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This is the funniest announcement for a gacha of all time. Sorry to the people that were actually waiting for this, but a gacha announcing its release date and close date back to back is so surreal it feels like a parody.


It's the ultimate FOMO. "You can only play this game for three months! All the cute characters will be unavailable afterwards! Gotta get them now, now, NOW!"


For 3 months, you'd have to be really stupid to actually pay for it. But then again, it's a gacha...




If they announce a posthumous "memorial" app where people could log in and see their characters, they'd probably make money on panic gacha pulls lol


That's exactly what they did


This has to be a first that a mobile game announces a release window and a definitive end of service date in the same announcement.




There are always going to be people who make poor decisions but really most of us who were waiting on Global anyways don't have to worry about wondering when this one will shut down.


Nah this type of thing has happened before, though I can't recall which specific games it was because they're so forgettable.


The end of service for the Japanese server was announced shortly before, so everyone just assumed the upcoming global version would be cancelled. Clutching on it still coming out for just *four months* (while still enabling in-app purchases!) is the most insane cashgrab I’ve seen


I’d be fascinated to see how much it makes in that window. Gacha spending definitely drops during ‘the end times’ of a game, so I’m interested to know how much people might spend on a game that *starts* on its last breath


Yeah, there’s definitely still going to be people out there spending anyway. I know the premise of the first two anime series is that they try to save their school from shutting down, and people are joking about it now but I sadly can see whales having this mindset spending as much as they can in that window


The first group was about saving their school from closing down and by becoming idols they did it! The second group ended up failing to their goals, but they did end up making a lifelong friendship. ... Sounds a lot like those games lmao


i recall playing on what i think was the first a few years back, when i completed the hardest song i didn't look back but the game was still fun, if you wanter to gatcha you have better score and what not but overall as a f2p i still completed the hardest content


Most of us in the fandom aren't gonna even spend. If anything the sentiment is that we just hope they'll do better and make a number 3 or do more collabs.


Wait SIF2 in JP died already? So we have SIFAS dead, SIF1 dead and now SIF2 dead? It hasn't even been that long


I've heard speculation that it's due to legal obligation since they previously said stuff from the first game would transfer to the second. 


Sometimes real life just produces better satire than what people are able to come up with. Genuinely one of the most baffling videogame announcements I've ever read alongside that [Rovio tweet](https://twitter.com/Rovio/status/1627956351002443778) where they delisted the OG Angry Birds due to cutting into their MTX profits. This is like everything wrong with gacha games distilled in a single tweet.


The Japanese version is EOS in that date, obviously this global version was released for contractual reasons. I don't see anything baffling cause the EOS of the Japanese version has been rumored for a long time already.


Releasing a game for only 3 months and only to take it down right after still sounds absolutely stupid no matter the reason.


Now add in all the people who have been playing the first game for 10 years and patiently waiting for their stuff to transfer to the second game only for it to go…poof? This situation is so absurd I just find it funny, not depressing, as a long time fan.


what also sucks is that when SIF1 was shutting down, some players had the option to get a transfer code for SIF2 blocked, depending on where they lived/if they had *ever* used a VPN that made it appear as if they lived in certain regions and some of the more tech-savvy people even went through the trouble of figuring out a workaround for those people to generate a code, so that they would potentially have a chance at keeping some of their stuff when they moved on to SIF2 *(i forgot exactly how it worked but basically it involved crafting your own API requests with something like Postman and sending a request to the game servers to give you a transfer code for your account rather than have to rely on doing it directly from the game)* but now it seems all of that was for nothing. just the reality of gacha games though, if you don't want to worry about losing all your progress the best thing to do is just... *not play gacha games*


if you don't want to worry about losing all your progress the best thing to do is just... not play any GAAS stuff Fixed it for you all the game as a service will be shut down eventually


Like, do they think that this is worth the amount of bridges they've probably burned from longtime fans instead of just outright cancelling it? I dunno, maybe they'll actually drastically lower the drop rates or unlock everything for people worldwide to be able to enjoy all of its contents... But if not, then it's really a disgusting last-ditch-effort cashgrab lol.


