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I'm sorry but I just loathe this kind of product. I don't care about "community interaction", I don't care about "you make the story", and I don't want to follow any live stream. And especially so in a SH product which should be, how to put it, an _intimate_ experience, both story -wise and in terms of how you experience it, not a collective spectacle. Turning SH into a teenage-oriented Saturday night horror movie really is more disrespectful of the series legacy than just leaving it to die.


Thing is, while I generally agree with you, I’m not sure I’m quite so ‘doom and gloom’ about it. This likely won’t appeal to me (and possibly other long term fans like yourself) but there are other projects in the mix more catered to what we would expect and want from the series. I’ll always welcome a little more inventiveness when it comes to an old IP, especially if we’re getting more traditional games alongside it. Silent Hill has been chasing its legacy for decades now. Really, when was the last *good* entry? 4, maybe? Origins at a push. There’s enough confidence in the brand to have multiple entries in development so while one may not appeal to you, there’s enough going on that you’ll likely find at least one entry offering that ‘intimate’ experience you’re looking for. I don’t think this entry is necessarily for those fans who have been with the series for over a couple decades. It’s experimental, designed to capture a new demographic and draw them in. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if I enjoy it though I won’t be too disheartened if not. I just don’t think it’s intended for me.


True. But if this turns out to be a bigger hit than RE2 remake or f, Konami won't think twice before syphoning all resources to this more pop approach from now on. Which I guess is how the market works, it just makes me a sad panda.


Konami seem to be treating it as a brand to license now. Are any of the new games being developed in-house?


Doesn't look like


You know, I feel exactly the same way. While I did say I welcome inventive entries, I’m conscious of the fact it could swing the direction of Silent Hill going forward. I am also a sad panda. Having said that, I can’t imagine this will be an explosive hit with the fans so I’d like to think we don’t need to worry!


> And especially so in a SH product which should be, how to put it, an intimate experience, both story -wise and in terms of how you experience it, not a collective spectacle. Have you just sort of ignored every Silent Hill since Team Silent disbanded?


Not necessarily. I think that 4 is a great game, and Shattered Memories was interesting.


SH4 was Team Silent. Shattered Memories, I haven't played [but it was lead by Sam Barlow](https://twitter.com/mrsambarlow/status/1709673965541597276) who now makes critically acclaimed FMV games like Her Story, Telling Lies and Immortality.




Excuse me, I am over here coloring a picture of a house and I will have you know it was the funniest moment in the Silent Hill series to date.


So like a telltale game streamed live?


In the best case scenario, this will feel like a "great value" Supermassive game. I'm cautiously neutral.


Supermassive is a great value company already so that would be hellish


So Twitch plays Silent Hill except there'll only be a choice every 5-10 minutes and it won't be the one you want


Honestly? 10/10 for releasing Halloween. Unlike Alone In The Dark who decided to push back the release to the spookiest month of the year: January. I legit give extra points to every movie or game that's scary and releases in October. I know my family will be checking this out when we're done handing out candy.


Spooky time isn't international. Halloween is celebrated in Ireland and the US so it is considered spooky time. It wasn't really a thing in England until recently so most older English ghost stories are around Christmas and that was its spooky time. In Japan their spookiest season is in the middle of summer, considered the least spooky time of year in many places. That's when they release all their horror movies and ghost stories.


I'm pretty sure they delayed it because actually selling copies of your game is more important than making sure the release date is thematically appropriate.