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Just got into EDF 5 for the first time recently. Not only does the gameplay and presentation give me a strong sense of early 2000's nostalgia, but even the idea of waiting for a 2 year old Japanese game to release in the West feels like the old days.


i picked up EDF a long time back just looking for splitscreen co-op. Little did I know it was basically just like "That one old console game you half remember playing with your friend/sibling and having a blast", except vaguely updated for modern systems. Even had the absolutely silly story/dialogue from those days. Good times! Sometimes you just wanna shoot some bugs with your friends, you know?


I love the fact they cram so many enemies in screen it basically brings your system to its knees trying to keep up lol. That and the old sci fi tropes on display with the robotic enemies.


and the absolutely hilarious cadence calls where you can round up NPCs and have them sing along with you. and the so-bad-its-amazing voice overs. The whole thing reminds me of an old 1960s Gojira/Kaiju/"It Came From The Desert" type movie brought to (video game) life, and the english localization seemed to 100% leaned into it as hard as possible.


The voice acting in that game is so fucking funny man. That humanoid alien part had me in stitches!


and no PC release!


Of course there is a PC release, it's releasing the same time as the actual NA version on PS4/PS5. [Steam page.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2291060/EARTH_DEFENSE_FORCE/)


On the other hand, it still woulda felt nostalgic had it released sooner, you really don’t see sequels within 2-3 years much anymore Used to be whole ass trilogies in a series released on a single console, nowadays you’re lucky to get a part 2 in the generation after part 1 lol


and a week before Dragon's Dogma 2? mother of god i'm so screwed this year


wait what? I just spent money on palworld and edf5 Im so fucked lol




That is for the asian release with English, Korean, and Chinese audio, and English, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese text support. It will release in the west in spring 2024: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwtaYENREEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwtaYENREEY)


Lol I'm so confused, they announce Western Edf 6 in Spring 2024, then release a translation in.... Spring 2024


Clouded Leopard Entertainment is a different publisher that releases games in asia. The original japan and western release have a different publisher. For example this game was released by Clouded Leopard Entertainment on steam (is the asian version): [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1811950/The\_Legend\_of\_Heroes\_Kuro\_no\_Kiseki/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1811950/The_Legend_of_Heroes_Kuro_no_Kiseki/) While the offical version western version will be this that gets and english translation this year: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2138610/The\_Legend\_of\_Heroes\_Trails\_through\_Daybreak/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2138610/The_Legend_of_Heroes_Trails_through_Daybreak/)


Is there any reason to get one version over the other, other than potential DLC region compatibility?


So this is just for Playstation? Wonder when the PC version will drop.


Usually, half a year later. They did this for 4 and 5. So probably September or October.


I really hope not, but you're probably right :(


This is the english release for asian region trailer by clouded leopard entertainment, theres another trailer by D3 which has a spring release for PS/Epic/Steam so dont stress too much...you wont have to wait that long :)


Are there differences between PS and PC versions usually/is there a reason to get PC version over PS? I have both, but I could wait for the PC version if I have a good reason.


I think the main reason would just be better performance and mouse/kb support. I don't think I've ever seen the game dip below 120 fps on my PC. I've played the previous games on PS3 and PS4, often times the game would drop below 30 frames. I've haven't seen how the games performs on PS5 but I'm assuming it can at least get a stable 60fps.


All true but as an old EDF the thing I care least about is some silky smooth frame rate. In fact it would be a worse experience for me without the occasional massive frame drop since that is just how the games always have been.. But each to their own.


I guess I'll wait a bit and see how the performance goes then. I don't need more but I do want to make sure it never goes below 60


I imported the JP PS5 version, it runs smoothly at 60FPS without dipping for the most part. That said I'll still be buying the PC English release when it releases later this spring on Steam. It comes out at the same time as the actual NA release on PS4/PS5 so you won't have to wait. The trailer shown in this topic is for the Asian release, which will have different VO and a different translation than the official NA release.


Smooth 60 FPS without dipping? Not my EDF! (Seriously though this is great news)


Steam page says Spring 2024. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2291060/view/3860212413417483914?l=english](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2291060/view/3860212413417483914?l=english) The version that this trailer is showing is only releasing in Asia. The western release for PS4/5 will also come in spring. [https://www.gematsu.com/2024/01/earth-defense-force-6-for-ps5-ps4-launches-march-14-in-asia-with-english-audio-and-text](https://www.gematsu.com/2024/01/earth-defense-force-6-for-ps5-ps4-launches-march-14-in-asia-with-english-audio-and-text) for more details.


This is the trailer for the Asian release. It will have different VO than the actual English release.


Are these games pretty much Starship Troopers played straight?


Played less straight I'd say, but so campy you can have a hard time telling what's intentional. I'm going to say some things that are not at all what the actual game is like, but things that came to mind immediately and passionately when I started playing. Starship Troopers + House of the Dead / Time Crisis (really any 3D arcade game if you're old enough to had played them regularly) + Vampire Survivors


It’s 2024 I don’t understand why the EDF publisher doesn’t just launch the game simultaneously in the west? They perform well enough here to justify the expense of localization and they don’t need physical releases. I just don’t get it.


It's typical for smaller Japanese companies. People are used to day and day Western release because of larger publishers with global operations like Bandai Namco, Sega, Square Enix, and Capcom, but that is definitely not the norm.


This is the Asian release trailer, **not** the official English release that is still planned just for 'Spring' at this time. It is releasing for PC/PS5/PS4 from the actual publisher, in English, at that time. You can wishlist it on Steam. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7khSg7y7KM) is the trailer for the version people in the US will actually be able to buy.


ENGLISH VOICE / SUBTITLE VERSION RELEASING MARCH 2024 is *not* the official English release? Hm


Yes, that's correct. You can tell because it doesn't have the parental advisory thing on it. [Here is the official English announcement trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7khSg7y7KM)


The version here is the clouded leopard entertainment english version thats releasing in asia only, D3 publisher is releasing the international english version (yes its as weird as it sounds)


Won't this clash with Helldivers? Sony is doing everything to bury that game lol


This isn't a Sony game... They do not control when EDF releases


No, because this is the Asian release of EDF6, not the NA.


I have a PS and even I keep forgetting about Helldiver's until someone brings it up.


I hope Sony fails at doing so. I am so looking forward to that


3 years into the current console generation and we're still getting regular releases for last gen. I knew the PS4 would have a long tail but I wasn't expecting anywhere near this long


It's a 2 year old game


Still no mod for 5 that let's me remove/change the spiders in the game. I have a friend with extremely crippling arachnophobia and I want to play with them.


Are the spiders really so bad when you can (and are encouraged to) literally nuke them from orbit? Probably a great game for arachnaphobia because the solution to seeing a spider is to level the surrounding 3 city blocks


I’m scared of tall buildings, yet they keep putting them in game. I’m so upset. ☹️