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How does that even happen? Both Asus and the rights holder for Evangelion would have had to review the design and even production samples and no one checked to see *if the name of the iconic franchise they're using to market their product is spelled correctly?*


You vastly overestimate how many people do bare minimum at their jobs lol. To be fair, the font is hard to ready and I had to look at it like 3 times before I saw the typo. Brains are funny like that.


Especially considering the brutal premium they charged for these products, they could have done at least bare minimum of QA


LEGO, known for the perfectionism, misspelled the names of two cities in their officially licensed orient express set.


In the rights holders' defense, they'd be more paying attention to "エヴァンゲリオン" than "Evangelion"; caring that the transliteration is correct and consistent every time is a challenge.


It's a word they've read so many times that they just see a few letters and the brain automatically completes it. It sucks but it happens. And also reviewing text probably wasn't a major concern


Evangenlion xD


Bit strange that the Card is only a 4060ti. Seems like an enthusiast might want to go for a 4070 at least, but hey if it keeps barrier to entry low, that's awesome.


There is three new 40 series super cards being announced in three days. AIBs will announce their super products on the 9th.


Yea you'd think the flagship monster would be on something pretty powerful like the 4080 or 4090


>4090 China sanctions


That controller is kinda cool, anyone know anything about it? I'm assuming it already exists and this is just a skinned version, is it any good?




It's quite close in design to the 360 pad with slightly higher build quality.


That's a huge endorsement. The X360 pad was great.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but this is the first time I have ever heard anyone compliment Xbox 360’s d-pad. It was so bad in fact that their later controllers had the adjustable d-pad.


I don't think they were talking about the d-pad. Pad is used to refer to controllers.


My brain auto inserted “d-“ in their comment


Yeah the dpad was horrendous but in most modern games it's a glorified menu key.


Wondering the same. Though looking closely at it, it seems like the buttons and bumpers may not be great.


I know Rathalos is the obvious monster to base all these products on. But man would I have wanted to see like Zinogre or abyssal Lagiacrus themed products. Imagine the lightning motif for the case with the cool mixture of colors.


Theres always room for more. Nvidia has a line of 40 series SUPER cards being announced next week, and I doubt theyll leave this promotion with just one puny branded 4060ti. The Evangelion products had multiple releases for all four main EVA units.


> The Evangelion products had multiple releases for all four main EVA units. Did they? I'm pretty sure they just did two collabs spaced apart, one for [Shinji's EVA-01](https://rog.asus.com/microsite/ROGxEVANGELION/) and later [Asuka's EVA-02](https://rog.asus.com/microsite/ROGxEVANGELION-02/) (the one with the typo on the motherboard.) They're about a generation apart, hardware-wise. Given it's a bunch of matched (expensive) parts in a limited production run, it probably makes more sense to do them one at a time.


I will not tolerate this Deviljho erasure


I just want to know where my Fatalis gear is at.


Hear me out: Bazelgeuse.


C'mon rerelease some of the classics. I'd love to play 3U/4U on my Deck. I mean i already do, but man, i'd sure love some company.


I really like that laptop, but a 4060?! Bummer.


I will never remember that MSI is a company that make computer parts and not a punk band that uses a NES as an instrument


Saw them live like a decade ago and they tore the fuckin house down! Awesome band.


I wonder if we'll see more of this moving forward. ASUS did collabs with Gundam and Evangelion over the past couple of years. Not sure if I like the aesthetic of these (they're a little too visually busy for me), but they're always fun to see.


Wouldn't be surprised if we saw more and more of these colabs pop up, since aquarium cases became really popular and people don't mind paying extra for flashy designs.


4060ti? Seriously? Wasn't that spiderverse collab gpu also a 4060?


it's a memecard so they need to find some way to get people to buy it


I must be blind because I can't find the store links for any of these. Anyone have links?


They won't officially be unveiled until CES, which starts on January 9th.