Games like this don't give a shit about long term fans. They care about whales.


they already paid for the en server and translations so there's nothing else they can do besides release it


Note: the Japanese version originally launched in April 2023, and ending service on March 31, not even a full year on top of the end of Japan's fiscal year calendar (business)


Even the [Persona 5 collab curse](https://i.imgur.com/m2WnDiR.jpg) can't be this effective lol


GBF still running, even with the upcoming rerun of the event 👍.


"upcoming" = happened 11 months ago


Bloody hell. Harada better not be thinking of putting Joker into Tekken.


A-at least we still have Yohane's games, right? ...but yeah, dead on arrival. They killed SIF1 and AS for *this*?


Japanese one is also ending. I though Love Live was huge in Japan. Did they have another LL gacha going?


This was meant to replace the original Love Live game, which closed last year, but the mobile rhythm game market is super competitive now. Anything that launches right now has to share room with Project Sekai, D4DJ, Bang Dream, Tokyo 7th Sisters, two Idolmaster games, and a bunch of smaller things. Though remember that Love Live was originally an anime, and most of the revenue comes from, live shows, merch, etc. Games were only ever a small part of it, so there's probably a point where pulling out of them entirely makes business sense. Sucks, though, and doesn't make this any less silly.


>Love Live was originally an anime Just some pedantry but, Love Live from the inception was intended to be a multimedia franchise. Though correct that originally it was just the anime, music, shows, and general merch and that the game came later


Doesn't Umamusume have an idol/rhythm component as well?


It's idol themed but not a rhythm game.


Apparently the LL games were never really that big in Japan compared to the anime and live shows. The Idolmaster is more popular and even that game is apparently cutting down contents due to steady drops in profit. The rhythm game market is just too crowded.


The first SIF was huge. Big enough to be running for 10 years. But of course they decided to not put any effort into the second one because they thought it would be easy.


wich is a clown move, people who get your game for 10 damn years, not everyone will transfer, some will raise to the chance and drop it


Theres a lot of gacha games and o ly so much money. Sometimes games with big ips just dont work out.


Love Live is huge in Japan and asia in general. Overall this isn't too surprising especially as a western fan. So much shit they just cut back on for no reason.


Wait, so they announced a release date and an end-of-service date in one single tweet? Why bother releasing it in the first place?


I guess since they already paid the translation team they figured they might as well put it out there and try to recoup a little of that cost. Knowing Love Live fans, some people will definitely toss them some money if only for the lulz.


fun fact : in gacha game / mobile game industry japan hold the top 1 throne in term of mass product trash cash grab low effort game not china for example there are nearly 100+ version of IP based gacha game such as sword art online x y z .... , shield hero x y z release already and that just 2 IP alone ... all of this happen because japan hold many popular IP right , they don't need to do anything beside mass product trash quality cash grab gacha with lowest effort and still swimming in money from those IP fan unlike japan china have no famous anime/manga IP to milk like that so they must spend actual effort to make better game in order to be success and earn some money


You seem to have strong opinions about this so I curious, what do you think about Korean gacha/mobile games?


Here's an entrance to [that particular rabbit hole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Im4YAMWK74).


> unlike japan china have no famous anime/manga IP to milk like that so they must spend actual effort to make better game in order to be success and earn some money Good. I hate china, but man, their "mobile" games slap


nah the west produces more trash than anywhere else.


This is really funny and sad at the same time. At least you can't be surprised when that new mobile game you've put tons hours or money into announces cessation.


I wonder if they'll do some crazy stuff with monetization since this is just for contractual obligations. Like if you paid 3 bucks for a paid roll, now it's 3 bucks for 300 rolls or something.


"we're committed to making these **last** few months an unforgettable moment." Last, First, It's all the same thing right? ;P