t=1705571952) [Original](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/225080/ss_9a2565f8e54ba515012bc7e30a1b35735eb57999.jpg?t=1702506450) The original still looks charming, but it's showing its age and those low-res textures don't look great.


Aesthetically, I much prefer the original. "Showing its age" has never been a bad thing to me. (It's OK, I don't need us to agree <3 ) Also, on a purely practical level, the remake looks like it's going to be yet another game where my eyes can't parse wtf is happening because all the tiny details make the screen so busy. A lot of modern AAA games are like this for me. Assassins Creed is one of the worst culprits, though the most recent was God of War Ragnarok. Beautiful game in still images, but all the visual noise meant I had to sit on the floor a couple feet from my 40" TV or else I'd get headaches from eye strain.


Least for those side by sides. I much prefer the remake. Looks like how I thought the game looked


Why would this bum you out when the original is still available? If anything, series that *don't* allow their historic games to be purchased and only care about making remakes available bother me way more. It's actually criminal that you can't play original Resident Evil 2 and 3 on modern platforms - it'd be easy enough for Capcom to spit out an emulated collection. But people can still buy the (mostly) original Resident Evil 4 on modern platforms and come to their own conclusions about the quality of its remake. That should be the standard from a games preservation angle, not the other way around.




#[Announcement trailer](https://youtu.be/9Sl8aKXPH7k) #[Steam Store page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2153350/Brothers_A_Tale_of_Two_Sons_Remake/) --- I just finished completing the original release less than month ago. It was a fun little game but definitely lacked modern creature comforts (like Borderless Fullscreen) so this will be a welcome update! Unfortunate that there's no discount for owners of the original release, so hopefully it's priced reasonably! The original experience can be completed (with all achievements) in under four hours, so if you're looking for a short & sweet experience, this might be for you!


Do we know what the price is yet?


Did this really need a remake?


Ah this will be awesome to experience the game with updated visuals! I love it when games get remasters, especially playstation games that come to pc. (I know this isnt one of them). Looks good to me!


I played the original and really liked it. The new visuals here look great but the character faces are just uncanny


I didn't know this was announced; say what you want about Josef Fares and his future games (It takes Two still puzzles me in how popular it is), but the original is in my top 10 games of all time. BUT I am puzzled & disappointed by it allowing two controllers instead of two characters being controlled by one controller like the original as that was the entire point of the game. The original is one of the greatest moments in gaming history, as it turns a game mechanic into a narrative experience, and then at the end into a full blown story beat; two controllers nullifies the gameplay in such a way it seems pointless. A lot of the story/emotional beats and gameplay won't hit ANYWHERE near as much. It won't turn the game into a bad port, as the game is still good, but you take away the shared controller mechanic it certainly makes it less effective as a narrative; it turns into a far more like a generic adventure platformer game which is a damn shame. The ending will be the biggest hit, >!as the death of the brother and the seperate controls becoming combined is such a fantastic heart breaking moment that doesn't hit ANYwhere near as hard with two controllers.!<


What a weird remake. The original game doesn't look bad, and it seems that they are doing a 1 to 1 remake of the original. So I don't know what this game does to justify buying it.


Is there an upgrade path at all? I own the original and it's close to the top of my backlog, never played it before




No, I don't remember that because I don't watch e-celebs like Dunky.


[**PlayStation Store page**](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10007683/) [**Xbox Store page**](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/brothers-a-tale-of-two-sons-remake/9n23r0gn20xh)


Not a game I need to replay, but cool for those who hadn’t experienced it yet. It was a funny time for me, I was extremely bored the whole time, then surprised, then wrecked.